Document Type : Original Article


A field experiments was conducted at El-Khattara sandy soil (the
northern fringe of El-Sharkia Governorate) to evaluate the effect of soil
thermal properties and bio fertilizers on availability of some nutrients
from shale as natural sediments for peanut plants. Biofertilization
treatments were mixture of Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus
megatherium and Bacillus circulans. The results revealed that the yield
parameters of peanut increase with increasing shale applied and biofertilizers
application. The superior treatment in this study was Shale at
20ton/fed with bio-fertilizers which achieved 4.68, 2.76, and 3.76 ton/fed
for Hay, Seeds and Pods respectively. The increasing shale addition
resulted in increasing soil heat capacity, heat content, soil bulk density
and available moisture by 9.7, 11.87, 3.7 and 14.5% respectively. While,
biofertilization treatments resulted in increase the antecedent properties
for the last same sequence by 7.8, 7.74, 1.8 and 1.26%. Mean time the
superiority increase was achieved by interaction and the values of percent
increasing 17.4, 19.7, 6.2 and 16.35% respectively. Increase heat
capacity and heat content increase availability of NPK by 46, 69 and 26%
respectively. Microbial determinations were positively affected by shale
concentration and biofertilizer application. Obtained data showed
that,shale and biofertilizer application stimulated microbial communities
at peanut rhizosphere. Also, enzymatic activities were increased in
response to different treatments. We can concluded that, shale
concentration 20 ton/fed improved heat capacity and heat content,
improved peanut growth, yield, stimulate microbial community and
enzymatic activity .


Biofertilization treatments were mixture of Azotobacter
chroococcum, Bacillus megatherium and Bacillus circulans. The yield
parameters of peanut increase with increasing shale applied and biofertilizers
application. The superior treatment in this study was Shale at
20ton/fed with bio-fertilizers which achieved 4.68, 2.76, and 3.76 ton/fed
for Hay, Seeds and Pods respectively. The increasing shale addition
resulted in increasing soil heat capacity, heat content, soil bulk density
and available moisture by 9.7, 11.87, 3.7 and 14.5% respectively. While,
add bio fertilizers resulted in increase the antecedent properties for the
last same sequence by 7.8, 7.74, 1.8 and 1.26%. Mean time the
superiority increase was achieved by interaction and the values of percent
increasing 17.4, 19.7, 6.2 and 16.35% respectively. Increase heat
capacity and heat content increase availability of NPK by 46, 69 and 26%
respectively. Microbial determinations and soil enzymatic activity were
also stimulated by biofertilization and shale concentrations. Thus, we can
conclude that, biofertilizers applications and shale concentrations at
20ton/fed was recommended


Main Subjects

Amal E. Ahmed* and M.H. Zaky**
*Soil Fertility and Microbiology Department.
**Soil Chemical and Physical Department.
Desert Research Center, Mataraiya, Cairo, Egypt.
*E-mail - monaelshazly2011@gmail.com
Key Words: Bio-fertilization, Shale , Loamy sand soil Peanut
A field experiments was conducted at El-Khattara sandy soil (the
northern fringe of El-Sharkia Governorate) to evaluate the effect of soil
thermal properties and bio fertilizers on availability of some nutrients
from shale as natural sediments for peanut plants. Biofertilization
treatments were mixture of Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus
megatherium and Bacillus circulans. The results revealed that the yield
parameters of peanut increase with increasing shale applied and biofertilizers
application. The superior treatment in this study was Shale at
20ton/fed with bio-fertilizers which achieved 4.68, 2.76, and 3.76 ton/fed
for Hay, Seeds and Pods respectively. The increasing shale addition
resulted in increasing soil heat capacity, heat content, soil bulk density
and available moisture by 9.7, 11.87, 3.7 and 14.5% respectively. While,
biofertilization treatments resulted in increase the antecedent properties
for the last same sequence by 7.8, 7.74, 1.8 and 1.26%. Mean time the
superiority increase was achieved by interaction and the values of percent
increasing 17.4, 19.7, 6.2 and 16.35% respectively. Increase heat
capacity and heat content increase availability of NPK by 46, 69 and 26%
respectively. Microbial determinations were positively affected by shale
concentration and biofertilizer application. Obtained data showed
that,shale and biofertilizer application stimulated microbial communities
at peanut rhizosphere. Also, enzymatic activities were increased in
response to different treatments. We can concluded that, shale
concentration 20 ton/fed improved heat capacity and heat content,
improved peanut growth, yield, stimulate microbial community and
enzymatic activity .
Loamy Sand soil are low in heat capacity, fertility levels and water
holding capacity leading to frequent application of heat, nutrients and water
to meet crop requirements Abdullah.et al (2016). One of the best ways to
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021 224-238
improve these properties and prevent nutrient losses is to improve soil
quality through application some natural amendments like shale.
Shale as a natural sediments had been used because of their
applicability in supplying plants with heat, nutrients and water through its
high content for each of them. Shale is low cost with positive charge
attributed exchangeable cations ( high CEC) such as Na+, Ca2+, K+ and
Mg2+these cations are coordinated with the defined number of water
molecules, and located on specific sites in framework channel.
Soil temperature is one of the important factors that influence soil
properties processes involved in plant growth. It governs the soil physical,
chemical and biological processes (Buchas, 2001).
Regard to bio fertilizer effect on yield components of peanut plant ,
Mahrous et al.,(2015) reported that the highest weight of yield components
were resulted from 1/2 NPK + 12 ton compost + Bio fertilizer with Gregory
cultivar. Finally, the data indicated that growing peanut in such newly
reclaimed soil under balanced nutrition is profitable. Zaki et al.,(2017)
decided that the best treatment for all characters of peanut under study was
10 ton/ fed., chicken manure+ Yeast + Azotobacter followed by 5 ton/ fed.,
chicken manure + Yeast + Azotobacter except oil percentage.
Soil heat is a fundamental physical property that influences the
availability of nutrients from natural sources. Yilvaiaio et al., (2012)
observed that water-soluble phosphorus increased with soil temperature
from 50co-250co due to the increase in the movement of phosphorus in the
soil controlled by diffusion. Soils with low temperature have low availability
of phosphorus because the release of phosphorus from amendment is
hindered by low temperature Gahoonia et al., (2003). Low soil
temperatures reduce K availability and uptake rate by crops. The optimum
soil temperature for K uptake for a crop such as corn is about 85ºF LENN,
Shale increase resulted in increase available moisture content in this
context El-Sersawy (1989) and magdy (1999), reported that increase shale
increase soil heat capacity, bulk density and available moisture comparing to
Peanut is an oil seed crop with 40-50% oil contents. The remaining
portion can be used as feed (30-50% proteins) Shiri et al.,2012.
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) a member of of family Leguminosae is
usually nodulated by rhizobia of.genus Bradyrhizobium as demonstrated
byVan Rossum et al.,(1995) Rhizobia is a symbiotic bacteria that elicit on
the roots of specific legume hosts the formation of new organs i.e. nodule,
within which the bacteria proliferates, differentiate into bacteroids and
subsequently fix the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia.
Use of soil microorganisms which can either fix atmospheric nitrogen or
solublize phosphate affect on plant growth through synthesis of growth
225 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021
promoting substances or by enhancing the decomposition of plant residues to
release vital nutrients and increase humic content in soils and will be
environmentally begin approach for nutrient management and ecosystem
function (Wu et al., 2005). Phosphate solubilizing bacteria have the ability to
increase the available phosphorous for plant through production of organic
acids (Mehana and Farag, 2000). The microorganisms involved in P
solubilisation can enhance plant growth by increasing the efficiency of
biological nitrogen fixation, enhancing the availability of other trace elements
and by production of plant growth promoting substances (Gyaneshwar et al,
2002). Therefore, the main objectives of this study is to investigate the effect of
interaction between shale additions and biofertilizers on soil heat capacity, soil
heat content, available moisture , soil bulk density and microbial activity
A field experiment was carried out on summer peanut crop, in split
design in which the main plot was represented by three application rates of
shale, i.e.0, 10 and 20 ton/fed. Sub-main plots were represented by two
levels of bio fertilizers with and without bio fertilizers (mixture from
Azotobacter chroococcum as nitrogen fixer, Bacillus megatherium as
phosphate solubilizers and Bacills circulanus as potassium solubilizers),
Also, Badyrhizobium japonicum used as base treatments to enhance nodule
formation, with three replicates for each treatment. Thus, the experimental
design is as follow: (3 rates for shale) x 2(bio) x 3(replicates) =18 plots.
After soil preparation, plots were divided into (5 lines/ plot) and sown by
peanut (Giza 190.) after seeds soaked in liquid culture of rhizobium for
about six hours, at (14 pits / line) at 20th April 2018. Nitrogen as 80 kg/fed, P
40 kg/fed, and 70 kg/fed K were applied to soil peanut plants to approach
the sufficient levels of nutrients for peanut crop, this applied one treatment
for all microbiological treatments. Organic matter was incorporated into the
surface soil layer of the loamy sand location during seedbed preparation.
Phosphorus was added during seedbed preparation with all P added preplanting.
Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers were split into three equal doses
that were applied every 15 days after sowing for the first and second doses,
while the third was added after 50 days from sowing.
The soil heat capacity and content were measured using copper
calorimeter method described by Partington (1954). Soil available
moisture percent determined according to Singh (1980). Bulk density
determined according to Richard (1954). Ca, Mg determined according
to Jackson (1973). Electrical conductivity determined using
4075Conductivity TDS meter described by Jackson (1973). The pH
values of soil solution were determined by 3010 pH meter According to
Black, et al., (1983). The initial physical and chemical properties of soil
and shale shown in table (1).
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021 226
Table (1):- physical and chemical properties of soil and shale.
Characters Sandy soil Shale
Particle size distribution
Sand% 84.6 24.35
Silt% 7.1 40.83
Clay% 8.3 34.82
Textural class Loamy sand clay Loam
Chemical properties
CEC mg/100g soil 13.23 110.5
EC dS/m 2.9 17.6
pH 7.20 7.85
N ppm 0.42 220.5
P ppm 0.33 35
K+ ppm 0.51 1800
Ca++ meq/l 4.1 22.80
Mg++ meq/l 1.9 17.7
Biofertilizer preparation
Fresh liquid culture of Badyrhizobium japonicum used for seed
inoculation A. chroococcum, B.megaterium and Bacillus circulans were
used for soil inoculation as a mixture at the rate of . 108 colony forming
unit (cfu)/ml
Microbial determinations
Soil samples from peanut rhizosphere were collected and analyzed for:
Total microbial counts on Bunt and Rovira medium according to
Nautiyal 1999 using the decimal plate method technique, For counting
and growing phosphate dissolving bacteria using Bunt and Rovira
medium after addition of 5 ml sterile solution of 10 % of K2HPO4 and of
10 ml of sterile solution of 10 % CaCl2 to each 100 ml of the medium,
Azotobacter on nitrogen deficient medium Ashbys medium Abd El-
Malek and Ishac,(1968) used for Azotobacter densities. Soil samples
were analyzed for determination of phosphatase activity disodium
phenylphosphate served as enzyme substrate (Õhlinger, 1996).
Dehydrogenase activity was determined according to method described
by (Casida et al.,1964). Nitrogenase activity was determined according
to (Haahtela et al., 1981).
Effect of shale and bio fertilizers interaction on some soil physical
Heat capacity:
Heat capacity defined as the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of a unit mass of soil by 1Co (cal/g/Co) and play a major role
227 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021
in availability of nutrients and increase available moisture and uptake by
Table (2) and Fig (1) illustrate that heat capacity increase by 7.8,
9.7, and 17.4% for bio, shale and their interaction respectively. The
values of both simple and multiple correlations were: r= 0.715**, r=
0.691* and R=0.994***, for bio fertilizer, shale and their inter action
sequently. And the multiple regression is: y= 0.154+ 0.013x1+ 0.0007x2,
where y, x1 and x2 are heat capacity, bio fertilizer and shale respectively.
The aforementioned data of heat capacity declare that bio fertilizer has
the main role in enhancing heat capacity where it increase by 0.013cal/g
by using bio fertilizers while the minimum value of increasing
(0.0007cal/g) achieved by increase shale additions.
Table (2) soil physical properties and NPK available affected by
shale concentration and bio fertilizer.
Zero 0.155 1.61 2325 1.59 116 1.01 111
10 0.160 1.64 2416 1.71 119 1.09 139
20 0.170 1.67 2601 1.82 141 1101 145
Zero 0.167 1.62 2505 1.61 114 1106 133
10 0.174 1.68 2627 1.78 155 1401 169
20 0.182 1.71 2784 1.85 17. 1703 18.
LSD 0.05 Bio-fertilizers 0.0006 0.0024 10 0.007 1.3 0.16 1.39
LSD 0.05 Shale 0.0007 0.0029 12 0.004 1.5 0.19 1.70
LSD0.05 2 factors 0.0010 0.0041 18 0.012 2.2 0.27 2.41
Heat content:
Heat content or Soil temperature is the function of soil heat
capacity and heat flux in the soil as well as heat exchanges between the
soil and atmosphere Elias et al.(2004). The data in table(2) point out that
the inter action between shale and bio fertilizers has the majority effect
on soil heat content followed by the solo treatment of shale and bio
fertilizers (19.7, 11.87 and 7.7%) by the same sequence. Fig (1) show the
solitary and combination effect of shale and bio where, the single and
multiple correlations were, r= 0.759**, r= 0.641* and R= 0.993***
respectively for shale, bio and interaction and the multiple regression
was, y= 2308.5 +13.87x1 + 191.35x2 where y, x1 and x2 are heat content,
shale and bio respectively. The coefficient values of x1 and x2 assure that
heat content increase by 1 cal/g for 13.87 unit of shale and 191.35 unit of
bio fertilizers.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021 228
Fig (1) Soil heat capacity, content, bulk density and available moisture
affected by shale and bio fertilizer
229 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021
Bulk density:
High bulk density increases the soil surface by increases the
amount of heat dissipated through the soil surface by increasing the rate
at which heat energy passes through a unit cross-sectional area of the soil
Nwankwo et al. (2012). Shale as a solitary treatment increase bulk
density by 3.7% and out match bio fertilizers 1.8% meantime, the
interaction is to surpass the tow single treatments which show 6.2%
increase in soil bulk density table (2) and fig (1). Also, the simple and
multibe correlation give the next order R= 0.973***, r= 0.824** and r=
0.428 NS for interaction, shale and bio respectively. And the multiple
regression was y= 1.6+ 0.004 x1 + 0.03x2. Where, y, x1 and x2 are bulk
density, shale and bio. This mean that bulk density increased by 0.004
and 0.03g/cm3 by increase shale and bio fertilizers, respectively.
Available moisture:
Moisture influences soil heat dissipation down the profile. The
flow of heat is higher in a wet soil than in a dry soil where the pores are
filled with air. The rate of heat dissipation increases with moisture
content Ochsner et al.(2001).
Table (2) and fig (1) point out that available moisture increased by
16.35, 14.5 and 1.26% attributed the interaction, shale and bio,
respectively. Meantime, the simple and multiple correlations were, R=
0.985***, r= 0.964*** and r=0.201NS for interaction, shale and bio, by
the same sequent.
And the multiple regression of the interaction relation was y= 1.58
+ 0.01 x1 + 0.04x2 where y, x1 and x2 are available moisture, shale and
bio, consecutively.
The coefficients of shale and bio declare that available moisture
increased by 0.01 % for each of unit shale increasing while, it increased
by 0.04 by using bio fertilizers.
NPK affected by soil thermal properties:
Shale concentrations and biofertilizers applications increase soil
temperature as soil heat capacity and content which increased NPK
available from shale through assist in release its from shale surface
LENN, (1998).Yilvaiaio et al., (2012). The data shown in Table (2)
reveal that available NPK increased by 46, 69 and 26% as to increase
soil heat capacity and content. Also fig (2) showed the linear relation
between soil thermal characters and NPK available where the values
simple correlation were 0.926***, 0.958***, 0.939***, 0.923***,
0.944*** and 0.947*** for NPk with heat capacity and heat content
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021 230
Generally, antecede table declare that increasing shale addition increase
NPK available.
Fig(3) N,P and K affected by soil heat capacity and content.
Enzymatic activities: enzymatic activities of soil samples are critical
index of soil fertility because enzymes play an important role in nutrient
cycles (Dick et. al., (1996), data in Table (3) showed that the
determination of enzymatic activity in rhizosphere area of peanut plants.
Dehydrogenase enzyme: Data in Table 3 showed the determination of
enzymatic activities in rhizosphere of peanut. Dehydrogenase activity
(DHA) represents the energy transfer, therefore, it is considered as an
index of overall microbial activity in the soil. Represented data recorded
that shale concentrations combined with biofertilizer application recorded
231 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021
highest values for DHA activity compared with control without
biofertilization. This may be due to that A.chroococcum, B.megatherium
and B.circulans played an important role as plant growth promoting
rhizobacteria via N2 fixation and phosphate solubilization (El-Howeity et
al.,2003 ,Muthukumar and Udaiyan2006). This might led to
accumulate available nutrients and stimulate the microorganisms in soil
Nitrogenase activity: increased with biofertilizers application. The
highest mean values for nitrogenase enzyme was recorded with the
mixed biofertilization treatments and was decreased in control treatment
without biofertilization. Many investigators demonstrated the positive
effect of dual inoculation with N2-fixer on N2-ase activity (El- Komy,
Phosphatase enzyme
Presented data in Table (3) clearly showed that, phosphatase
activity recorded significant increase with biofertilization treatments and
shale concentrations. inoculation treatment with 20ton /fed shale
recorded the highest phosphatase activity being (82.3 mg phenol/g
soil/24h), biofertilization treatments increased phosphatase activity by
133.8% compared to control .
Phosphatase enzyme is able to mineralize organic phosphates into
inorganic phosphates that provides high phosphate for plant (George et
al., 2002).
Table 3. Effect of shale concentrations and mixed biofertilizers
application on soil enzymatic activities in peanut
Shale ton/Fed. Dehydrogenase Nitrogenase Phosphatase
Zero 0.48 0.08 35.2
10 0.66 0.16 54.1
20 0.75 0.63 68.4
Zero 0.59 1.0 41.8
10 0.81 1.29 70.4
20 1.04 1.46 82.3 `
LSD 0.05 Bio-fertilizers 0.012 0.036 1.13
LSD 0.05 Shale 0.015 0.044 1.38
LSD0.05 2 factors 0.021 0.062 1.95
Effect of Bio-fertilization treatments and Shale on peanut
Represented data in Table (4) revealed that, effect of peanut yield
components by biofertilizers application and shale concentrations where
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021 232
yield parameters of peanut increased with increasing shale applied and
bio-fertilizers application.
The superior treatment in this study was Shale at 20 ton/fed with
bio-fertilizers which achieved 4.68, 2.76, and 3.76 ton/fed for Hay, Seeds
and Pods respectively. The above results agree with obtained results by
Mahrous et al.,(2015) and Zaki et al.,(2017) .
Table (4). Effect of Bio-fertilizers and Shale on peanut production.
Bio Shale Hay Seeds Pods Pods Seeds
treatments ton/Fed. Ton/fed No/plant
Zero 1.61 0.39 0.89 24 34
10 2.74 1.86 2.74 33 59
20 3.95 2.28 3.32 43 79
Zero 2.39 0.97 1.43 30 54
10 3.84 2.21 3.25 43 80
20 4.68 2.76 3.67 45 87
LSD 0.05 Bio-fertilizers 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.53 1.25
LSD 0.05 Shale 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.65 1.53
LSD0.05 2 factors 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.92 2.16
Microbial determinations
A- Total microbial counts: Initial total microbial counts before
cultivation in experimental soil was 127×105 cfu/gm dry soil. Data in
Table 5 showed that the counts tended to increase with all treatments
refer to control. Total microbial counts proved an increase with
biofertilizer application . Also, interaction treatment between mixed
biofertilization treatments and Shale 20 ton/fed. produced the highest
total microbial counts as compared with other techniques and control
being (215×105 cfu/gm dry soil). These results agreed with Abd El-
Gawad and S.A.Omar(2014).
B- Azotobacter densities:Inoculation with heavy suspension of
Azotobacter led to a rather pronounced increase in densities as recorded
The promoting effect due to application of A. chroococcum not only due
to the nitrogen fixation but also to the production of plant growth
promoting substances, production of amino acids, organic acids, vitamins
and antimicrobial substances as well which increase soil fertility,
microbial community and plant growth (Gupta et al.,2015).
C- Phosphate Dissolving Bacterial counts(PDB) : the initial PDB
counts in study area were 26×102 cfu/gm dry soil. Data recorded in
Table 3 proved a marked increase in PDB counts in mixed biofertilization
treatments and Shale 20 ton/fed. The promoting effect due to the
production of plant growth promoting substances as well which increase
soil fertility , microbial communities and plant growth (Yadav et al.,
233 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021
2007) These results are in agreement with those obtained by (Ragab et.
al., 2006) and (Ashrafuzzaman et. al., 2009), who reported that,
inoculation with the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (Azotobacter,
Azospirillum, Bacillus megatherium, Rhizobium) had stimulation effect
on the population of rhizosphere microorganisms by increasing their
numbers by more than 50% from the initial.
Table (5) Microbial determination as affected by shale concentration
and biofertilization.
Total microbial
(×105cfu/g dry soil)
(×103cells/g dry
PDB counts
Without bio
Zero 127 39 26
10 162 52 49
20 179 54 51
With bio
Zero 152 44 38
10 195 86 64
20 215 93 66
LSD 0.05 Bio-fertilizers 1.95 1.40 0.95
LSD 0.05 Shale 2.39 1.72 1.16
LSD0.05 2 factors 3.38 2.43 1.64
Biofertilization treatments were mixture of Azotobacter
chroococcum, Bacillus megatherium and Bacillus circulans. The yield
parameters of peanut increase with increasing shale applied and biofertilizers
application. The superior treatment in this study was Shale at
20ton/fed with bio-fertilizers which achieved 4.68, 2.76, and 3.76 ton/fed
for Hay, Seeds and Pods respectively. The increasing shale addition
resulted in increasing soil heat capacity, heat content, soil bulk density
and available moisture by 9.7, 11.87, 3.7 and 14.5% respectively. While,
add bio fertilizers resulted in increase the antecedent properties for the
last same sequence by 7.8, 7.74, 1.8 and 1.26%. Mean time the
superiority increase was achieved by interaction and the values of percent
increasing 17.4, 19.7, 6.2 and 16.35% respectively. Increase heat
capacity and heat content increase availability of NPK by 46, 69 and 26%
respectively. Microbial determinations and soil enzymatic activity were
also stimulated by biofertilization and shale concentrations. Thus, we can
conclude that, biofertilizers applications and shale concentrations at
20ton/fed was recommended
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growth promoting rhizobacteria in two tropical soil types with
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تأثير التسميد الحيوي وخصائص التربة الح ا ررية عمى تيسير بعض العناصر
الغذائية في الرواسب الطبيعية لنبات الفول السوداني
امال السيد احمد* ، مجدى حسن زکي**
* قسم خصوبة وميکروبيولوجيا الا ا رضى ** قسم کيمياء وطبيعة الا ا رضى
مرکز بحوث الصح ا رء
اجريت تجربة حقمية بتربة الخطارة الرممية )الطرف الشمالي لمحافظة الشرقية( لتقييم
تأثير الخواص الح ا ررية لمتربة والأسمدة الحيوية عمى توافر بعض العناصر الغذائية من الطفمة
کرسوبيات طبيعية لنبات الفول السوداني. کانت معاملات التسميد الحيوي خميط من
Bacillus Circulans. و Bacillus megatherium وAzotobacter chroococcum
أوضحت النتائج أن معاملات محصول الفول السوداني تزداد مع زيادة استخدام الطفمة واستخدام
الأسمدة الحيوية.
کانت المعاممة المتفوقة في هذه الد ا رسة هي الطفمة عند 20 طن / فدان بالأسمدة
الحيوية والتي حققت 4.68 و 2.76 و 3.76 طن / فدان لمقش والبذور والقرون عمى التوالي.
أدت زيادة إضافة الطفمة إلى زيادة السعة الح ا ررية لمتربة والمحتوى الح ا رري والکثافة الظاهرية
لمتربة والرطوبة المتاحة بنسبة 9.7 و 11.87 و 3.7 و 14.5 ٪ عمى التوالي. بينما أدت
معاملات التسميد الحيوي إلى زيادة الخصائص السابقة لنفس التسمسل الأخير بنسبة 7.8 و
7.74 و 1.8 و 1.26 ٪. متوسط الوقت تم تحقيق زيادة التفوق بالتفاعل و ا زدت قيم النسبة
المئوية 17.4 و 19.7 و 6.2 و 16.35 ٪ عمى التوالي. تؤدي زيادة السعة الح ا ررية والمحتوى
بنسبة 46 و 69 و 26 ٪ عمى التوالي. تأثرت النتائج الميکروبية NPK الح ا رري إلى زيادة توافر
ايجابيا بترکيز الطفمة واستخدام السماد الحيوي. أظهرت البيانات التي تم الحصول عميها أن
استخدام الطفمة والسماد الحيوي حفز المجتمعات الميکروبية في منطقة جذور الفول السوداني.
کما تم زيادة الأنشطة الأنزيمية استجابة لمعلاجات المختمفة. يمکننا أن نستنتج أن ترکيز الطفمة
20 طن / فدان يحسن السعة الح ا ررية والمحتوى الح ا رري ، ويحسن نمو الفول السوداني ،
والمحصول ، ويحفز المجتمع الميکروبي والنشاط الأنزيمي.
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