Document Type : Original Article


Helicobacter pylori infection is very common worldwide
particularly in the developing countries. No detailed study on such
infection is being recorded in Libya, so far in Bani Waleed. The aims of
the study: Study aimed to detect H. pylori prevalence in asymptomatic
Libyan subjects, especially in Bani Waleed to determine the rate of
infection among different age groups and to correlate the prevalence of
H. pylori with age and sex status. Used in this study 1712
asymptomatic case from 1 up to 84 years of age (average 36) with no
previous history of epigastric pain were selected randomly from the
Libyan population, especially in Bani Waleed. Serum samples were
obtained and a questionnaire was filled for each case. The ELISA test
was used to detect IgG anti-H. Pylori antibodies.
No difference in sex was recorded. Otherwise, Negative H. Pylori IgG in
female was significantly elevated (34.7%) in compared to (27.8%) in
male Patients. Furthermore, number of persons living in the same
household as well as number of siblings in family also significantly
affected the H. Pylori seropositivity in the present recruited populations.
It could be concluded that, Helicobacter pylori infection had
significantly correlated with peptic ulcer diseases than those of non-ulcer
dyspepsia. The prevalence of H. pylori in the developing countries,
especially in Bani Waleed is still high in the healthy asymptomatic
population while, no difference upon the gender.


Helicobacter pylori infection is significantly correlated with peptic
ulcer diseases than with non-ulcer dyspepsia. The prevalence of H. pylori
in the developing countries, especially in Bani Waleed is still high in the
healthy asymptomatic population while, no difference upon the gender.
Strategies to improve sanitary facilities, educational status, and
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021 105
socioeconomic status should be implemented to minimize H. pylori
The study appreciate the participate of Dr. Ahmed Saber Hussein,
Lecturer of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Science, Al_Azhar University,
Cairo, Egypt and all of the staff Ibn Sina, Alnokhba and Aldahra
Laboratories in Bani Waleed.


Main Subjects

Fatimah J. M. Abu Faris
Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Bani waleed University, Libya.
E-mail -
Key Words: Helicobacter pylori; IgG- Anti-H. Pylori ELISA; H. pylori
serology; Epidemiology; Bani Waleed; Prevalence.
Helicobacter pylori infection is very common worldwide
particularly in the developing countries. No detailed study on such
infection is being recorded in Libya, so far in Bani Waleed. The aims of
the study: Study aimed to detect H. pylori prevalence in asymptomatic
Libyan subjects, especially in Bani Waleed to determine the rate of
infection among different age groups and to correlate the prevalence of
H. pylori with age and sex status. Used in this study 1712
asymptomatic case from 1 up to 84 years of age (average 36) with no
previous history of epigastric pain were selected randomly from the
Libyan population, especially in Bani Waleed. Serum samples were
obtained and a questionnaire was filled for each case. The ELISA test
was used to detect IgG anti-H. Pylori antibodies.
No difference in sex was recorded. Otherwise, Negative H. Pylori IgG in
female was significantly elevated (34.7%) in compared to (27.8%) in
male Patients. Furthermore, number of persons living in the same
household as well as number of siblings in family also significantly
affected the H. Pylori seropositivity in the present recruited populations.
It could be concluded that, Helicobacter pylori infection had
significantly correlated with peptic ulcer diseases than those of non-ulcer
dyspepsia. The prevalence of H. pylori in the developing countries,
especially in Bani Waleed is still high in the healthy asymptomatic
population while, no difference upon the gender.
Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) infection considered as one of the
most common bacterial infections in humans. It is estimated that more
than half of the world populations are currently infected with this
organism (1). The prevalence of such infection ranges from 25% in
developed countries to >90% in developing countries (2). Reports on the
prevalence of H.pylori infection in dyspeptic patients from other
developing countries in the region support these figures. Helicobacter
pylori is associated with a number of serious digestive tract diseases
including chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, mucosa-associated changes to
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021 103-107
lymphoma and gastric cancers in adults. Striking differences exist in the
prevalence of H. Pylori infection among people of various professions,
ethnic and social background.
High prevalence rates reported in Greek, Italian, Lebanese,
Chinese, Vietnamese and Algerians. In contrast, Australian aboriginals
have very low H. Pylori prevalence (3). However, in healthy Libyan
population, the prevalence of H. Pylori infection is not well known (4). In
one of our recent data, however, we reported the rate of infection in a
group of dyspeptic patients to be around 82% (5). In addition, the
validation of IgG serology in diagnosis of H. Pylori infection was
undertaken too. Serologic tests for H. Pylori-IgG are essential
epidemiologic tool for examining H. Pylori associated manifestations in
the community. The purpose of this work was to provide important
answers on the seroprevalence of H. Pylori IgG in apparently healthy
individuals according to gender status, which may be has any effect on
the prevalence. We conducted a relatively large based, controlled study in
Bani Waleed area; located in the Tripoli District of Libya.
Serum samples from 1,712 asymptomatic individuals whose
attended Ibn Sina, Alnokhba and Aldahra Laboratories, Bani Waleed,
Libya. H. Pylori-IgG antibody was evaluated using the commercially
available Cobas Core Enzyme Immunoassay method (Roche SA, Basel,
Switzerland). Study conducted of 840 males and 872 females at various
age categories (Mean 36.3 year, age range 1-84 years). They were
considered asymptomatic after they denied any clear, continuous
gastrointestinal complain during the 2-3 months before. Cuba’s Core
anti-H. Pylori ELISA kit has been previously validated in Bani Waleed
dyspeptic patients and was found to have adequate accuracy (Sensitivity
99 % and specificity 88 %) (5). Results were expressed as numbers and
percentages. Comparison of percentages were assessed using chi-square
test on SPSS software version 22. Pearson correlation wase made
between antibody responses and gender status. Statistical significance
was determined by P ≤ 0.05.
The represented data of H. Pylori seroprevalence present in 1.712
individuals suffering from GIT symptoms. The effects of gender on HP
seropositivities is. H. Pylori IgG evaluated in 840 males compared to 872
of females . There was no significant differences according to gender.
However, the percentage of Positive H. Pylori IgG was 47.5% in males
in compared with 43.8% acording to the total number in the same gender.
104 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021
On the other hand, there are no significant differences between male
(12.8%) and female (13.8%) in Strong H. Pylori IgG. Otherwise,
Negative H. Pylori IgG in Female was significantly elevated (34.7%) in
compared to (27.8%) in Male Patients. Furthermore, number of persons
living in the same household as well as number of siblings in family also
significantly affected the H. Pylori seropositivity in the present recruited
populations. In respect to smoking, data proved no significant association
of this factor and H. Pylori sero-prevalence.
Table : Analysis of H. Pylori seropositivies according the different
Gender Total Positive (+ve) Strong (+ve) Weak (+ve) Negative (+ve)
840 399 108 99 234
% Percentage 47.5% * 12.8% 11.8% * 27.8%
872 382 120 67 303
% Percentage 43.8% 13.8% 7.7% 34.7% *
Statistical significance * was determined by P ≤ 0.05.
The epidemiology of H. pylori infection in Libyan population
remains important for public health investigation because of high
prevalence of this infection and its association with peptic ulcers and
chronic dyspepsia (5). Compared to similar studies, this work is, to our
knowledge, the first and the largest on H. Pylori seroprevalence in a
selected group of normal population at various ages in Bani Waleed.
There is sparse information on H. Pylori seropositivity rates in Libyan
populations on locally validated serological tests (4). The study are in
accordance with Mohammad et al. (6) showed that, in the developing
countries, no significant differences, H. Pylori infection attributable to
gender (6). In contrast to, the negative H. pylori cases in Female higher
than Male.
Helicobacter pylori infection is significantly correlated with peptic
ulcer diseases than with non-ulcer dyspepsia. The prevalence of H. pylori
in the developing countries, especially in Bani Waleed is still high in the
healthy asymptomatic population while, no difference upon the gender.
Strategies to improve sanitary facilities, educational status, and
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021 105
socioeconomic status should be implemented to minimize H. pylori
The study appreciate the participate of Dr. Ahmed Saber Hussein,
Lecturer of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Science, Al_Azhar University,
Cairo, Egypt and all of the staff Ibn Sina, Alnokhba and Aldahra
Laboratories in Bani Waleed.
1. Kimmel, B. ; A.Bosserhoff ; R. Frank ; R. Gross ; W. Goebel
and D. Beier (2000). Identification of immunodominant
antigens from Helicobacter pylori and evaluation of their re
activities with sera from patients with different gastroduodenal
pathologies. Infection and immunity, 68(2): 915-920.
2. Bardhan, P.K. (1997). Epidemiological features of
Helicobacter pylori infection in developing countries. Clinical
infectious diseases, 25(5): 973-978.
3. Brown, L. M. (2000). Helicobacter pylori: epidemiology and
routes of transmission. Epidemiologic reviews, 22(2): 283-297.
4. Salih, B.A. ; A.M. Naji ; M. Bushala and R. Tobji (1996).
Serological diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in
individuals with gastritis and in normal controls. In Jamahiriya
3rd Conference on medical sciences (Vol. 152).
5. Bakka, A. ; M.A. Mohammad ; M. Altayar ; A.B. Toboloi ;
A. Gariena and M. Boushala (2009). Helicobacter pylori
infection among Libyan chronic dyspeptic patients in Benghazi.
Libyan J Inf Dis, 3: 30-36.
6. Mohammad, M.A. ; M. Altayar ; A.B. Toboli and A. Bakke
(2011). Characteristics of helicobacter pylori infection in Libyan
healthy peoples in two teaching hospitals in ben ghazi. Medical
Journal of Islamic World Academy of Sciences, 19 (1): 27-32.
د ا رسة محتملة : خصائص انتشار عدوي جرثومة المعدة من حيث الجنس في
بني وليد ، ليبيا.
فاطمة جمعة مفتاح أبو فارس ،
قسم عمم الحيوان ، کمية العموم ، جامعة بني وليد ، ليبيا.
الخلاصة: جرثومة المعدة هي عدوى شائعة جدا في جميع أنحاء العالم وخاصة في البمدان
النامية. ولم تسجل أي د ا رسة تفصيمية عن مثل هذه الإصابة في ليبيا حتى الآن في بني وليد.
106 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021
هدفت الد ا رسة إلى عمل مسح لعدد کبير من الأشخاص داخل اکبر المعامل الموجودة في بني
وليد لمکشف عن وجود معدل الاصابة بجرثومة المعدة والمسمى بالميکروب الحمزوني وربط
معدل الاصابة بالحالة العمرية ونوع الجنس.
تم اختيار 7171 حالة لم تظهر عميهم أع ا رض قرح معدية وبالتالي عدم الاصابة بجرثومة
المعدة سابقا بمتوسط اعمار ينحدر من 7 إلى 48 عاما )بمتوسط 63 ( بدون تاريخ سابق
لممرض من السکان الميبيين ، وخاصة في بني وليد. تم الحصول عمى عينات مصل الدم وملء
الأجسام IgG anti-H. لمکشف عن ELISA استبيان لکل حالة . تم استخدام اختبار
IgG النتائج: لم يتم تسجيل أي اختلاف في الجنس. بينما ارتفع مستوى الأجسام المضادة
السمبي في الإناث بشکل ممحوظ ) 68.1 ٪( مقارنة ب ) 11.4 ٪( في المرضى الذکور. علاوة
عمى ذلک، فإن عدد الأشخاص الذين يعيشون في نفس المنزل وکذلک عدد الأشقاء في الأسرة ،
أثر أيضًا بشکل کبير عمى إيجابية بجرثومة المعدة المصمية في السکان الحاليين.
اوضحت نتائج هذه الد ا رسة ان عدوى جرثومة المعدة کانت مرتبطة بشکل کبير بأم ا رض القرحة
الهضمية مقارنة بعسر الهضم غير التقرحي . ولا ي ا زل انتشار جرثومة المعدة في البمدان النامية،
وخاصة في بني وليد، مرتفعًا بين السکان الأصحاء الذين لا يعانون من أع ا رض ، بينما لا يوجد
فرق بين الجنسين . تشير النتائج الحالية الي اج ا رء د ا رسات تفصيمية توضح طور المرض
وطرق العلاج .
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (7-8) 2021 107

1. Kimmel, B. ; A.Bosserhoff ; R. Frank ; R. Gross ; W. Goebel
and D. Beier (2000). Identification of immunodominant
antigens from Helicobacter pylori and evaluation of their re
activities with sera from patients with different gastroduodenal
pathologies. Infection and immunity, 68(2): 915-920.
2. Bardhan, P.K. (1997). Epidemiological features of
Helicobacter pylori infection in developing countries. Clinical
infectious diseases, 25(5): 973-978.
3. Brown, L. M. (2000). Helicobacter pylori: epidemiology and
routes of transmission. Epidemiologic reviews, 22(2): 283-297.
4. Salih, B.A. ; A.M. Naji ; M. Bushala and R. Tobji (1996).
Serological diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in
individuals with gastritis and in normal controls. In Jamahiriya
3rd Conference on medical sciences (Vol. 152).
5. Bakka, A. ; M.A. Mohammad ; M. Altayar ; A.B. Toboloi ;
A. Gariena and M. Boushala (2009). Helicobacter pylori
infection among Libyan chronic dyspeptic patients in Benghazi.
Libyan J Inf Dis, 3: 30-36.
6. Mohammad, M.A. ; M. Altayar ; A.B. Toboli and A. Bakke
(2011). Characteristics of helicobacter pylori infection in Libyan
healthy peoples in two teaching hospitals in ben ghazi. Medical
Journal of Islamic World Academy of Sciences, 19 (1): 27-32.