Document Type : Original Article


This study was carried out during the two winter seasons of
2019/2020 and 2020/2021 to study the type of gene action controlling some
economic characters in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) using six genotypes
by hybridized in a half diallel model. Genotypes (parents and F1 crosses)
were grown in randomized complete block design with three replications to
estimate general combining ability effects of the parents and specific
combining ability effects of crosses, heterosis as deviation from mid and
better parent and potence ratio for some economic characters, viz., plant
height, number of days to flowering, number of branches/plant, number of
seeds/pod, number of pods/node, pod length, pod weight, 10- green seeds
weight and shelling percentage. Results indicated that all studied traits
showed significant mid parent and better parent heterosis in desirable
direction in some crosses except the better parent heterosis for number of
seeds/pod trait. Also, all studied traits exhibited different types of potence


و ا رثة التبکير والمحصول ومکوناته في البسمه
أماني حافظ عبدالله محمود غريب
مرکز البحوث الز ا رعيه - معهد بحوث البساتين - قسم بحوث تربية الخضر والنباتات الطبية والعطرية
9190 و للتت /9191 ، 9191/ أجريتت هتلد الد ا رستتة خت ا الموستتمين اليتتويين 9102
بهدف د ا رسة الفعا الجينى المتحکم فى بعض الصفات الاقتصادية في البسمة الخض ا رء باستخدام
ستة طرز و ا رثية کأباء تم التهجتين فيمتا بيتنهم باستتخدام طريلتة الهجتن النصتف دا ريتة تتم ز ا رعتة
الطرز الو ا رثية ) 6 أباء + 01 هجين( بنظام اللطاعات کاممة العيوا ية في ث ث مکر ا رت لتلدير
اللدرة العامة والخاصة عمى التآلف ، وقتوة الهجتين ملارنتة بکت متن متوستط اوبتوين وکتلل او
اوفضتا ، ودرجتة الستيادة لتبعض الصتفات الاقتصتادية مثتا ارتفتاع النبتات ، عتدد اويتام حتتى
التزهير ، وعدد اوفرع بالنبات ، وعدد البلور باللرن ، وعدد اللرون بالعلدة ، طوا اللرن ، ووزن
اللتترن ، ووزن 01 بتتلور ، ونستتبة التصتتافي وقتتد أکتتدت النتتتا وجتود قتوة هجتتين فتتى الاتجتتاد
المرغو فى بعض الهجن وللت ملارنتة بکت متن متوستط اوبتوين وکتلل او اوفضتا فتى کتا
الصفات المدروسة ماعدا صفة عدد البتلور بتاللرن کمتا أظهترت النتتا وجتود طترز مختمفتة متن
السيادة فى کا الصفات المدروسة .


Main Subjects

Amani H.A.M. Gharib
Vegetables, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Breeding Dep.,
Hort. Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt.
Email -
Key Words: Pea, Pisum sativum L., combining ability, potence ratio and
This study was carried out during the two winter seasons of
2019/2020 and 2020/2021 to study the type of gene action controlling some
economic characters in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) using six genotypes
by hybridized in a half diallel model. Genotypes (parents and F1 crosses)
were grown in randomized complete block design with three replications to
estimate general combining ability effects of the parents and specific
combining ability effects of crosses, heterosis as deviation from mid and
better parent and potence ratio for some economic characters, viz., plant
height, number of days to flowering, number of branches/plant, number of
seeds/pod, number of pods/node, pod length, pod weight, 10- green seeds
weight and shelling percentage. Results indicated that all studied traits
showed significant mid parent and better parent heterosis in desirable
direction in some crosses except the better parent heterosis for number of
seeds/pod trait. Also, all studied traits exhibited different types of potence
Legumes is the third upmost family of vegetable plants (Lewis et al.
2005). Universally, pea (Pisum sativum L.) is the second most important
legume crop after common bean (Kumari et al. 2013). In Egypt, the total
cultivated area grown with garden pea in 2015/2016 was 41819 feddans
produced 183282 tons with an average of 4.383 tons/fed. (Malr 2018). The
major goal for pea breeding is developing high-yielding varieties with stable
yields (Abo-Hamda 2019). Hybridization is an effective factor for
producing variability to induce new lines and developing quantitative traits
in pea. Earliness and high yield potential became main requirements for
accepting any new pea cultivar. The structure of gene effects is a pointer for
evaluating selection value of the parental components and is used widely in
breeding and applied genetic research. A diallel method of crossing based on
the data of F1 hybrids is an accurate method for its determination
(Srivastava et al. 2000, Bourion et al. 2002, Suman et al. 2017 and
Manjunath et al 2020). It is determined as the general and specific
combining abilities which were important for horticultural trait. Of a special
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 87-99
importance is the choice of parents used in developing heterosis over the
mid and better- parent and heterotic lines are very important in genetic
analysis of quantitative traits.
Hamed (2005) and Hamed et al., (2015) found that positive
heterosis over the better parent for plant length was ranged from 6.44% to
104.21%. El-Dakkak (2016) found negative heterosis (-16.82%) based on
the tallest parent for this trait. Significant positive heterosis based on early
parent was observed in all garden pea crosses for days to flowering trait
(Hamed 2005), while, Noser (2002) found negative heterosis in some
crosses and positive heterosis values in the others. Zayed et al., (2005)
reported that the maximum significant heterosis in desirable direction was
recorded for number of seeds/pod. Pandey et al., (2006) found that average
heterosis was observed for plant height, pods per plant, pod length and seeds
per pod. Hasan et al., (2010) found that the maximum significant mid
parent heterosis in desirable direction was recorded for stem length trait. El-
Dakkak and Hussein (2009) confirmed the partial dominance for earliness
and over dominance for the remainder growth trait stem length and number
of branches. The inheritance of quantitative characters in peas has long been
investigated. Suman et al., (2017) and Manjunath et al., (2020) observed
that both general and specific combining abilities were important for
hundred seed weight and number of seeds per pod. Also, Al-Hamdany
(2014) and Askander et al., (2018) reported that general combining ability
was significant for the traits plant height, 100 seeds weight and pod weight
but non-significant for seeds pod, while SCA for most characters was
significant in pea.
The aim of this research was studying the type of gene action
controlling some economic characters in garden pea using six genotypes by
hybridized in a half diallel model in order to study the genetics components
of the traits.
This study was carried out at Barrage Horticulture Research Station
(BHRS), Kalubia Governorate, Agriculture Research Center (ARC), Egypt,
during the two winter seasons of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. Six diverse pea
genotypes (Pisum sativum L.) represented a wide range of variability in their
economic traits were chosen in this study as shown in Table 1. Seeds of
these parents were planted on 3rd November 2019 to produce crosses by half
diallel method among the six genotypes in all possible combinations and
obtain 15 F1 hybrids. In 20th October 2020 seeds of six parents and fifteen
crosses (F1's) were sown in the open field in a randomized complete block
design with three replicates. The parents were represented by three rows,
while the F1 populations were represented by single row per block. Each
row was 3 m long and 0.8 m wide. Individual seeds were sown 15 cm apart.
88 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
All cultural practices were applied according to the recommendations of the
Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture.
Table 1. Genotypes of garden pea employed in the investigation.
Genotype Parent Source Specific traits
M-g P1 ZHRI, ARC, Egypt Medium stem length, early, long
green pods, big seed size
Dakota P2 Vermont Bean Seed Co. Short stem length, very early, short
green pods, small seed size
Sienna P3 Stokes Seeds Co. Short stem length, late, dark green
pods, small seed size
M-62 P4 HRI, ARC, Egypt Short stem length, early, long dark
green pods, big seed size
E-22 P5 HRI, ARC, Egypt Long stem length, late, long dark
green pods, plant vigor, medium seed
Ps 510571 P6 USA Long stem length, very late, short
light green pods, plant vigor, small
seed size
Z HRI: Hort. Res. Institute, Agric. Res. Center, Egypt (Hamed et al. 2017).
Data were registered for all populations (6 parents and 15
produced hybrids) for horticultural characters, viz., plant height (cm),
number of days to flowering, number of branches/plant, number of pods
per node, pod length (cm), pod weight (g), number of seeds per pod, 10-
green seeds weight (g) and shelling percentage (%). Statistical analysis
was done using computer statistical software program Statistix, ver. 8.
Analysis of variance for randomized complete block design was carried
out according to Snedecor and Cochran (1982). Means for parents and
F1‟s generations were compared using Duncan‟s multiple range test
(Duncan 1955). Two types of heterosis [mid-parent heterosis (MPH) and
better parent heterosis (BPH)] were estimated and expressed as
percentages (Sinha and Khanna 1975). The „t‟ test was manifested to
determine whether F1 hybrid means were statistically different from mid
parent and better parent means as follows (Wynne et al. 1970): “t” for
MPH= (F1 -MP)/√3\8 (EMS). “t” for BPH= (F1 -BP)/√1\2 (EMS).
Where: F1 = The mean of the F1 cross, MP = The mid parent for the
cross, BP = The better parent values for the cross and EMS = Error mean
square. Potence ratio was calculated according to Smith (1952) to
determine the degree of dominance as follows: P = (F1 – MP)/0.5 (P2 −
P1). Where P: relative potence of gene set, F1: first generation mean, P1:
the mean of lower parent, P2: the mean of higher parent and MP: midparents‟
value = (P1 + P2) \2. Complete dominance was indicated when P
= ±1, while partial dominance was indicated when “P” is between (-1 and
+1), except the value zero which indicates absence of dominance.
Overdominance was considered when potence ratio exceeds ±1. The
positive and negative signs indicate the direction of dominance of either
parent. Griffing‟s method 2 model 1 using parents and F1‟s without
reciprocal (Griffing 1956) was used to estimate general combining
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 89
ability (GCA) for the six parents and specific combining ability (SCA)
for their fifteen hybrids as outlined by Singh and Chaudhary (1985).
Mean performance.
The six parental lines and fifteen F1 crosses differed significantly for
each of the nine studied characters (Table 2). P6 was the highest genotype in
plant height trait, while P2 genotype was the earliest one. P6 genotype gave
the highest number of branches/plant, meanwhile, P2 and P3 genotypes gave
highest number of pods/node. P5 gave the tallest pod, moreover, P1 produced
the heaviest pod weight. P1 and P4 gave the highest number of seeds/pod and
the heaviest 10-green seeds weight, while P1 gave the significant highest
values of shelling percentage. These results agree with Zayed et al., (2005);
El-Dakkak and Hussein (2009) and Abd El-Atty et al., (2010) who found
variation for these traits among studied genotypes. Also, significant
variations were obtained among all produced F1 hybrids for all studied traits.
Regarding plant height, the cross P4 x P6 was the highest one (141.23 cm) as
compared with the other crosses, while, P3 x P5 was the shortest cross (50.50
cm). Meanwhile, P1 x P2 cross exhibited earliness in number of days to
flowering (29 days) as compared with the other crosses. In addition, P4 x P6
cross had the highest number of branches/plant. The trait number of
pods/node obtained significant differences among all studied crosses. P3 x P4
cross was the best cross for the traits pod length, pod weight and 10-green
seeds weight. The crosses P2 x P4, P3 x P4, P2 x P5, P1 x P4 and P1 x P5 were
the best for number of seeds/pod. P2 x P5 cross gave the highest shelling
percentage. These results agreed with those obtained by Zayed et al.,
(2005), El-Dakkak and Hussein (2009) and Abd El-Atty et al., (2010)
who indicate the present of variation among studied hybrids.
General and specific combining ability
The effect of general combining ability for parents was estimated in
Table (3). The obtained data showed that P1 was good combiner for the traits
plant height, no. of pods/node, pod length, pod weight, no. of seeds/pod, 10-
green seeds weight and shelling percentage, meanwhile, it had positive effect
for number of days to flowering but was not significant. Also, P2 was
significantly good combiner in the desirable direction for the traits no. of days
to flowering, no. of pods/pod, pod length, no. of seeds/pod, 10-green seeds
weight and shelling percentage. Data indicated that the parent P3 had significant
GCA effect for the traits no. of pods/node, pod length, pod weight and shelling
percentage. General combining ability for P4 was significant towards the
desirable direction for all traits except the traits no. of days to flowering and no.
of pods/node. It was noticed that the genotype P5 was significantly good
combiner for the traits no. of days to flowering, pod length and no. of seeds/pod.
For the genotype P6, data indicated that it had significant GCA effect only for
the traits plant height and no. of branches/plant.
90 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Table 2. Average performance of studied six parents and their fifteen hybrids of pea during 2020/2021.
Number of
days to
No. of
No. of
Pod length
Pod weight
No. of
10- green
M-g (P1) 76.20 c 33.00 e 2.37 d 1.33 ab 9.63 c 6.75 a 7.32 d 4.53 a 49.32 c
Dakota (P2) 56.67 f 27.00 f 2.33 d 2.00 a 8.67 d 4.20 d 8.49 c 2.90 b 58.66 b
Sienna (P3) 61.83 e 45.00 b 3.03 c 2.00 a 9.50 c 3.91e 6.12 e 2.90 b 46.96 d
M-62 (P4) 68.00 d 35.00 d 2.60 cd 1.00 b 10.90 b 6.28 b 9.17 b 4.50 a 71.95 a
E-2 (P5) 100.40 b 41.00 c 4.00 b 1.00 b 13.60 a 5.57 c 10.19 a 3.12 b 45.58 e
Ps 510571
234.13 a 74.00 a 4.67 a 1.67 ab 5.17 e 1.89 f 3.87 f 1.77 c 36.53 f
P1  P2 87.17 f 29.00 j 2.00d 2.00 a 8.50 e 3.36 hi 5.13 e 3.36 de 45.04 fg
P1  P3 81.25 g 39.997 f 2.00 d 2.00 a 9.97 cd 5.06 e 7.62 d 3.15 f 47.96 e
P1  P4 79.00 h 39.997 f 2.00 d 1.50 ab 10.50 bc 7.14 b 9.25 ab 3.96 bc 35.97 j
P1  P5 68.86 j 39.00 fg 2.00 d 1.67 a 10.77 b 5.90 d 9.20 ab 3.96 bc 44.38 g
P1  P6 111.67 d 50.00 e 4.53 b 1.00 b 6.63 g 2.62 j 5.23 e 2.09 hi 45.76 f
P2 P3 55.50 l 34.00 i 3.17 c 2.00 a 7.77 f 4.13 g 7.00 d 3.20 ef 52.58 c
P2  P4 64.67 k 34.00 i 2.00 d 1.00 b 10.41 bc 6.39 c 9.43 a 4.06 b 52.72 c
P2  P5 71.67 i 37.00 h 3.00 cd 2.00 a 9.53 d 4.37 f 9.00 ab 3.43d 65.69 a
P2  P6 131.73 b 59.00 c 2.67 cd 2.00 a 6.467 g 3.27 i 5.00 e 2.73 g 52.72 c
P3  P4 56.17 l 40.00 f 2.00 d 1.00 b 11.43 a 8.70 a 9.13 ab 5.11 a 39.977 i
P3  P5 50.50 m 38.00 gh 3.00 cd 1.00 b 10.73 b 4.20 fg 8.53 bc 2.29 h 47.62 e
P3  P6 125.67 c 65.00 a 2.00 d 2.00 a 5.77 h 1.61 l 3.00 f 1.90 i 45.15 fg
P4  P5 90.50 e 38.00 gh 2.00 d 2.00 a 10.44 bc 5.08 e 7.75 cd 3.77 c 42.88 h
P4  P6 141.23 a 54.00 d 7.00 a 1.00 b 6.17 gh 3.53 h 5.67 e 3.90 bc 57.62 b
P5  P6 130.67 b 62.00 b 3.00 cd 2.00 a 5.73 h 1.896 k 3.00 f 2.70 g 49.53 d
Values having the same alphabetical letter(s) in common within each column don't significantly differ using the revised L.S.D.
test at 0.05 level of probability
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 91
Table 3. Estimation of general and specific combining ability effects of parents and hybrids for studied
characters in pea.
Plant height
No. of
days to
No. of
No. of
No. of
10- green
Master Gaara (P1) 2.45** 0.08 -0.15* 0.14** 0.84** 0.86** 0.42** 0.53** 0.74*
Dacota (P2) -4.58** -2.04** -0.12* 0.41** 0.13** -0.10* 0.60** 0.16* 9.28**
Sin (P3) -8.50** 5.46** -0.03 0.28** 0.72** 0.10* -0.02 0.02 1.92**
Master 62 (P4) 0.86* 1.58** 0.22** -0.15** 1.48** 1.59** 1.48** 1.06** 7.65**
Entesar 22 (P5) -26.13** -11.42** -0.43** -0.38** 0.50** -0.24** 0.52** -0.54** -8.71**
225 (P6) 35.90** 6.33** 0.51** -0.30** -3.66** -2.22** -3.01** -1.23** -10.88**
gi-gj 0.18 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.08 0.03 0.10
P1  P2 9.19** -6.66* -0.37 0.06 -0.89* -1.79** -2.71** -0.37** -9.53**
P1  P3 7.19** -3.16* -0.46 0.19 -0.01 -0.29* 0.40** -0.45** 0.75*
P1  P4 -4.41** 0.71 -0.71 0.13 -0.23 0.31** 0.53** -0.68** -16.96**
P1  P5 12.43** 12.72** -0.06 0.52* 1.01** 0.89** 1.44** 0.92** 7.80**
P1  P6 -6.79** 5.96** 1.54** -0.23 1.04** -0.41** 1.01** -0.26** 11.35**
P2 P3 -11.53** -7.03** 0.68 -0.08 -1.50** -0.26* -0.40** -0.02 -3.16**
P2  P4 -11.71** -3.16* -0.74 -0.65* 0.38 0.52** 0.53** -0.20** -8.77**
P2  P5 22.28** 12.84** 0.91* 0.58* 0.48 0.32** 1.06** 0.77** 20.57**
P2  P6 20.31** 17.09** -0.36 0.50* 1.58** 1.20** 0.59** 0.76** 9.77**
P3  P4 -16.30** -4.66* -0.83* -0.52* 0.82* 2.62** 0.86** 0.99** -14.14**
P3  P5 -21.96** -6.66* 0.17 -0.52 0.12 -1.88** 0.26** -1.84** -6.51**
P3  P6 18.16** 15.59** -1.12* 0.63 0.29 -0.66** -0.78** 0.07 9.56**
P4  P5 35.67** 10.21** -0.42 1.15** 0.05 -0.66** -1.07** 0.21* -0.62*
P4  P6 24.38** 8.46** 3.64** 0.06 -0.07 -0.22** 0.38** 1.02** 16.30**
P5  P6 -220.53** -94.54** -5.71** -2.71** -10.99** -3.82** -7.33** -3.97** -74.49**
sij-skl 0.44 0.24 0.21 0.16 0.12 0.05 0.18 0.07 0.26
92 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Concerning the SCA of studied crosses (Table 3), data showed that
the earliest crosses due to SCA effects were P1×P2, P1×P3, P2×P3, P2×P4,
P3×P4, P3×P5 and P5×P6. The shortest crosses were P1×P4, P1×P6, P2×P3,
P2×P4, P3×P4, P3×P5 and P5×P6. The valuable positive SCA effects were
detected in the crosses P1×P6, P2×P5 and P4×P6 for the trait no. of
branches/plant, while, the valuable negative SCA effects were detected in
the hybrids P3×P4, P3×P6 and P5×P6. Specific combining ability recorded
effect in desirable direction for the trait no. of pods/node in the crosses
P1×P5, P2×P5, P2×P6 and P4×P5. The trait pod length showed positive
significant SCA effect in the crosses P1×P5, P1×P6, P2×P6 and P3×P4,
however, the crosses P1×P2, P3×P3 and P5×P6 had negative significant effect.
Six out of the 15 hybrids had positive significant SCA for pod weight, while,
9 out of 15 had negative significant SCA effect. Positive significant SCA
effect in desirable direction was observed for the trait no. seeds/pod in all
crosses except P1×P2, P2×P3, P3×P6, P4×P5 and P5×P6. While, SCA effect
was detected in desirable direction for the trait 10 seeds weight in the crosses
P1×P5, P2×P5, P2×P6, P3×P4, P4×P5 and P4×P6. Significant positive SCA
effect for the trait shelling percentage was estimated in the crosses P1×P3,
P1×P5, P1×P6, P2×P5, P2×P6, P3×P6 and P4×P6. These results are in line with
the finding of Askander et al., (2018).
Heterosis over mid-parent for all studied traits are presented in Table
(4). Results revealed that heterosis for the trait plant height varied from -
37.74% to 31.21% and only 4 out of 15 crosses exhibited significant positive
heterosis values over mid-parent. Heterosis for number of days to flowering
varied from -11.63 to 17.64 % over mid-parent, meanwhile, 3 crosses out of
15 crosses exhibited significant negative heterosis (P1×P6, P2×P3 and P4×P5).
With regard to trait no. of branches/plant, mid-parent heterosis varied from -
48.05 to 92.57 %, moreover, 3 crosses (P1×P6, P2×P3 and P4×P6) out of 15
exhibited significant positive heterosis. Concerning number of pods/node, 8
crosses out of 15 exhibited significant and highly significant positive
heterosis over mid-parent. Two crosses (P2×P4 and P3×P4) exhibited
significant positive heterosis values over mid-parents in the trait pod length.
Heterosis over mid-parents for the traits epod weight and number of
seeds/pod varied from -49.15% to 70.76% and -57.33% to 19.42 %,
respectively, meanwhile, the same 4 crosses (P1×P3, P1×P4, P2×P4 and
P3×P4) gave significant positive heterosis. For 10- green seeds weight trait,
heterosis over mid-parents varied from -33.65 to 38.11 % and the results
showed that 8 crosses exhibited significant positive heterosis. Concerning
shelling percentage trait, mid-parents heterosis ranged from -40.66 to 62.04
%, meanwhile, 6 crosses out of studied 15 exhibited significant positive
heterosis. similar results have been reported by Hasan et al., (2010), Brar et
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 93
al., (2012) and Galal et al., (2019) who found positive heterosis in some
studied crosses for horticultural traits of pea.
Table 4. Heterosis percentages (relative to the mid-parental value) of
F1 hybrids for some traits in pea.
No. of
days to
No. of
No. of
No. of
10- green
P1  P2 31.21** -3.33 -14.89** 20.00** -7.10* -38.63** -35.10** -9.56* -16.58**
P1  P3 17.73** 2.56 -25.93** 20.00** 4.23 -5.066 13.39** -15.21** -0.37
P1  P4 9.57** 17.64** -19.52** 28.57** 2.29 9.59* 12.19* -12.29** -40.66**
P1  P5 -22.02** 5.41* -37.21** 43.14** -7.28* -4.22 5.08 3.66 -6.47*
P1  P6 -28.03** -6.54* 28.69** -33.33** -10.41** -39.35** -6.52* -33.65** 6.60*
P2 P3 -6.33* -5.56* 18.28** 0.00 -14.47** 1.85 -4.18 10.34* -0.44
P2  P4 3.75 9.68* -18.86** -33.33** 6.39* 21.95** 6.795* 9.73* -19.29**
P2  P5 -8.74* 8.82* -5.21* 33.33** -14.41** -10.54* -3.64 14.14** 26.04**
P2  P6 -9.40* 16.83** -23.71** 9.09* -6.50* 7.39* -19.09** 16.92** 10.77*
P3  P4 -13.47** 0.00 -28.95** -33.33** 12.06** 70.76** 19.42** 38.11** -32.76**
P3  P5 -37.74** -11.63** -14.65** -33.33** -7.099* -11.39* 4.598 -23.79** 2.92
P3  P6 -15.08** 9.24 -48.05** 9.09* -21.34** -44.48** -39.94** -18.63** 8.16*
P4  P5 7.48* 0.00 -39.39** 100.00 -14.78** -14.26** -19.94** -0.92 -27.03**
P4  P6 -6.51* -0.92 92.57** -25.00** -23.21** -13.59** -13.04** 24.40** 6.23*
P5  P6 -21.88** 7.83* -30.80** 50.00** -38.95** -49.15** -57.33** 10.66* 20.64**
Heterosis over better parent for studied traits are given in Table
(5). Two out of the 15 studied hybrids exhibited significant positive
better parent heterosis for the trait plant height (14.40% and 6.63% for
the hybrids P1×P2 and P1×P3, respectively). With respect to number of
days to flowering trait, all evaluated hybrids exhibited positive heterosis
ranged from 7.41% to 118.52% except the hybrid P3×P5 which gave
negative heteroses estimated as -7.32%. In the case of number of
branches/plant trait, only the hybrid P4×P6 gave a significant positive
better parent heterosis. Hybrids P1×P4, P1×P5, P4×P5 and P5×P6 showed
significant heterosis (12.78%, 25.56%, 100.00% and 19.76%,
respectively) in desirable direction for number of pods/node trait. For the
traits pod length and number of seeds/pod, none of the evaluated crosses
showed significant positive heterobeltiosis values. With regard to pod
weight, only one cross (P3×P4) gave significant positive heterosis
estimated as 38.54%. Three out of 15 evaluated crosses (P2×P3, P2×P5
and P3×P4) showed significant positive heterosis based on better parent
for the trait 10-green seeds weight. For shelling percentage trait, only one
hybrid (P2×P5) shows significant better parent heterosis in desirable
direction estimated as 11.98%. These results agree with those found by
Al-Hamdany (2014), Hamed et al., (2015), Khalil et al., (2015),
Askander et al., (2018), Abo-Hamda (2019) and Galal et al., (2019)
who estimated heterobeltiosis in some studied crosses for horticultural
94 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Table 5. Heterosis percentages (relative to the better-parental value)
of F1 hybrids for some traits in pea.
No. days
No. of
No. of
No. of
P1  P2 14.40** 7.41 -15.61** 0.00 -11.73* -50.22** -39.58** -25.83** -23.22**
P1  P3 6.63* 21.20** -33.99** 0.00 3.53 -25.04** 4.10 -30.46** -2.76
P1  P4 3.67 21.20** -23.08** 12.78** -3.67 5.78 0.87 -12.58* -49.99**
P1  P5 -31.41** 18.18** -50.00** 25.56** -20.81** -12.59** -9.72 -12.58* -10.02*
P1  P6 -52.30** 51.52** -3.00 -40.12** -31.15** -61.19** -28.55** -53.86** -7.22
P2 P3 -10.24* 25.93** 4.62 0.00 -18.21** -1.67 -17.55** 10.34* -10.36*
P2  P4 -4.90 25.93** -23.08** -50.00** -4.495 1.75 2.84 -9.78 -26.74**
P2  P5 -28.62* 37.04** -25.00** 0.00 -29.93** -21.54** -11.68* 10.29* 11.98*
P2  P6 -43.74** 118.52** -42.83** 0.00 -25.37** -22.14 -41.11** -5.86 -10.13*
P3  P4 -17.40** 14.29* -33.99** -50.00** 4.86 38.54** -0.44 13.56** -44.43**
P3  P5 -49.70** -7.32 -25.00** -50.00** -21.10** -24.59** -16.29** -26.37** 1.41
P3  P6 -46.33** 44.44** -57.17** 0.00 -39.26** -58.82** -50.98** -34.48** -3.85
P4  P5 -9.86* 8.57 -50.00** 100.00** -23.24** -19.11** -23.95** -16.22** -40.40**
P4  P6 -39.68** 54.29** 49.89** -40.12** -43.39** -43.79** -38.17** -13.33** -19.92**
P5  P6 -44.19** 51.22** -35.76** 19.76** -47.43** -65.95** -70.56** -13.18** 8.67
Potence ratio
Data of potence ratio (Table 6) indicated that the most F1 crosses
had negative nature for the trait plant height. The potence ratio estimates
indicated over dominance towards the short parent, since their values
were found more than one (P>1) in 7 evaluated crosses (most of them
include the parents P1 or P3), meanwhile, partial dominance towards the
short parent were found in 4 crosses. On the other hand, 2 hybrids had
positive values of potence ratio, indicating partial towards the tall parent.
However, one cross exhibited absence dominance. Different types of
dominance were observed for number of days to flowering character.
Negative P values were estimated indicating partial dominance towards
the early parent in 2 studied crosses (P1X P6 and P2X P3). Five crosses
exhibited absence dominance. However, Positive P values were
estimated indicating overdominance, complete dominance and partial
dominance towards the late parent in 8 crosses.
The results in Table 6 indicated that the potence ratio for 5
produced hybrids indicated complete and over dominance towards the
high parent for number of branches/plant trait. On the other hand, 9
hybrids exhibited complete and over dominance towards the lowest
parent. Meanwhile, one cross exhibited absence dominance. For number
of pods/node, positive P values were estimated indicating overdominance
and complete dominance towards high parent in 6 crosses, however,
negative P values were observed indicating overdominance and complete
dominance towards the low parent in 7 crosses, meanwhile, the crosses
P2×P3 and P4×P5 exhibited absence dominance.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 95
Table 6. Potence ratios of F1 hybrids for some traits in pea.
No. of
days to
No. of
No. of
No. of
P1  P2 -2.12 0.33 17.50 1.00 1.35 1.66 -4.7 0.44 -1.92
P1  P3 -1.70 0.17 -2.12 1.00 -6.23 0.19 -1.5 0.69 0.15
P1  P4 -1.68 6.00 -4.22 -2.00 0.37 -2.66 1.09 37.0 -2.18
P1  P5 -1.61 0.50 -1.45 -3.02 -0.43 0.44 0.31 -0.197 1.64
P1  P6 -0.55 -0.17 0.88 -3.00 0.35 0.699 0.21 0.77 -0.44
P2 P3 -1.45 -0.22 1.40 0.00 -3.19 -0.52 0.26 0.00 0.04
P2  P4 0.41 0.75 -3.44 1.00 0.56 1.11 1.76 0.45 -1.895
P2  P5 -0.31 0.43 -0.20 -1.00 -0.65 -0.75 -0.4 4.05 -2.07
P2  P6 -0.15 0.36 -0.71 -1.00 0.26 -0.19 0.51 -0.699 -0.46
P3  P4 -2.83 0.00 3.79 1.00 1.76 3.04 0.97 1.76 -1.56
P3  P5 -1.59 2.50 -1.06 1.00 -0.4 -0.65 0.18 -6.81 -1.96
P3  P6 -0.26 0.38 -2.26 -1.00 0.72 1.28 1.77 0.77 -0.65
P4  P5 0.39 0.00 -1.86 0.00 -1.34 2.38 -3.78 0.05 1.20
P4  P6 -0.12 -0.03 3.25 -1.00 0.65 0.25 0.32 -0.56 -0.19
P5  P6 -0.55 0.27 -3.99 2.00 0.87 0.996 1.28 -0.39 -1.87
The results for pod length trait indicated that the potence ratio in 7
produced hybrids were positive indicating partial dominance or over
dominance for this character towards the high parent, however, 6 of
crosses were negative indicating partial, complete and over dominance
towards the low parent. Two hybrids gave absence dominance. Different
types of dominance were observed for pod weight trait. Negative P
values were estimated indicating partial, complete and over dominance
towards the lowest parent in 3 crosses. However, positive P values were
estimated indicating partial, complete and over dominance towards the
heaviest pod in 10 crosses. Two crosses exhibited absence dominance.
Positive P values were estimated for number of seeds/pod character
indicating over dominance, complete dominance and partial dominance
towards high parent in 6 crosses, however, over dominance towards low
parent were found in 3 crosses, meanwhile, 6 crosses exhibited absence
dominance. The results for 10 seeds weight trait indicated that the
potence ratio in 8 studied hybrids were positive indicating partial
dominance or over dominance for this character towards the high parent,
however, 3 of crosses were negative indicating partial dominance
towards the low parent, meanwhile, 4 hybrids gave absence dominance.
With regard to shelling percentage trait, positive P values were estimated
indicating over dominance towards high parent in 2 crosses, however,
over dominance or partial dominance or towards low parent were found
in 11 crosses, meanwhile, 2 crosses exhibited absence dominance.
These results partially agree with the observations of El-Dakkak
and Hussein (2009), Hamed et al., (2015), Khalil et al., (2015), Abo-
Hamda (2019) and Galal et al., (2019) in pea.
96 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
The author is grateful to Professor Dr. Ashraf Abdalla Hamed,
chief Researcher at Vegetables, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Breeding
Dep., Hort. Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, for encouragement, helping,
supporting and cooperation.
Abd El-Atty, Y. Y. ; G. A. Zayed ; M. N. Abd El-Monem and H. S.
Abd El-Lah (2010). Gene effects and combining ability for
some important traits of pea. Minia 2nd conf. Agric. Environ.
Sci., 161-169.
Abo-Hamda, E. M. E. (2019). Genetic analysis of some economic
characters in pea. Egypt. J. Agric. Res., 97 (1): 229- 248.
Al-Hamdany, H. Sh. Y. (2014). Estimation of heterosis, combining
ability, gene action, genotypic and phenotypic correlation in pea
(Pisum sativum L.). J. Agric. Sci., 10 (2): 19-28.
Askander, H. S. ; P. A. Abdullah and R. I. S. Abdulrahman (2018).
Estimation some genetic parameters, combining ability and
heterosis in pea (Pisum sativum) using half diallel cross. J. Univ.
Duhok., 21 (1): (Agri. and Vet. Sciences) 19-28.
Bourion, V., G. Fouilloux, C. Le Signor and I. Lejeune-Henaut
(2002). Genetic studies of selection for productive and stable
peas. Euphytica 127: 261-273.
Brar, P. S. ; R. K. Dhall and Dinesh (2012). Heterosis and combining
ability in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) for yield and its
contributing traits. Vegetable Sci., 39 (1): 51-54.
Duncan, D. B. (1955). Multiple range and multiple F test. Biometrics 11:
El-Dakkak, A. A. A. (2016). Genetic improvement for yield and quality
characters in pea by using selection. J. Plant Production,
Mansoura Univ., 7 (8): 837-842.
El-Dakkak, A. A. A. and A. H. Hussein (2009). Genetic behaviour of
some quantitative pea traits under southern Egypt conditions.
Minufiya J. Agri. Res., 34 (4): 1601-1612.
Galal, R. M. ; A. G. Mohamed and E. E. M. Ismail (2019). Genetic
analysis of some crosses for yield and its components and
earliness in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Egypt. J. Hort., 46 (1): 1-11.
Griffing, B. (1956). Concept of general combining ability in relation to
diallel crossing system. Australian J. Bio. Sci., 9: 463-493.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 97
Hamed, A. A. (2005). Genetic studies on powdery mildew resistance and
some economic characters in some pea cultivars. Ph.D. Thesis,
Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ., Egypt, 97 p.
Hamed, A. A. ; A. H. Hussein and E. M. E. A. Khalil (2015). Genetic
studies on some quantitative traits in pea 1. Inheritance of
vegetative characters, yield and its components. Egypt. J. Agric.
Res., 93 (4): 1211-1229.
Hamed, A. A. ; T. A. El-Akkad ; A. G. Zakher and E. M. E. Abo-
Hamda (2017). Stability analysis and molecular evaluation of new
garden pea genotypes in Egypt. Arab J. Biotech., 20 (1): 71-86.
Hasan, M.N.M. ; Y.Y. Abd El-Aty ; G.A. Zayed and H.S. Abd El Lah
(2010). Heterosis, correlation and gene action in some
genotypes of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Minia 2nd conf. Agric.
Environ. Sci., 151-160.
Khalil, E. M. E. A. ; A. H. Hussein and A. A. Hamed (2015). Genetic
studies on some quantitative traits in pea 2. Inheritance of
number of days to flowering and some pod characteristics.
Egypt. J. Agric. Res., 93 (4): 1231-1251.
Kumari, P. ; N. Basal ; A. K. Singh ; V. P. Rai ; C. P. Srivastava and
P. K. Singh (2013). Genetic diversity studies in pea (Pisum
sativum L.) using simple sequence repeat markers. Genet. Mol.
Res., 12: 3540-3550.
Lewis, G. P. ; B. Schrire ; B. Mackinder and M. Lock (2005).
Legumes of the World. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK.
Malr (2018). Ministry of Agric. and Land Recl., Dept. of Agric. Static.,
Manjunath, B. ; D. V. Srinivasa ; M. Hanumantappa ; D.
Lakshmana and T.S. Aghora (2020). Combining ability
studies for yield and yield contributing traits in garden pea
(Pisum sativum L.). Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 9 (11):
Noser, M. A. (2002). Genetic analysis of pea (Pisum Sativum L.) yield
and its component by diallel crossing. Egypt. J. of applied. Sci.,
22 (12): 312-325.
Pandey, V. ; T. Pant and S. D. Das (2006). Studies on heterosis and
combining ability in pea. Indian J. Hort., 63 (3): 338-340.
Singh, R. K. and B. D. Chaudhary (1985). Biometrical Methods in
Quantitative Genetic Analysis, Kalyni Publishers, New Delhi,
India, 318 pp.
98 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Sinha, S. K. and R. Khanna (1975). Physiological, biological and genetic
basis of heterosis. Advances in Agronomy, 27 (1): 123-174.
Smith, H. H. (1952). Fixing Transgressive Vigor in Nicotiana Rustica.
Iowa State College Press, Ames. Iowa. pp. 161-174.
Snedecor, G. W. and W. G. Cochran (1982). Statistical Methods, 7th
ed., Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, 507 p.
Srivastava, C. ; M. Tyagi ; R. Agrawal and B. Rai (2000). Combining
ability analysis for seed yield and related traits in peas of Indian
and exotic origin. Madras Agric. J., 86 (7-9): 366-370.
Suman, H. ; B. Kumar ; M. Nageshwar ; I. Rathi and D. Tamatam
(2017). Heterosis and combining ability for grain yield and yield
associated traits in 10 × 10 Diallel analysis in Pea (Pisum
sativum L.). Inter. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 6 (12): 1574-
Wynne, J. C. ; D. A. Emery and R. H. Rice (1970). Combining ability
estimation in Arachis hypogaea L. 11. Field performance of F1
hybrids. Crop Sci., 10 (6): 713-715.
Zayed, G. A. ; F.A. Helal and S.T. Farag (2005). The genetic
performance of some continuously variable characteristics of
pea under different locations. Annals Agric. Sci., Moshtohor,
43: 337-346.
و ا رثة التبکير والمحصول ومکوناته في البسمه
أماني حافظ عبدالله محمود غريب
مرکز البحوث الز ا رعيه - معهد بحوث البساتين - قسم بحوث تربية الخضر والنباتات الطبية والعطرية
9190 و للتت /9191 ، 9191/ أجريتت هتلد الد ا رستتة خت ا الموستتمين اليتتويين 9102
بهدف د ا رسة الفعا الجينى المتحکم فى بعض الصفات الاقتصادية في البسمة الخض ا رء باستخدام
ستة طرز و ا رثية کأباء تم التهجتين فيمتا بيتنهم باستتخدام طريلتة الهجتن النصتف دا ريتة تتم ز ا رعتة
الطرز الو ا رثية ) 6 أباء + 01 هجين( بنظام اللطاعات کاممة العيوا ية في ث ث مکر ا رت لتلدير
اللدرة العامة والخاصة عمى التآلف ، وقتوة الهجتين ملارنتة بکت متن متوستط اوبتوين وکتلل او
اوفضتا ، ودرجتة الستيادة لتبعض الصتفات الاقتصتادية مثتا ارتفتاع النبتات ، عتدد اويتام حتتى
التزهير ، وعدد اوفرع بالنبات ، وعدد البلور باللرن ، وعدد اللرون بالعلدة ، طوا اللرن ، ووزن
اللتترن ، ووزن 01 بتتلور ، ونستتبة التصتتافي وقتتد أکتتدت النتتتا وجتود قتوة هجتتين فتتى الاتجتتاد
المرغو فى بعض الهجن وللت ملارنتة بکت متن متوستط اوبتوين وکتلل او اوفضتا فتى کتا
الصفات المدروسة ماعدا صفة عدد البتلور بتاللرن کمتا أظهترت النتتا وجتود طترز مختمفتة متن
السيادة فى کا الصفات المدروسة .
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 99

The author is grateful to Professor Dr. Ashraf Abdalla Hamed,
chief Researcher at Vegetables, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Breeding
Dep., Hort. Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, for encouragement, helping,
supporting and cooperation.
Abd El-Atty, Y. Y. ; G. A. Zayed ; M. N. Abd El-Monem and H. S.
Abd El-Lah (2010). Gene effects and combining ability for
some important traits of pea. Minia 2nd conf. Agric. Environ.
Sci., 161-169.
Abo-Hamda, E. M. E. (2019). Genetic analysis of some economic
characters in pea. Egypt. J. Agric. Res., 97 (1): 229- 248.
Al-Hamdany, H. Sh. Y. (2014). Estimation of heterosis, combining
ability, gene action, genotypic and phenotypic correlation in pea
(Pisum sativum L.). J. Agric. Sci., 10 (2): 19-28.
Askander, H. S. ; P. A. Abdullah and R. I. S. Abdulrahman (2018).
Estimation some genetic parameters, combining ability and
heterosis in pea (Pisum sativum) using half diallel cross. J. Univ.
Duhok., 21 (1): (Agri. and Vet. Sciences) 19-28.
Bourion, V., G. Fouilloux, C. Le Signor and I. Lejeune-Henaut
(2002). Genetic studies of selection for productive and stable
peas. Euphytica 127: 261-273.
Brar, P. S. ; R. K. Dhall and Dinesh (2012). Heterosis and combining
ability in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) for yield and its
contributing traits. Vegetable Sci., 39 (1): 51-54.
Duncan, D. B. (1955). Multiple range and multiple F test. Biometrics 11:
El-Dakkak, A. A. A. (2016). Genetic improvement for yield and quality
characters in pea by using selection. J. Plant Production,
Mansoura Univ., 7 (8): 837-842.
El-Dakkak, A. A. A. and A. H. Hussein (2009). Genetic behaviour of
some quantitative pea traits under southern Egypt conditions.
Minufiya J. Agri. Res., 34 (4): 1601-1612.
Galal, R. M. ; A. G. Mohamed and E. E. M. Ismail (2019). Genetic
analysis of some crosses for yield and its components and
earliness in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Egypt. J. Hort., 46 (1): 1-11.
Griffing, B. (1956). Concept of general combining ability in relation to
diallel crossing system. Australian J. Bio. Sci., 9: 463-493.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 97
Hamed, A. A. (2005). Genetic studies on powdery mildew resistance and
some economic characters in some pea cultivars. Ph.D. Thesis,
Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ., Egypt, 97 p.
Hamed, A. A. ; A. H. Hussein and E. M. E. A. Khalil (2015). Genetic
studies on some quantitative traits in pea 1. Inheritance of
vegetative characters, yield and its components. Egypt. J. Agric.
Res., 93 (4): 1211-1229.
Hamed, A. A. ; T. A. El-Akkad ; A. G. Zakher and E. M. E. Abo-
Hamda (2017). Stability analysis and molecular evaluation of new
garden pea genotypes in Egypt. Arab J. Biotech., 20 (1): 71-86.
Hasan, M.N.M. ; Y.Y. Abd El-Aty ; G.A. Zayed and H.S. Abd El Lah
(2010). Heterosis, correlation and gene action in some
genotypes of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Minia 2nd conf. Agric.
Environ. Sci., 151-160.
Khalil, E. M. E. A. ; A. H. Hussein and A. A. Hamed (2015). Genetic
studies on some quantitative traits in pea 2. Inheritance of
number of days to flowering and some pod characteristics.
Egypt. J. Agric. Res., 93 (4): 1231-1251.
Kumari, P. ; N. Basal ; A. K. Singh ; V. P. Rai ; C. P. Srivastava and
P. K. Singh (2013). Genetic diversity studies in pea (Pisum
sativum L.) using simple sequence repeat markers. Genet. Mol.
Res., 12: 3540-3550.
Lewis, G. P. ; B. Schrire ; B. Mackinder and M. Lock (2005).
Legumes of the World. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK.
Malr (2018). Ministry of Agric. and Land Recl., Dept. of Agric. Static.,
Manjunath, B. ; D. V. Srinivasa ; M. Hanumantappa ; D.
Lakshmana and T.S. Aghora (2020). Combining ability
studies for yield and yield contributing traits in garden pea
(Pisum sativum L.). Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 9 (11):
Noser, M. A. (2002). Genetic analysis of pea (Pisum Sativum L.) yield
and its component by diallel crossing. Egypt. J. of applied. Sci.,
22 (12): 312-325.
Pandey, V. ; T. Pant and S. D. Das (2006). Studies on heterosis and
combining ability in pea. Indian J. Hort., 63 (3): 338-340.
Singh, R. K. and B. D. Chaudhary (1985). Biometrical Methods in
Quantitative Genetic Analysis, Kalyni Publishers, New Delhi,
India, 318 pp.
98 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Sinha, S. K. and R. Khanna (1975). Physiological, biological and genetic
basis of heterosis. Advances in Agronomy, 27 (1): 123-174.
Smith, H. H. (1952). Fixing Transgressive Vigor in Nicotiana Rustica.
Iowa State College Press, Ames. Iowa. pp. 161-174.
Snedecor, G. W. and W. G. Cochran (1982). Statistical Methods, 7th
ed., Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, 507 p.
Srivastava, C. ; M. Tyagi ; R. Agrawal and B. Rai (2000). Combining
ability analysis for seed yield and related traits in peas of Indian
and exotic origin. Madras Agric. J., 86 (7-9): 366-370.
Suman, H. ; B. Kumar ; M. Nageshwar ; I. Rathi and D. Tamatam
(2017). Heterosis and combining ability for grain yield and yield
associated traits in 10 × 10 Diallel analysis in Pea (Pisum
sativum L.). Inter. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 6 (12): 1574-
Wynne, J. C. ; D. A. Emery and R. H. Rice (1970). Combining ability
estimation in Arachis hypogaea L. 11. Field performance of F1
hybrids. Crop Sci., 10 (6): 713-715.
Zayed, G. A. ; F.A. Helal and S.T. Farag (2005). The genetic
performance of some continuously variable characteristics of
pea under different locations. Annals Agric. Sci., Moshtohor,
43: 337-346.