Document Type : Original Article


This study was carried out during two successive seasons 2018
and 2019 at El-Kanater El-Khyreia, Horticulture Research Station of
Hort. Res. Institute (Kaluobia Governorate), Agriculture Research Center
(ARC), Egypt, the present investigation was carried out to study the
effect of four gamma rays doses, 30, 60, 90 and 120 Gy in addition to Gy
0 (control), on yield and its components of Taro during two generations
(M1and M2) in the two growing seasons 2018 and 2019. 120 Gy had
lethal effect where it resulted in no germination.
The results showed highly significant mean squares for all the
studied traits in both two generations indicating considerable variations
between the four treatments, while, phenotypic coefficient of variation was
higher than that of genotypic coefficient of variation for all traits. Gamma
ray affected widely the genetic variation making it good way to select new
lines in taro. The 30 Gy dose was the best producing maximum variation in
M2 generation. Selection was done on the plants under that dose to select
the better plants were selected according to high vegetative growth, plant
height, number of leaves per plant, number of corms, corm length, corm
weight and diameter as well as corm shape index. Results of evaluated M2
generation clones can be summarize as follows: selection based on weight of
corm was efficient to increase total yield and corm quality, the clone's
number 3, 4 and 5 produced the highest number of corms / plant and the
highest corm weight. the selected clone's number 3, 4 and 5 are
recommended for cultivation in Delta Governorates Egypt.


إحداث تغي ا رت و ا رثية في القلقاس بإستخدام اشعة جاما
أماني حافظ عبدالله محمود غريب
مرکز البحوث الز ا رعيو - معيد بحوث البساتين - قسم بحوث تربية الخضر والنباتات الطبية والعطرية
أجريت ىذه الد ا رسة خلال موسمين متتاليين 2012 و 2012 بمحطة بحوث البساتين
بالقناطر الخيريو ، محافظة القميوبية ، مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية ، مصر و ذلک بيدف د ا رسة
20 و 120 ج ا ري( بالإضافة إلى الکنترول ، 60 ، تأثير أربع جرعات من أشعة جاما ) 30
وکانت . (M و 2 M مقارنة )صفر تشعيع( عمى المحصول ومکوناتو من القمقاس خلال جيمين ( 1
الجرعو 120 ج ا ري ذو تأثير مميت لمنباتات.
أظيرت النتائج وجود فروق معنوية عالية لجميع الصفات المدروسة خلال جيمين مما
يدل عمى وجود اختلافات معنوية بين المعاملات الأربعة ، بينما کان معامل التباين المظيري
أعمى من معامل التباين الو ا رثي لجميع الصفات. أثرت أشعة جاما بشکل کبير عمى التباين
الجيني مما يجعميا طريقة جيدة لإنتخاب سلالات جديدة في القمقاس .
کذلک اظيرت النتائج تفوق النباتات الناتجو من التشعيع بجرعة 30 غ ا ري في جيل
تم الانتخاب عمى النباتات تحت تمک الجرعة لانتقاء أفضل النباتات وتم اختيار النباتات M2.
وفق ا لمنمو الخضري المرتفع ، ارتفاع النبات ، عدد الأو ا رق لکل نبات ، عدد الکورمات ، طول
الکرمة ، وزن وقطر الکرمة وکذلک معامل شکل الکرمة .
عمى النحو التالي: کان الاختيار عمى أساس وزن M يمکن تمخيص نتائج الجيل التاني 2
الکرمة وذلک لزيادة العائد الکمي وجودة الکورمات ، ان السلالات رقم 3 و 4 و 5 أکبر عدد من
الکورمات / النبات وأعمى وزن لمکورمة.


Main Subjects

Amani H.A.M. Gharib
Vegetables, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Breeding Department, Horticulture Research
Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Egypt
Email -
Key Words: Taro, Colocasia esculenta L., gamma irradiation,
Mutation, Yield, Quality.
This study was carried out during two successive seasons 2018
and 2019 at El-Kanater El-Khyreia, Horticulture Research Station of
Hort. Res. Institute (Kaluobia Governorate), Agriculture Research Center
(ARC), Egypt, the present investigation was carried out to study the
effect of four gamma rays doses, 30, 60, 90 and 120 Gy in addition to Gy
0 (control), on yield and its components of Taro during two generations
(M1and M2) in the two growing seasons 2018 and 2019. 120 Gy had
lethal effect where it resulted in no germination.
The results showed highly significant mean squares for all the
studied traits in both two generations indicating considerable variations
between the four treatments, while, phenotypic coefficient of variation was
higher than that of genotypic coefficient of variation for all traits. Gamma
ray affected widely the genetic variation making it good way to select new
lines in taro. The 30 Gy dose was the best producing maximum variation in
M2 generation. Selection was done on the plants under that dose to select
the better plants were selected according to high vegetative growth, plant
height, number of leaves per plant, number of corms, corm length, corm
weight and diameter as well as corm shape index. Results of evaluated M2
generation clones can be summarize as follows: selection based on weight of
corm was efficient to increase total yield and corm quality, the clone's
number 3, 4 and 5 produced the highest number of corms / plant and the
highest corm weight. the selected clone's number 3, 4 and 5 are
recommended for cultivation in Delta Governorates Egypt.
Mutations are one of the main sources through inducing variations
in plants where irradiation produces the most mutants (Beyaz and
Yildiz 2017 and Fadli et al., 2018). Gamma rays are short
electromagnetic waves that can create physical mutagens free radicals in
cells and induce mutations in plants as free radicals make cellular
damage influential effect on plant cell components (Fadli et al., 2018).
Inducing mutations by Gamma ray is an important artificially way to
improve crops in plant breeding programs. Physical mutagens (Gamma
rays improved 1604 mutants) were used more regularly as comparing to
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 73-86
chemical mutagens and novel plant germplasm (Parry et al.,2009;
Penna et al., 2012 and Beyaz and Yildiz, 2017).
According to international health and safety authorities; Joint
FAO/IAEA/WHO/FDA Expert Committee on the Wholesomeness of
Irradiated Foods (JECFI), foods irradiated up to 10 kGy are considered
safe and present no toxicological hazard and no special nutritional or
microbiological problems in food (Anonymous, 1981). Gamma radiation
of 30–1000 Gy has been applied to achieve a delay in the ripening of
some fruits and vegetables (WHO 1988). Gamma rays can be also used
for inhibiting sprouting and decay in some stored vegetables such as
potato, garlic and onion up to 120 Gy without health hazards as found
(Adejumo 1998 and Bansa and Appiah 2003).
Gamma rays were used to inducs mutations in seeds and other plant
materials such as cuttings, pollens and tissue-cultured calli (Ali et al.,
2016 and Oladosu et al., 2016). The Gamma rays effect on taro morphophysio-
biochemical properties against Phytophthora leaf blight is
documented (Sahoo et al., 2012).
Taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) tubers are one of main food crops for
millions of people in the developing world for its edible underground
stem (corm) and its good adaptability, resistance to different diseases and
ability to produce high amount of yields in different areas especially on
tropical environments (Tewodros, 2012 and Mulualem et al.,2013).Taro
contains healthy and safe food components, as it has low carbohydrate
content (27.25%), sugars (0.87%) and starch content (24.11%), also has
lower glycemic index (GI) comparing to other carbohydrate sources and
contain bioactive ingredients that are efficacious for health (Rudyatmi
and Enni, 2014 and Sundari et al., 2014).
The major benefit of mutation induction in vegetative propagated
plants is the ability to create one or few characters without changing the
remaining unique characters.
Food does not become radioactive as the energy passes through; it
only destroys bacteria and does not leave behind any residual
radioactivity (Fox, 2002; Hayes et al., 2002). It is indicated that given
the preference and the Gamma Irradiation for Fresh Produce 257 access
to irradiated products, consumers are willing to purchase them in
noticeably great number (Bruhn, 1998). Many expert authorities have
reviewed the evidence over the years, and concluded that irradiated foods
do not pose significant health risks to people who eat them.
74 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
GCV and PCV values were categorized as low (0–10%), moderate
(10–20%) and high (20% and above) following Sivasubramanian and
MadhavaMenon (1973) classification. The heritability percentage was
categorized as low (0–30%), moderate (30–60%) and high (≥60%) in
accordance to Robinson et al. (1949). Genetic advance as percentage of
mean was categorized as low (0–10%), moderate (10–20%) and high
(>20%) as outlined by Johnson et al. (1955).
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of
five does of gamma-rays on yield and corm traits of Taro during two
generations M1 and M2. Also, the study extended to select the most
desirable plants in M2 population.
The experiment was carried out at El-Kanater El-Khyreia,
Horticulture Research Station of Hort. Res. Institute (Kaluobia
Governorate), Agriculture Research Center (ARC), Egypt, during two
successive growing seasons 2018 and 2019 on Taro (Colocasia esculenta
L.) Balady local variety. Corms were irradiated with 0, 30, 60, 90 and
120 Gy using Cobalt-60 gamma rays. The time of exposure was 20
mints. The irradiation source was the cyclotron project, Nuclear Research
Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt. The dose rate of the
source was 7.0 Gy/min.
In 18th February 2018, 1000 Balady local variety cormles were
irradiated and grown to raise plants of M1 generation planted in
randomized complete blocks design with three replicates. All the
M1 corms were harvested at 270 days separately for raising
M2 generation.
In 5th February 2019 growing season, the M1 corms from the
irradiation doses were sown to produce M2 plants. Corms selected were
planted in randomized complete blocks design with three replicates
during the two growing seasons. The experimental was contained 3 rows,
with 3 m length, 30 cm between them and 0.80 m width. All normal
agricultural practices for cultivation were applied as recommended by
Ministry of Agriculture during the two growing seasons.
Recorded data: Data were recorded on 10 individual plants in both
generations M1 and M2 to estimate; Plant height (cm), number of leaves
per plant, number of corms, corm length (cm), corm weight (kg), corm
diameter and corm shape index (cm).
Statistical procedures:
Data were recorded on individual plants on random samples of ten
guarded plants from each M1 and M2. The means of the ten plants were
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 75
subjected to the statistical analysis according to Snedecor and Cochran
Genotype means, ranges, coefficients of variation (CV %) and
standard errors of the M1 and M2 populations were calculated for all the
studied traits from raw data. Also, a separate analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was performed for all the studied traits in M1 and M2
generations according to Snedecor and Cochran (1980). Whereas,
means were compared by using the least significant difference (LSD) test
at 5% probability levels.
Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variance, heritability in
broad sense, genetic advance (GA) and genetic advance as a percentage
of mean (GAM) were calculated using the formula given by Falconer
(1981). Desirable plants were selected in M2 generation at 5% level of
selection intensity. Skewness and kurtosis were calculated as well as
normality of distribution was tested by Shapiro-Wilk W test for all
studied traits (De Carlo, 1997).
The irradiated doses showed high survival rate (above 80 %),
except the dose 120 Gy which is considered as the lethal dose of 50%
deaths (LD50). So, the study estimates the effect of Gamma doses 0
(control), 30, 60 and 90 Gy on Balady Taro variety during M1 and M2
generations on seven economic traits.
Mean performance of M1 and M2 generations plants: Significant
differences were observed among the treatments of gamma rays and the
control for most of the studied traits (Table 1).
Plant height results illustrated (Table 1), were high in all applied
doses. There was a gradual decrease for plant height by gamma rays dose
decreasing and significant differences at 0.05 were found between
control and all treatments. Based on observations of plant height, high
doses (gray) greatly affected the height of taro plant, the higher dose was
given the lower height of taro plant. Similar results were obtained by
Fadli et al. (2018). High decrease in plants or plants becomes stunted
due to the influence of high doses due to physiological disorders or
chromosomal damage caused by mutagen (gamma ray radiation).
Gamma rays belong to pegionic radiation and interact with atoms or
molecules to produce free radicals (losing one electron from the free
electron pair) in the cell. These radicals can damage or modify very
important components in plant cells and cause partial changes of
morphology, anatomy, biochemistry and plant physiology depending on
76 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
the level of radiation. This showed mutation breeding can create genetic
diversity in quantitative characters, so that it affects plants growth (Al-
Safadi et al., 2009).
Number of leaves: The used treatments showed differences in number of
leaves between 30, 60, 90 and control. Number of leaves were affected
significantly by increasing gamma rays treatments and the highest
number of leaves was obtained from 30 Gy treatments (Puchooa, 2005
and Nurilmala et al., 2017).
Number of corms and corm traits: Number of corms were affected
significantly by increasing gamma rays doses where the treatment 30 Gy
Gamma rays produced the highest number of corms, which was
significantly higher than the corm number of untreated plants (control) as
well as the rest of doses. Moustafa et al. (2018) reported that 30 Gy
Gamma rays produced the highest value in number of corms, maximum
number of corms per plant in M1 and M2 generation. Kumari and
Kumar (2015) found minimum number of corms per plant was resulted
at the highest dose of gamma rays (90Gy).
Table 1: Phenotypic mean performance for the studied traits over
three doses of gamma rays compared with control through
M1 and M2 generations of Taro.
Plant height
No. of leaves No. of corm
Corm Weight
M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2
30 Gamma 225.810 231.200 4.000 4.500 3.900 3.900 1.666 1.847
60 Gamma 186.750 188.660 3.300 3.200 3.100 3.000 0.517 0.572
90 Gamma 167.630 173.210 2.300 3.500 2.700 2.600 0.456 0.407
Control 221.630 222.600 3.600 3.700 3.100 2.900 0.783 0.763
Grand mean 200.455 203.918 3.300 3.725 3.200 3.100 0.856 0.897
LSD at 0.05 5.064 9.291 0.487 0.534 0.336 0.543 0.068 0.138
LSD at 0.01 8.191 15.030 0.787 0.864 0.543 0.543 0.110 0.222
Corm Length
Corm Diameter
Corm Shape
M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2
30 Gamma 11.360 11.770 9.770 10.580 1.333 1.387
60 Gamma 9.050 10.130 8.810 8.490 1.079 1.245
90 Gamma 8.090 9.620 7.920 7.480 0.955 0.916
Control 10.150 10.280 9.690 9.534 1.184 1.062
Grand mean 9.663 10.450 9.048 9.021 1.138 1.152
LSD at 0.05 1.019 0.935 0.560 1.031 0.089 0.143
LSD at 0.01 1.648 1.513 0.905 1.668 0.143 0.231
Analysis of variance: In order to demonstrate the differences between
the studied traits analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed during
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 77
two generations M1 and M2 as presented in Table (2). The results
showed that all the studied traits showed highly significant
differences(p<0.01) in both generations. These results reflected the effect
of Gamma rays on Taro. The coefficient of variance (CV %) ranged from
4.780 for plant height to 21.505 for number of corms. The traits with
CV% between 10% and 20% are having “moderate variability”, while
traits with CV% greater than 20% had “high variability” (Gomez and
Gomez, 1984).
Table (2): Analysis of variance for the studied traits during M1 and
M2 generations of Taro.
Plant height Number of leaves Number of corms Corm weight
M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2
Replications 2 22.969 9.604 0.037 0.100 0.009 0.065 0.000 0.004
Treatments 3 2355.708** 2289.076** 1.483** 0.850* 0.730** 0.878** 0.928** 1.278**
Error 6 10.189 34.301 0.094 0.113 0.045 0.045 0.002 0.008
Coefficient of
variation %
4.780 6.710 15.442 13.251 17.359 25.162 7.745 17.951
Corm length Corm diameter Corm shape index
M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2
Replications 2 0.702 0.319 0.626 0.763 0.002 0.009
Treatments 3 6.094** 2.614* 2.234** 5.761** 0.074** 0.118**
Error 6 0.412 0.347 0.124 0.422 0.003 0.008
Coefficient of
variation %
10.450 7.371 9.058 8.545 12.192 10.871
As shown in Table (3) phenotypic variation was higher in
magnitude than the genotypic variation in respect to all traits. This
suggesting the existence of genetic variability but the phenotypic
variations were also moderately influenced by the environment as well as
interactions at different levels. Maximum phenotypic coefficient of
variance (PCV %) was observed for plant height (280.792 M1, 275.003
M2) followed by corms weight (60.259 M1, 69.326 M2), corm length
(48.855 M1, 32.486 M2), number of corms (35.236 M1, 39.190 M2).
Maximum genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV %) was observed for
plant height (278.980 M1, 268.935 M2) followed by corms weight
(60.081 M1, 68.719 M2), corm length (44.275 M1, 26.886 M2), number
of corms (32.220 M1, 36.370 M2). In the present study phenotypic
coefficient of variation was higher than that of genotypic coefficient of
variation for all traits. The same results were reported by Paul et al.
(2011) and Kumar et al. (2017). That indicated those traits interacted
with the environments to a considerable extent. Also, moderate
differences between PCV and GCV indicating some amount of
variability were found between the studied materials, depicting the
possibility for improvement through selection in later generations.
78 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Table (3): Phenotypic mean performance, standard error (SE),
broad sense heritability (h2
bs), genetic advance (GA) and
genetic advance as percentage of mean (GAM) during M1 and
M2 generations of Taro.
Plant height
Number of leaves Number of corms
Corm weight
M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2
Mean 100.455 103.918 3.300 3.725 2.200 2.100 0.856 0.897
SE 1.507 2.157 0.154 0.155 0.113 0.155 0.024 0.036
SD 4.766 6.821 0.488 0.490 0.358 0.491 0.076 0.115
Vph 781.840 751.592 0.463 0.245 0.228 0.278 0.309 0.424
Vg 792.029 785.892 0.557 0.359 0.273 0.323 0.311 0.431
PCV % 280.792 275.003 41.087 31.036 35.236 39.190 60.259 69.326
GCV % 278.980 268.935 37.456 25.665 32.220 36.370 60.081 68.719
bs 0.987 0.956 0.831 0.684 0.836 0.861 0.994 0.983
GA 4.766 6.821 0.488 0.490 0.358 0.491 0.076 0.115
GAM % 9.668 13.405 0.834 0.688 0.615 0.870 0.155 0.233
Corm length
Corm diameter
Corm shape index
M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2
Mean 9.663 10.450 9.048 9.021 1.138 1.152
SE 0.320 0.245 0.247 0.231 0.044 0.041
SD 1.013 0.775 0.781 0.731 0.139 0.130
Vph 1.894 0.755 0.703 1.780 0.023 0.037
Vg 2.306 1.103 0.828 2.202 0.027 0.045
PCV % 48.855 32.486 30.248 49.406 15.293 19.686
GCV % 44.275 26.886 27.881 44.417 14.368 17.810
bs 0.821 0.685 0.850 0.808 0.883 0.818
GA 1.013 0.775 0.781 0.731 0.139 0.130
GAM % 1.710 1.091 1.364 1.214 0.253 0.219
Broad sense heritability (h2
bs) was calculated as the ratio between
total phenotypic variance to genetic variance as presented in Table (3).
Most of the studied traits had higher heritability (more than 60 %). The
higher heritability values indicated that selection can be done in early
generations. Genetic advance ranged from 0.781 (corm diameter) to
0.076 (corm weight) in M1 generation and from 1.013 (corm length) to
0.115 (corm weight) in M2 generation.
Plant breeder can use both parameters of heritability and genetic
advance, as a percent of mean (GAM), to indentify gene action for the
studied traits. In the present study, both parameters were calculated in
both generations as shown in Table (3). Two traits had higher values of
heritability (9.668, 13.405 for plant height, 0.155, 0.233 for corm weight
in M1 and M2 generations, respectively, coupled with high genetic
advance as a percent of mean. These results indicated that additive gene
action controlling these two traits. Therefore, these traits can be
improved through selection in early generations (Paul et al., 2011 and
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 79
Kumar et al., 2017).While, the remaining traits had higher heritability
values coupled with low genetic advance as percent of mean or low
heritability values with low GAM indicating that these traits controlled
by non-additive gene action (dominance or epistasis if present) as found
by Kumar et al. (2017); Paul et al. (2011) and Cheema et al.
(2007).The combination between these two parameters provides better
information to the breeder to how selects using heritability or genetic
advance alone and considerable improvement could be done by selecting
the best individual. Also, similar results had been reported by Cheema et
al. (2007) and Choudhary et al. (2011).
In the current study, data show that 30 Gy dose was the best dose
which produced the maximum variability in M2 generation,where the
study focused on the plants were produced from this dose and selected
the most promising plants to form the M3 generation. More details about
that dose are given in Table (4) and Figure (1). The maximum
phenotypic mean performance for all the studied traits was recorded
under 30 Gy dose. Selection was done on the plants under this dose to
select the best plants which had higher mean values more than the grand
mean of M2 generation. Selection was done under 5 % selection intensity
pressures to select the best five plants from the M2 population under that
dose only. As presented in Table (5) all selected plants had higher
phenotypic mean performance than the original population. Those plants
would form the M3 generation in the next season.
Table (4): Statistics for the 30 Gamma ray overall the studied traits
during M2 generation of Taro.
Plant height
Number of
Number of
Corm length
Original population
Mean 131.200 4.500 2.800 1.847 11.770 10.030 1.387
Standard Error 0.904 0.167 0.133 0.095 0.273 0.385 0.068
Median 130.000 4.500 3.000 1.825 12.000 10.600 1.408
Standard Deviation 2.860 0.527 0.422 0.300 0.863 1.218 0.216
Variance 8.178 0.278 0.178 0.090 0.745 1.485 0.047
Skewness 0.306 -0.087 -1.103 0.067 0.569 0.000 -1.779
Kurtosis -0.288 1.147 -0.559 -1.543 -0.607 -2.571 1.406
Selected population
Mean 133.000 4.600 2.800 1.895 11.840 10.740 1.488
Standard Error 1.265 0.245 0.200 0.187 0.186 0.117 0.106
Median 134.000 5.000 3.000 1.876 12.000 10.700 1.609
Standard Deviation 2.828 0.548 0.447 0.418 0.416 0.261 0.238
Variance 8.000 0.300 0.200 0.175 0.173 0.068 0.057
Selection differential 0.048 0.070 0.160 0.101 1.800 0.100 0.100
GA 0.233 1.092 1.215 0.219 13.412 0.689 0.870
GAM% 12.288 9.222 11.311 14.711 10.084 14.968 29.001
80 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Table (5): Mean performance for the selected M2 plants from 30
gamma ray over the studied traits of Taro.
Number of
Corm weight
Corm length
Corm shape
3 130.000 4.000 3.000 2.317 12.000 10.600 1.385
4 135.000 5.000 3.000 2.304 12.000 11.000 1.636
5 134.000 4.000 3.000 1.876 12.100 10.700 1.693
6 136.000 5.000 2.000 1.598 12.000 10.400 1.118
7 130.000 5.000 3.000 1.380 11.100 11.000 1.609
Mean 133.000 4.600 2.800 1.895 11.840 10.740 1.488
Skewness and kurtosis values describe the symmetry and vertex of
the sampled distributions relative to the normal distribution are shown in
Figure (1) for 30 Gy dose. The current study considered both skewness
and kurtosis should be zero for a perfectly normally distributed variable
(De Carlo, 1997). In fact, the ideal kurtosis value is three but most
statistical packages subtract 3 from the value so that both skew and
kurtosis ideal values are zero. Thus, the negative value of skewness
indicates that skewness to the left and positive values indicated skewness
to the right. Data presented in Table (4) revealed slightly negative to
positive skewness. A positive skewness values were recorded for plant
height, corm weight, corm length and corm diameter, while negative
values were observed for number of leaves, number of corm and corm
shape index. Positive skewness, though a value of zero does not
necessarily indicate perfect symmetry. On the other hand, Kurtosis
measures the apex of a distribution. A positive value typically indicates
that the distribution has a sharper peak, thinner shoulders, and fatter tails
than the normal distribution. The low values of both skewness and
kurtosis over all studied traits under 30 Gy dose reflect solid
confirmation of data homogeneity and normality.
It could be concluded that gamma rays affected widely the
variability and breeder can select excellent strains through 30 Gy
treatment, while, the treatment 120 Gy was lethal and stopped
germination in Taro corms. The 30 Gy dose was the best producing
maximum variation in M2 generation. Selection was done on the plants
under this dose to select the better plants were selected according to high
vegetative growth, plant height, number of leaves per plant, number of
corms, corm length, corm weight, corm diameter and corm shape index.
Results of evaluated M2 generation clones can be summarize as follows:
selection based on weight of corm was efficient to increase total yield
and corm quality, the clone's number 3, 4 and 5 produced the highest
number of corms / plant and the highest corm weight. the selected clone's
number 3, 4 and 5 are recommended for cultivation in Delta Egypt.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 81
Figure (1). Normal distribution curve for M2 of the 30 Gamma dose
overall the studied traits of Taro.
82 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
The author is grateful to Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdelmoghny
(PhD), Senior Researcher (Cotton Breeder) at Cotton Breeding
Department, Cotton Research Institute (CRI), Agricultural Research
Center (ARC). Also, Dr. Amr Mounir (PhD), Researcher at Nuclear
Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority for encouragement, helping
and cooperation.
Adejumo, J. (1998). Food preservation by gamma irradiation BSc
Project Department of Physics, Obafemi Awolowo University,
Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
Ali, H. ; Z. Ghori ; S. Sheikh and A. Gul (2016). Effects of gamma
radiation on crop production. In: Hakeem KR, editor. Crop
Production and Global Environmental Issues. Springer
International Publishing, Switzerland. pp. 27-78.
Al-Safadi, B. ; Z. Ayyoubi and and D. Jawdat (2000). The effect of
gamma irradiation on potato micro tuber production in vitro.
Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 61(3):183-187.
Anonymous, (1981). Wholesomeness of irradiated food report of a joint
FAO/IAEA/ WHO expert committee. Technical Report Series:
659. WHO, Geneva.
Bansa, D. and V. Appiah (2003). Preservation of yams by gamma
radiation J. Ghana Sci. Assoc., 1: 3.
Beyaz, R. and M. Yildiz (2017). The Use of Gamma Irradiation in Plant
Mutation. Breeding in Book Plant Engineering. Pp. 33-46.
Bruhn, C. M. (1998). Consumer acceptance of irradiated food: Theory
and reality. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 52:129–133.
Cheema, D. S. ; H. Singh; A. S. Dhatt; A. S. Sidhu and N. Garg
(2007). Studies on Genetic Variability and Correlation for Yield
and Quality Traits in Arvi (Colocasia esculenta L.). Schott.
Acta, Horticulture, 752:255-260.
Choudhary, V. K. ; S. P. Kumar ; J. George ; M. Kanwat and R.
Saravanan (2011). Genetic variability and correlation for yield
and quality traits in Taro under mid-hills of Arunachal Pradesh.
J. Root Crops, 37(2): 155-161.
Fadli, N. ; Z. Syarif; B. Satria and N. Akhir (2018). The Effect of
Gamma Cobalt-60 Ray Irradiation on Cultivar Growth in Taro
White (Xhanthosoma Sagittifolium L.). Int. J. of Env., Agric.
and Biotech. (IJEAB), 3 (6): 2020-2025.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 83
Falconer, D. S. (1981). Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. 2nd Ed.
Longman Inc., New York.
FDA (1986). Irradiation in the production, processing and handling of
food. Food and Drug Administration (Federal Register), 51(75):
Fox, J.A. (2002). Influence on purchase of irradiated foods. Food
Technol., 56(11): 34-37.
Gomez, K.A. and A.A. Gomez (1984). Statistical procedures for
agricultural research 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. NY.
Hayes, D.J. ; J.A. Fox and J.F. Shogren (2002). Experts and advocates:
How information affects the demand for food irradiation. Food
Policy, 27:185-193.
IAEA (1992). Irradiation of spices, herbs and other vegetable seasonings.
IAEA (2007). Food Irradiation: A Powerful Nuclear Tool for Food
Safety. Retrieved from: http://www.IAEA-food-irrad-tool0807S.
Johnson, H.W. ; H. F. Robinson and R.E. Comstock (1955). Estimates
of genetic and environmental variability in soybeans. Agron. J.,
Kumar, A. ; M. L. Kushwaha ; A. Panchbhaiya and P. Verma
(2017). Studies on genetic variability in different genotypes of
Taro. J. of Hill Agric., 8 (3):274-278.
Kumari, K. and S. Kumar (2015). Effect of Gamma Irradiation on
Vegetative and Propagule Characters in Gladiolus and Induction of
Homeotic Mutants. Int. J. Agric. Env. and Biotech., 8 (2):413-422.
Moustafa, S.M. ; E.A. Agina ; Y.A.A. Ghatas and Y.A.M. El-Gazzar
(2018). Effect of Gamma rays, Microwave and Colchicine on
some Morphological and Cytological Characteristics of
Gladiolus grandiflorus c v. White Prosperity. Middle East J.
Agric. Res., 7 (4):1827-1839.
Mulualem, T. ; G. Welde Michael and K. Belachew (2013). Genetic
Diversity of Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) Genotypes
in Ethiopia Based on Agronomic Traits. Time J. of Arts and
Educational Res., 1(2) 6-10.
Nurilmala, F. ; R. P. Hutagaol ; I. M. Widhyastini ; U. Widyastuti
and Suharsono (2017). Somaclonal variation induction of
Bogor taro (Colocasia esculenta) by gamma irradiation.
Biodiversitas, 18 (1): 28-33.
84 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Oladosu, Y. ; M.Y. Rafii; N. Abdullah ; H. Ghazali ; R. Asfaliza ; H.A.
Rahim ; G. Miah and M. Usman (2016). Principle and
application of plant mutagenesis in crop improvement: A review.
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment,30 (1):1-16.
Parry, M.A.J. ; P.J. Madgwick ; C. Bayon ; K. Tearall ; A.
Hernandez-Lopez ; M. Baudo ; M. Rakszegi ; W. Hamada ;
A. Al-Yassin ; H. Ouabbou ; M. Labhilili and A. L. Phillips
(2009). Mutation discovery for crop improvement. Journal of
Experimental Botany, 60 (10): 2817-2825.
Paul, K. K. ; M. A. Bari and S. C. Debnath (2011). Genetic variability
of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott. Bangladesh J. Bot., 40(2):
Penna, S. ; S. B. Vitthal and P. V. Yadav (2012). In vitro mutagenesis
and selection in plant tissue cultures and their prospects for crop
improvement. Global Science Book., 6 (1):6-14.
Puchooa, D. (2005). In vitro Mutation Breeding of Anthurium by
Gamma Radiation. Int J Agri Bio., 7 (1): 11-20.
Robinson, H. F. ; R. E. Comstock and P. H. Harvey (1949). Estimates
of heritability anddegree of dominance in corn. Agron. J.,
Rudyatmi, E. and S. R. Enni (2014). Central Java local taro
characterization (identification of germplasm sources as an
alternative food conservation effort). Department of Biology,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Semarang State
University, 12 (1): .
Sahoo, M. R. ; B. B. Sahoo ; P.C. Kole ; A. Mukherjee ; S. S. Roy ; N.
Prakashand and S. V. Ngachan (2012). Induction of stress
tolerance and characterization of taro (Colocasia esculenta L.
(Schott)) genotypes against Phytophthora leaf blight disease. In:
Global Conference on Horticulture for Food, Nutrition and
Livelihood Options, May 28-31, Bhubaneswar, p. 79.
Sivasubramanian, S. and M. Menon (1973). Heterosis and inbreeding
depression in rice. Madras Agric. J., 60:1139-1140.
Tewodros, M. (2012). Diversity analysis of taro (Colocasia esculenta L.)
Schott) in Ethiopia., Lambert Acadamic Publishing.
Saarbrucken, Germany.
WHO (World Health Organization) (1988). Food Irradiation: A
Technique for Preserving and Improving the Safety of Food
(WHO Publication in Collaboration with FAO). pp. 144-149.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 85
إحداث تغي ا رت و ا رثية في القلقاس بإستخدام اشعة جاما
أماني حافظ عبدالله محمود غريب
مرکز البحوث الز ا رعيو - معيد بحوث البساتين - قسم بحوث تربية الخضر والنباتات الطبية والعطرية
أجريت ىذه الد ا رسة خلال موسمين متتاليين 2012 و 2012 بمحطة بحوث البساتين
بالقناطر الخيريو ، محافظة القميوبية ، مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية ، مصر و ذلک بيدف د ا رسة
20 و 120 ج ا ري( بالإضافة إلى الکنترول ، 60 ، تأثير أربع جرعات من أشعة جاما ) 30
وکانت . (M و 2 M مقارنة )صفر تشعيع( عمى المحصول ومکوناتو من القمقاس خلال جيمين ( 1
الجرعو 120 ج ا ري ذو تأثير مميت لمنباتات.
أظيرت النتائج وجود فروق معنوية عالية لجميع الصفات المدروسة خلال جيمين مما
يدل عمى وجود اختلافات معنوية بين المعاملات الأربعة ، بينما کان معامل التباين المظيري
أعمى من معامل التباين الو ا رثي لجميع الصفات. أثرت أشعة جاما بشکل کبير عمى التباين
الجيني مما يجعميا طريقة جيدة لإنتخاب سلالات جديدة في القمقاس .
کذلک اظيرت النتائج تفوق النباتات الناتجو من التشعيع بجرعة 30 غ ا ري في جيل
تم الانتخاب عمى النباتات تحت تمک الجرعة لانتقاء أفضل النباتات وتم اختيار النباتات M2.
وفق ا لمنمو الخضري المرتفع ، ارتفاع النبات ، عدد الأو ا رق لکل نبات ، عدد الکورمات ، طول
الکرمة ، وزن وقطر الکرمة وکذلک معامل شکل الکرمة .
عمى النحو التالي: کان الاختيار عمى أساس وزن M يمکن تمخيص نتائج الجيل التاني 2
الکرمة وذلک لزيادة العائد الکمي وجودة الکورمات ، ان السلالات رقم 3 و 4 و 5 أکبر عدد من
الکورمات / النبات وأعمى وزن لمکورمة.
86 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021

Adejumo, J. (1998). Food preservation by gamma irradiation BSc
Project Department of Physics, Obafemi Awolowo University,
Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
Ali, H. ; Z. Ghori ; S. Sheikh and A. Gul (2016). Effects of gamma
radiation on crop production. In: Hakeem KR, editor. Crop
Production and Global Environmental Issues. Springer
International Publishing, Switzerland. pp. 27-78.
Al-Safadi, B. ; Z. Ayyoubi and and D. Jawdat (2000). The effect of
gamma irradiation on potato micro tuber production in vitro.
Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 61(3):183-187.
Anonymous, (1981). Wholesomeness of irradiated food report of a joint
FAO/IAEA/ WHO expert committee. Technical Report Series:
659. WHO, Geneva.
Bansa, D. and V. Appiah (2003). Preservation of yams by gamma
radiation J. Ghana Sci. Assoc., 1: 3.
Beyaz, R. and M. Yildiz (2017). The Use of Gamma Irradiation in Plant
Mutation. Breeding in Book Plant Engineering. Pp. 33-46.
Bruhn, C. M. (1998). Consumer acceptance of irradiated food: Theory
and reality. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 52:129–133.
Cheema, D. S. ; H. Singh; A. S. Dhatt; A. S. Sidhu and N. Garg
(2007). Studies on Genetic Variability and Correlation for Yield
and Quality Traits in Arvi (Colocasia esculenta L.). Schott.
Acta, Horticulture, 752:255-260.
Choudhary, V. K. ; S. P. Kumar ; J. George ; M. Kanwat and R.
Saravanan (2011). Genetic variability and correlation for yield
and quality traits in Taro under mid-hills of Arunachal Pradesh.
J. Root Crops, 37(2): 155-161.
Fadli, N. ; Z. Syarif; B. Satria and N. Akhir (2018). The Effect of
Gamma Cobalt-60 Ray Irradiation on Cultivar Growth in Taro
White (Xhanthosoma Sagittifolium L.). Int. J. of Env., Agric.
and Biotech. (IJEAB), 3 (6): 2020-2025.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 83
Falconer, D. S. (1981). Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. 2nd Ed.
Longman Inc., New York.
FDA (1986). Irradiation in the production, processing and handling of
food. Food and Drug Administration (Federal Register), 51(75):
Fox, J.A. (2002). Influence on purchase of irradiated foods. Food
Technol., 56(11): 34-37.
Gomez, K.A. and A.A. Gomez (1984). Statistical procedures for
agricultural research 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons. NY.
Hayes, D.J. ; J.A. Fox and J.F. Shogren (2002). Experts and advocates:
How information affects the demand for food irradiation. Food
Policy, 27:185-193.
IAEA (1992). Irradiation of spices, herbs and other vegetable seasonings.
IAEA (2007). Food Irradiation: A Powerful Nuclear Tool for Food
Safety. Retrieved from: http://www.IAEA-food-irrad-tool0807S.
Johnson, H.W. ; H. F. Robinson and R.E. Comstock (1955). Estimates
of genetic and environmental variability in soybeans. Agron. J.,
Kumar, A. ; M. L. Kushwaha ; A. Panchbhaiya and P. Verma
(2017). Studies on genetic variability in different genotypes of
Taro. J. of Hill Agric., 8 (3):274-278.
Kumari, K. and S. Kumar (2015). Effect of Gamma Irradiation on
Vegetative and Propagule Characters in Gladiolus and Induction of
Homeotic Mutants. Int. J. Agric. Env. and Biotech., 8 (2):413-422.
Moustafa, S.M. ; E.A. Agina ; Y.A.A. Ghatas and Y.A.M. El-Gazzar
(2018). Effect of Gamma rays, Microwave and Colchicine on
some Morphological and Cytological Characteristics of
Gladiolus grandiflorus c v. White Prosperity. Middle East J.
Agric. Res., 7 (4):1827-1839.
Mulualem, T. ; G. Welde Michael and K. Belachew (2013). Genetic
Diversity of Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) Genotypes
in Ethiopia Based on Agronomic Traits. Time J. of Arts and
Educational Res., 1(2) 6-10.
Nurilmala, F. ; R. P. Hutagaol ; I. M. Widhyastini ; U. Widyastuti
and Suharsono (2017). Somaclonal variation induction of
Bogor taro (Colocasia esculenta) by gamma irradiation.
Biodiversitas, 18 (1): 28-33.
84 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Oladosu, Y. ; M.Y. Rafii; N. Abdullah ; H. Ghazali ; R. Asfaliza ; H.A.
Rahim ; G. Miah and M. Usman (2016). Principle and
application of plant mutagenesis in crop improvement: A review.
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment,30 (1):1-16.
Parry, M.A.J. ; P.J. Madgwick ; C. Bayon ; K. Tearall ; A.
Hernandez-Lopez ; M. Baudo ; M. Rakszegi ; W. Hamada ;
A. Al-Yassin ; H. Ouabbou ; M. Labhilili and A. L. Phillips
(2009). Mutation discovery for crop improvement. Journal of
Experimental Botany, 60 (10): 2817-2825.
Paul, K. K. ; M. A. Bari and S. C. Debnath (2011). Genetic variability
of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott. Bangladesh J. Bot., 40(2):
Penna, S. ; S. B. Vitthal and P. V. Yadav (2012). In vitro mutagenesis
and selection in plant tissue cultures and their prospects for crop
improvement. Global Science Book., 6 (1):6-14.
Puchooa, D. (2005). In vitro Mutation Breeding of Anthurium by
Gamma Radiation. Int J Agri Bio., 7 (1): 11-20.
Robinson, H. F. ; R. E. Comstock and P. H. Harvey (1949). Estimates
of heritability anddegree of dominance in corn. Agron. J.,
Rudyatmi, E. and S. R. Enni (2014). Central Java local taro
characterization (identification of germplasm sources as an
alternative food conservation effort). Department of Biology,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Semarang State
University, 12 (1): .
Sahoo, M. R. ; B. B. Sahoo ; P.C. Kole ; A. Mukherjee ; S. S. Roy ; N.
Prakashand and S. V. Ngachan (2012). Induction of stress
tolerance and characterization of taro (Colocasia esculenta L.
(Schott)) genotypes against Phytophthora leaf blight disease. In:
Global Conference on Horticulture for Food, Nutrition and
Livelihood Options, May 28-31, Bhubaneswar, p. 79.
Sivasubramanian, S. and M. Menon (1973). Heterosis and inbreeding
depression in rice. Madras Agric. J., 60:1139-1140.
Tewodros, M. (2012). Diversity analysis of taro (Colocasia esculenta L.)
Schott) in Ethiopia., Lambert Acadamic Publishing.
Saarbrucken, Germany.
WHO (World Health Organization) (1988). Food Irradiation: A
Technique for Preserving and Improving the Safety of Food
(WHO Publication in Collaboration with FAO). pp. 144-149.