Document Type : Original Article


Afield trial including plant cane crop and 1st ratoon were conducted in
Mallawi Research Station-Minya Governorate (latitude of 28°10' N,
longitude of 30°75' E and altitude of 55 m above sea level) during
2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons to study the effect of dry-off periods (30
and 45 days before harvesting date) and potassium fertilizer “K” levels
(zero, 36 and 72 kg K2O/fed) on yield and quality of the some sugarcane
varieties (G.2003-47, G.2003-49, G.84-47 and G.2004-27), as compared
with the commercial variety GT54-9. A split split-plot design with three
replications was used. Drying-off periods were allocated in the main plots,
whereas K levels were distributed in the sub-plot, and sugarcane varieties
were randomly distributed in the sub–sub plot. The results showed that
raising dry-off period from 30 to 45 days led to a significant decrease in
cane yield reached 12% for the plant cane, corresponding to 10.92% in the
1st ratoon. Increasing K level from zero up to 72 kg K2O/fed produced an
increase in sugar yield by 24.29% and 20.11% in the plant cane and the 1st
ratoon, respectively. Sugar yield was negatively affected by the increase of
dry off days, which decreased by 13.6% in plant cane and 5.5% for the 1st
ratoon. However, sugar yield increased by raising K level up to 72 kg
K2O/fed by 34% and 30.34% in the plant cane and the 1st ratoon ,
respectively. Under the conditions of the current work, it could be
recommended that irrigating dry-off 30 days before harvesting date with 72
kg K2O/fed would attain the highest cane and sugar yields/fed.


The results concluded that the highest cane and sugar yields were
recorded with sugar cane varieties, G.2003-47, G.2003-49, G.84/47
varieties, respectively, indicating that they are a greater promise, that can
be evaluated in subsequent regional selection programs. Also, the best
treated by 72 kg k2o/fed under the dry-off day of 30 days.


Main Subjects

Yasser M. Abdelazez
Sugar Crops Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt
Corresponding author:
Key Words: Dry-off days, K2O, soil, sugar cane varieties.
Afield trial including plant cane crop and 1st ratoon were conducted in
Mallawi Research Station-Minya Governorate (latitude of 28°10' N,
longitude of 30°75' E and altitude of 55 m above sea level) during
2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons to study the effect of dry-off periods (30
and 45 days before harvesting date) and potassium fertilizer “K” levels
(zero, 36 and 72 kg K2O/fed) on yield and quality of the some sugarcane
varieties (G.2003-47, G.2003-49, G.84-47 and G.2004-27), as compared
with the commercial variety GT54-9. A split split-plot design with three
replications was used. Drying-off periods were allocated in the main plots,
whereas K levels were distributed in the sub-plot, and sugarcane varieties
were randomly distributed in the sub–sub plot. The results showed that
raising dry-off period from 30 to 45 days led to a significant decrease in
cane yield reached 12% for the plant cane, corresponding to 10.92% in the
1st ratoon. Increasing K level from zero up to 72 kg K2O/fed produced an
increase in sugar yield by 24.29% and 20.11% in the plant cane and the 1st
ratoon, respectively. Sugar yield was negatively affected by the increase of
dry off days, which decreased by 13.6% in plant cane and 5.5% for the 1st
ratoon. However, sugar yield increased by raising K level up to 72 kg
K2O/fed by 34% and 30.34% in the plant cane and the 1st ratoon ,
respectively. Under the conditions of the current work, it could be
recommended that irrigating dry-off 30 days before harvesting date with 72
kg K2O/fed would attain the highest cane and sugar yields/fed.
Sugar cane is one of those crops that are seriously affected in quality
by lesser moisture although it doesn’t show much in growth (Kakde, 1985).
Water stress causes primarily stomatal closure, decrease assimilation and
therefore growth. Although water stress induces negative growth, it is not
always injurious. In certain cases, it improves the quality of the plant
products especially when the yield is a chemical constituent (sugar, fiber
etc). Since water stress favours the decomposition of starch and protein for
the formation of certain chemical constituents (Ramulu, 1998).
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 131-149
Drying-off is easily accomplished on deep soils of good moisture
holding capacity simply by withholding irrigation water for some weeks
prior to harvest. On shallow soils adequate dry-off to induce ripening
induces serious problems as the leaf canopy may be excessively damaged or
on in extreme cases, the whole plant may be killed (Blackburn, 1984).
Drying-off is also necessary for the practical purpose of allowing the
mobility of in-field harvesting machineries. Soil wetness during harvest time
has a pronounced effect on the mechanical properties of the soil (Daniel,
1982) and this has determining factor on the ease with which the crop will
be harvested (efficiency, workability) and hence, has effect on successive
ratoon management. Generally, ripening period is more important for its
effect on juice quality and hence, optimum harvest time (Kakde, 1985).
Irrigated sugarcane is dried off to prepare the field for harvesting and to
increase sucrose yield (Singels et al, 2000). A gradual drying off irrigation
holds much promise to increase yields and quality. In ratoon
sugarcane, irrigation is often withheld before harvest to reduce soil
compaction from harvesting machinery and to enhance quality parameters
(brix%, pol%, purity and estimated recoverable) to be deposited
preferentially in sugarcane stalks, (Inman-Bamber ,2004).
The 'K' uptake varies with soil and ecological conditions, as it was low
in Malawi (1.3 kg tˉ¹ haˉ¹). The information available from different sets of
soil and crop duration indicates different amount of 'K' utilized by the cane
crop. Sugar cane is known as a potassium devourer, its need reaching 600 to
800 Kg K2O per hectare per harvest; since potassium influences important
for most cell activities. It is a fact that today in most sugar cane areas, the
cane crops uptake more potash from the soil, thus leaving negative potash
balance, this observation shows that sugar cane areas are facing gradual
potassium impoverishment (Husz, 1972). Potassium fertilization in
Egyptian agriculture have become very important since the completion of
the High Dam because of the deposition of the suspended Nile silt-rich in K
bearing minerals in the upstream of the formed lake. So, the demand for
potash fertilization has been increased (Abd El-Hadi, 1989 and Abd El-
Hadi et al., 1990), and may be because of the existence of dynamic
equilibrium among the different sources of K in the soil. However,
continuous crop removal without compensation is likely to cause an
irreparable damage from the soil fertility of view. Potassium is an important
nutrient in sugarcane development and acts as an enzyme activator in the
plant metabolism such as in photosynthesis, protein synthesis and
translocation of sucrose from leaves to the stalk storage tissues. Also, it is
one of the essential elements required for growth and development of cane
plant. El-Geddawy et al., (2015) found that potassium element was the
highest common factor attained a significant effectiveness on cane and sugar
yield and their attributes. Increasing the applied dose of potassium fertilizer
132 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
was accompanied by a significant increase in the values of stalk length, stalk
thickness and stalk weight/plant in both seasons. Brix and sucrose
percentages, sugar recovery % and millable cane number were significantly
and positively responded to the increasing in potassium levels up to 64 kg
K2O/fed, however, 32 kg K2O/fed was enough to recorded the highest
significant values of purity in both seasons. Abu-Ellail et al., (2019) found
that increasing potassium levels significantly increased stalk length, stalk
diameter, stalk weight and number of stalk/m2, millable cane and yields of
cane and sugar. Potassium nutrition is very important for the ratoon crop and
it has got significant role in improving the cane yield and juice quality.
Potassium is the largest inorganic constituent of sugar juice amounting 34.50
per cent of the ash. It is also observed that higher content of potassium in the
leaf sheath during the early growth phase (4 - 6 months) increase the yields
and sugar content (Singh et al., 1999). Ahmed et al., (2013) studied all
possible combinations of three planting parts (top, middle and bottom), three
K application rates (60 and 90 kg/ha-1) and two varieties of sugarcane (NCS
008 and Bida local). They concluded that potassium application of 90 kg/ha-
1 is recommended for optimal growth and yield.
The objectives of this paper were to determine the impact of dryingoff
on cane and sugar yields and its components, as well as to quantify the
relationship between dry-off and potassium fertilization in sugarcane
Field trials including plant cane crop (2017/2018 season) and 1st
ratoon (2018/2019 season) were conducted in Mallawi Agricultural
Research Station, EL-Minia Governorate, Egypt (latitude of 28°10' N,
longitude of 30°75' E and altitude of 55 m above sea level), to investigate
the effect of dry-off period before harvesting date (30 and 45 days) and
potassium fertilizer rate (36 and 72 kg K2O/fed) on yield and juice
quality of some sugarcane varieties viz, G.2003-47, G.2003-49, G.84-47,
G.2004-27 and GT54-9. The experiment was laid out in a split split-plot
design with three replications, withholding irrigation treatments were
allocated in the main plots, while potassium fertilizer levels were
distributed in the sub plot, and sugarcane varieties were randomly
distributed in the sub-sub plot. Potassium fertilizer was applied as
potassium sulphate (48% K2O) in two doses after the 1st and 2nd hoeing,
i.e. 45 and 75 days from planting. Soil chemical and mechanical analyses
of the experimental site are presented in Table 1. The field was irrigated
immediately right after planting and all agronomic and plant protection
measures were kept uniform. The row length of 6 m and distance
between rows was 1.0 m, with plot area equal 18 m2. Planting was done
during the 1st of March 2017; plant crop was harvested on 12 months in
the 1st season and kept as a 1st ratoon, in the 2nd season. At harvest, data
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 133
were recorded for the two crop years (planting; plant cane (PC) and 1st
ratoon (FR)). Thirty plants were randomly taken from each plot to study
the following traits:
The recorded data
1. Stalk length (cm)
2. Stalk diameter (cm)
3. Cane yield (ton/fed) was calculated on the plot basis.
4. Brix percentage (total soluble solids, TSS %) was determined using
Brix Hydrometer, standardized at 20 OC.
5. Sucrose percentage of clarified juice was determined by using
Sacharemeter according to A.O.A.C. (1995).
6. Juice purity was calculated as: [(Sucrose / Brix) x 100].
7. Sugar recovery% was calculated according to the equation described
by Yadav & Sharma (1980) which is given below: SR= [Sucrose % -
0.4 (Brix – Sucrose %)] x 0.73
where: 0.4 = each pound of non-sucrose solids in the juice will retain 0.4
of a pound of sucrose and 0.73 is a correction factor for actual milling
conditions in factories that depends on the overall mean cane fiber
percentage during processing.
8. Sugar yield (ton/fed) was estimated by multiplying net cane yield
(ton/fed) by sugar recovery percentage.
Table. 1. Soil chemical and mechanical analysis of the experimental
site in both seasons.
Seasons 2017/2018 2018/2019
Physical analysis
Coarse sand% 3 2.5
Fine sand% 14 13.5
Silt% 43 41.6
Clay 40 42.4
Soil texture Silty clay Silty clay
Chemical analysis
So4 mg/g 0.54 0.58
CaCo3% 2.11 1.94
E.C.(1:5 extract ) mmhos/cm 1.82 1.71
PH(1:2.5 extract) 7.84 7.91
Organic matter% 1.19 1.16
Available N (PPM) 76.85 78.45
Available P (PPM) 5.2 5.3
Available K (PPM) 146 161
Statistical Analysis:
Data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance
according to procedures outlined by Steel et al., (1997) using MSTAT-C
computer package by Freed et al., (1989). Treatment mean comparisons
were performed using the least significant difference (LSD) at 5% level
of probability.
134 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Effect of drying-off and K fertilizer on stalk length
The results in table (2) showed that stalk length was significantly
decreased with raising dry-off from 30 to 45 days from 247.00 to 237.93 cm in
the plant cane and it was also decreased from 268.06 to 257.44 cm in plant cane
and the 1st ratoon. Meanwhile, stalk length was increased from 229922 to
255.67 cm in 1st and 247997 to 275.28 cm in 2nd season with increasing
potassium fertilizer levels from zero to 72 kg K2O/fed. Gameh, et al., (2015)
found that sugarcane stalk growth was positively responded to the K treatment.
Data in same table cleared that the stalk length for sugar cane varieties was
affected significantly in both seasons, the tallest plant was recorded by G.2003-
47 variety (269.50 cm) in cane plant and (286.17 cm) in 1st ratoon.
Table (2): Mean values of stalk length for sugarcane varieties as
affected by dry-off days and potassium fertilization.
Potassium levels ”kg K2O/fed” (K)
2017/2018 2018/2019
0 36 72 Mean 0 36 72 Mean
88 259.66 280.00 293.66 277.77 276.00 296.00 308.00 293.33
45 250.33 264.33 269.00 261.22 261.66 281.00 294.33 279.00
Mean 255.00 272.17 281.33 269.50 268.83 288.50 301.17 286.17
30 229.00 239.66 252.66 240.44 258.66 273.00 284.33 272.00
45 221.00 231.33 241.00 231.11 251.33 265.66 271.45 267.11
Mean 225.00 235.50 246.83 235.78 255.00 269.33 277.89 269.55
30 226.66 229.66 243.00 233.11 252.33 266.33 281.33 266.66
45 215.66 225.22 237.33 226.07 241.33 256.00 267.66 255.00
Mean 221.16 227.44 240.17 229.59 246.83 261.17 274.50 260.83
30 224.33 251.66 264.00 246.66 240.66 257.33 268.33 255.44
45 218.33 243.43 258.00 239.92 229.33 243.00 250.66 241.00
Mean 221.33 247.55 261.00 243.29 235.00 250.17 259.50 248.22
30 225.00 233.66 252.33 237.00 237.00 252.33 269.33 252.89
45 220.00 228.33 245.66 231.33 231.33 246.66 257.33 245.11
Mean 222.50 231.00 249.00 234.16 234.17 249.50 263.33 249.00
Mean of
D x K
30 232.93 246.93 261.13 247.00 252.93 269.00 282.26 268.06
45 225.06 238.53 250.20 237.93 243.00 258.46 268.29 257.44
Mean 229.00 242.73 255.67 242.46 247.97 263.73 275.28 262.75
V 1.15 1.33
K 1.24 1.63
D 2.34 2.30
V x D 2.33 3.76
K x D NS 4.60
V x K x D NS NS
Data in Table (2) illustrated that the stalk length (cm) was affected
significantly by the interaction between all treatments in both seasons, except
the 1st order interaction between sugarcane varieties and K fertilizer treatments
and the 2nd interaction among the three studied factors. It was found that the
increase in K fertilizer levels were increasable in stalk length (cm), but it was
decrease with raising of dry-off days with all experimental varieties in both
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 135
seasons. The highest values at 30 dry-off days and 72 kg K/fed by G.2003-
47variety were gave (293.66 cm) in plant cane and (308.00 cm) in the 1st ratoon.
Mahmoud et al., (2008) found that increasing potassium levels significantly
increased stalk length, stalk diameter, stalk weight and number of stalk/m2,
millable cane and yields of cane and sugar. Differences among cane varieties in
these traits were found by Abu-Ellail et al., (2019) and Masri et al., (2014).
Effect of drying-off and K fertilizer on stalk diameter (cm)
The results in Table (3) showed that increasing dry-off days and potassium
levels were significantly affects on stalk diameter in both sugarcane crops. Stalk
diameter was increased with raising potassium fertilizer levels. The results
showed that adding 72 kg K2O/fed level had the highest value (2.87cm) in plant
cane and (2.78cm) in the 1st ratoon. Otherwise, stalk diameter was decreased
with raising dry-off days from 30 to 45 days from (2.73 to 2.60 cm) in plant
cane, while it was decreased from (2.63 to 2.50 cm) in the 1st ratoon. Stalk
diameter significantly varied between sugarcane varieties in both seasons.
G.2003-49 variety registered the highest value (2.75 cm) in cane plant and its 1st
ratoon )2.70 cm( . Azeredo and Peixota (1978) found that fertilization with K
resulted in increasing stalk diameter and cane yield in the plant cane as well as
first and second ratoons.
Table (3): Mean values of stalk diameter for sugarcane varieties as
affected by dry-off days and potassium fertilization.
Dry-off period “day”
Potassium levels ”kg K2O/fed” (K)
2017/2018 2018/2019
0 36 72 Mean 0 36 72 Mean
30 2.56 2.93 3.13 2.87 2.59 2.78 2.97 2.78
45 2.26 2.79 2.84 2.63 2.43 2.56 2.84 2.61
Mean 2.41 2.86 2.99 2.75 2.51 2.67 2.91 2.70
30 2.33 2.74 2.79 2.62 2.23 2.56 2.73 2.51
45 2.25 2.61 2.72 2.53 2.16 2.26 2.64 2.35
Mean 2.29 2.68 2.76 2.57 2.20 2.41 2.69 2.43
30 2.33 2.75 2.86 2.65 2.43 2.61 2.86 2.63
45 2.25 2.66 2.71 2.54 2.37 2.51 2.66 2.51
Mean 2.29 2.71 2.79 2.59 2.40 2.56 2.76 2.57
30 2.46 2.88 3.01 2.78 2.53 2.67 2.83 2.68
45 2.39 2.64 2.85 2.63 2.38 2.54 2.94 2.62
Mean 2.43 2.76 2.93 2.71 2.46 2.61 2.89 2.65
30 2.51 2.77 2.95 2.74 2.41 2.52 2.76 2.56
45 2.42 2.66 2.87 2.65 2.26 2.41 2.61 2.43
Mean 2.47 2.72 2.91 2.70 2.34 2.47 2.69 2.50
Mean of
D x K
30 2.44 2.81 2.95 2.73 2.44 2.63 2.83 2.63
45 2.31 2.67 2.80 2.60 2.32 2.46 2.74 2.50
Mean 2.38 2.74 2.87 2.66 2.38 2.54 2.78 2.57
V 0.15 0.14
K 0.26 0.25
D 0.14 0.15
V x K x D NS NS
136 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
The interaction among the studied factors were not significant in
stalk diameter in both seasons, Generally, it was found that the increase in K
fertilizer levels were increasable stalk diameter (cm), but it was decrease
with raising of dry-off days with all experimental varieties in both seasons.
The highest value at 30 dry-off days and 72 kg K/fed by G.2003-47 variety
gave (3.13 cm) in plant cane and (2.97 cm) for the 1st ratoon.
Effect of drying-off and K fertilizer on cane yield
Data in Table (4) cleared that cane yield varied significantly between
sugar cane varieties, as well as between dry-off days and potassium levels in
both seasons. Cane yield/fed was increased with raising potassium fertilizer
levels. Adding 72 kg K2O/fed had a maximum cane yield/fed (45.14 ton) in
plant cane while in the first ratoon crop was (47.76 ton/fed). Meanwhile, with
unfertilized treatment registered the lowest value of cane yield/fed (35.93
ton) in plant cane, while the lowest value reported with check treatment of K
level (39.90 ton /fed) in the 1st ratoon. Gameh et al., (2015) found that cane
yield and its quality were increased by increasing potassium fertilization
level. Cane yield was significantly influenced by drying off period, the
reason could be reduction of plant height and stem diameter under extended
drying off periods might have been offset by which greater accumulation of
soluble solids (Hagos, 2014). The results indicated that the cane yield/fed
decreased with raising dry-off days from 30 to 45 days from 42.76 to 38939
ton/fed in cane plant, and from 46.18 to 41.88 ton/fed in the 1st ratoon.
The results showed significant effect of the test varieties in both
sugar cane crops. Data cleared that the highest value (42.55 and 47.98 ton/fed)
was reported by G.2003-47 variety in plant cane and the 1st ratoon,
respectively. While the lowest value (38.60 ton/fed) was recorded with G.84-47
variety in plant cane and the 1st ratoon (39.79 ton/fed) recorded by G.2004-27.
Verma et al., (1998) reported that potassium application gave higher cane
yield but had no effect on sugar content.
Data in Table (4) indicate that significant interaction between all
treatments for cane yield (ton/fed.) in both seasons. The increase in K
fertilizer levels was increasable in cane yield/fed, but it was decrease with
raising dry-off days with all examined varieties in both seasons, except the
1st order interaction between sugar cane varieties and potassium fertilizer
and also between potassium fertilizer and dry-off days’ treatments. The
highest values were recorded at 30 dry-off days and 72 kg K2O/fed (49.90
ton/fed.) in plant cane and (54.46 ton/fed.) in the 1st ratoon with variety
G.2003-47. Rossetto et al., (2004) evaluated the effect of potassium
fertilization in the yield of ratoon sugarcane and observed significant
increases with linear adjustments in six out of seven experiments, using the
largest K fertilizer rate (200 kg ha-1 of K2O). Shukla et al., (2009) found
the rate of 66 kg ha-1 of K2O responsible for the increase of 74 tons/ha in the
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 137
Table (4): Mean values cane yield (ton/fed) for sugarcane varieties as
affected by dry-off days and potassium fertilization.
Potassium levels ”kg K2O/fed” (K)
2017/2018 2018/2019
0 36 72 Mean
36 72 Mean
30 40.00 43.60 49.90 44.50 47.96 51.80 54.46 51.41
45 34.46 40.90 45.23 42.20 38.66 45.43 49.56 44.55
Mean 37.23 42.25 47.56 42.55 43.31 48.62 52.01 47.98
30 40.66 45.16 48.76 44.86 45.10 48.23 52.00 48.44
45 36.46 40.50 43.30 40.09 40.90 45.16 48.03 44.70
Mean 38.56 42.83 46.03 42.47 43.00 46.70 50.02 46.57
30 34.60 41.26 45.90 40.59 43.06 45.43 48.30 45.60
45 32.26 35.40 42.20 36.62 36.26 40.53 45.73 40.84
Mean 33.43 38.33 44.05 38.60 39.66 42.98 47.02 43.22
30 37.40 41.90 45.10 41.47 37.10 42.20 44.56 41.29
45 32.48 35.36 41.00 36.28 33.26 39.10 42.50 38.29
Mean 34.94 38.63 43.05 38.87 35.18 40.65 43.53 39.79
30 37.90 41.40 47.80 42.37 40.33 44.86 47.30 44.16
45 33.03 35.10 42.20 36.78 36.36 41.46 45.20 41.01
Mean 35.46 38.25 45.00 39.57 38.35 43.16 46.25 42.59
Mean of
D x K
30 38.11 42.66 47.49 42.76 42.71 46.50 49.32 46.18
45 33.74 37.45 42.79 38.39 37.09 42.34 46.20 41.88
Mean 35.93 40.06 45.14 40.58 39.90 44.42 47.76 44.03
V 0.85 0.84
K 0.45 0.53
D 0.63 0.74
V x D 1.34 1.11
V x K x D NS 1.92
Effect of drying-off and K fertilizer on Brix% content
The results in table (5) showed that there were significant
differences between the evaluated varieties for brix%, as well as between
dry-off days and potassium fertilizer levels in both seasons. The Brix%
increased with raising dry-off from 30 to 45 days in both seasons. Hagos et
al, (2014) found that the lowest brix% in all stalk parts was obtained on the
shortest drying off period (25 days), comparatively, longer drying off
periods (65 and 85 days) showed greater brix content than the shorter drying
off periods (25 and 45 days). The results showed that the highest value
(21.12 %) was recorded with 72kg K2O/fed in plant cane and (20.38 %) with
in the 1st ratoon. The highest values of brix (20.40%) were recorded with
G.2004-27 variety in the plant cane and (20.46%) with GT54-9 variety in
the 1st ratoon. Difference among cane varieties in this trait was found by Abu-
Ellail et al., (2019) and Masri et al., (2014). Data indicated that significant
interaction between potassium fertilizer and both of varieties and
withholding irrigation treatment for both of sugarcane crops with repeat to
the values of Brix%, where, the highest values of Brix% were recoded
between 72 kg k2o /fed with 45 days’ dray-off in the plant cane and first
138 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
ratoon. Moreover, the combinations between 72 kg k2o /fed and the
examined varieties attained the highest values of Brix% with GT54/9 variety
in both crops.
Table (5): Mean values of Brix% as sugarcane varieties affected by
dry-off days and potassium fertilization
Potassium levels ”kg K2O/fed” (K)
2017/2018 2018/2019
0 36 72 Mean 0 36 72 Mean
30 18.16 19.50 20.90 19.52 19.40 19.96 20.83 20.06
45 19.77 20.96 21.90 20.88 19.80 20.43 21.56 20.60
Mean 18.97 20.23 21.40 20.20 19.60 20.20 21.20 20.33
30 18.40 19.40 20.16 19.32 18.43 19.53 20.20 19.38
45 20.40 21.50 21.90 21.43 18.53 19.03 20.60 19.38
Mean 19.40 20.45 21.28 20.37 18.48 19.28 20.40 19.38
30 17.80 18.40 19.40 18.53 17.73 18.76 19.83 18.77
45 18.96 19.90 21.30 20.05 18.13 19.00 19.86 19.00
Mean 18.38 19.15 20.35 19.29 17.93 18.88 19.85 18.88
30 18.83 19.50 20.23 19.52 16.90 17.73 18.33 17.65
45 19.90 21.90 22.03 21.27 17.90 18.23 19.70 18.61
Mean 19.36 20.70 21.13 20.40 17.40 17.98 19.01 18.13
30 17.66 18.60 20.56 18.94 19.66 20.26 21.50 20.47
45 20.56 21.70 22.36 21.54 20.13 19.83 21.36 20.44
Mean 19.11 20.15 21.46 20.24 19.90 20.05 21.43 20.46
Mean of
D x K
30 18.17 19.08 20.25 19.17 18.42 19.25 20.14 19.27
45 19.92 21.19 21.90 21.03 18.90 19.30 20.62 19.61
Mean 19.04 20.14 21.12 20.10 18.66 19.28 20.38 19.44
V 0.23 0.35
K 0.15 0.18
D 0.22 0.26
V x K 0.27 0.32
K x D 0.46 0.56
V x K x D 0.65 NS
Effect of drying-off and K fertilizer on sucrose content (%):
The results in Table (6) showed that there is a significant change in
sucrose content by dry-off days (from 15.44 to 15.99%) in cane plant, and
(15.96 to 16.56%) in the 1st ratoon. The days required for pre-harvest drying-off
to improve sucrose accumulation in sugarcane could range from 30 to 45 days
depending on low to high water holding capacity of the soil. The complete
suspension of irrigation for the final two months before harvest gave the best
results of soluble solids and sucrose content in South African sugarcane
industries (Robertson and Donaldson, 1998( . The severest water deficit did
not generally lead to a reduction in the production of sugar by the plant. This is
due to the fact that in the water stressed conditions, the carbohydrates
assimilated resulting from the photosynthesis process contributes preferentially
to the activity of sucrose production and not to growth and development of
stems, which is reduced (Aabad et al., 2017 ( 9
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 139
Table (6): Mean values of sucrose% sugarcane varieties as affected
by dry-off days and potassium fertilization
Potassium levels ”kg K2O/fed” (K)
2017/2018 2018/2019
0 36 72 Mean
36 72 Mean
30 14.80 15.76 16.10 15.55 14.46 15.46 15.93 15.28
45 15.90 16.63 16.46 16.33 15.20 16.10 17.13 16.14
Mean 15.35 16.20 16.28 15.94 14.83 15.78 16.53 15.71
30 14.10 14.60 15.93 14.88 15.33 16.20 17.03 16.18
45 15.03 16.03 16.73 15.93 16.46 16.73 17.53 16.91
Mean 14.56 15.31 16.33 15.40 14.83 16.46 17.28 16.55
30 15.10 15.60 16.43 15.71 15.50 16.80 17.26 16.52
45 15.70 16.10 16.13 15.98 16.60 17.26 17.40 17.08
Mean 15.40 15.85 16.78 16.01 16.05 17.03 17.33 16.80
30 15.10 15.60 16.83 15.84 15.36 15.93 16.73 16.01
45 15.73 16.16 16.20 16.03 15.10 16.56 17.30 16.32
Mean 15.41 15.88 16.34 15.88 15.23 16.25 17.01 16.16
30 14.10 15.10 16.43 15.21 14.60 15.46 17.36 15.81
45 14.55 15.30 16.06 15.30 15.53 16.56 16.90 16.33
Mean 14.32 15.20 16.75 15.42 15.06 16.01 17.13 16.07
Mean of
D x K
30 14.64 15.33 16.34 15.44 15.05 15.97 16.86 15.96
45 15.38 16.04 16.32 15.91 15.78 16.64 17.25 16.56
Mean 15.01 15.69 16.50 15.73 15.20 16.31 17.06 16.26
V 0.10 1.02
K 0.13 0.25
D 0.18 0.35
V x K 0.24 0.38
V x D 0.34 NS
K x D 0.41 0.66
V x K x D 0.58 NS
On the other side, adding 72 kg K2O/fed led to the highest value of
sucrose% (16.50%) in plant cane and (17.06%) in the 1st ratoon, also, the
highest value (16.01%) was recorded with G.84/47 variety in cane plant, and
(16.80%) with the same variety in the 1st ratoon. On the other hand, the
factors such as climate, cultivar and soil management affect the amount of
accumulated sugar in cane yield, making it difficult to evaluate the fertilizer
effect on this parameter (Pereira et al., 1995).
Data in Table (6) illustrated that sucrose% was significantly affected
by the most of interaction between treatments in both seasons, it was found
that the increase in K fertilizer levels and increase in dry-off days were
accompanied by a significant increase in sucrose% with all examined
varieties in the cane plant and 1st ratoon except G.84/47, and G.2003-49 in
the 1st ratoon, sucrose% were decrease with increase dry–off days.
Generally, sucrose% was increasing with increase dry-off days and raising
K fertilizer levels which were (16.78 and 16.80%) with 72 kg/ K2O/fed, and
30 dry–off day with G84/47 variety in the cane plant and first ratoon
respectively. The increase in potassium supply to the soil is more important
to cane yield than to the technological quality of 1st ratoon sugarcane, fact
also reported by Feltrin et al., (2010). Therefore, the effects of potassium on
140 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
quality are contradictory because genetics, soil and climate conditions are
distinct among the experiments. It acts as a specific activator of the enzyme
inverses in the synthesis of sucrose in sugarcane crop (Singh et al., 2009).
Effect of drying-off and K fertilizer on sugar recovery%:
Data in Table (7) showed that there was significant interaction
between dry-off days, potassium levels and sugar cane varieties for sugar
recovery% in both seasons except the interaction between sugar cane
varieties and potassium fertilizers. The 72 kg K2O/fed had the highest value
(10.69%) in cane plant, and (11.48%) in the 1st ratoon. Sugar recovery% was
decreased with raising dry-off days from 30 to 45 days from (10.18 to
10.12%) in cane plant, while led to an increase from (10.68 to 11 19%) in
the 1st ratoon. Olivier et al., (2006) indicated that sugar recovery% increased
with raising of potassium fertilizer levels. There was a small and significant
reduction in the juice content with K fertilization. This decrease was only
3.7% compared to the initial content, reaching 162.9 with 101.9 kg K2O/ha
(Márcio et al., 2015). Concerning sugar recovery% and its relation with
sugarcane varieties, it could be noticed that the studied varieties appeared
significant difference in this respect, between, it would be concluded that
sugarcane varity G.84-47 recorded the highest values of sugar recovery ie.
10.73% and 11.66% in the plant cane and the first ratoon.
Table (7): Mean values of sugar recovery% for sugarcane varieties
as affected by dry-off days and potassium fertilization
Potassium levels ”kg K2O/fed” (K)
2017/2018 2018/2019
0 36 72 Mean
36 72 Mean
30 9.82 10.42 10.35 10.19 9.12 9.97 10.20 9.76
45 10.47 10.87 10.43 10.59 9.75 10.48 11.21 10.48
Mean 10.14 10.64 10.39 10.39 9.43 10.23 10.70 10.12
30 9.03 9.25 10.39 9.57 10.28 10.85 11.51 10.88
45 9.41 10.10 10.70 10.02 11.41 11.54 11.90 11.62
Mean 9.22 9.68 10.48 9.79 10.85 11.19 11.70 11.25
30 10.23 10.57 11.13 10.64 10.66 11.69 11.85 11.40
45 10.50 10.64 10.27 10.48 11.67 12.09 11.98 11.91
Mean 10.37 10.60 11.21 10.73 11.16 11.89 11.92 11.66
30 9.93 10.25 11.29 10.49 10.77 11.10 11.74 11.20
45 10.27 10.13 10.12 10.17 10.20 11.61 11.93 11.24
Mean 10.10 10.19 10.53 10.27 10.48 11.35 11.83 11.22
30 9.25 10.00 10.79 10.01 9.17 9.89 11.47 10.18
45 8.86 9.30 9.88 9.35 9.99 11.14 11.03 10.72
Mean 9.05 9.65 10.85 9.85 9.58 10.51 11.25 10.45
Mean of
D x K
30 9.65 10.10 10.79 10.18 10.00 10.70 11.35 10.68
45 9.90 10.21 10.28 10.12 10.60 11.37 11.61 11.19
Mean 9.78 10.15 10.69 10.21 10.30 11.03 11.48 10.94
V 0.13 0.11
K 0.14 0.25
D 0.19 0.35
V x D 0.37 NS
K x D 0.45 0.63
V x K x D 0.64 NS
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 141
Sugar recovery% was increased with raising potassium levels from 36
to 72 kg K2O/fed with raising dry-off days from 30 to 45 days, it was
significantly increasing in sugar recovery%. The highest value (11.29%)
was attained with 72 kg K2O/fed at 30 dry-off days with G.2004-27 in cane
plant, but it was (11.98%) with 72 kg K2O/fed at 45 dry-off days with G.84-
47 in the 1st ratoon. Abu-Ellail at al., (2018 and 2019) found that the
genotype x crop mean squares were highly significant (P<0.01) for the
characters under this experiment.
Effect of drying-off and K fertilizer on purity%:
Means listed in Table (8) showed a significant difference between sugar
cane varieties for purity% under dry-off days and potassium levels in both
seasons. The results elucidate that purity% was significantly decreased with
raising dry-off days from 30 to 45 days (80.59 to 75.73 %) in plant cane, while
it was increased from (83.10 to 84.67 %) in the 1st ratoon. Sugar recovery%
was reduced by decreasing purity%, the increase of K from 36 to 72 kg K2O/fed
led to a decrease for purity% from (78.15 to 78.13 %) in plant cane; also it was
decreased from (84.83 to 83.93 %) in the 1st ratoon. Juice purity and sugar
concentration declined with increased the K fertilizer (Gameh et al., 2015).
There was differences significant among sugar cane varieties in both seasons for
purity%. The highest value of purity% (83.00 %) was recorded with G.84-47 in
the cane plant, while in the 1st ratoon, the highest value (89.21 %) was recorded
with G.2004-27 variety.
Table (8): Mean values of purity% for sugarcane varieties as
affected by dry-off days and potassium fertilization
Potassium levels ”kg K2O/fed” (K)
2017/2018 2018/2019
0 36 72 Mean 0 36 72 Mean
30 81.51 80.92 77.03 79.68 74.60 77.50 76.45 76.18
45 80.44 79.36 75.16 78.21 76.77 78.80 79.48 78.35
Mean 80.98 80.14 76.07 78.93 75.68 78.15 77.96 77.27
30 76.71 75.31 79.02 77.00 83.13 82.96 84.33 83.47
45 73.71 74.58 76.39 74.34 88.85 87.94 85.13 87.31
Mean 75.21 74.94 76.74 75.60 85.99 85.45 84.73 85.39
30 84.87 84.77 84.69 84.78 87.39 89.54 87.06 87.99
45 82.81 80.96 75.73 79.68 91.47 90.96 87.63 90.02
Mean 83.84 82.87 82.46 83.00 89.43 90.25 87.34 89.01
30 80.16 80.02 83.19 81.16 91.05 89.86 91.28 90.73
45 79.07 73.82 73.54 75.36 84.40 90.84 87.84 87.69
Mean 79.61 76.92 77.33 77.83 87.72 90.35 89.56 89.21
30 79.84 81.24 79.91 80.31 74.21 76.30 80.88 77.13
45 70.79 70.53 71.82 71.05 77.13 83.57 79.23 79.98
Mean 75.31 75.89 78.05 76.20 75.67 79.94 80.05 87.55
Mean of
D x K
30 80.62 80.45 80.77 80.59 82.08 83.23 84.00 83.10
45 77.36 75.85 74.53 75.73 83.72 86.42 83.86 84.67
Mean 78.99 78.15 78.13 78.31 82.90 84.83 83.93 83.89
V 0.23 0.45
K 0.87 1.40
D 1.23 1.98
V x K 1.66 2.01
V x D NS 2.84
V x K x D NS NS
142 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Data in Table (8) elucidate that there were significant interaction
effects between dry-off days, K fertilizer levels and sugar cane varieties for
purity% in both seasons except the first order interaction (K*D) and the
second order interaction (V*K*D). Increase dry-off days from 30 to 45 days
was accompanied by significant decrease in purity in both seasons. On the
contrary, increases K fertilizer level decreased in purity%, nevertheless, the
sugar cane varieties were significantly affected on purity, the highest value
of purity% (82.46 %) was recorded with G.84-47 with zero K fertilizer level
at 30 dry-off day in the cane plant, while the highest value (91.28 %) was
recorded with G.2004-27 at 30 dry-off day and zero k fertilizer level in the
1st ratoon.
Effect of drying-off and K fertilizer on sugar yield:
Data in Table (9) cleared that the sugar yield was significantly
affected by dry-off days, potassium levels and sugar cane varieties in
both seasons. The sugar yield was significant decreased with raising dry
off from 30 to 45 days from (4.35 to 3.85 ton/fed) in plant cane and (4.92
to 4.68 ton/fed) in 1st ratoon. On the other side sugar yield was
significantly increased with increasing potassium fertilizer levels from
(zero to 72kg/fed.) recorded (4.07 to 4.82 ton/fed) in cane plant and there
also increasing from (4.89 to 5.47 ton/fed) at 1st ratoon.
Sugar yield was significantly differed between the examined
varieties in both seasons, where, the highest value (4.40 ton/fed) was
according with G.2003-47 in cane plant and (5.24 ton/fed) with G.2003-
49 in the 1st ratoon. Differences among cane varieties in these traits were
found by Masri et al., (2014) and Bekheet (2006) who showed that
increasing the applied K levels up to 75 kg K2O/fed increased sucrose
and sugar recovery percentages and yields of cane and sugar. Singh et
al., (1999) reported that potassium application had no significant effect
on cane yield but increased commercial cane sugar content.
Data in Table (9) indicated that significant interaction effects
between dry-off days, K fertilizer levels and sugar cane varieties for
sugar yield in both seasons. The highest value of sugar yield (5.16
ton/fed) was recorded with 72 kg K2O/fed and 30 dry-off days with
G.2003-47 in plant cane, while in the 1st ratoon, the highest value (5.99
ton/fed) was given by 72 kg K2O/fed at 30 dry-off days with G.2003-49
variety. Since K is very relevant in sugarcane growth, development, yield
and quality, knowledge of the potassium distribution is of great
importance for many research areas (Nilberto et al., 2013). Abou-
Salama, (1995) reported that potassium application of 50-100 kg
K2O/fed exhibited a significant effect on net cane and sugar yields.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 143
Table (9): Mean values of sugar yield % for sugarcane varieties as
affected by dry-off days, potassium fertilization and
Potassium levels ”kg K2O/fed” (K)
2017/2018 2018/2019
0 36 72 Mean 0 36 72 Mean
30 3.93 4.54 5.16 4.53 4.37 5.16 5.55 5.02
45 3.61 4.45 4.72 4.26 3.77 4.76 5.56 4.67
Mean 3.78 4.50 4.94 4.40 4.08 4.97 5.57 4.86
30 3.67 4.18 5.07 4.29 4.64 5.23 5.99 5.27
45 3.43 4.09 4.63 4.02 4.67 5.21 5.72 5.19
Mean 3.56 4.15 4.82 4.16 4.67 5.23 5.85 5.24
30 3.54 4.36 5.11 4.32 4.59 5.31 5.72 5.20
45 3.39 3.77 4.33 3.84 4.23 4.90 5.48 4.86
Mean 3.47 4.06 4.94 4.14 4.43 5.11 5.60 5.04
30 3.71 4.29 5.09 4.35 4.00 4.68 5.23 4.62
45 3.34 3.58 4.15 3.69 3.39 4.54 5.07 4.30
Mean 3.53 3.94 4.53 3.99 3.69 4.61 5.15 4.46
30 3.51 4.14 5.16 4.24 3.70 4.44 5.43 4.50
45 2.93 3.26 4.17 3.44 3.63 4.62 4.99 4.40
Mean 3.21 3.69 4.88 3.90 3.67 4.54 5.20 4.45
Mean of
D x K
30 3.67 4.30 5.12 4.35 4.26 4.96 5.58 4.92
45 3.34 3.83 4.40 3.85 3.94 4.81 5.36 4.68
Mean 3.51 4.07 4.82 4.12 4.11 4.89 5.47 4.81
V 0.13 0.14
K 0.08 0.10
D 0.11 0.13
V x D 0.19 NS
K x D 0.23 0.27
V x K x D 0.33 NS
The results concluded that the highest cane and sugar yields were
recorded with sugar cane varieties, G.2003-47, G.2003-49, G.84/47
varieties, respectively, indicating that they are a greater promise, that can
be evaluated in subsequent regional selection programs. Also, the best
treated by 72 kg k2o/fed under the dry-off day of 30 days.
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تأثير فترة الجفاف قبل الحصاد والتسميد بالبوتاسيوم عمى النمو والمحصول
وجودة العصير لبعض أصناف قصب السکر المبشرة
ياسر محمد عبد العزيز
معهد بحوث المحاصيل السکرية ، مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية
أجريت التجارب الحقمية بما في ذلک محصول الغرس اولخمفة الأولى في محطة بحوث مموي
- محافظة المنيا )خط عرض 28 درجة 10 درجة شمالاً وخط طول 30 درجة 75 درجة شرقاً
2019 / 2018 و 2018 / وارتفاع 55 م فوق مستوى سطح البحر( خلال مواسم عامي 2017
لد ا رسة تأثير فت ا رت الجفاف ) 30 و 45 يومًا قبل موعد الحصاد( ومستويات سماد البوتاسيوم
فدان( عمى محصول وجودة أصناف قصب السکر التجريبية / K2O صفر ، 36 و 72 کجم ) "K"
مقارنة بالصنف التجارى ، (G.2004- و 27 G.84-47 ، G.2003-49 ، (G. 2003-47
تم استخدام تصميم القطع المنشقة مرتين بثلاث مکرا رت. تم تخصيص فت ا رت . )GT54-9(
في القطعة الشقيقة الأولى ، وتم توزيع K الجفاف في القطع الرئيسية ، بينما تم توزيع مستويات
أصناف قصب السکر بشکل عشوائي في القطع الشقيقة الثانية. أظهرت النتائج أن زيادة فترة الجفاف
من 30 إلى 45 يومًا أدت إلى انخفاض معنوي في محصول قصب السکر بمغ 12 ٪ فى الغرس ،
ما يعادل 10.92 ٪ في محصول الخمفة الأولى. أدت زيادة مستويات البوتاسيوم من صفر إلى 72
فدان إلى زيادة محصول السکر بنسبة 24.29 ٪ و 20.11 ٪ في الغرس والخمفة K2O / کجم
الأولى عمى التوالي. تأثر محصول السکر سمباً بزيادة أيام الجفاف حيث انخفضت بنسبة 13.6 ٪ في
محصول الغرس و 5.5 ٪ في محصول الخمفة الأولى. إلا أن محصول السکر ا زد بزيادة مستويات
فدان بنسبة 34 ٪ و 30.34 ٪ فى محصول الغرس اولخمفة الأولى. K2O / البوتاسيوم إلى 72 کجم
تحت ظروف هذة التجربة ، فإنة يمکن التوصية بالتوقف عن الرى قبل 30 يومًا من موعد الحصاد
فدان لموصول إلى أعمى محصول قصب وسکر / K2O / مع التسميد البوتاسى بمعدل 72 کجم
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