Document Type : Original Article
In conclusion, this study revealed that the cow breed was a risk
factor for the incidence of stillbirth. While the season and cow parity
were a risk factor for the incidence of abortion and stillbirth. The study
also showed that abortion and stillbirth had negative effects on the
subsequent reproductive performance of the cow. Abortion and stillbirth
significantly increased calving interval and number of services to
conception compared with the normal calving. The effect of stillbirth was
more negative on reproductive performance than abortion
Main Subjects
Ali, M. A. E.*and Safaa S. Sanad
Animal Production Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center,
Dokki, Giza, Egypt
Key Words: abortion, stillbirth, reproductive performance, cows
Abortion and stillbirth are serious problems in cattle breeding, from
both economic and animal management standpoints. This study aimed to
determine the factors that affect the occurrence of abortion and stillbirth
as well as to investigate their effects on the subsequent reproductive
performances under Egyptian conditions. The total number of records
used in this study was 2098 records. The results showed that the overall
incidence of abortion and stillbirth were 3.77 and 5.05%, respectively.
Logistical regression analysis revealed that the season and cow parity
were the important risk factor for the occurrence of abortion. While cow
breed, the season, and cow parity were the important risk factor for the
occurrence of stillbirth. The odds ratio showed that the likelihood of
occurrence of abortion in cows during the summer was significantly
increased (P=0.024) compared to the spring. Also, cows with a parity of
3 or higher were significantly related (P=0.011) to the occurrence of
abortion compared to the cows with first parity. In addition, the odds
ratio showed that the likelihood of incidence of stillbirth in Friesian cows
was increased (P=0.001) by 2.89 times compared to crossbred cows. The
summer season recorded the highest incidence of stillbirth compared to
the other seasons. The cows parity was significantly (P<0.05) associated
with the incidence of stillbirth, cows had 1st parity was higher than that of
3rd or higher parities. Cows had significantly longer days (P<0.05) to the
first service, days open and calving interval (83.9, 138.9, and 432.7 days,
respectively) after abortions and (126.5, 182.9, and 478.0 days,
respectively) after stillbirths, compared with those that had normal
calving (75.1, 109.4, and 403.2 days, respectively).
Abortion and stillbirth are important functional traits in the
breeding of cattle, from both animal management and economic aspects.
Abortion in cows is generally defined as the death of the fetus between
42 and 260 days of pregnancy (Peter, 2000; El-Tarabany, 2015). It is a
limiting factor for the animal business, as it reduces the number of herd
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 79-94
replacements and milk production and increases medical and feeding
treatment costs, number of artificial inseminations, and cow culling rates
(Segura-Correa and Segura-Correa, 2009; Gädicke et al., 2010).
Abortion may be caused by infectious or non-infectious causes. While
the infectious causes of abortion have been a main focus of attention,
non-infectious abortion is more common in endemic situations. Different
causative factors, including genetic, maternal, and external factors, have
been reported for abortion in cows. These include the inseminating bull,
twin pregnancy, parity cow, milk production, the serum progesterone
level after conception, heat stress, and the season. Abortion may result in
the retention of fetal membranes and the evolution of endometritis, which
subsequently reduces reproductive performance in cattle. The fertility of
cows plays an important role in the productivity of cattle herds. Abortion
is one of the major sources of decreased fertility, and this produces
adverse economic effects for cattle farms. On the other hand, a lengthy
postpartum interval in cattle with abortion can lead to increased culling
(Lee and Kim, 2007).
Stillbirth parturition is defined as calves that are either born dead,
and or die within 24 hours of calving after at least 260 days of gestation
(Berglund et al., 2003; Gundelach et al., 2009; Atashi, 2011; El-
Tarabany, 2015). Genetic, management, and environmental factors have
varying degrees of influence on the rate of stillbirth. Stillbirth parturition
does constitute great financial losses to the cattle producer in different
ways. Stillbirth decreases the number of calves for sale and replacement
and is associated with increased placental retention, metritis, and has a
considerable negative effect on conception rate, lactation performance,
and longevity, involuntary culling, and longer calving intervals (Bicalho
et al., 2008; Atashi, 2011). Cows experiencing stillbirth are more
probably to be culled or die during lactation (Bicalho et al., 2007).
Identifying the risk factors associated with abortion and stillbirth
can help to optimize the reproductive performance of the herd. In
addition, estimating the effects of abortion and stillbirth on reproductive
efficiency and survival has great importance to evaluate the cost benefits
of diagnosis, treatments, and prevention efforts (Ribeiro et al., 2013).
Therefore, this study aimed to identify the factors that affect the
occurrence of abortion and stillbirth as well as to investigate their effects
on the subsequent reproductive performances of the Friesian and Baladi
cows and their crossbred under Egyptian conditions.
80 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
This study was performed on two experimental stations belonged to
Animal Production Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, one
of them in the east of the Nile Delta (El-Serw Station) and the other west of
the Nile Delta (El-Qarada Station). These stations are characterized by a
recording system for all data related to animals. These areas are considered
to be densely populated in cattle breeding. Both stations are similar in air
temperature, relative humidity. Average minimum and maximum air
temperatures were 8.3 and 19.6 °C in the winter season, 15.5 and 28.8 °C in
the spring season, 20.1 and 31.6 °C in the summer season, and 13.8 and 24.4
°C in the autumn season, respectively. Data were collected from 2098
records concerning cows from 3 breeds (1049 Friesian, 607 Baladi, and 442
their crossbred), during the period from January 2009 until December 2019.
Animals and management practices
Cows were housed in open sheds and fed traditional summer ration
consisted of concentrate feed mixture (CFM), berseem hay, rice straw and
corn silage and traditional winter ration consisted of concentrate feed
mixture, fresh berseem and rice straw. Cows were fed to cover the
recommended requirements according to Animal Production Research
Institute Recommendation (APRI, 1997) for Friesian and Baladi cows and
their crossbred. Cows were fed in groups feeding assigned according to live
body weight, milk yield and reproductive status. Water and minerals salt
were available for animals all the day round. Cows were milked twice times
daily at 6:00 and 17:00 h. Daily milk yield was individually recorded for the
lactation period. At each milking, cows were examined for symptoms of
clinical mastitis.
Breed of the cow, date of the abortion or calving, calving type
(normal, stillbirth, or abortion), and cow parity were recorded for all cows.
Abortion is defined as the death of the fetus between 60 and 260 days of
pregnancy. Stillbirth parturition is defined as calves that are either born dead
and or die within 24 hours of calving after at least 260 days of gestation
(Berglund et al., 2003; Gundelach et al., 2009; Atashi, 2011; El-
Tarabany, 2015).
Reproductive performance
The postpartum reproductive diseases were treated until recovery,
pregnancy or culling. The voluntary waiting period from calving to the first
artificial insemination in this study was 45 days. Estrus was detected by
visual observation of cow estrus behavior each morning and afternoon by
trained workers. Cows in estrus were artificially inseminated using frozen
semen within 14 hours after the onset of the first spontaneously occurring
estrus (according to the a.m.-p.m. rule). Days of first services, number of
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 81
services per conception, days open, and calving interval were recorded.
Pregnancy status was confirmed 60 days after artificial insemination by
examining the reproductive tract and palpating the uterine contents by
Statistical analysis
All statistical procedures were performed using SAS Statistical
System package V9.0 (SAS, 2002). Using a multivariable logistical
regression procedure, the potential effects of cow breed and environmental
risk factors such as season of abortion or calving and parity number on
abortion and stillbirth rates were examined. The breed of cow was
categorized as Friesian, Baladi, and crossbred. Abortion and calving seasons
were categorized as spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The parity of cow
was categorized as 1, 2, 3, or higher.
The GLM procedure of SAS was used to determine the effect of
incidence of abortion and stillbirth on different reproductive variables (days
to first service, number of services to conception, days open, and calving
interval) in the subsequent lactation. The model for statistical analyses
included the fixed effects of calving traits and breed. Categorical variables
included (three levels: normal calving, abortion, and stillbirth) and
categorized breeds (three levels: Friesian, Baladi, and crossbred). The
significant differences among means were tested using Duncan’s Multiple
Range Test (Duncan, 1955). Probability values ≤5 % were considered
1. Risk factors affecting abortion
The overall incidence of abortion was 3.77% (79 cases) of the total 2098
pregnant cows. This result is higher than that reported by Segura-Correa and
Segura-Correa (2009) who indicated that the prevalence of abortion for beef
herd managed under the extensive pasture system was 1.17%. Also, Osteras et
al. (2007) reported that the incidence of abortion rate in dairy cattle is between
0.6 and 1.2%. While it is less than that reported by Lee and Kim (2007) who
found that the overall incidence rate of pregnancy loss was 6.9% in a population
of 1,001 pregnant dairy cows. But it is within the range reported by Plasse et al.
(1998) in beef herds (0.6 to 4.5%). According to Bagley (1999); Segura-
Correa and Segura-Correa (2009) if the abortion rate is higher than 3% that
should be of some concern and the breeder must make efforts to obtain a
diagnosis. Also, the incidence of abortion may be higher than that if abortion
occurs at an early stage of pregnancy where early fetal loss is not detected
(pregnancy termination at less than 60 days) because the expulsion of the fetus
and placenta tissue may not be seen and recorded. The difference between
abortion prevalences in herds reflects differences in genetics, nutrition,
management, environments between systems, and prevailing diseases in the
different regions. Effective control measures for abortions require not only a
82 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
prompt and accurate diagnosis but also an understanding of the multicausal
factors involved. Khodakaram-Tafti and Ikede (2005) showed that for several
reasons, it is hard to establish the causes of bovine abortion. Any disturbance in
the normal physiology of gestation can lead to abortion. Thus, numerous causes,
such as infectious agents, hormonal imbalance, faulty nutrition, toxins,
vaccinations, physical influences, and chromosomal disturbances, can lead to
Table 1 shows that the incidence rate of abortion in Friesian cows was
higher (4.19%) when compared with Baladi and crossbred cows (3.62 and 2.94
%, respectively). While the logistic regression analysis shows that the likelihood
of incidence of abortion was insignificantly 1.44 times (range: 0.77 to 2.71;
P=0.252) in Friesian cows and 1.24 times (range: 0.62 to 2.49; P=0.544) in
Baladi cows compared with crossbred cows. From this result, it is clear that the
cow breed is not a risk factor affecting the incidence of abortion.
Table 1 shows that the incidence rate of abortion during summer was
higher (5.44%) when compared with winter, autumn, and spring (3.60, 3.55,
and 2.39 %, respectively). In addition, the logistic regression analysis shows
that the likelihood of incidence of abortion was significantly 2.35 times (range:
1.12 to 4.92; P=0.024) during summer compared with spring. While it is
insignificantly during winter 1.52 times (range: 0.71 to 3.27; P=0.280) and
during autumn 1.50 times (range: 0.70 to 3.21; P=0.292) compared with spring.
This suggests that the environmental conditions can play an important role in
the presence of pathogens and result in abortion (Segura-Correa and Segura-
Correa, 2009). This is consistent with previous studies. For example, it has
been reported that the risk for pregnancy loss was increased during May to
September versus October to April due to heat stress (García-Ispierto et al.
2006). Similarly, in another report, pregnancy loss was increased from June to
October, and it peaked in July and September (Carpenter et al. 2006). While,
there is some evidence to suggest that a very sudden increase in environmental
temperature may result in abortion (heat stress causes fetal hypotension,
hypoxia, and acidosis, high maternal temperature due to fever may be more
important than environmentally induced heat stress). There was little evidence
to support heat stress as a common cause of pregnancy loss or abortion (the
bovine fetus is well protected by the amniotic fluid). Al-Samarai et al. (2012)
found that the highest pregnancy loss ratio in summer (7.49%), whereas the
lowest was in winter and autumn (4.80 and 5.75%, respectively). The
significant differences between estimates may belong to high-temperature
degrees which could cause heat stress and abortion in animals.
The risk of abortion was higher in older cows compared to young cows
(Table 1). The incidence rate of abortion in third or higher (4.84%) parity cows
as compared to second parity (3.33%) and first parity cows (2.33%). Whereas,
the logistic regression analysis shows that the likelihood of incidence of
abortion was significantly 2.13 times (range: 1.19 to 3.83; P=0.011) in third or
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 83
higher parity cows as compared to first parity cows. While it is insignificantly in
second parity cows 1.45 times (range: 0.69 to 3.03; P=0.328) compared to first
parity cows. This result is consistent with Lee and Kim (2007) who found that
cow parity was the risk factor for pregnancy loss. The likelihood of pregnancy
loss in cows with parities of one or two was decreased by 0.6 or 0.5 fold of that
for the cows with a parity of three or higher, respectively (P<0.05). They
reported that the influence of parity on pregnancy loss is unclear. They
suggested that high milk production at the third parity compared to previous
parities, which mobilizes more body fat and results in severe loss of body
condition might be linked to the increased pregnancy loss. Also, it is similar to
the results of Thurmond et al. (1990) who reported that pregnancy loss
increased after four calvings. Similarly, Humblot (2001) showed that the
frequency of embryonic mortality increased with parity (1st to 3rd parity).
Santos et al. (2004) reported that pregnancy loss was 10.7% for lactating cows
and 4.2% for dairy heifers. Silke et al. (2002) recorded that milk production
affects embryo loss between days 24 and 80, the embryo losses were 7% in
lactating cows and 6% approximately in heifers. Circulating progesterone
concentrations decrease in high milk production of Holstein cows. During
gestation, progesterone influences embryo development stimulates interferontau
production and inhibits the luteolytic cascade (Shahneh et al., 2008).
Chegini et al. (2016) indicated that the incidence of abortion and retained
placenta of primiparous cows is lower. This is probably due to the uterus of a
primiparous cow has steadier ligaments and thus better able to keep the foetus
and expel the placenta after parturition.
Table 1. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of the
independent variables associated with the incidence of
abortion under Egyptian conditions in the multivariable
logistic regression model
Variable No Abortion (%) Odd ratio 95% CI P-value
Cow breed
Friesian 1049 44 (4.19%) 1.44 (0.77 – 2.71) 0.252
Baladi 607 22 (3.62%) 1.24 (0.62 – 2.49) 0.544
Crossbred 442 13 (2.94%) 1
Season of abortion
Winter 583 21 (3.60%) 1.52 (0.71 – 3.27) 0.280
Spring 418 10 (2.39%) 1
Summer 478 26 (5.44%) 2.35 (1.12 – 4.92) 0.024
Autumn 619 22 (3.55%) 1.50 (0.70 – 3.21) 0.292
Parity number
1 644 15 (2.33%) 1
2 420 14 (3.33%) 1.45 (0.69 – 3.03) 0.328
≥3 1034 50 (4.84%) 2.13 (1.19 – 3.83) 0.011
2. Risk factors affecting stillbirth
The overall rate of live calves was 94.95% (1917 calvings) and stillbirth
was 5.05% (102 calvings) from a total number of 2019 calvings. This result
agrees with that reported by Atashi (2011) who found in total 12283 calvings
84 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
were 94% (11550) live calves and 6% (733) stillbirths. Also, Juozaitiene et al.
(2017) estimated that the stillbirth parturition rate was 5.37%. But it is less than
stated by Berglund et al. (2003) who reported that the level of stillbirths in
first-calving Swedish Holstein cows was 10.3%. The overall incidence of calf
stillbirth in Holstein cows of Iran was reported to be 4.9% and varied among
herds from 2.9 to 9.8% (Hossein-Zadeh et al., 2008). The difficulty of calving
or dystocia has been implicated as the major cause of stillbirths (Lombard et
al., 2007; Gundelach et al., 2009). The results of some studies (Berglund et
al., 2003; Atashi, 2011) shown that there is a significant association between
calving difficulty and the incidence of stillbirth. Incompatibility between dam
size and calf size, as well as pelvic and vulvar conformation, are factors likely to
have an important impact on calving difficulty. Furthermore, calving difficulty
increases the probability of stillbirth due mainly to trauma and anoxia (a lack of
oxygen). Juozaitiene et al. (2017) found that the stillbirth rate was 11.2 times
higher in cattle with severely difficult calving compared to cattle without
calving difficulties or minor calving difficulties (P< 0.0001). Johanson and
Berger (2003) found that difficult calving tended to result in perinatal mortality
2.7 times more than unassisted calving, while Berry et al. (2007) estimated an
eight times greater likelihood of stillbirth when assistance at births was required.
Lombard et al. (2007) indicated that the incidence of stillbirth was 3.2, 8.4, and
37.2% for calves born with no dystocia, mild dystocia, and severe dystocia,
respectively. Berglund et al. (2003) indicated that prolonged but not necessarily
difficult calving caused by, e.g. weak labor, might be a risk factor for calf
mortality. For stillborn calves, the time interval from onset of labor until calving
was completed was approximately twice as long as for liveborn calves. Also,
one of the reasons for the occurrence of stillbirth the Genetic defects, e.g. a
larger number of sublethal genes, which lower the viability at birth and might be
one explanation of the increased stillbirth rates. Some examples of recently
identified genetic defects in the Holstein breed are Complex Vertebral
Malformation (CVM), bulldog syndrome, and Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion
Deficiency (BLAD). Also, Segura-Correa and Segura-Correa (2009)
suggested that stillbirth may be due to poor foetal viability, placental
dysfunction or prolonged duration of calving.
Table 2 shows that the incidence rate of stillbirth was higher in Friesian
cows (7.06%) as compared to Baladi cows (3.42%) and crossbred cows
(2.53%). Whereas, the logistic regression analysis shows that the likelihood of
incidence of stillbirth was significantly 2.89 times (range: 1.52 to 5.51;
P=0.001) in Friesian cows as compared to crossbred cows. While it is
insignificantly in Baladi cows 1.35 times (range: 0.64 to 2.84; P=0.436)
compared to crossbred cows. This may be due to the lower average birth weight
of the crossbred (28.7 kg) and Baladi (22.5 kg) calves compared to the average
birth weight of the Friesian calves (33.6 kg), which lead to the non-high
incidence of dystocia in the crossbred and Baladi cows compared to the Friesian
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 85
cows. This is consistent with some studies that indicated that there are
differences between different breeds in the stillbirth rate, such as El-Tarabany
(2015) who found the pure Brown Swiss heifers had a significantly (P<0.05)
lower incidence of stillbirth (4.5 %), compared with pure Holstein heifers
(15.4%). Dairy producers reported fewer stillbirths when Jersey and Brown
Swiss bulls were utilized in crossbreeding programs with Holstein cows (Yao et
al. 2014).
Table 2 shows that the incidence rate of stillbirth during summer was
higher (8.63%) when compared with winter, spring, and autumn (3.56, 4.66,
and 4.02%, respectively). In addition, the logistic regression analysis shows that
the likelihood of incidence of stillbirth was significantly 2.56 times (range: 1.47
to 4.45; P=0.001) during summer compared with winter. While it is
insignificantly during spring 1.32 times (range: 0.70 to 2.51; P=0.391) and
during autumn 1.14 times (range: 0.62 to 2.08; P=0.681) compared with winter.
Table 2 indicates that the first parity recorded the highest rate of stillbirth
(7.95%), then followed it the second parity (5.67%) and then the third parity
(2.95%). The logistic regression analysis shows that the likelihood of incidence
of stillbirth was significantly 2.84 times (range: 1.78 to 4.55; P<0.001) in the
first parity cows as compared to the third or higher parity cows. Also, it was
significantly in the second parity cows 1.98 times (range: 1.13 to 3.46;
P=0.017) compared to third or higher parity cows. This is consistent with
Juozaitiene et al. (2017), who recorded that the stillbirth rates were higher in
cows of the first parity compared to the older ones, where stillbirth in cows of
the first parity was 6.5%, whereas only 4.5% and 4.7% of stillbirth cases were
recorded in cows of parities 2 and 3, respectively. Also, Atashi (2011) has
shown that to be a more important problem in the first parity calving compared
to second calving or more. Stillbirth frequency in the second and later parities
drops to half or less than that for the first parity. He indicated that this is an
incidence in heifers because of a disproportion between the size of the calf and
the pelvic area, which causes difficult calving and increases stillbirth parturition
incidence. Also, Meyer et al. (2001) have reported that the stillbirth rate was
from 9.5 to 13.2% in primiparous and 5.0 to 6.6% in multiparous Holstein cows
in the United States. Segura-Correa and Segura-Correa (2009) found that
stillbirth is a different trait in younger and older cows where the likelihood of
stillbirth was approximately 3 times as high in primiparous compared with
multiparous cows. They reported that sheep research has shown that first parity
animals had smaller and less efficient placentas resulting in less viable lambs
than those of older sheep. Chegini et al. (2016) demonstrated that primiparous
cows had a higher incidence of stillbirth. This is probably due to the fact
primiparous cows have smaller pelvic dimensions that can lead to more
stillbirth. López de Maturana et al. (2007) noticed that it is important to keep
calving difficulties under control, especially in primiparous cows and to escape
reduction of profitability in herds.
86 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Table 2. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of the
independent variables associated with the incidence of
stillbirth under Egyptian conditions in the multivariable
logistic regression model
Variable No Stillbirth (%) Odd ratio 95% CI P-value
Cow breed
Friesian 1005 71 (7.06%) 2.89 (1.52 – 5.51) 0.001
Baladi 585 20 (3.42%) 1.35 (0.64 – 2.84) 0.436
Crossbred 429 11 (2.56%) 1
Season of calving
Winter 562 20 (3.56%) 1
Spring 408 19 (4.66%) 1.32 (0.70 – 2.51) 0.391
Summer 452 39 (8.63%) 2.56 (1.47 – 4.45) 0.001
Autumn 597 24 (4.02%) 1.14 (0.62 – 2.08) 0.681
Parity number
1 629 50 (7.95%) 2.84 (1.78 – 4.55) <0.001
2 406 23 (5.67%) 1.98 (1.13 – 3.46) 0.017
≥3 984 29 (2.95%) 1
3. Effect of abortion and stillbirth on the subsequent reproductive
Table 3 shows that several measures of fertility (days to the first service,
number of services to conception, days open, and calving interval) were
affected by the occurrence of abortion or stillbirth in differwnt breeds. This is
consistent with Senger, 2003 and Eaglen et al. (2011) who reported that
parturition in cattle is a complex process that is triggered by the fetus and
managed by a cascade of hormonal actions and physiological changes. When
complications occur during parturition, this has a potential effect on normal
bodily functions, where this leads to the following impaired reproductive
Data in Table (3) shown that days of first services were significantly
(P<0.05) affected by the incidence of abortion or stillbirth. Results revealed that
days to first services were significantly increased (P<0.05) in cows
experiencing abortion or stillbirth, where required 83.9±19.1 or 126.5±23.9
days, respectively compared with the normal calving (75.1±17.2 days). The
negative effect on the days of the first service was most pronounced when
stillbirth occurred by delaying the first service for 51.4 days compared to the
delaying of service for 8.8 days when the abortion occurred. Difficult calving
and stillbirth are acute stressors, affecting the function of the hypothalamic,
leading to delay of the surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) and abnormal ovarian
function (Dobson et al. 2001). Schrick et al. (2001) reported that, inflammation
stimulates the immune system resulting in the release of cytokines which may
inhibit the action of FSH on LH receptor formation in granulosa cells and
inhibit FSH-induced cAMP production. Also, they indicated that cytokines,
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 87
released following endotoxin challenge, block the pulsatile secretion of LH but
not FSH through alterations in nitric oxide production to inhibit GnRH. Lee
and Kim (2007) found that the overall mean interval from pregnancy loss to the
first service in dairy cows was 63.4 ± 5.2 days. The interval from pregnancy
loss to the first service was longer (P < 0.01) for the cows with pregnancy loss
during the third trimester (87.5±11.6 days) than for the cows with pregnancy
loss during the first trimester (44.9±7.2 days) and second trimester (54.6±5.0
days). Also, Lee and Kim (2007) found that following pregnancy loss, the
mean incidence rate of endometritis was 23.2% and this rate was higher
(P<0.05) for the dairy cattle with pregnancy loss during the third trimester
(45.5%) than for the cattle with pregnancy loss during the first (7.7%) and
second trimesters (14.7%). This can reflect the more delayed uterine involution
and increased incidence of the retained placenta associated with pregnancy loss
in the third trimester, as compared to the earlier trimesters of gestation. Ribeiro
et al. (2013) observed that cows with no clinical uterine disease tended to be
more likely to be a resumption of estrous cyclicity by day 49 postpartum than
those with uterine diseases, particularly those with metritis or metritis and
clinical endometritis combined. Sheldon et al. (2009) indicated that after
parturition, almost all cows have a uterus contaminated by a wide range of
bacteria, and the development of uterine diseases depends on the ability of the
local immune system to control bacterial growth. It is thought that bacteria and
products of inflammation from the uterus influence ovarian follicular activity in
early lactation, which compromises resumption of ovulation.
Data in Table (3) showed that the number of services per conception was
significantly (P<0.05) affected by the incidence of abortion or stillbirth. The
number of services per conception was significantly increased (P <0.05) in
cows experiencing abortion or stillbirth (2.7±1.1 and 4.9±1.3 services,
respectively) compared with the normal calving (1.8±0.9 services). These
results agreed with that found by El-Tarabany (2015) who found that the
average number of inseminations per parturition (artificial insemination) was
increased from 3.2 after normal calving to 4.1 after abrtion and to 5.3 after
stillbirths in pure Holstein cows. Ribeiro et al. (2013) reported that diseases that
affected the uterus had the greatest effect on pregnancy per artificial
insemination. Indeed, metritis and clinical endometritis had additive effects,
reducing pregnancy per artificial insemination and resulting in the greatest
pregnancy loss. Also, uterine inflammation is likely to damage the endometrium
and the uterine glands, which are critical for proper establishment and
maintenance of pregnancy. Also, a comprehensive study with 2,793 cows
demonstrated that clinical endometritis affected 21.2% of the population and
reduced reproductive efficiency during the breeding season (McDougall et al.,
88 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Table 3. The effects of abortion and stillbirth on the subsequent
reproduction performance
Trait Normal calving Abortion Stillbirth
Days to first service (day)
Friesian 84.9±14.1b 90.3±20.8b 140.8±9.3a
Baladi 63.1±15.4b 71.1±10.1b 89.5±9.9a
Crossbred 73.1±12.8b 82.1±14.6b 102.6±13.2a
Overall mean 75.1±17.2c 83.9±19.1b 126.5±23.9a
Number of services to
Friesian 2.1±0.9c 3.0±1.1b 5.2±1.1a
Baladi 1.5±0.5c 2.0±0.9b 3.9±1.5a
Crossbred 1.7±1.1b 2.7±1.3b 4.6±1.1a
Overall mean 1.8±0.9c 2.7±1.1b 4.9±1.3a
Days open (day)
Friesian 122.7±24.5c 150.8±47.7b 194.2±18.00a
Baladi 92.1±35.7b 112.8±29.4b 148.4±54.9a
Crossbred 108.2±46.9b 138.9±48.7ab 172.2±39.8a
Overall mean 109.4±36.7c 138.9±45.8b 182.9±35.0a
Calving interval (day)
Friesian 412.4±46.9c 442.5±49.8b 491.9±20.9a
Baladi 388.4±56.0b 409.8±43.5ab 439.6±57.3a
Crossbred 406.7±60.8a 434.4±44.0a 459.4±46.5a
Overall mean 403.2±54.3c 432.7±48.1b 478.0±39.2a
a, b, c Means in the same row within the same factor with different superscripts
are significantly different (P<0.05).
Table (3) illustrated that number of days open of cows was
significantly (P<0.05) affected by the occurrence of the abortion or
stillbirth. Cows experiencing abortion or stillbirth had 138.9±45.8 and
182.9±35.0 days, respectively days open than normal calving
(109.4±36.7 days). This is consistent with El-Tarabany (2015) who
found that pure Holstein cattle experiencing stillbirths and abortions had
significantly longer days open (198 and 151 days, respectively),
compared with the normal calving (149 days). The postpartum disorders
were increased in cattle experiencing stillbirths such as retained placenta,
prolapsed uterus, metritis, and displaced abomasums (Correa et al.
Lee and Kim (2007) found that the overall mean interval from
pregnancy loss to conception was 101.8 ± 10.8 days. This interval did not
differ according to time of pregnancy loss. Ribeiro et al. (2013) reported
that pregnancies per artificial insemination on day 30 and 65 after
insemination were greater (P < 0.01) in cows with no uterine disease than
those with the uterine disease. An additive effect of decreasing fertility
was observed when cows were diagnosed with both metritis and clinical
endometritis. Where a large portion of this decline in fertility caused by
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 89
uterine diseases was because of increased risk of pregnancy loss between
30 and 65 days of gestation (9.1 vs. 21.9%).
The cows experiencing abortion or stillbirth had significantly
longer calving intervals (432.7±48.1 or 478.0±39.2 days, respectively),
compared with the normal calving (403.2±54.3 days). This result
consistent with that reported by El-Tarabany (2015) who found that
pure Holstein cows experiencing stillbirths and abortions had
significantly longer calving intervals (475 and 427 days, respectively),
compared with the normal calving (381 days).
In conclusion, this study revealed that the cow breed was a risk
factor for the incidence of stillbirth. While the season and cow parity
were a risk factor for the incidence of abortion and stillbirth. The study
also showed that abortion and stillbirth had negative effects on the
subsequent reproductive performance of the cow. Abortion and stillbirth
significantly increased calving interval and number of services to
conception compared with the normal calving. The effect of stillbirth was
more negative on reproductive performance than abortion.
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العوامل المؤثرة علي الإجهاض وولادة جنين نافق وتاثيرهما علي الأداء التناسلي
التالي للأبقار تحت الظروف المصرية
ممدوح علي السيد علي و صفاء صلاح سند
معهد بحوث الإنتاج الحيواني ، مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية ، الدقي ، الجيزة ، مصر
الإجهاض وولادة جنين نافق من المشاکل الهامة في تربية الماشية من وجهة النظر
الاقتصادية ورعاية الحيوان عمى حد سواء. هدفت هذه الد ا رسة إلى تحديد العوامل التي تؤثر
عمى حدوث الإجهاض وولادة جنين نافق وکذلک التحقق من تأثيرهما عمى الأداء التناسمي التالي
تحت الظروف المصرية. بمغ العدد الإجمالي لمسجلات المستخدمة في هذه الد ا رسة 8998
٪ سجلا . أظهرت النتائج أن النسبة الإجمالية للإجهاض وولادة جنين نافق کانت 7.77 و 5.95
عمى التوالي. کما أظهر تحميل الانحدار الموجستي أن موسم السنة وموسم إنتاج البقرة کانا لهما
تأثير عمي حدوث الإجهاض. في حين أن سلالة البقرة وموسم السنة وموسم إنتاج البقرة کان لهم
تأثير عمي ولادة جنين نافق. أظهرت نسبة الأرجحية أن احتمالية حدوث الإجهاض في الأبقار
مقارنة بالربيع. أيضًا کانت الأبقار ذات الموسم )P = خلال الصيف کان أعمي ) 0.024
بحدوث الإجهاض مقارنة بالأبقار )P = الإنتاج الثالث أو أعمى مرتبطة بشکل معنوي ) 0.011
ذات موسم الإنتاج الأول. بالإضافة إلى ذلک أظهرت نسبة الأرجحية زيادة احتمال حدوث نفوق
بمقدار 8.89 مرة مقارنة بالأبقار الخميط. )P = لمجنين عند الولادة في أبقار الفريزيان ) 0.001
کما سجل موسم الصيف أعمى معدل لنفوق الجنين عند الولادة مقارنة بالمواسم الأخرى. کان
بولادة جنين نافق حيث کان موسم الإنتاج الأول )P < موسم إنتاج الأبقار مرتبطًا معنوي اً ) 0.05
حتي )P < أعمى من موسم الإنتاج الثالث أو الأعمى. کما کان للأبقار فت ا رت أطول ) 0.05
978.9 ، و 778.7 يومًا ، عمى التوالي( ، التمقيحة الأولى وحتي الحمل والولادة التالية ) 87.9
988.9 ، و 778.9 يومًا عمى التوالي( بعد ولادة جنين نافق ، بعد الإجهاض و ) 986.5
999.7 ، و 797.8 يومًا ، عمى التوالي(. ، مقارنة بالأبقار التي لها ولادة طبيعية ) 75.9
94 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021