Document Type : Original Article


Junket was prepared from fresh retentate buffalo's milk (FRBM)
as follows: Treatment (1): FRBM+15% sucrose + vanilla
(control).Treatment (2): FRBM+15%, sucrose+ vanilla +5%husk tomato
seeds powder (HTSP).Treatment (3): FRBM+15% sucrose+ vanilla
+10%HTSP.Treatment (4): FRBM+15%sucrose+ vanilla +15% HTSP.
The Literature mentioned that husk tomato seeds Powder was rich in the
chemical composition and antioxidant activity (55.09%), besides some
minerals e.g.. cobalt, copper, iron, zinc, selenium and manganese. A
direct relationship was observed between the percent of (HTSP) added
and the concentrations of the estimated minerals, this means that as the
ratio of (HTSP) increased the concentrations of the former elements
increased. Sensory evaluation revealed that all junkets were, generally,
acceptable and had approximately similar properties in its texture and
appearance. Junket desserts made from (FRBM) and fortified with husk
at a rate of 5 or 10% were found the superior rand had total scores
similar to control, while the treatment with 15% (HTSP) had the lowest
scores and was slightly inferior than the former ones. It is advised to use
HTSP in the production of junket and other dairy products to increase
both its nutrional value and antioxidant activity.


Junket, as a dairy dessert made with fresh retentate buffalo's milk
and fortified with husk tomato seed powder (HTSP) at a ratio of 5 or 10
% had similar score points like the control, while junket contained 15%
(HTSP) was slightly inferior than the former ones. They characterized by
good flavor, pleasant sweet taste and proper body & texture.
The above results displayed that husk tomato seed powder had
antioxidant activity and was rich in some minerals such as Cobalt,
Copper, Iron, and Zinc. So it could be successfully used as a vehicle to
delivery and support this type of dessert as well as the other dairy
products with the former vital benefits of husk tomato seed powder.

Main Subjects

Amal M.M. El-Nimer
Dairy Technology Research Department, Animal Production Research Institute,
Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
Junket was prepared from fresh retentate buffalo's milk (FRBM)
as follows: Treatment (1): FRBM+15% sucrose + vanilla
(control).Treatment (2): FRBM+15%, sucrose+ vanilla +5%husk tomato
seeds powder (HTSP).Treatment (3): FRBM+15% sucrose+ vanilla
+10%HTSP.Treatment (4): FRBM+15%sucrose+ vanilla +15% HTSP.
The Literature mentioned that husk tomato seeds Powder was rich in the
chemical composition and antioxidant activity (55.09%), besides some
minerals e.g.. cobalt, copper, iron, zinc, selenium and manganese. A
direct relationship was observed between the percent of (HTSP) added
and the concentrations of the estimated minerals, this means that as the
ratio of (HTSP) increased the concentrations of the former elements
increased. Sensory evaluation revealed that all junkets were, generally,
acceptable and had approximately similar properties in its texture and
appearance. Junket desserts made from (FRBM) and fortified with husk
at a rate of 5 or 10% were found the superior rand had total scores
similar to control, while the treatment with 15% (HTSP) had the lowest
scores and was slightly inferior than the former ones. It is advised to use
HTSP in the production of junket and other dairy products to increase
both its nutrional value and antioxidant activity.
Junket is a sweet dessert made of flavored milk, curdled with
rennet and made in some world countries. It is desired among people of
different ages: infants, children, adults and elderly people. This product is
consumed daily, due to its pleasant taste and satiating power. It is similar
to rice dessert made in India by boiling the milk with rice and sugar
(Mathur et al., 1985). Limited data are available about the
manufacturing and properties of junket dessert.
Nowadays, consumers are gradually shifting towards the
consumption of natural fruit or vegetable because of their high nutritional
values, medicinal importance, and good caloric source, (Ramadan et al.,
2011 and Hemalatha et al., 2018). Many countries through the world
have been detected the magnitude of fruit or vegetable as a cheap means
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 72-78
of preservation, promoting nutritional quality and consolidating sensory
characteristics (Marsh et al., 2014).
Husk tomato (Physalis Pubescens L), have different names such
as husk tomato , strawberry tomato, tomatillo fruit, golden berry or
winter cherry ( Swartwood and Van Eck, 2019) and known commonly
in Egypt as Harankish. It's usually used for local consumption as a snake
food or for exportation. The fruit of Harankish are perishable because of
its high moisture content which leads to a rapid spoilage if it doesn't use.
Additionally, Harankish is very acceptable and popular for its sweet
taste, acidic nature, and high nutritive value, therefore its consumption in
Egypt starting to increase. Moreover, many factories have been
processing husk tomato into different foodstuffs as Jelly and Jam and you
can see these products on the market shelfs. Seeds of husk tomato are
representing approximately 30% of the fruit (Etzbach et al., 2018 and
Guimaraes et al., 2019).
Fortification of food is very vital process, definite as the adding of
one or extra nutrients together to increase the nutritional value of food,
functional properties as well as sensory assessment, (Abouel-Yazeed, et
Little data are valuable in the literatures regarding the use of
tomato husk seeds in the field of dairy products; therefore, the current
search was carried out to make Junket enriched with husk tomato seed
powder to assess the sense evaluation and some minerals in the final
Materials & Methods:
Fresh retentate buffalo's milk was obtained from Dairy
Processing Unit, Animal Production Research Institute, Agriculture
Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture. The gross composition of fresh
retentate buffalos milk (FRBM) is given in Table (1).
Table (1): The gross composition of fresh retentate buffalo's milk (%).
Constituent% Fresh retentate buffalo's milk
Fat 5
Protein 19
Lactose 4.9
Ash 0.8
Total solid 30
Fresh husk tomato fruits (Physalis Pubescens L) were obtained
from the local market at Giza, Egypt, and prepared as monitored by
bouel-Yazeed et al., (2019) . The chemical composition of Husk tomato
seeds powder (HTSP) is shown in Table (2)
73 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Table (2): The chemical composition of husk tomato seeds Powder
Component (%) husk tomato seeds powder*
Moisture 7.65
Total sugars
( carbohydrate)
Crude protein 15.60
Crude lipid 18.89
total ash 2.83
Crude fiber 33.51
Antioxidant activity 55.09
Potassium a (K) 495.25
Sodium a (Na) 129.58
Posphrous a (P) 123.75
Iron a (Fe) 10.82
** Abouel-Yazeed, et al.,(2019) a : Mg/100g
Sugar… (sucrose) commercial grade , granulated case, produced by the
Sugar and Integrated Industries Co., at Hawamdia, Egypt , Vanilla was
obtained from the local market and Rennet powder was obtained from
Chr. Hansen Laboratories, Copenhagen, Denmark. Manufacturing of
Usually, to make junket, milk with sugar and vanilla is heated to
approximately body temperature and the rennet, which has been
dissolved in water, is mixed in to cause the milk to set. The dessert is
chilled prior to serving. Junket is often served with a sprinkling of grated
nutmeg on top.
Manufacturing of junket from fresh retentate buffalo's milk (FRBM):-
Treatments of Junket under study were prepared from FRBM as
Treatment (1): FRBM+15% sucrose…………(control ) .
Treatment (2): FRBM+15% sucrose+ 5% HTSP
Treatment (3): FRBM+15% sucrose+10% HTSP
Treatment (4): FRBM + 15% sucrose + 15% HTSP
The resultant mixtures were heat - treated at 85ºC for 5 min., cooled
to 45ºC. renneting (0.3% rennet powder) and kept to completely
coagulation .
Methods of analysis:
Fresh retentate buffalo's milk was analysis for its chemical
composition by the methods of AOCA (2010). Carbohydrates were
calculate by difference FAO/WHO (1998) as =100– (moisture+protein+
fat+ ash) in 100gm of food. Some mineral as (Co, Cu, Fe, Zn, Se and
MN) were measured according to AOCA (2010).
Organoleptic evaluation:
The samples of all treatments were examined organoleptically by panel
of staff members of the Dairy Technology Department, Animal
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 74
Production Research Institute, according to the score card suggested by al., (2019).
Data mentioned in table (3) showed the concentrations of some
elements (Cobalt {CO}, Copper {Cu}, Iron {Fe}, Zinc {Zn}, Selenium
{Se} and Manganese {Mn}) of the resultant Junkets made from FRBM
with (HTSP). It could be noticed that a direct relationship was observed
between the percent of (HTSP) added and the concentrations of the
estimated minerals, this means that as the ratio of ( HTSP) increased the
concentrations of the former elements increased . 15% HTSP junket
contained the highest concentrations of these elements especially Fe &
Zn (which had vital role in the physiological presses took placed in the
human body).
Table (3): Some mineral contents of Junket made from retentate
buffalo's milk and Fortified with husk tomato seeds
powder (HTSP).
Elements Control
5% 10% 15%
Co* 0.868 1.18 1.37 1.96
Cu* 1.195 3.075 3.94 4.74
Fe* 1.182 4.212 7.85 9.38
Zn * 2.96 4.0 6.49 8.0
Se Less than 0.4 μg/g
Mn Less than 50 μg/g
∙ * Mg ( milligram) / Kg
Organoleptic properties:
Organoleptic properties of junket desserts are presented in Table
(4) and Fig. (1). Junket desserts made from retentate buffalo's milk and
fortified with Husk at a rate of 5 or 10% had total scores similar to
control (94 points) , while the treatment with 15% (HTSP) had the lowest
scores (91.5 points) and was slightly inferior than the former ones. All
junkets were generally acceptable and had approximately similar
properties in its texture and appearance.
Table (4): Organoleptic scores of Junket made from retentate
buffalo's milk and fortified with husk tomato seeds
powder (HTSP) .
Item Control
5% 10% 15%
Flavour (50) 48 48 47.5 45
Texture(40) 38 37.5 38 38.5
Apperance(10) 8 8.5 8.5 8
Total 94 94 94 91.5
75 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
Fig. (1): Organoleptic scores of Junket made from retentate buffalo's milk fortified with
Husk tomato seeds powder (HTSP).
Junket, as a dairy dessert made with fresh retentate buffalo's milk
and fortified with husk tomato seed powder (HTSP) at a ratio of 5 or 10
% had similar score points like the control, while junket contained 15%
(HTSP) was slightly inferior than the former ones. They characterized by
good flavor, pleasant sweet taste and proper body & texture.
The above results displayed that husk tomato seed powder had
antioxidant activity and was rich in some minerals such as Cobalt,
Copper, Iron, and Zinc. So it could be successfully used as a vehicle to
delivery and support this type of dessert as well as the other dairy
products with the former vital benefits of husk tomato seed powder.
Abouel-Yazeed, A.M. ; E.S. Abou-Tor and E.G.Boriy (2019).
Utilization of Husk tomato fruit seeds powder in some foodstuff,
J. Food and Dairy Sci., Mansoura Univ., 10 (8): 281-288.
AOAC (2010), Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical
Chemists (AOAC). International Official Methods. William, H.
17 th Ed. Gaithersburg M.D., USA.
Hegazy, Eman, M. ; Afaf O. Ali ; Joda S. El-Sayed and Jihan M.
Kassem (2019). Quality Properties of husk tomato juice and its
impact in stirred probiotic yogurt, Asian Food Sci. J.,7(2): 1-10.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 76
Etzbach, L. ; A. Pfeiffer ; F. Weber and A. Schieber (2018).
Characterization of carotenoid profiles in golden berry (Physalis
peruviana L.) fruits at various ripening stages and in different
Plant tissues by HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS. Food Chemistry, 245:
FAO/WHO,(1998). Carbohydrates in human nutrition. Report of a Joint
FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, Rome 14-18 April 1997. Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
Guimaraes, D.H. ; G.L. Alves and A.F. Querid (2019). Blueberry Jam:
correlation of rheological parameters and water activity with
sensorial attributes. Acta Scientiarum Technology, 41: 1-6.
Hemalatha, R. ; A. Kumar ; O. Prakash ; A. Supriya ; A.S. Chauhan
and V.B. Kudachikar (2018). Development and Quality
evaluation of ready to serve (RTS) beverage from Cape
gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.). Beverages, 4(42): 1-15.
Marsh A.J. ; C. Hill ; R.P. Ross and P.D. Cotter (2014). Fermented
beverages with health-promoting potential: past and future
perspectives. Trends in food Sci. and Technology, 38,2,113-124.
Mathur, O.N. ; D.C. Bhatacharya and N.K. Roy (1985). Phirni an
Indian sweet dish. Indian Dairyman, 3(12): 575-578. C.F. DSA,
(1987), 49(1): 24.
Ramadan, M.F. and J.T. MȌrsel (2011). Physalis peruviana L.: A rich
source of bioactive phytochemicals for functional foods and
pharmaceutFood Rev. Int. , 27, 259-273.
Swartwood, K. and J. Van Eck (2019). Development of plant
regeneration and (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) mediated
transformation methodology for (Physalis peruviana L.). Plant
Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 137: 465-472.
الصفات الحسية وبعض المعادن فى الجنکت )منتج لبنى محمى( المدعم
بمسحوق بذور الحرنکش
أمل مجاهد محمد النمر
قسم بحوث تکنولوجيا الالبان، معهد بحوث الإنتاج الحيواني ، مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية ، الدقي ، الجيزة ، مصر.
الجنکت احد المنتجات المبنية المحلاة.و يصنع فى هذا البحث باستخدام مرکز المبن
) % الجاموسى الطازج ) بطريقة الترشيح الدقيق الفائق ويحتوى عمى جوامد صمبة کمية 30
والسک رو الفانيميا والمنفحة ومسحوق بذور الحرنکش کما يمى :
معاممة 1 : مرکز المبن الجاموسى + 15 % سکر . عينة المقارنة .
معاممة 2 : مرکز المبن الجاموسى + 15 % سکر + 5% مسحوق بذور الحرنکش .
معاممة 3 : مرکز المبن الجاموسى + 15 % سکر + 10 % مسحوق بذور الحرنکش .
معاممة 4 : مرکز المبن الجاموسى + 15 % سکر + 15 % مسحوق بذور الحرنکش .
77 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021
م º م / 5 دقائق ، التبريد الى 45 º تم معاممة الجنکت للاربع معا ملات ح ا رريا عمى 55
ثم اضافة المنفحة الجافة بنسسة 0.3 % والتحضين حتى تمام التجبن .
اظهرت النتائج مايمى:
، ) % - کان مسحوق بذور الحرنکش الجاف غنيا بالبروتين ) 15.6 % ( ، الدهن ) 15.51
الالياف الغذائية ) 33.51 % ( ، الرماد ) 2.53 % ( وتميز بنشاطة المضاد للاکسدة
واحتواءة عمى بعض العناصر الهامة مثل الکوبمت ، النحاس ، الحديد، ، الزنک ، السمينيم ،
- وجدت علاقة طردية بين ترکيز المعادن فى الجنکت ونسبة مسحوق بذور الحرنکش
المضافة .
- کانت کل المعاملات مقبولة حسيا بصفة عامة وقريبة من معاممة المقارنة.وکانت افضل
. %10 & % نسب من مسحوق الحرنکش هى 5
- مما سبق ينصح باستخدام مسحوق بذور الحرنکش فى انتاج الجنکت وبعض المنتجات
المبنية الاخرى لزيادة قيمتها الغذائية )وخصوصا المعادن ( ونشاطها المضاد للاکسدة.
- کما يمکن استخدام الجنکت کناقل لفوائد مسحوق بذور الح ن رکش.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 78

Abouel-Yazeed, A.M. ; E.S. Abou-Tor and E.G.Boriy (2019).
Utilization of Husk tomato fruit seeds powder in some foodstuff,
J. Food and Dairy Sci., Mansoura Univ., 10 (8): 281-288.
AOAC (2010), Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical
Chemists (AOAC). International Official Methods. William, H.
17 th Ed. Gaithersburg M.D., USA.
Hegazy, Eman, M. ; Afaf O. Ali ; Joda S. El-Sayed and Jihan M.
Kassem (2019). Quality Properties of husk tomato juice and its
impact in stirred probiotic yogurt, Asian Food Sci. J.,7(2): 1-10.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (5-6) 2021 76
Etzbach, L. ; A. Pfeiffer ; F. Weber and A. Schieber (2018).
Characterization of carotenoid profiles in golden berry (Physalis
peruviana L.) fruits at various ripening stages and in different
Plant tissues by HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS. Food Chemistry, 245:
FAO/WHO,(1998). Carbohydrates in human nutrition. Report of a Joint
FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, Rome 14-18 April 1997. Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
Guimaraes, D.H. ; G.L. Alves and A.F. Querid (2019). Blueberry Jam:
correlation of rheological parameters and water activity with
sensorial attributes. Acta Scientiarum Technology, 41: 1-6.
Hemalatha, R. ; A. Kumar ; O. Prakash ; A. Supriya ; A.S. Chauhan
and V.B. Kudachikar (2018). Development and Quality
evaluation of ready to serve (RTS) beverage from Cape
gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.). Beverages, 4(42): 1-15.
Marsh A.J. ; C. Hill ; R.P. Ross and P.D. Cotter (2014). Fermented
beverages with health-promoting potential: past and future
perspectives. Trends in food Sci. and Technology, 38,2,113-124.
Mathur, O.N. ; D.C. Bhatacharya and N.K. Roy (1985). Phirni an
Indian sweet dish. Indian Dairyman, 3(12): 575-578. C.F. DSA,
(1987), 49(1): 24.
Ramadan, M.F. and J.T. MȌrsel (2011). Physalis peruviana L.: A rich
source of bioactive phytochemicals for functional foods and
pharmaceutFood Rev. Int. , 27, 259-273.
Swartwood, K. and J. Van Eck (2019). Development of plant
regeneration and (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) mediated
transformation methodology for (Physalis peruviana L.). Plant
Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 137: 465-472.