Document Type : Original Article
In the present study, we can concluded that:
1- The trace metals content in soil dependent on soil physico- chemical
properties. The total, chemical extractable and plants grown in soil
concentration of heavy metals in the studied area take these
sequences Cr >Cu>Zn> Ni>Co.Cu>Cr>Zn>Ni>Co and
Zn>Cu>Cr>Ni>Co. receptively.
2- All trace metals can be transported from soil and accumulate in
vegetables tissues leads to contamination it causes a public healthy
3- TF of all Trace metals ranges from 1>TF > 1, The soil in the studied
area contaminated with varying degrees of low ,moderate and high
pollution. Also 1>BAF > 1 in vegetables and occur accumulation
according this order Onion plant > Egg plant > Faba bean> Potatoes
fruit > Taro fruit.
4- 1 >SEPI >3, CPI < 1 the soil in the studied area contaminated by
heavy metals by varying degrees of low ,moderate and high pollution
with exception of Cu metal its moderately contaminated
5-All these results indicate that the waste generated from the Abu Zaabal
Fertilizer Factories caused pollution to the lands and growing plants.
Main Subjects
Abd El-Salam Elwa.
Soil Chemistry and Physics Department, Water Resources and Desert Soils Division,
Desert Research Center, El-Matariya 11753, Cairo, Egypt.
Key Wards: Abu –Zaabal . fertilizers – heavy metals . Quantification
pollution indexes .
Five profiles were selected from Abu –Zaabal area and five
vegetable plants adjacent to soil profiles the profile number one is control
profile and is located North west of the factory The others profile is
located South east of the factory to determine the dangerous pollution
which resulting from involved the study TF,BAF,SEPI and CPI of trace
metals subject of study (Cr, Cu, Zn, Co, and Ni).Soil physical chemical
properties of the studied soil are determined . Soil texture varied from
sand to sandy loam . Soil reaction ranges from neutral to alkaline soil
.The percent of O.M ,CaCO3 and ECe are small values . The cationic and
anionic (me/l ) followed this order SO 4 -- >Ca ++ >HCO 3
- >Mg ++ > Na+
> Cl - > K+> CO 3
-- Total trace. metals contents in the soils . (Zn, Cu, Ni,
Co, and Cr ) were determined by the Ionic Coupled Plasma (ICP), after
digestion of the samples with a ternary acids mixture of HNO3, H2SO4
and HClO4. total trace elements are followed this order Cr >Cu>Zn>
Ni>Co. The values are 118.25, 91.32, 67.95,39.51 and 26.08 mg/kg
receptively. According to the limits of total trace metals, Chromium is
the highest element that is transmitted from soil and accumulate in
vegetable plants and then enters directly or indirectly in food chain
causing public health problems. Chemically extractable of trace metals
contents in the studied soils (Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, and Cr) followed this order
Cu>Cr>Zn>Ni>Co.15.64,15.46,12.40,8.26,and 4.24 mg/kg receptively .
The content of trace metals in grown vegetable plants in the studied soil
followed this order Zn>Cu>Cr>Ni>Co.20.58,43.78,33.24,9.32 and 1.80
mg/kg receptively. All trace metals above the permissible limits except
Co and Ni metals. Given that 1>TF>3 , 1>BAF>3 So occur translocation
from soil to vegetables' and accumulates in them in this order. Onion
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 113-131
plant > Egg plant > Faba bean> Potatoes fruit > Taro fruit. ranges
between low, moderate and highly contamination.(SEPI ) In all trace
metals varied from low to highly contaminated the soils (1> SEPI )>3).
But in all profiles in the studied soil CPI contamination by multi element except Cu with other metals are
moderately contamination in the surface layer (0 – 30cm ) in the profile
3.where CPI >1 its 1.04 mg/kg.
Heavy metals Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr and Pb were determined in
selected soils of El-Gabal El-Asfar (GA): sewage irrigated lands, Mostorod
(MD): soils around steel, battery and plumbing factories and Abou-
Zabal (AZ):soils around fertilizer, sulfate of aluminum and potassium
(alum,p) and ceramic factories. All experimental sites are located within
Qalubiya Governorate. Soils were sandy loam in GA and AZ, clay loam
in MD. Averages of total contents of above-mentioned metals (mg kg-1)
were 5472, 163, 178, 6.5 160 and 151, respectively; 17500, 228, 647, 58,
260 and 293 ;and 6333, 219, 358, 27, 155 and 266 for GA, AZ and MD
soils, respectively. Variations were considerable within each site as well
as between the three sites. Highest contamination was in MD soils
followed by AZ then GA soils. Highest Fe, Zn, Cr and Cu within AZ
soils were around the fertilizer factory followed by those around the
(alum, p) factory then around the ceramic factory. For the highest Pb, it
was found in soils around the (alum, p) factory. There are evidences of
pollution, particularly in the MD and AZ sites where the soils around
industrial factories of steel, battery, fertilizers, smelters and ceramics
exist (Noufal et al .,2015)
Determination of some heavy metals pollutants (Cd, Co, Cr, Pb,
Ni) released from selected industrial regions namely, Abu Zaabal – and
10th of Ramadan was carried out.
Water, soil and plant samples were periodically collected from the
selected areas during a period of one year . the concentration of the
studied heavy metal pollutants was evaluated . In both regions .the results
showed that the levels of heavy metal pollutants released from ABUZaabal
region ,in collected sample s, are higher than those released form
10th of Ramadan city, except Cr in west water samples collected from
the 10th of Ramadan city, which was two folds higher than that of Abu-
Zaabal region. This due to construction of new industrial cities according
to the regulations and environmental laws. Also, the handling of the
14 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
released pollutants at the 10th of Ramadan region is easier than at Abu
Zaabal region due to the governmental policy regarding collection of
the different types of industrial wastes at selected are as the overall
obtained results indicated that, although there are a lot of progresses
regarding the handling of the released heavy metal pollutants in the 10 th
of Ramadan region. The requirements for more efforts to overcome the
problem of industrial pollutants at this region are still essential (Abou El-
Nour et al., 2004 ).
The accumulation of certain elements in vitally important media
such as water, soil, and food is undesirable from the medical point of
view. It is clear that the fertilizers vary widely in their heavy metals and
uranium content. A shielded high purity germanium HPGe detector has
been used to measure the natural concentration of 238U, 232Th, and 40K
activities in the phosphate fertilizer and its components collected from
Abu-Zaabal fertilizers and chemical industries in Egypt. The
concentration ranges were 134.97-681.11 Bq kg(-1), 125.23-239.26 Bq
kg(-1), and 446.11-882.45 Bq kg(-1) for 238U, 232Th, and 40K,
respectively. The absorbed dose rate and external hazard index were
found to be from 177.14 to 445.90 nGy h(-1) and 1.03 to 2.71 nGy y(-1),
respectively. The concentrations of 22 elements (Be, Na, Mg, Si, P, S, K,
Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Zr, Mo, Cd, Ba) in the samples
under investigation were determined by inductively coupled plasma
optical-emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The results for the input raw
materials (rock phosphate, limestone and sulfur) and the output product
as final fertilizer are presented and discussed (El-Bahi et al.,2004).
The concentrations of the heavy metals of the area between Anshas
and Abu Zaabal, northeast Cairo, reflect the following results; the
concentrations of Cadmium, Chromium and Lead in most samples are
exceeding the international standards. The increase of concentration of
heavy metals reflects an increase of pollution in the study area due to
mainly industrial activities Gad, et al.,(2018 )
3/1 -Soil Sampling and Preparation for studies.
Five Soil profiles selected from the study area (Abu - Zaabal) were
selected. These profiles were dug deep down to variable depth, soil
samples of the subsequent layers in each soil profile were carefully
collected in polyethylene bags using ultra clean spades with no possible
contamination in Figure (1).
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 115
Fig (1): Location of the studied soil in Abu-Zaabal area
116 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
The samples were air dried and lumps were broken with a wooden
pestle in a wooden mortar so that the soil samples were crushed and
through a 2 mm round hole sieve to discard large pebbles, gravels, rock
fragments and pieces of vegetation then quartering is undertaken to get
homogenous subsamples for the different analyses. (profile number one
its control profile and is located North west of the factory The others
profile it is located in South east of the factory).
3/2- Plant sampling.
Five vegetables plant samples were collected from the plants grown
in the study locations and irrigated with Ismailia Canal.
1-Determination of trace metals content in the vegetables plants .
2-Calculation of trace metals accumulation factor and translocation
3/3- Soil samples analyses.
Textured of the soil samples was determined with the dry sieving
method (Piper 1950) .
CaCO3 content was determined volumetrically using Collin's
calcimeter according to Jackson (1973).
Organic matter content was determined by the method outlined by
Jackson (1973).
Determination of pH in the soil extract was carried out by Beckman
glass electrode pH – meter, Black (1983).
Electrical conductivity (EC) of the soil saturation extract as well as
soluble anions and cations were determined following the methods
described by Jackson (1973). For convenience, CO3
--,Cl-, HCO3
were determined titrimetric ally while SO4
-- was determined
gravimetrically by precipitation as barium sulfate. Soluble Ca++ and
Mg+ were determined titrimetric ally using the versenate solution
while Na+ and K+ were determined by flame Photometry, as
described by Black (1983).
Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable cations were
determined following the methods described by Jackson (1973).
Total trace metals contents in the soil samples (Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr
and Cd) were determined by the Ionic Coupled Plasma (ICP), after
digestion of the samples with a ternary acids mixture of HNO3,
H2SO4 and HClO4, as recommended by Hesse (1971).
Chemically – extractable amounts of the same elements were
extracted from soils by Diethelene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)
and determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma, (ICP). Lindsay and
Norvell (1978).
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 117
3/4-Plant sampling analysis.
The vegetables plant samples were thoroughly washed and air
dried, then dried in a dryer at70°C for 4 hrs. The dried material was then
powdered in a hammer mill sample bottles which were used in plant
analysis according to requirements. Digested 0.5 g from the plant powder
by H2O2 and H2SO4 was used to determine the plant contents of trace
metals under study (Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, and Cr ) by Ionic Coupled Plasma
(ICP)., (Nicholson 1984 (
4/1-Characterization of the studied soils:
From tables (1&2) the soil texture of the studied soil samples is
sand (varied from VCS to VFS)to sandy loam. Soil salinity varied from
0.3 to 1.76 ds/cm. Soil reaction Was neutral to alkaline as indicated py
pH values which ranged from 7.28 to 8.02 in the studied soils. Calcium
carbonate content ranges from 0.22 to 2.14 %. The organic matter
percent ranged from 0.35 to 2.89 %. The cationic and anionic
compositions of the studied soils are generally dominated by SO4
-- >
- >Mg++ >Na+ > Cl - >K+ > CO3 -- .CEC for the studied soils
ranges from 0.09 to 2.92 me/100g soil. the narrow range of CEC
rendered to lesser extent to silt and clay content in the studied soils.
Table (1) Dry Sieving of the studied soil in Abu - Zaabal area.
Prof. No. Samp. No. Depth(Cm) VCS % CS % MS % FS % VFS % SI+CL %
1-Control 1 0 - 25 13.29 31.08 37.78 12.15 1.93 3.77
30o 16/ 02// N 2 25 - 50 4.60 21.43 53.52 13.70 1.80 4.95
3 50 - 75 10.74 35.51 35.15 4.69 0.36 19.55
31o 21/ 17// E 4 75 - 100 10.01 33.71 48.66 6.82 0.40 0.40
2 5 0 - 40 8.32 36.29 38.63 11.67 1.97 3.23
30o 16/ 55// N 6 40 - 70 8.21 28.11 44.61 13.12 1.95 4.00
7 70 - 100 11.74 25.00 42.66 13.80 1.57 5.00
31o 23/ 10// E 8 100- -120 19.00 31.62 40.82 7.70 0.43 0.96
3 9 0 - 30 8.95 30.38 30.52 10.13 3.15 18.77
30o 16/ 20//N 10 30 - 60 10.49 28.73 30.27 11.71 2.32 17.38
11 60 - 90 7.53 46.27 34.87 5.94 1.31 4.09
31o 22/ 49// E 12 90 - 150 15.82 30.92 37.16 11.51 0.21 4.26
4 13 0 -30 2.77 20.24 35.56 14.88 2.59 22.95
30o 16/ 05//N 14 30 - 55 9.65 24.45 48.85 11.75 2.60 2.20
15 55 - 80 4.10 32.07 55.41 7.15 0.63 0.64
31o 22/ 90// E 16 80 - 120 2.21 19.52 67.99 9.70 0.37 0.21
5 17 00 - 30 8.99 27.91 37.36 16.11 4.07 5.56
30o 16/ 13//N 18 30 - 50 8.54 21.55 44.56 17.59 42.83 2.90
19 50 -80 13.39 25.70 38.34 14.53 3.54 4.50
31o 22/ 50// E 20 80 - 100 6.62 22.24 30.51 15.64 4.33 20.66
*VCS : Very Coarse Sand. MS: Medium Sand.
*CS : Coarse Sand. FS: Fine Sand
*VFS : Very Fine Sand . Si +Cl : Silt +Cla
118 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (2) Chemical properties of the studied soils.
Prof. Samp. Depth
EC CaCO 3 O.M Cations (Me/l ) Anions (me/L )
NO. NO. (cm ) ds/m % % Na+ K+ Ca++ Mg++ CO3
-- HCO3
- Cl- SO4
1 0 - 25 7.56 0.68 2.00 2.66 1.1 0.3 3.00 2.40 0.00 4.20 0.70 1.94 0.09
2 25 - 50 7.59 0.35 0.65 1.38 0.7 0.3 1.80 1.40 0.00 2.60 0.80 0.76 2.07
3 50 - 75 8.02 0.50 0.33 1.04 0.5 0.2 1.80 2.00 0.00 2.20 0.60 1.76 1.15
4 75 - 100 7.61 0.30 0.33 0.75 0.5 0.2 1.60 0.80 0.00 1.00 0.50 1.56 2.31
5 0 - 40 7.56 0.49 0.43 2.89 0.7 0.2 2.40 1.60 0.00 2.60 0.90 1.40 1.64
6 40 - 70 7.57 0.38 0.33 1.51 0.5 0.1 1.60 1.60 0.00 2.20 0.70 0.01 2.26
7 70 - 100 7.83 0.37 0.22 0.92 0.3 0.1 2.20 1.40 0.00 2.10 0.60 1.20 1.10
8 100- -120 7.63 0.51 0.22 0.35 0.4 0.1 2.60 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.50 1.89
9 0 - 30 7.28 1.78 1.37 1.37 1.00 0.3 13.20 3.20 0.00 2.00 1.00 14.68 1.52
10 30 - 60 7.46 0.46 2.14 2.14 0.6 0.2 2.80 2.20 0.00 2.80 0.60 2.32 2.57
11 60 - 90 7.43 0.37 1.39 1.39 0.3 0.1 2.40 1.40 0.00 2.60 0.80 1.00 1.53
12 90 - 150 7.57 0.47 0.69 0.69 0.4 0.1 3.60 0.60 0.00 3.00 0.60 1.00 2.88
13 0 -30 7.35 0.49 0.75 1.44 0.6 0.2 3.20 1.20 0.00 3.60 0.50 1.11 2.92
14 30 - 55 7.73 0.49 0.65 1.32 0.7 0.2 3.60 1.00 0.00 3.20 0.40 1.85 1.69
15 55 - 80 7.47 0.33 0.43 0.98 0.4 0.1 0.60 1.00 0.00 2.40 0.60 0.16 2.12
16 80 - 120 7.73 0.31 0.43 0.41 0.3 0.1 1.20 1.60 0.00 1.20 0.50 1.47 1.58
17 00 - 30 7.69 0.45 0.87 1.33 0.4 0.1 3.00 1.40 0.00 3.20 0.60 1.11 3.03
18 30 - 50 7.71 0.45 1.3 0.92 0.3 0.1 2.20 1.80 0.00 2.40 0.50 1.56 2.64
19 50 -80 7.69 0.53 0.87 0.87 0.6 0.1 2.60 1.80 0.00 2.60 0.50 2.04 1.39
20 80 - 100 7.46 0.60 0.87 0.81 0.2 0.10 2.40 1.80 0.00 3.00 0.40 2.64 2.63
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 119
4/2- Trace metals:
The current study include five trace metals which are mostly of
high density (heavy metals).Some of these have been termed trace
elements or micronutrients in agriculture, stressing their relatively low
abundance in regular soils and the fact that they tend to be essential for
plant growth (Zn & Cu). Other trace metals presumably sometimes
involved in pollution problems are also included ( Ni & Cr). With regard
to toxicology, some commonly accepted toxic effects on human beings,
animals and plants. the five trace metals considered here are Zn, Cu, Ni,
Co and Cr . Among these Zn, Cu, Ni, and Co are present in small
amounts in biological tissue and have been shown to be essential for the
healthy development of the plant or animal concerned while Cr occur in
biological materials, although their essentiality has not been established
and hazardous above certain low levels. In short, trace metals in soils
can refer either to the biological significance of such metals to plants and
animals (Elwa.2016).
4/2/1-Total trace metals in soils:
Data in table (3) involved the total content of trace metals in the
studied soil samples total Cr content varied from 15.74 mg/kg in deposit
layer in the profile 1 to 118.90 mg/kg in the surface layer in the profile
3.the value above the permissible limits its sure to move from soil to
plants and then enter to the food chain. Polluting her. total Cu the least
value of 1.67 mg/kg which found in the deposit layer in the profile
1.while the highest value 91.32 mg/kg in the surface layer in the profile
3. This value getting close to contamination limits over time the copper
element will accumulate in soil and transfer to plants causing toxicity.
Total Ni ranges from 2.68 mg/kg in deposit layer in the profile 4.
where's the highest value 39.51mg/kg which found in the sub surface
layer in the profile 3 in the studied soils. So the studied area quite far
from nickel contamination. Total Zn ranges from 11.83 mg/kg in the
deposit layer in the profile 4. but the highest value 67.95 mg/kg which
present in the surface layer in the profile 2.Total Co varied form 1.15
mg/kg which found in the sub surface layer in the profile 1.wheres the
highest value 26.08 mg/kg which present in the subsurface layer in the
profile 2 in the studied soils. in this respect, the Maximum permissible
concentrations of heavy metals in agricultural soils reported by
(Kabata-Pendias and Pendias 2001) are: Cd (cadmium) 5
mg/kg, Co (cobalt) 50 mg/kg, Cr (chromium) 100 mg/kg, Cu (copper)
100 mg/kg, Ni (nickel) 100 mg/kg, Pb (lead) 100 mg/kg, and Zn (zinc)
300 mg/kg.So the total concentration of trace metals in the studied soils
in Abu –Zaabal area in table (3) below the permissible limits except
chromium Cr in the surface layer ( 0 – 30 cm ) in the profile 3 the total
concentration 118.90 mg/dl. Also the total content of trace metals in
120 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
profile one ( Control profile) is lesser than the total content in the others
profiles with some exceptions.
Table (3) Total trace metals in the studied soils
profi. Samp. Depth Total Cr Total Cu Total Ni Total Zn Total Co
N0. No. (cm ) mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg
1 0 - 25 30.91 16.40 15.65 59.46 7.34
2 25 - 50 36.63 15.57 20.68 48.39 1.15
3 50 - 75 15.74 2.00 10.07 35.70 3.00
4 75 - 100 19.63 1.67 14.82 14.82 1.94
5 0 - 40 59.37 30.03 20.68 67.95 13.91
6 40 - 70 49.40 23.06 20.47 45.96 17.48
7 70 - 100 41.40 13.67 19.56 41.84 6.87
8 100- -120 31.34 6.55 6.51 24.19 5.98
9 0 - 30 118.90 91.32 29.75 24.19 20.31
10 30 - 60 97.30 87.71 39.51 20.32 26.08
11 60 - 90 32.12 8.21 12.58 16.40 5.93
12 90 - 150 22.16 8.79 2.70 23.90 4.88
13 0 -30 17.42 8.34 10.70 15.79 8.92
14 30 - 55 30.14 15.17 5.26 25.10 6.61
15 55 - 80 28.22 9.47 6.03 21.90 7.45
16 80 - 120 17.81 2.94 2.68 11.83 5.46
17 0 - 30 29.22 16.74 12.68 36.29 9.50
18 30 - 50 35.15 14.67 12.24 39.55 6.61
19 50 -80 56.80 37.08 28.14 66.16 14.64
20 80 - 100 41.71 13.21 8.12 26.01 5.25
P.L .T.M Mg/kg 100.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 50.0
P.L.T.M = Permissible limits of total trace metals.
4/2/2-Chemically extractable
Data in table (4) include chemically extractable of trace metals in
the studied soils.
Chemically extractable of Cu ranges from 0.56 mg/kg in the
deposit layer ( 75 – 100cm ) in the profile 1 to 15.64 mg/kg in the surface
layer (0- 30 cm) of the profile 3 of studied soils.
Chemically extractable of Zn varied from 2.99 mg/kg in the deposit
layer ( 80 –120 cm ) in the profile 4 to 12.40 mg/kg in deposit layer of
the profile 4 .
The value of chemically extractable Co ranges from 0.50 mg/kg to
5.22 mg/kg in the studied soils.
Chemically extractable of Ni in the studied soils ranges from 1.06
mg/kg to 8.26 mg/kg. The value of chemically extractable Cr ranges from
3.25mg/kg to 20.34 mg/kg. The maximum permissible concentrations of
extractable of trace metals in soil are the following,: Pb – 6,0 mg/kg and
Cr - 6,0 mg/kg Ni – 4,0 mg/kg Co – 5.0 mg/kg Zn – 23,0 mg/kg Cu – 3,0
mg/kg (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias 2001).
So the chemically extractable of trace metals in the studied soils in
Abu –Zabaal area above the permissible level this due to the waste of
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 121
Abu Zaabal fertilizers factories in this region , Irrigation water from
Ismailia canal and agrochemicals ( fertilizers ,pesticides) as mentioned
(Bhatt et al., 2016 ) .
By view to data in table (4) chemically extractable of all trace
metals in all profiles above the permissible level except cobalt ( Co ) in
all profile below the permissible level but subsurface layer ( 30 – 60 cm )
in the profile 3 the chemically extractable of Co equal 5.22mg/kg .So all
the trace metals in the studied soils in Abu –Zaable area become
polluting and hazardous to animals and human by transfer from soil to
plants and enter to the food chain. chemically extractable of all trace
metals in the profile one(Control profile ) is lesser than chemically
extractable of all trace metals in the others profiles.
Table 4) chemically extractable of trace metals in the studied soils.
Prof. Sampl. Depth Cu Zn Co Ni Cr
No. No. (Cm) Mg/kg (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
1- Control
1 0 - 25 4.12 8.64 2.31 3.36 7.32
2 25 - 50 3.50 7.36 0.50 4.58 8.21
3 50 - 75 0.76 5.47 0.90 2.40 3.25
4 75 - 100 0.56 3.60 0.88 3.20 4.65
5 0 - 40 7.24 9.29 3.20 5.12 10.21
6 40 - 70 5.90 7.26 4.24 4.92 9.20
7 70 - 100 3.26 6.33 2.00 3.80 8.26
8 100- -120 1.89 5.28 1.98 2.03 7.21
9 0 - 30 10.64 7.14 4.11 7.25 20.34
10 30 - 60 13.46 6.10 5.22 8.26 15.46
11 60 - 90 2.01 4.26 1.99 3.33 7.22
12 90 - 150 2.04 5.20 1.05 1.06 4.20
13 0 -30 2.01 5.28 2.01 2.85 4.20
14 30 - 55 3.99 6.87 2.13 1.32 6.25
15 55 - 80 3.26 4.29 2.65 2.01 7.30
16 80 - 120 0.90 2.99 1.89 1.69 3.99
17 0 - 30 4.35 8.20 3.22 3.26 7.22
18 30 - 50 3.87 8.30 2.11 3.09 8.12
19 50 -80 7.22 12.40 3.50 6.55 8.56
20 80 - 100 3.87 4.85 1.28 2.03 7.16
P.L .E.T.M Mg/kg 3.0 23.0 5.0 4.0 6.0
4/3-Heavy metals in grown plants
Copper in grown plants
Data in table (5) Cu content in vegetables grown in the studied
area above the permissible limits except taro vegetable which grown in
the profiles 2 .but (Zn) and (Cr) concentration in all profiles is higher
than the contamination level leads to transfer this polluting to human and
animals across the food chain leads to hazardous problems healthy.
122 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (5): Total trace metals in the plants grown in the studied area.
Prof.No. Cu Zn Co Ni Cr
Types of plant (mg/kg)
Potatoes fruit 15.90 20.58 1.1 9.32 8.29
2 Taro fruit 9.13 36.16 1.26 3.68 9.13
3 Egg plant 22.49 41.33 0.42 8.73 35.18
4 The Faba bean 43.78 40.24 0.24 9.02 24.46
5 Onion plant 23.18 54.20 1.21 4.93 33.24
Permissible limits Mg/kg 10.0 5.0 50.0 10.0 1.3
Total trace metals in the plants which grown in the studied soils:
Cu ,Zn and Ni are essential micronutrients .( Ashok et al, 2010).( Guan et al ,2011)
(Wahla and Kirkham ,2008).but Cr and Co not essential to plants but are useful to
human and animals .The mean need of 50 – 200 micr.g/day from chromium.
WHO.(2011).Okamoto et al .(1978 ) theirs not essential role for Co in plants has
not been demonstrated. From data in table (6) the cobalt (Co ) and Nickel ( Ni )
levels analyzed were below permissible limit set by FAO/WHO, 2001 (50.00
mg/Kg)and 10.0 mg/kg for ( Ni) there by these vegetables are free of its
contamination in the studied soils. Asaolu, S.S., 1995 reported the permissible limits
of some trace metals in edible portion of vegetables as the follow Ni 10.0 mg/kg, Cr
1.3 mg/kg, Zn 5.0mg/kg and Cu10 .0 mg/kg .
4/4- Translocation factor (TF) .
Translocation factor ( TF ) : transfer the metals from roots or soil to
shoot (Ma, et al 2001)
TF = metal in shoot /metal in soil or ( root )
4/5- Biological accumulation Factor (BAF ) :
Determine the ability of the plant to uptake the metal from the soil .
BAF ( shoot ) = metal in shoot/metal in soil .
Data in table (6) represent the translocation factor and biological
accumulation factor of (Cu) metal in the vegetables' which grown in the
studied soil .we find ( TF ) in all vegetables in all profiles >1 and ( BAF )
> 1 this means occur transfer and accumulate high percent of Copper
metal from contaminated soil to vegetables' which considered as a hyper
accumulators (Blalyock and Huang (2005). Variation of metal
translocation and uptake due to different concentration of metal in soil ,
organic matter , PH ,in soil , age of plant as mentioned (Khan, et al
Table (6) Translocation factor (TF ) &Biological accumulation factor of Cu
Land use Prof.No. Type of
plants Cu in soil Cu in plant T.F BAC
Cultivated soil
(Control) 1 Potatoes fruit 4.12 15.90 3.86 3.86
Cultivated soil 2 Taro fruit 7.24 9.13 1.26 1.26
Cultivated soil 3 Egg plant 10.64 22.49 2.11 2.11
Cultivated soil 4 Fabe bean 2.01 43.78 21.78 21.78
Cultivated soil 5 Onion plan 4.35 23.18 5.33 5.33
TF : metals in vegetables /metals in soil
BAF : metal in vegetables /metals in soil
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 123
4/6- Zinc in grown plant
Data in table (7) explain translocation factor and biological
accumulation factor for (Zn ) .We find (TF ) and ( BAF ) in profile
1.where potatoes fruit is grown is very low than other profiles as TF &
BAF in potatoes < Taro fruit< but all the vegetables as hyper accumulators with different proportions
by toxic Zinc. Although metals such as zinc, copper and manganese are
essential trace elements for plants and animals, they can also be
dangerous at high exposure levels. For example, poisoning incidents with
symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, nausea and diarrhea have been
reported after a single or short-term exposure to concentrations of zinc in
water (WHO 2001). At high doses of certain metal compounds, of the
order of several grams, chronic toxicity or carcinogenicity as well as
fatality may occur.
Table (7): Translocation factor (TF ) &Biological accumulation
factor of Zn
Land use Prof.No.
Type of
Zn in soil
Zn in plant
Cultivated soil
( Control)
8.64 20.58 2.38 2.38
Cultivated soil 2 Taro fruit 9.29 36.16 3.89 3.89
Cultivated soil 3 Egg plant 7.14 41.33 5.79 5.79
Cultivated soil 4 Faba bean 5.28 40.24 7.62 7.62
Cultivated soil 5 Onion plant 8.20 54.20 6.61 6.61
4/7- Cobalt in grown plants
Data in table (8) TF and BAF in all vegetables which grown in
profile< 1 This means all vegetables are free contamination in the
studied soils by Cobalt metal
Table (8): Translocation factor (TF) & Biological accumulation
factor (BAF) of Co
Land use Prof.No. Type of plant
Co in soil
Co in
Cultivated soil
1 Potatoes fruit 2.31 1.80 0.78 0.78
Cultivated soil 2 Taro fruit 3.20 1.26 0.39 0.39
Cultivated soil 3 Egg plant 4.11 0.42 0.10 0.10
Cultivated soil 4 Faba bean 2.01 0.24 0.12 0.12
Cultivated soil 5 Onion plant 3.22 1.21 0.36 0.36
4/8- Nickel in grown plants.
Data presented in table (9) show the TF &BAF in all vegetables >
1 in profiles 2,3,4,5 moderate contamination in the studied soils but in
profile 1 its high contamination by Nickal metal.
124 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (9): Translocation factor (TF) & Biological accumulation
factor (BAF) of Ni
Land use Prof.No. Type of plant Ni in soil Ni in plant T.F BAF
Mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg
Cultivated soil
Control 1
fruit 3.36 9.32 2.77 2.77
Cultivated soil 2 Taro fruit 3.20 3.68 1.15 1.15
Cultivated soil 3 Egg plant 7.25 8.73 1.20 1.20
Cultivated soil 4 Faba bean 2.85 9.02 1.16 1.16
Cultivated soil 5 Onion plant 3.26 4.93 1.51 1.51
4/9- Chromium in grown plants
Data in table (10) show the translocation factor and biological
accumulation factor in profiles 1,3,4 ,5> 1 .So all vegetables in ranges
between moderate and high contaminated by Cr metals But in profile 1
the translocation factor and biological accumulation factor < 1. So the
vegetables in this profile in the studied soils considered as low
contaminated by Cr. hyper accumulator for Chromium metal due to are
had ability to transfer the metal from contaminated soil and take up to the
plant. respectively Faba bean> Onion plant > Potatoes fruit > Egg plant
> Taro fruit. this vegetables become toxic by (Cr) when reached to the
food chain.
Table (10) Translocation factor ( TF) & Biological accumulation
factor ( BAF ) of Cr
Land use Prof.No. Type of plant
Cr in
Cr in
plant T.F BAF
Mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg
Cultivated soil
Control 1 Potatoes fruit 7.32 23.29 3.18 3.18
Cultivated soil 2 Taro fruit 10.21 9.13 0.89 0.89
Cultivated soil 3 Egg plant 20.34 35.18 1.73 1.73
Cultivated soil 4 Faba bean 4.20 24.46 5.82 5.82
Cultivated soil 5 Onion plant 7.22 33.24 4.60 4.60
4/10- Quantification of soil pollution:
Soil pollution index ( SPI ) is used to quantify the degree of
pollution of soil with respect to background . ( SPI ) can be calculated by
two ways as given below :
4/10/1-Single Element Pollution Index ( SEPI ) :Used to evaluation
methods and to identify single element contamination resulting in
increased such metal toxicity. SEPI =metal content in soil /permissible
level of metal. This suggested by Kloke ( 1997). and (Chen et al ., 2005)
were reported as SEPI ≤1 low contamination, 1< SEPI ≤3 moderate
contamination , SEPI > 3 high contamination.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 125
Data in table (11) explain (SEPI ) and ( CPI ) in the studied soil in
Abu –Zaable area. In profile 1 (Cu ) is moderate contamination in surface
and sub surface layers where (SEPI) 1.37mg/kg and 1.17 mg/kg
respectively but in third ( 50 – 75 cm ) and deposit layers (75 – 100) are
low polluted where (SEPI) 0.25 mg/kg ,0.19 mg/kg respectively. Also in
profile 2 its moderately contamination in the first three layers by (Cu).
Where is the ( SEPI ) < 3 .while in the deposit layer its low
contamination by (Cu) where (SEPI ) 0.63 mg/kg.In profile 3 in the
studied soil the surface and subsurface layers is highly contaminated by (
Cu ) where (SEPI ) > 3 .its equal 5.22 ,4.49 mg/kg . While the third and
deposit layers are low contamination by (Cu) ( SEPI ) mg/kg respectively. In profile 4 the surface and deposit layers are low
contamination by copper where (SEPI) the subsurface and the third layers are moderately contaminated by (Cu)
where (SEPI) 1.33 ,1.09 mg/kg respectively. While in profile 5 all layers
are moderately contaminated by copper where < 1 (SEPI ) 1.45,1.29, 2.41 and 1.29 mg/kg respectively .
Table (11): Single pollution index(SEPI )and Combined pollution
index ( CPI ) of heavy metals(mg/kg ) in the studied soil .
Prof. Samp. Depth. SEPI of CPI of SEPI of CPI of
CPI of SEPI of CPI of SEPI of CPI of
No. No. (cm) Cu Cu. Zn Zn Co Co Ni Ni Cr Cr
1 0 - 25 1.37 0.27 0.38 0.08 0.46 0.09 0.84 0.17 1.22 0.25
2 25 - 50 1.17 0.23 0.32 0.06 0.10 0.02 1.15 0.23 1.37 0.28
3 50 - 75 0.25 0.05 0.24 0.05 0.18 0.04 0.60 0.12 0.55 0.11
4 75 - 100 0.19 0.04 0.16 0.03 0.18 0.04 0.80 0.16 0.78 0.16
5 0 - 40 2.42 0.45 0.41 0.08 0.64 0.13 1.28 0.26 1.72 0.34
6 40 - 70 1.97 0.39 0.32 0.06 0.85 0.17 1.23 0.25 1.53 0.31
7 70 - 100 1.09 0.22 0.28 0.06 0.40 0.08 0.95 0.19 1.38 0.28
8 100- 120 0.63 0.13 0.23 0.05 0.40 0.08 0.51 0.11 1.20 0.24
9 0 - 30 5.22 1.04 0.31 0.06 0.82 0.16 1.81 0.36 3.39 0.68
10 30 - 60 4.49 0.90 0.27 0.05 1.04 0.21 2.07 0.41 2.58 0.52
11 60 - 90 0.67 0.13 0.19 0.04 0.40 0.08 0.83 0.17 1.20 0.24
12 90 - 150 0.68 0.14 0.23 0.05 0.21 0.04 0.27 0.05 0.70 0.14
13 0 -30 0.67 0.13 0.23 0.05 0.40 0.08 0.71 0.14 0.70 0.14
14 30 - 55 1.33 0.27 0.30 0.06 0.43 0.09 0.33 0.07 1.04 0.21
15 55 - 80 1.09 0.22 0.19 0.04 0.53 0.11 0.50 0.10 1.22 0.24
16 80 - 120 0.30 0.06 0.13 0.03 0.38 0.08 0.42 0.08 0.67 0.13
5 17 0 - 30 1.45 0.29 0.36 0.07 0.64 0.13 0.82 0.16 1.20 0.24
18 30 - 50 1.29 0.26 0.36 0.07 0.42 0.08 0.77 0.15 1.35 0.27
19 50 -80 2.41 0.48 0.54 0.11 0.70 0.14 1.64 0.33 1.43 0.29
6 20 80 - 100 1.29 0.26 0.21 0.04 0.26 0.05 0.51 0.11 1.19 0.24
P.M. ofM
mg/kg 3 23.00 5.00 4.00 6.00
In all profiles in the studied soils in Abu –Zaabal area are low
contaminated by Zinc ( Zn) where ( SEPI ) < 1 . as (Chen .et al . ,2005)
has reported.All layers in the studied profiles are low contaminated with
126 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Co where the (SEPI ) less than 1 except the subsurface layer in the
profile 3.where (SEPI ) more than 1 its 1.04 mg/kg.
For Ni metal in profile 1 the values of (SEPI ) in all layers less than
1.excpt subsurface layer ( SEPI ) 1.15 mg/kg its moderate contaminated
by Ni .But in profile 2 (SEPI) in the surface and subsurface layers more
than 1 So this two layers is moderately contaminated by Nickel metal.
while the third and deposit layers are low contaminated by Ni metal
where the (SEPI) < 1. Also in profile 3 in the studied area the first and
the second layers is moderately contaminated by Ni where ( SEPI ) more
than 1 its 1.18 ,2.07 mg/kg respectively. While the third and deposit
layers are low contaminated with Ni metal where (SEPI ) < 1 . All layers
in profiles 4, 5 in the studied area are low contaminated with Ni metal.
Where (SEPI) less than 1. For (Cr) metal in profile 1. the first and the
second layers where (SEPI) > 1 So this layers are moderate
contamination by Chromium metal .But in the third and deposit layers
the (SEPI ) < 1 and this layers are low contaminated by (Cr ) metal .All
layers in profiles 2, 5 .where (SEPI ) more than 2 So these layers are
moderately contaminated by Cr metal . But in profile 3 the surface layer
is highly contaminated by (Cr )where (SEPI ) more than 3 its 3.39 ,g/kg
while the subsurface and the third layers are moderate contaminated by
(Cr) metal where (SEPI ) more than 1 its 2.58 mg/kg 1.20 mg/kg .while
the deposit layer is low contaminated by Cr metal. In profile 4 the surface
and deposit layers are low contaminated by Cr metal where (SEPI ) less
than 1 .while the sub surface and the third layers are moderate
contaminated by Cr metal Where (SEPI ) 1.04 ,1.22 mg/kg respectively.
4/10/2-Combined pollution index:
The concept of a combined pollution index (CPI) which was used
as another common evaluation methods of trace metals accumulation and
to identify multi-element contamination resulting in increased overall
metal toxicity .The CPI is calculated by the equation (SEPI ) / NO. of
metals in the study (the number of metals in this study its five metals)
and then classified as low (CPI ≤1) middle (1 < CPI ≤2) or high (CPI >
2). (Chen, 2005).
All layers in all profiles of the studied soils the combined pollution
index less than 1. So are low contamination by the heavy metals in this
study ( Cu,Cr,Zn, Ni, and Co ) except (Cu) metal in the surface layer ( 0
– 30 cm ) in profile 3.the (CPI ) more than 1. its moderately
contaminated by copper where ( CPI ) equal 1.04 mg/kg .
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 127
In brief, the single and combined indices of metals contamination
in soils suggest that with trace metals. This does not preclude the main
role of parent material from which soils are derived and the
sedimentation, regime of soil matrix anthropogenic inputs contributed, to
a great extent, to the accumulation and contamination in the study area.
Therefore, continuous environmental monitoring of the study area is
needed and amelioration treatments to minimize or inactivate their
mobility and reactivity should be practiced to eliminate the toxic effect of
trace metals in soils and grown crops which are the main pathway to
animals and humans.
In the present study, we can concluded that:
1- The trace metals content in soil dependent on soil physico- chemical
properties. The total, chemical extractable and plants grown in soil
concentration of heavy metals in the studied area take these
sequences Cr >Cu>Zn> Ni>Co.Cu>Cr>Zn>Ni>Co and
Zn>Cu>Cr>Ni>Co. receptively.
2- All trace metals can be transported from soil and accumulate in
vegetables tissues leads to contamination it causes a public healthy
3- TF of all Trace metals ranges from 1>TF > 1, The soil in the studied
area contaminated with varying degrees of low ,moderate and high
pollution. Also 1>BAF > 1 in vegetables and occur accumulation
according this order Onion plant > Egg plant > Faba bean> Potatoes
fruit > Taro fruit.
4- 1 >SEPI >3, CPI < 1 the soil in the studied area contaminated by
heavy metals by varying degrees of low ,moderate and high pollution
with exception of Cu metal its moderately contaminated
5-All these results indicate that the waste generated from the Abu Zaabal
Fertilizer Factories caused pollution to the lands and growing plants.
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تطبيق دلائل التلوث لتقيم مستوى العناصر الثقيلة فى أ ا رضي و نباتات مجاورة
لمصانع ابو زعبل للاسمدة – مصر.
عبدالسلام علوه
قسم کيمياء و طبيعة الا ا رضي – شعبة الا ا رضي – مرکز بحوث الصح ا رء – المطرية - القاىرة
-1 تم إختيار 5 قطاعات تربة و 5 عينات خضروات نباتية مجاورة لمصانع ابوزعبل للاسمدة
(Control - ضمن نطاق محافظة القميوبية . قطاع رقم 1 يقع شمال غرب المصنع) قطاع
وباقى القطاعات تقع جنوب شرق المصنع
130 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
-2 بد ا رسة الخواص الطبيعية والکيميائية لمتربة اسفرت النتائج عما يمي:-
- قوام التربة مابين رمل الي رممى طفمي- وحموضة التربة متعادلة الي قموية , ونسب
المادة العضوية و کربونات الکالسيوم والمموحة منخفضة – واخذت الکتيونات والانيونات
السائدة ىذا الاتجاه الکبريتات >الکالسيوم >البيکربونات>الماغنسيوم >الصديوم>الکم وريد >
-3 أجريت الد ا رسة عمى خمسة عناصر صغرى فى الا ا رضى المدروسة وىى عناصر ثقيمة
تنتمى الى العناصر الانتقالية من الجدول الدو رى وىى عناصر الک ر وميوم والزنک والنحاس
والکوبمت والنيکل.
-4 وکان المحتوى الکمى لعناصر الد ا رسة يزيد فى ىذا الاتجاه: الک ر وميوم >النحاس >الزنک>
النيکل >الکوبمت.والمحتوى المستخمص کيميائيا لمعناصر يزيد فى ىذا الاتجاه : الکروميوم >
النحاس> الزنک> النيکل> الکوبمت>
-5 وکان محتوى الخضروات النباتية من العناصر الثقيمة يزيد فى ىذالاتجاه الزنک> النحاس>
الک ر وميوم > النيکل > الکوبمت.
-6 وکان معامل الانتقال من التربة والت ا رکم فى الخضروات لعنصر النحاس ياخذ ىذا
الاتجاه:نبات الفول يميو نبات الثوم ثم ثمرة البطاطس ثم نبات البصل واخي ا ر ثمرة القمقاس.
-7 ومعامل الانتقال من التربة والت ا رکم فى الخضروات لعنص ا رلزنک ياخذ ىذا الاتجاه : نبات
الفول يميو نبات الثوم ثم نبات البصل اثم ثمرة القمقاس واخير ثمرة البطاطس.
-8 ومعامل الانتقال من التربة والت ا رکم فى الخضروات لعنصر الکوبمت ياخذ ىذا الاتجاه :ثمرة
البطاطس و يمييا ثمرة القمقاس ثم نبات البصل ثم نبات الثوم ثم نبات الفول.
-9 ومعامل الانتقال من التربة والت ا رکم فى الخضروات لعنصر النيکل ياخذ ىذا الاتجاه : ثمرة
البطاطس ويمييا نبات الثوم ثم نبات البصل ثم نبات الفول واخي ا ر القمقاس.
-11 ومعامل الانتقال من التربة والت ا رکم فى الخضروات لعنصر الک روميوم ياخذ ىذا الاتجاه :
نبات الفول ويميو نبات الثوم ثم ثمرة البطاطس ثم نبات البصل واخي ا ر ثمرة القمقاس.
-11 التقييم الکمى لتموث التربة بعنصر منفرد: وجدنا ان معظم طباقات التربة مموثة بالعناصر
الثقيمة محل الد ا رسة بدرجات متفاوتة مابين منخفضة الى متوسطة الى عالية التموث وکان
معامل تموث التربة بالعنصر المشترک مع العناصر الأخرى محل الد ا رسة کانت نسبة التموث
لقطاعات التربة منخفضة ماعدا عنصر النحاس کان فى طبقة واحدة متوسطة التموث بو.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 131