Document Type : Original Article


A field experiment was carried out during winter season 2018 /
2019 in Maryout the agriculture experiment station of the Desert
Research Center, south west Alexandria, Egypt to study the influence of
foliar application of Humic acid, mixture of Amino acids and Active dry
yeast and their interaction on the productivity and chemical contents of
Egyptian clover (var. Meskawey) grown in calcareous soil. The
experiment was planned in a split- split plot design with three replicates.
The main plots were applying foliar spay of Active dry yeast include
three levels ( 0 , 2 , 4 g / L ) ,the subplots included foliar spray of three
levels of Humic acid ( H ) , i.e. ( 0 , 2 , 4 ml / L) and sub –sub plots was
the mixture of Amino acid (A) spayed at rates ( 0 , 2 , 4 ml / L ) . Foliar
spray of the studied treatments were added using four doses , first after
25 days from planting , 2nd ,3rd. and 4th after 10 days of each cutting .
Results showed that spraying Egyptian clover 4 through times of
bio stimulators active dry yeast (4 g /L), combined with humic acid (4 ml
/L ) and amino acid ( 4 ml /L) were the most effective treatment in
improving fresh and dry forage yields ton /fed, which recoded ( 46.88
and 8. 52 ton / fed), respectively through the whole season and which
record the highest protein % were 15.4 , 18 , 18.2 and 18.6 % for the
1st , 2nd, 3rd and the 4th cuts , respectively. Also, this treatment recoded
the highest values of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus as concentration
and uptake in the dry forage of Egyptian clover.


تأثير الرش بترکي ا زت مختمفة من المحف ا زت الحيوية عمى
البرسيم المصرى فى أرض جيرية .
فتحى عبد الفتاح العزيزى
قسم خصوبة وميکروبيولجيا الا ا رضى – مرکز بحوث الصح ا رء .
2012 عمى محصول البرسيم / أقيمت تجربة حقمية خلال الموسم الشتوى 2012
المصرى النامى فى أرض جيرية تحت نظام الرى السطحى بمحطة بحوث مريوط التابعة لمرکز
بحوث الصح ا رء لد ا رسة تأثير الرش بالخميرة الجافة النشطة بمعدل ) صفر و 2 و 4 ج ا رم / لتر(
اولرش بحمض الهيوميک بمعدل )صفر و 2 و 4 مل / لتر( والرش بمحموط الاحماض الامينية
بمعدل )صفر و 2 و 4 مل / لتر( سواء بصورة منفردة أو مجتمعة وتم الرش عمى أربعة
111 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
دفعات حيث کانت الرشة الاولى بعد 22 يوم من الز ا رعة والرشة الثانية والثالثة وال ا ربعة بعد
10 أيام من کل حشة وحيث وضعت معاملات الرش بالخميرة الجافة فى القطع الرئسية و
الرش بحمض الهيوميک فى القطع الشقية ومعاملات الرش بمخموط الاحماض الامينية فى
القطع تحت الشقية .
وقد أظهرت النتائج ما يمى :
- يوجد تأثي رمعنوى لممعاملات تحت الد ا رسة سواء الرش بالخميرة الجافة أو حمض الهيوميک
أوالرش بالاحماض الامينية منفردة أو مجتمعة عمى محصول العمف الطازج أو الجاف
وکذلک عمى الترکيز والممتص من عناصر النتروجين والفوسفور والبوتاسيوم .
- اضافة الخميرة الجافة بالرش بمعدل 4 ج ا رم / لتر مع جمض الهيوميک بمعذل 4 مل /
لتر مع مخموط الاحماض الامينية بمعذل 4 مل / لتر رشا أعطت أحسن النتائج وأعمى
محصول من العمف الاخضر ) 46.22 طن /فدان( و ) 2.22 طن / فذان( لمحصول
العمف الجاف خلال الموسم عمى الترتيب .
- أعطت أيضا أعمى قيم لمبروتين )%( وکانت 12.4 و 12 و 12.2 و 12.6 % فى
الحشة الاولى والثانية والثالثة وال ا ربعة عمى الترتيب بالمقارنة بالمعاملات الاخرى
-وکذلک أعطت أعمى قيم لمترکيز والممتصمن من عناص ا رلنتروجين والفسفور والبوتاسيوم تحت
الد ا رسة فى االعمف الجاف .


Main Subjects

El-Azizy, F.A.
Soil fertility and Microbiology Department- Desert Research Center, Cairo Egypt
Email - Fathy.el.azizy@gmail.com
Key Words: Egyptian clover, producvtity, concentration of elements,
uptake of elements and calcareous soil.
A field experiment was carried out during winter season 2018 /
2019 in Maryout the agriculture experiment station of the Desert
Research Center, south west Alexandria, Egypt to study the influence of
foliar application of Humic acid, mixture of Amino acids and Active dry
yeast and their interaction on the productivity and chemical contents of
Egyptian clover (var. Meskawey) grown in calcareous soil. The
experiment was planned in a split- split plot design with three replicates.
The main plots were applying foliar spay of Active dry yeast include
three levels ( 0 , 2 , 4 g / L ) ,the subplots included foliar spray of three
levels of Humic acid ( H ) , i.e. ( 0 , 2 , 4 ml / L) and sub –sub plots was
the mixture of Amino acid (A) spayed at rates ( 0 , 2 , 4 ml / L ) . Foliar
spray of the studied treatments were added using four doses , first after
25 days from planting , 2nd ,3rd. and 4th after 10 days of each cutting .
Results showed that spraying Egyptian clover 4 through times of
bio stimulators active dry yeast (4 g /L), combined with humic acid (4 ml
/L ) and amino acid ( 4 ml /L) were the most effective treatment in
improving fresh and dry forage yields ton /fed, which recoded ( 46.88
and 8. 52 ton / fed), respectively through the whole season and which
record the highest protein % were 15.4 , 18 , 18.2 and 18.6 % for the
1st , 2nd, 3rd and the 4th cuts , respectively. Also, this treatment recoded
the highest values of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus as concentration
and uptake in the dry forage of Egyptian clover.
Egyptian clover, or berseem, (Trifolium alexandrinum .L ), is a
very important crop, for fodder and soil fertility maintenance, which was
domesticated in Egypt and now is widespread in irrigated cropping
systems in west and south Asia and used in commercial farming in many
countries with mild winter. Foliar application technology is an integral
part of root feeding which is one of the important factors in minimizing
losses and rationalizing the high quantities of chemical fertilizers, as well
as increasing the efficiency of the use of fertilizer that applied to the soil
its direct and rapid effect, Sanyal et al., (2018).
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 94-112
Yeast, foliar sprays of bio-stimulant as humic acid and yeast
substances have promoted the growth and increases the yield and the
quality for a number of plant species .It is increased nutrients uptake,
serving as a source of mineral plant nutrients and regulator of their
nutrients release (El-Nemr et al., 2012). The bio-stimulators can be
applied in the root zone or on the leaves. Abdel Nabi et al., (2014)
showed that foliar spraying of cantaloupe plants with yeast extract at 5g
L-1 significantly surpassed other treatments (without treatments, spraying
with EM or Agrispon) and produced the highest values of all the studied
parameters of growth and yield. Ahmed et al., (2013) showed that
increasing foliar application of active yeast extracts up to 4 g L-1
improved the vegetative growth characters of potato plants as expressed
as plant length, stems, leaves number/plant, leaf area /plant, fresh and dry
weights of the whole plant as well as gave the highest total tuber yield.
Shehata et al., (2012) studied the effect of foliar application of yeast
rates (1, 2, 3 and 4 g L-1) on cucumber yield and its component where
they showed that active dry yeast increased significantly cucumber yield,
number of fruits/plant, average weight of fruit, fruit length and fruit
diameter. Also, they mentioned that yeast is an enriched source of
phytohormones especially cytokinins, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids
and minerals as well as has a stimulatory effect on the cell division and
enlargement, protein and nucleic acids synthesis, chlorophyll formation
and protective role against different stresses.
Humic acid play a prominent role in various physiological and
biochemical processes related to environmental stresses .Humic
substances have been shown to stimulate shoot and root growth and
nutrients uptake of vegetable crops ,Akinremi et al., ( 2000) . Humic
acid have ecological importance, as they intervene in the regulation of a
large number of chemical and biological processes that occur in the
natural ecosystems, Chen. et al., (2004). One of the strategies to
improve forage productivity is the foliar application with humic and
fulvic acids as well as amino acids. Foliar spraying with 10 ml/L Khumate
(10% K2O) increased significantly plant height, number of
secondary branches /plant, number of heads /plant, dry leaf /stem ratio,
number of seeds /head, 1000 seed weight, fresh and dry fodder yields as
well as seed yield, followed by foliar spray with 10 ml/L amino acids
mixture and the maximum values of crude protein , N , P and K% were
obtained from treated plants by 10 ml/L K-humate followed by 10 ml/L
amino acids mixture compared to control Fadia Sultan et al., ( 2016).
Asik. et al., (2009) reported that the lowest doses of both soil and foliar
application of humic substances increased the nutrient uptake of wheat.
Furthermore, El-Hefny (2010) reported significant increases in plant
height, number of branches, fresh weight, leaf area /plant, total pods
95 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
yield, N, P, K uptake as well as protein and carbohydrate contents in
cowpea seeds with increasing the rate of humic acid application from 1,
3, 4.5 up to 6 kg/fed. Ghorbani. et al., (2010) reported that spraying with
humic acid showed remarkable effects on vegetative growth of plant and
increases photosynthetic activity and increasing leaf area. El-Nemr et
al., (2012) found that spraying HA and bio-stimulators through foliar
application led to a positive effect on plant growth, fruit-set, yield
quantity and quality of cucumber plants. Hafez et al ( 2020 ) studied the
effect of the fertigation with four combinations of both humic (H) and
Amino acids (A) as (control, 2 L H , 2 L A and 2 L H + 2 L A /fed) as
well as the foliar application of three rates of potassium silicate (KS), i.e.
, (O, 5 and 10 g) KS / L on the growth, yield parameters, quality content,
uptake of N and K of bulb onion plants ,which found that best treatment
was observed with the integration treatment of (H + A + 10g KS/l) which
gave the highest mean values of growth, yield, yield component and
quality parameters (TSS %, Protein % and carbohydrates %) during the
studied two seasons.
Amino acids are important for stimulation of cell growth. They
contain both acid and basic groups and act as buffers, which help to
maintain favorable pH value within the plant cell. Recently, studies have
proved that amino acids can directly or indirectly influence the
physiological activities in plant growth and development. Also, amino
acids are well known as bio stimulants, which have positive effects on
plant growth, yield and significantly mitigate the injuries caused by
abiotic stresses (Kowalczyk and Zielony, 2008). Liu et al., (2008)
revealed that foliar application with the mixture of amino acids to radish
plants increased N content of shoots. El-Zohiri and Asfour (2009) on
potato found that spraying of amino acids at 0.25 ml /1 significantly
increased vegetative growth expressed as plant height and dry weight of
plant. Abo Sedera et al., (2010) revealed that spraying strawberry plants
with amino acids (peptone) at 0.5 and 1.0 g /1 significantly increased
total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in plant foliage as well as total
yield, weight of plant TSS, vitamin C and total sugars content of fruits
compared with control treatment. Studies have proved that amino acids
can directly or indirectly influences the physiological activities in plant
growth and development. Many studies reported that, the foliar
application of amino acids caused an enhancement in plant growth, fruits
yield and its components, on cucumber Karuppaiah et al., (2000), El-
Shabasi (2005).on garlic, and Awad et al., (2007) on potato. Perez et
al., (2015), mentioned that the amino acids activate plant synthesis
efficiency and internal immunity in addition improves the qualities of
growth and yield.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 96
Accordingly, this study aims to study the effect of foliar spray with
Active dry yeast, humic acid and mixture of Amino acids and their
interactions on the growth, productivity and chemical contents of
Egyptian clover (c.v. Meskawey) grown in calcareous.
The present investigation was carried out during the season of 2018 /
2019 in the Agricultural Experimental Station of the Desert Research Center
at Maryout station, 40 km south –west of Alexandria, Egypt.
The experiment was planned in a split- split plot design with three
replicates. The main plots were applying of three levels of Active dry yeast
include three rates ( 0 , 2 and 4 g / L ) ,the subplots included foliar spraying
with Humic acid ( H ) at rates of ( 0 , 2 , 4 ml / L) , and sub –sub plots
were three levels foliar Amino acids mixture at rates of ( 0 , 2 and 4 ml /
L). Foliar spraying of the treatments were added as four times, first after 25
days from planting, which 2nd , the 3rd. and the 4th after 10 days of each
cutting. Egyptian clover, (Trifolium alexandrinum .L var. Meskaway ) seeds
were sown directly ate rate of 60 kg/ fed in the soil at November 20th.
All plots were fertilized with the recommended rates of nitrogen (40
kg N/fed) as ammonium sulphate and (200 kg) superphosphate and K
sulphate, (100 kg / fed). Nitrogen , P and K fertilizers were added through
twice doses before cultivation and after 25 days from planting, also organic
manure (farmyard manure ) at rate of 5 ton /fed was added during soil
preparation .The experiment included 27 experimental units , includes 3
Hmic acid treatments , 3 rates of mixture Amino acids and 3 rates of Active
dry yeast .The plot area was (10.5 m2) , 3.5 x 3 m long and wide ( 1/400
fed) . Seeds before cultivation treated with bio- fertilizer containing the
symbiotic N- Fixing bacteria of (Rhizobium leguminosarum) which
provided by Soil Microbiology Unit, Soil Fertility and Microbiology
Department, Desert Research Center, Cairo Egypt. The soil and irrigation
water were analyzed at the laboratories of Desert Research Center, as shown
in Tables (1 A, B and 2).
Table 1- A. Some chemical properties of the experimental soil.
Soil depth
(cm )
E. C
dSm-1 Soluble Cations ( me/ l) Soluble Anions ( me/ l )
0 - 30
Ca++ Mg++ Na+ K+ HCO3
SO4= Cl-
21.57 13.62 12.5 1.1 6.23 20.98 21.24
(ppm )
N P K Fe Mn Zn Cu
35 7.83 13.5 1.7 5.03 0.86 1.4
PH : Acidity, soil extract (1 :2.5 ) , E .C :Electrical conductivity me/ l: mille
equivalent per Liter OM = organic matter
97 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table 1- B - Some physical properties of the experimental soil.
Site Particle size distribution Texture class
Coarse sand % Fine sand% Silt % Clay %
Maryout 5 41.8 35.0 18.2 SCL
SCL = Sandy clay loam
Table 2. Chemical analysis of the applied irrigation water.
Parameters PH
E. C
dSm-1 Soluble Cations ( me/ l) Soluble Anions ( me/ l )
Values 7.5 2.8
Ca++ Mg++ Na+ K+ HCO3
SO4= Cl-
8.59 10.43 8.7 0.42 6.83 5.58 15.6
PH : Acidity, E .C :Electrical conductivity me/ l: mille equivalent per Liter
A liquid commercial product of the used humic acid substance
consists of. humic acid 91 % , 1% P , 1% Fe and 1% Zn . The liquid
commercial product of amino acids mixture consists of (0.56% leucine,
1.91% alanine, 1.8% valine, 0.42% arginine, 8.1% glutamic, 0.62% aspartic,
2.33% lysine, 0.41% threonine, 2.36% phenylalanine, 0.40% histidin, 2.37%
tyrosine, 2.55% glycine, 0.42% isoleucine, 0.29% serine, 0.46% proline),
4% N, 5% K2O and 1% P2O5 were used as a source of amino acids mixture.
Yeast extract was prepared from yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae),
dissolved in water followed by adding sugar at a ratio of 1: 1 and kept 24
hours in a warm place for reproduction according to the methods of
Marzauk et al., ( 2014 ) chemical analysis of activated yeast is shown in
Table ( 3 ) .
Egyptian clover Yield:
At harvest time, 1 m2 was taken from the center of each plot of the
trial to determine the fresh and dry forage yield kg/ fed. All Egyptian clover
plants for each plot plants was harvested to determine: fresh forage yield,
dry forage yield and accumulative through the whole season (ton /fed.)
Table (3). Chemical analysis of activated yeast (mg /100 gm dry
Mineral Amino acids Vitamins
Total N 7.23 Arginine 1.99 Thiamin 2.71
P2O5 51.68 Histidine 2.63 Riboflavin 4.96
K2O 34.39 Isoleucine 2.31 Nicotinic acid 39.88
Mgo 5.76 Leucine 3.09 Pantothenic acid 19.56
Cao 3.05 Lysine 2.95 Biotin 0.09
Sio2 1.55 Methionine 0.72 Pyridoxine 2.90
So2 0.49 Phrylalanine 2.01 Folic acid 4.36
Nacl 0.30 Threonine 2.09 Cabalamine 153 ug
Fe 0.92 Tryptophan 0.45 Oxidase 0.350
Ba 1.67 Valine 2.19 Peroxidase 0.290
Co 6.8 Glutamic acid 2.00 Catalase 0.063
Pd 4.39 Serine 1.59 Carbohydrates 23.20
Mn 8.1.3 Aspartic acid 1.33
Sn 2.24 Praline 1.53
Zn 3.36 Tyrosine 1.49
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 98
Chemical contents of shoot:
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were determined in the digested dry
matter of Egyptian clover shoots which oven dried at 700 for 72 hours then fine
ground and wet digested according to Peterburgski, (1968) to determined N, P,
K % according to Chapman and Pratte (1982). Total nitrogen was determined
using Microkjeldahl method, Phosphorus content was determined by
spectrophotometer, Potassium percentage was determined by using Flame
photometer, protein (%) determination by multiplying N% of shoot × 6.25.
Statistical Analysis:
All data were statistically analyzed according to Snedecor and
Cochran (1982), where treatments means was compared using L.S.D.test at
0.05 probability level.
Egyptian clover Yield:
Foliar spraying of growth promoter substances, i.e., active dry Yeast,
humic acid and the mixture of the amino acids had a significant effects on,
fresh forage , dry forage and accumulative yields (ton / fed ), as shown in
(Table 4 ).
It is noticed that increasing spraying with active dry yeast increased
significantly the fresh, dry yields through the taken four cuts and the
accumulative yield .The addition of the high rate of yeast ( 4 g / L ) had
recorded the highest mean values of fresh and dry forage yields ton /fed
during the four cuts. The increases of 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th cuts , reached
about 76.2 , 52.5 , 52.9 and 85.8% for fresh forage while being 85.2 , 55 ,
57.5 and 95.8 % for the dry forage yields /fed , respectively. The highest
mean values were 10.633 and1.886 (ton / fed) with 3rd for fresh and dry
forge yields, where, the lowest mean values were 7.816, 1.386 ton /fed for
fresh and dry forge yields with the 4th cut .Furthermore, the highest mean
values of the accumulative fresh and dry forge yields were 37.87 and 6
.727(ton /fed), and percentage increase reached about 63.9 and 69.5% with
high spraying rate of yeast compared with control treatment. This increase
may due to the role of the addition active dry yeast, Ahmed. et al. (2013)
showed that increasing of foliar application of active yeast extracts up to 4 g
L-1 improved the vegetative growth characters of potato. Shehata et al.,
(2012) studied the effect of foliar application of yeast rates (1, 2, 3 or 4 g L-
1) on cucumber yield and its component and showed that active dry yeast
increased significantly cucumber yield, number of fruits/plant, average
weight of fruit, fruit length and fruit diameter. Also, Shehata et al., (2012)
mentioned that yeast is an enriched source of phytohormones especially
cytokinins, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and minerals as well as has a
stimulatory effect on the cell division and enlargement, protein and nucleic
acids synthesis, chlorophyll formation and protective role against different
stresses .
99 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (4). Effect of the studied treatments on fresh and dry yields of
Egyptian clover through four cuts.
g / l
ml / l
ml / l
Fresh yield ( ton /fed)
Dry forage yield ( ton /fed)
1 Accu st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
0 5.197 6.763 6.947 4.207 23.114 0.8819 1.1787 1.2006 0.7076 3.9688
2 5.713 7.55 7.747 5.257 26.267 0.9877 1.3036 1.3439 0.889 4.5242
4 6.627 8.477 8.647 5.43 29.181 1.1334 1.4514 1.484 0.9363 5.0051
0 6.657 7.413 7.577 5.39 27.037 1.1749 1.3062 1.3415 0.9406 4.7632
2 6.813 8.883 9.327 5.523 30.546 1.2028 1.6003 1.6498 0.9619 5.4148
4 8.07 8.963 9.607 6.53 33.17 1.4305 1.5828 1.6956 1.1443 5.8532
0 6.993 8.047 8.363 5.683 29.086 1.2599 1.4612 1.5013 1.0122 5.2346
2 7.523 9.98 10.39 6.027 33.92 1.3573 1.8048 1.758 1.0821 6.0022
4 8.05 10.71 10.93 6.427 36.117 1.4516 1.9262 1.975 1.1518 6.5046
0 6.08 7.043 7.18 5.13 25.433 1.0314 1.2178 1.2348 0.8872 4.3712
2 6.63 7.857 8.144 6.22 28.851 1.1459 1.3633 1.404 1.0586 4.9718
4 7.787 8.893 9.29 6.49 32.46 1.3371 1.5424 1.5847 1.0936 5.5578
0 8.523 9.427 9.647 7.387 34.984 1.5021 1.6707 1.7135 1.3007 6.187
2 8.947 10.53 10.8103 7.72 38.0073 1.5931 1.8671 1.9096 1.3603 6.7301
4 9.293 10.923 11.243 8.503 39.962 1.6356 1.934 1.9898 1.4961 7.0555
0 9.667 10.677 10.927 8.233 39.504 1.7456 1.9257 1.9095 1.5022 7.083
2 10.367 11.793 12.1 9.363 43.623 1.8748 2.1381 2.2059 1.6855 7.9043
4 10.84 12.217 12.473 9.367 44.897 1.9507 2.2184 2.2486 1.6913 8.109
0 6.563 7.227 7.403 5.713 26.906 1.127 1.2305 1.2723 0.9834 4.6132
2 7.89 8.223 8.45 6.457 31.02 1.346 1.4272 1.4614 1.0956 5.3302
4 7.81 9.077 9.517 6.553 32.957 1.3525 1.5676 1.6252 1.1277 5.673
0 8.98 9.877 9.977 7.633 36.467 1.5887 1.7523 1.7711 1.3491 6.4612
2 9.917 11.057 11.313 8.373 40.66 1.7591 1.9664 2.0019 1.4747 7.2021
4 10.227 11.287 11.573 8.42 41.507 1.8079 2.0138 2.0451 1.4973 7.3641
0 9.68 10.237 11.007 8.427 39.351 1.7699 1.8734 1.9433 1.5387 7.1253
2 10.433 12.36 13.09 9.2 45.083 1.9079 2.2645 2.3996 1.6795 8.2515
4 10.953 12.997 13.363 9.567 46.88 1.9841 2.3627 2.4504 1.7265 8.5237
LSD at 0.05
Y 0.043 0.0048 0.072 0.039 0.12 1.3 1.4 102.4 1.5 0.11
H 0.199, 0.199 0.281 0.222 0.87 20.5 20.4 129.2 17.7 0.12
A 0.050, 0.056 0.196 0.059 0.23 4.3 4.5 109.6 3.9 0.11
Y× H 0.074 0.083 0.124 0.066 0.21 2.3 2.4 177.4 2.5 0.18
Y × A 0.074 0.083 0.124 0.066 0.21 2.3 2.4 177.4 2.5 0.18
H × A 0.086 0.097 0.339 0.102 0.40 7.47 7.8 189.9 6.8 0.19
Y× H × A 0.128 0.143 0.215 0.115 0.36 4.0 4.1 307.3 4.4 0.32
Also, data indicating that increasing spraying rate of humic acid
increased significantly the fresh and dry forge yields through the taken
four cuts and the accumulative yields , the increases reached about 76.2 ,
62.7 , 64.2 and 90% for the fresh forage yield .The corresponding
increase of the dry forage yield reached 93.2 , 61.9 , 60.8, and 104 %
with application the high rate humic acid ( 4 ml /L ) in 1st , 2nd , 3rd and
the 4th cuts, respectively. Which, the highest mean values were 11.41
and1.932 (ton / fed) with 3rd cut for fresh and dry forge yields.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 100
Furthermore, the highest mean values of the accumulative fresh and
dry forge yields were 39.83 and 6.84 (ton /fed), and the highest
percentage increase were 72.3 and 72.3%with spraying the highest rate
of humic acid ( 4 ml / l ) compared with control treatment. This increase
may due to the role of humic acid which play a prominent role in various
physiological and biochemical processes related to environmental
stresses. Humic acid have ecological importance, as they intervene in the
regulation of a large number of chemical and biological processes that
occur in the natural ecosystems Chen et al., (2004). Ghorbani et al.,
(2010) reported that foliar spraying with humic acid has remarkable
effects on vegetative growth of plant and increases photosynthetic
activity and leaf area. El-Nemr et al., (2012) found that spraying HA and
bio-stimulators through foliar application led to a positive effect on plant
Moreover, it is obviously showed that increasing application of the
mixture amino acids increased significantly the fresh and dry forge yields
through the taken four cuts and the accumulative yields. The increases
reached about 73.1 , 53.7 , 52.9 and 77.7 % for fresh yield ,while being
78.4 , 55.9, 80.8 and 85.9 % for the dry forage yields with spraying the
highest rat amino acid mixture ( 4 ml /L ) for 1st , 2nd , 3rd and the 4th
cuts, respectively. The highest mean values were 10.63 and1.89 ton / fed
were obtained at the 3rd cut for fresh and of dry forge yields, while, the
lowest mean values were 6.42 , 1.14 (ton /fed) for fresh and dry forge
yields were obtained with the 4th cut .Generally, the highest mean values
of the accumulative fresh and dry forge yields were 37.46 and 6.63 (ton
/fed), and the percentage increase reached by about 62 and 67 % with
spraying the high level mixture amino acid (4 ml / l ) compared with
control treatment. This increase of fresh and dry yields (Egyptian clover)
can directly or indirectly influences the physiological activities in plant
growth and development. Many studies reported that, the foliar
application of amino acids caused an enhancement in plant growth, fruits
yield and its components, on cucumber Karuppaiah et al., (2000), El-
Shabasi (2005).on garlic and Awad et al., (2007) on potato. Perez et al.
(2015), mentioned that the amino acids actives plant synthesis efficiency
and internal immunity in addition to improves the qualities of growth and
For the double interaction (Y×H), (Y ×A) and (H ×A) they
increased significantly the fresh and the dry yields of Egyptian clover
through the studied four cuts and the accumulative yield. The spraying
with the higher rates of both humic and the mixture of amino acids (4 ml/
101 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
L) with high rate of yeast (4g /L) indicated the higher significantly of
fresh, dry and the accumulative yields represent. Where the highest
increase of the accumulative fresh and dry yields were with interaction
(Y ×H).
Respective the triple interaction among the studied treatments
(Y×H×A) data indicated significant positive effect on the fresh yields for
the four cuts and the accumulative of them. Where spraying plants with
the higher rates 4 ml/L of both humic & amino acids and 4 g/L of dry
yeast ) showed the higher fresh , dry yields for each cut and the
accumulative yield . The increases reached about 114, 96.5, 92.4 and 127
% for the four fresh cuts and 125, 100, 104 and 143.7% for the four dry
cuts yields compared to control treatment. Where the increases of
accumulative yield reached about 102.9 and 114 % for fresh and dry
yields. As mentioned before the higher yields were found in the 2nd cut
and the 3rd cut, while the lowest was found in the 4th cut.
Effect of the applied treatments on N and protein content:
Data in Table (5) and figs (1 and 2) indicated that increasing rate of
yeast application increased N concentration, protein percentage and
significantly N uptake. The highest percentage increases reached about
99.8 , 69.7, 73.8 and 121.7 % for N uptake & 8.2 , 9.39 , 10.6 and 9.8%
, for protein due to the studied four cuts and 87.5% for the accumulative
N uptake at all season , respectively with higher application rate of yeast
compared to control .
Regarding the foliar application with humic acid, data showed that
increasing rate of humic acid application increased N concentration,
protein percentage and significantly N uptake. The increases of N uptake
reached about 108, 84.6, 76.4 and 130 % & 3.5, 6.9, 9.5 and 11.9% for
protein content by studied four cuts, respectively while being 99% for the
accumulative N uptake at the whole season, respectively with application
the high rate of humic acid (4ml / L) compared with control treatment.
It is obviously, increasing application rate of amino acid increased
N concentration, protein and significantly N uptake for the studied four
cuts and the accumulative. The increases of N uptake reached about 90.4,
70, 73.4 and 108.5% while being 7.5, 8.5, 9.5 and 11.8% for protein
content through the studied four cuts, respectively and 83 % for the
accumulative N uptake.
Respecting the double interactions (Y×H), (Y ×A) and (H ×A) they
increased of both N concentration & protein content and significantly the
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 102
N uptake through studied four cuts where (y × H) showed the highest
values of the studied parameters.
For the effect of triple interaction among the studied treatments
(Y×H×A) data indicated increases of both N concentration & protein
content and significantly the N uptake through the studied four cuts.
Foliar application by the higher rate of yeast ( 4 g/L) , humic and amino
acids ( 4 ml / L ) indicated increases reached about 159.6 , 136.6, 141
and189% for N uptake & 15.4 , 18 , 18.2 and 18.6% for protein content
through the studied four cuts, respectively awhile being 152% for the
accumulative N uptake at whole cuts of the season.
Table (5). Effect of the studied treatments on N uptake (kg /fed) and
protein content (%) of dry s Egyptian clovers hoot through the
four cuts.
g / l
ml / l
ml / l
N uptake ( kg /fed)
Protein (%)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
0 13.4 18.07 18.49 10.33 60.29 9.50 9.58 9.63 9.13
2 15.08 20.08 20.79 13.09 69.04 9.54 9.63 9.67 9.21
4 17.45 22.54 23.34 13.92 77.25 9.63 9.71 9.83 9.29
0 18.01 20.29 20.93 14.55 73.78 9.58 9.71 9.75 9.67
2 18.68 25.17 26.4 15.07 85.32 9.71 9.83 10.00 9.79
4 22.32 25.32 27.35 18.16 93.15 9.75 10.00 10.08 9.92
0 19.74 22.98 23.72 15.86 82.3 9.79 9.83 9.88 9.79
2 21.54 29 28.71 17.31 96.56 9.92 10.04 10.21 10.00
4 23.33 31.34 32.65 18.43 105.75 10.04 10.17 10.33 10.00
0 16.09 19.08 19.42 13.78 68.37 9.75 9.79 9.83 9.71
2 18.03 21.54 22.46 16.73 78.76 9.83 9.88 10.00 9.88
4 21.39 24.88 25.67 17.64 89.58 10.00 10.08 10.13 10.08
0 23.73 26.51 27.3 20.38 97.92 9.88 9.92 9.96 9.79
2 25.6 30.49 31.83 21.76 109.68 10.04 10.21 10.42 10.00
4 26.94 32.49 33.83 24.24 117.5 10.29 10.50 10.63 10.13
0 27.93 31.06 31.07 24.23 114.29 10.00 10.08 10.17 10.08
2 30.75 35.77 37.65 27.52 131.69 10.25 10.46 10.67 10.21
4 32.52 38.16 39.42 28.41 138.51 10.42 10.75 10.96 10.50
0 17.81 19.6 20.52 15.47 73.4 9.88 9.96 10.08 9.83
2 21.54 23.41 24.36 17.67 86.98 10.00 10.25 10.42 10.08
4 22.09 26.13 27.74 18.8 94.76 10.21 10.42 10.67 10.42
0 25.42 28.26 28.82 21.76 104.26 10.00 10.08 10.17 10.08
2 28.85 33.04 34.69 24.48 121.06 10.25 10.50 10.83 10.38
4 30.25 34.5 35.85 25.75 126.35 10.46 10.71 10.96 10.75
0 28.67 30.72 32.39 25.03 116.81 10.13 10.25 10.42 10.17
2 32.57 39.4 42.06 28 142.03 10.67 10.88 10.96 10.42
4 34.78 42.76 44.6 29.92 152.06 10.96 11.31 11.38 10.83
LSD at 0.05
Y 0.05 0.08 0.42 0.04
H 0.59 0.60 0.98 0.53
A 0.16 0.19 0.56 0.14
Y × H 0.08 0.09 0.73 0.07
Y × A 0.08 0.09 0.73 0.07
H × A 0.27 0.28 0.96 0.24
Y × H × A 0.14 0.15 0.22 0.12
103 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Cont Y0 Y2 Y4 H0 H2 H4 A0 A2 A4
Fig (1). Effect of the studied treatments on N% of Egyptian clover through four cuts.
Fig (2) .Effect of the studied treatments on the accumulative N uptake at whole season
Effect of the applied treatments on P content:
Data in Table (6) and figs (3 and 4) indicated that increasing rate of
yeast application increased P concentration and significantly P uptake.
The highest percentage increases reached about 151, 121, 130 and 166 %
for P uptake by studied four cuts and 144% for the accumulative P uptake
at whole season, respectively with higher application rate of yeast
compared with control treatment.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 104
Regarding the foliar application with humic acid, data showed that
increasing rate of humic acid application increased P concentration, and
significantly N uptake. The increases of P uptake reached about 162, 140,
143 and 177 % due to the studied four cuts, respectively and 160% for
accumulative P uptake at whole season, respectively with higher application
rate of humic acid (4 ml / L) compared with control treatment.
Increasing application rate of amino acid increased P concentration
and significantly P uptake for the studied four cuts and the accumulative.
The increases of P uptake reached about 133, 132, 121 and 145% through
the studied four cuts, respectively and 132 % for the accumulative P uptake.
Respecting the double interaction (Y×H), (Y ×A) and (H ×A) they
increased of both P concentration and significantly the P uptake through
studied four cuts. Where the interaction between (y × H) showed the higher
increase of both P concentration and uptake.
For the effect of triple interaction among the studied treatments
(Y×H×A) data indicated that increases of both P concentration and
significantly the P uptake through the studied four cuts. Foliar application by
the higher rate of yeast ( 4g/L) , humic and amino acids ( 4ml / L ) indicated
increases reached to about 271, 240 , 264 and 298% for P uptake through
the studied four cuts, respectively and 264% for P accumulative uptake at
whole season .
Effect of the applied treatments on K content:
Data in Table (6) and figs (5 and 6) indicated that increasing rate
application of yeast increased K concentration and significantly K uptake.
The highest percentage increases reached about 189 , 147, 85 and 131 % for
K uptake by studied four cuts and 113% for the accumulative K uptake at
whole season, respectively with application the higher rate of yeast ( 4g /L )
compared to control.
It is noticed that, increasing rate of humic acid application increased K
concentration, and significantly K uptake. The increases of K uptake
reached by about 162.6, 140.6, 142.7 and 177 % due to the studied four cuts,
respectively and160% for the accumulative P uptake at whole season,
respectively with higher application rate of humic acid (4 ml / L) compared
with control treatment.
Increasing application rate of amino acid increased K concentration
and significantly K uptake for the studied four cuts and the accumulative K
uptake. The increases of K uptake reached to about 133, 131.7, 121 and
145% through the studied four cuts, respectively and 132 % for the
accumulative K uptake.
Respecting the double interaction (Y×H), (Y ×A) and (H ×A) they
increased of both K concentration and significantly the K uptake through
105 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
studied four cuts. The interaction (Y×H) showed the highest values of K
concentration and uptake.
For the effect of the triple interaction among the studied treatments
(Y×H×A), data indicated increases of both K concentration and
significantly the K uptake through studied four cuts. Application the
higher rate of yeast ( 4 g/L) , humic and amino acids ( 4 ml / L ) indicated
increases reached to about 271 , 240 , 264 and 298% for k uptake
through the studied four cuts, respectively and 264% for the
accumulative K uptake at whole season .
Table (6). Effect of the studied treatments on P and K uptake (kg
/fed) of dry shoot Egyptian clover through four cuts.
g / l
ml / l
ml / l
P uptake ( kg /fed)
K uptake (kg /fed)
1 Accu st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
0 2.03 2.71 2.76 1.56 9.06 2.85 3.84 5.32 3.18 15.19
2 2.27 3.00 3.09 1.87 10.23 3.29 4.41 6.32 4.24 18.26
4 2.61 3.34 3.56 2.06 11.57 3.83 5.02 7.08 4.56 20.49
0 2.82 3.13 3.22 2.16 11.33 3.91 4.41 6.26 4.58 19.16
2 3.13 4.16 4.45 2.4 14.14 4.16 5.65 7.97 4.81 22.59
4 3.86 4.43 4.75 3.09 16.13 5.05 5.67 8.36 6.03 25.11
0 3.28 3.8 4.05 2.53 13.66 4.3 5.06 7.21 5.16 21.73
2 3.8 5.05 5.27 2.92 17.04 4.89 6.64 8.79 5.92 26.24
4 4.06 5.59 5.93 3.11 18.69 5.41 7.28 10.21 6.65 29.55
0 2.48 3.04 3.09 2.04 10.65 4.57 5.44 5.59 4.05 19.65
2 2.86 3.54 3.79 2.65 12.84 5.35 6.5 6.88 5.11 23.84
4 3.48 4.16 4.28 2.73 14.65 6.42 7.56 7.92 5.5 27.4
0 3.91 4.51 4.63 3.25 16.3 6.86 7.8 8.1 6.76 29.52
2 4.78 5.97 6.3 3.94 20.99 7.85 9.39 9.87 6.94 34.05
4 5.23 6.38 6.57 4.64 22.82 8.34 10.06 10.49 8.03 36.92
0 4.71 5.39 5.54 3.61 19.25 8.2 9.19 9.22 7.81 34.42
2 6.19 7.7 8.38 5.39 27.66 9.75 11.27 11.85 9.39 42.26
4 6.83 8.43 8.77 5.58 29.61 10.59 12.2 12.43 9.81 45.03
0 2.93 3.32 3.44 2.46 12.15 5.07 5.62 5.94 4.59 21.22
2 3.5 3.85 4.09 2.74 14.18 6.42 6.89 7.31 5.55 26.17
4 3.79 4.39 4.71 2.93 15.82 6.59 7.89 8.29 5.79 28.56
0 4.29 5.43 5.67 3.64 19.03 7.74 9.11 8.86 7.24 32.95
2 6.16 6.88 7.21 4.87 25.12 8.8 10.03 10.35 7.96 37.14
4 6.33 7.65 7.77 5.09 26.84 9.53 10.81 11.1 8.19 39.63
0 5.49 5.99 6.22 4.46 22.16 9.03 9.74 10.3 8.31 37.38
2 6.87 8.61 9.6 5.88 30.96 10.44 12.61 13.44 9.52 46.01
4 7.54 9.21 10.05 6.22 33.02 11.45 13.7 14.21 9.79 49.15
LSD at 0.05
Y 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.03
0.02 0.03 0.12 0.01
H 0.11 0.12 0.18 0.09
0.17 0.18 0.30 0.17
A 0.03 0.35 0.11 0.04
0.05 0.06 0.17 0.04
Y × H 0.02 0.06 0.14 0.02
0.08 0.03 0.22 0.02
Y × A 002 0.02 0.14 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.22 0.02
H ×A 0.06 0.02 0.18 0.05
0.01 0.08 0.29 0.08
Y × H × A 0.03 0.04 0.23 0.03
0.04 0.05 0.23 0.04
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 106
Fig (3) .Effect of the studied treatments on P% of Egyptian clover through four cuts
Fig (4) .Effect of the studied treatments on the accumulative P uptake at whole
season (kg/fed.).
Cont Y0 Y2 Y4 H0 H2 H4 A0 A2 A4
107 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
% K
Cont Y0 Y2 Y4 H0 H2 H4 A0 A2 A4
Fig (5) .Effect of the studied treatments on K% of Egyptian clover through four cuts.
Fig (6). Effect of the studied treatments on accumulative K uptake at whole season
Y0 Y2 Y4
Total K uptake kg/fed
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 108
The increases of concentration and uptake of nutrients studied may
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humic and amino acids even, individually or together as double or triple
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vital processes which affect and improving the plant growth ( Egyptian
clover ) throughout the studied 4 cuts, as well as encourage the
absorption of some essential nutrients such as (N, P and K) from soil and
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تأثير الرش بترکي ا زت مختمفة من المحف ا زت الحيوية عمى
البرسيم المصرى فى أرض جيرية .
فتحى عبد الفتاح العزيزى
قسم خصوبة وميکروبيولجيا الا ا رضى – مرکز بحوث الصح ا رء .
2012 عمى محصول البرسيم / أقيمت تجربة حقمية خلال الموسم الشتوى 2012
المصرى النامى فى أرض جيرية تحت نظام الرى السطحى بمحطة بحوث مريوط التابعة لمرکز
بحوث الصح ا رء لد ا رسة تأثير الرش بالخميرة الجافة النشطة بمعدل ) صفر و 2 و 4 ج ا رم / لتر(
اولرش بحمض الهيوميک بمعدل )صفر و 2 و 4 مل / لتر( والرش بمحموط الاحماض الامينية
بمعدل )صفر و 2 و 4 مل / لتر( سواء بصورة منفردة أو مجتمعة وتم الرش عمى أربعة
111 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
دفعات حيث کانت الرشة الاولى بعد 22 يوم من الز ا رعة والرشة الثانية والثالثة وال ا ربعة بعد
10 أيام من کل حشة وحيث وضعت معاملات الرش بالخميرة الجافة فى القطع الرئسية و
الرش بحمض الهيوميک فى القطع الشقية ومعاملات الرش بمخموط الاحماض الامينية فى
القطع تحت الشقية .
وقد أظهرت النتائج ما يمى :
- يوجد تأثي رمعنوى لممعاملات تحت الد ا رسة سواء الرش بالخميرة الجافة أو حمض الهيوميک
أوالرش بالاحماض الامينية منفردة أو مجتمعة عمى محصول العمف الطازج أو الجاف
وکذلک عمى الترکيز والممتص من عناصر النتروجين والفوسفور والبوتاسيوم .
- اضافة الخميرة الجافة بالرش بمعدل 4 ج ا رم / لتر مع جمض الهيوميک بمعذل 4 مل /
لتر مع مخموط الاحماض الامينية بمعذل 4 مل / لتر رشا أعطت أحسن النتائج وأعمى
محصول من العمف الاخضر ) 46.22 طن /فدان( و ) 2.22 طن / فذان( لمحصول
العمف الجاف خلال الموسم عمى الترتيب .
- أعطت أيضا أعمى قيم لمبروتين )%( وکانت 12.4 و 12 و 12.2 و 12.6 % فى
الحشة الاولى والثانية والثالثة وال ا ربعة عمى الترتيب بالمقارنة بالمعاملات الاخرى
-وکذلک أعطت أعمى قيم لمترکيز والممتصمن من عناص ا رلنتروجين والفسفور والبوتاسيوم تحت
الد ا رسة فى االعمف الجاف .
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 112

Abdel Nabi, H.M.A. ; K. Dawa ; E.I.E. Gamily and E. F.Y. Imryed
(2014). Impact of mineral, organic and biofertilization on
growth, yield and quality of cantaloupe. J. Plant Prod.,
Mansoura Uni., 5(11): 1777-1794.
Abo Sedera, F.A. ; A.A. Abd El-Latif,; L.A.A. Bader and S.M. Rezk
(2010). Effect of NPK mineral fertilizer levels and foliar
application with humic and amino acids on yield and quality of
strawberry. Egypt J. Appl. Sci., 25:154-169.
Ahmed, A.A. ; M.M.H.A.E. Baky ; Y.I. Helmy and M.R. Shafeek
(2013). Improvement of potato growth and productivity by
application of bread yeast and manganese. J. of Appli. Sci.
Research, 9(8): 4896-4906.
Akinremi, O.O. ; H.H. Janzen ; R.L. Lemke and F.J. Larney (2000).
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