Document Type : Original Article
From the above data , it could be concluded that, use of
untraditional materials at nanoscale as pomegranate peels, diatoms
powder, banana peels and orange peels were mitigate salt stress effect on
garlic plants at vegetative growth stage grown in sandy soils under salt
stress. The materials differed among it to mitigate the salt stress on garlic
plants. The results showed that diatoms nanopowder applied at a dose of
0.6 (g) was more effective than other materials under study in mitigating
the salt stress on garlic plants at vegetative growth stage grown in sandy
soils under salt stress.
The issue requires, in the future, more study and research, to obtain
highquality and quantity productivity of garlic, with low cost.
Main Subjects
Eman M. Abd El-Razik
Soils, Water and Environment Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt
Key Words: untraditional nanomaterials, garlic plants, vegetative
growth, salt stress and sandy soils.
The experiment was conducted on pots filled with sandy soil
affected by salts, the soil concentration of salts was 8.15 dSm-1 and the
EC of irrigation water was 7.02 dSm-1. The experiment was conducted
in the Agricultural Research Center in Giza, Egypt. Garlic (Allium
sativum L., var. sids 41) was grown during winter seasons of 2019-2020
and 2020-2021. The untraditional materials as pomegranate peels,
diatoms powder, banana peels and orange peels were grinded with a
kitchen mill and investigated by Transmission Electron Microscope
(TEM). Thirteen treatments from pomegranate peels, diatoms powder,
banana peels and orange peels at nanoscale in three doses of 0.15, 0.3
and 0.6(g) and control treatment were applied. The research was amid to
study the effect of some untraditional materials at the nanoscale to
mitigate salt stress on garlic plants at vegetative growth stage grown in
sandy soils. The data showed that addition of diatoms nanopowder with
dose of 0.6(g pot -1) was the superior treatment for mitigating salt stress
on garlic plants at vegetative growth stage under salt stress grown in
sandy soils compared to other materials at different doses used and
control treatment.
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is an important vegetable crop. It has
been used since ancient times for medicinal and culinary purposes all
over the world. In Egypt, garlic is considered the second cultivated bulb
crop after onion and it is an important source of foreign exportation.
Salinity is one of the most important environmental determinants of
plant growth and productivity. Generally, about third of the cultivated
soils is considered to be affected by salinity (Kaya et al., 2002). It is
known that high salinity in the soil adversely affects plant growth, as the
high osmotic pressure around the plant due to roots uptake inhibition for
water and nutrients. Also, a nutritional imbalance may occur in the
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 78-93
ground solution that leads to precipitation of some nutrients, competitive
absorption or direct toxicity due to excess salinity (Greenway and
Munns, 1980). In salty environments, sodium accumulates in plants at
the expense of calcium and potassium, while sodium is not considered a
nutrient for plants. Salt-tolerant plant varieties maintain high calcium and
potassium concentrations and vice versa maintain low sodium and
chloride concentrations (Patel et al., 2010). The highest ratio of
susceptibility to high salinity.
Potassium to sodium in plants is one of the most important reasons
that make plants tolerate salt (Maathuis and Amtmann, 1999). Among
the manifestations of the effect of salt stress on plants is the decrease in
rate of photosynthesis because chloroplasts activity lack and the high rate
of photorespiration, which leads to a decrease in plant growth in general.
Environmental changes surrounding the plant, such as high relative
humidity, temperature, radiation and air pollution, lead to increase plant
affected to salinity (Shannon et al., 1997).
Biotechnological applications tend to use new materials in
environmental treatment called bio-adsorption (Japhe, et al., 2015).
Biotechnological applications tend to use new materials in environmental
treatment called bio-adsorption, materials used in this field, crustacean’s
shells, algae, fruit peels, egg shells, sawdust, nut shells, tea leaves, etc.
(Liu and Wang, 2009 and Kim et al., 2017). Agricultural wastes
(Pomegranate banana and orange peels) are polyphenols compounds,
lignin and cellulose that consider as a natural adsorbents and have the
capacity to adsorb a number of metal ions (Al-Rawahi et al., 2014,
Arora and Kuar, 2013 and Aboul-Enein et al., 2016 ).
Diatoms are a large group of silicate algae, most of which are
unicellular. It is one of the most common types of phytoplankton in the
seas and oceans. Although they can exist in the form of colonies in the
form of strings or ribbons, fans, flats or colonies (Wang and Seibert,
2017). Silicon has many benefits for the plant, such as stimulating seed
germination, resisting diseases pests, remediate nutrient imbalances,
resisting water and salt stress. diatoms contain Si, lignin (Wang and
Seibert, 2017) and total phenolic content (Hemalatha et al., 2013).
The aim of this study, to exam the effect of some untraditional
materials at nanosizes to mitigate salt stress on garlic plants at vegetative
growth stage grown under salt stress in sandy soils.
The untraditional materials as pomegranate peels, diatoms (silicate
algae), banana peels and orange peels were collected and washed well
79 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
using distilled water, while diatoms was washed until remove its salinity.
All material were dried in hot oven at 105°C for 12 h, then the dried
material were grinded very well using kitchen mill and sieved the
obtained powder using 0.25 micrometer sieve and then regrind it again
and the material powder sieved again. The passed powder was examined
using Transmission Electron Microscope HRTEM, JEOL 3010 (TEM) to
determine the size of materials in nanometers as shown in Figure (1).
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. (1) TEM image a) pomegranate peel b) diatoms algae c) banana peel d)
orange peel nanopowder.
The sandy saline soil was collected from Bani Salama Embaba
area, Giza Governorate. Soil was dried and sieved with 2 mm sieve and
then homogenized. Irrigation water was brought from a well used to
irrigate plants in the same area. The some analysis were carried out on
soil and irrigation water as follows: soil pH (using pH meter model
WTW Series pH 720) was determined in 1:2.5 soil water suspensions
according to the standard method described by Richards (1954). Total
soluble salt (using EC meter model WTW Series Cond 720) occurred in
soil paste extract as method described by Jackson et al. (1973). Total
CaCO3 content and soluble cations and anions were carried out according
to Jackson et al. (1973). Nitrogen was determined by the micro Kjeldahl
method according to AOAC (2012). Phosphorus was determined
colorimetrically using spectrophotometer (model JENWAY6705UV/Vis)
and potassium was determined using Flame-photometer (model
JENWAYPFP7), according to Jackson et al. (1973). Available
micronutrients were extracted by DTPA according to Lindsay and
Norvell (1978) and determined using Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer (model, analyticjenanovAA 350). Data presented in
Table (1) and (2) showed that some physical and chemical characteristics
of the sandy soils and irrigation water under study.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 80
Table 1: Some physical and chemical characteristics of the studied soil
Soil characteristics Value Soil characteristics Value
Particle size distribution%: Soluble cations ( mmolcl-1)
Sand 95.55 Ca2+ 23.62
Silt 1.50 Mg2+ 22.28
Clay 2.95 Na+ 26.50
Textural class Sandy* K+ 0.11
Soil chemical properties: Soluble anions ( mmolcl-1)
pH (1:2.5 soil water suspension) 7.60 CO3
2- 0.00
ECe (dS m-1, soil paste extract) 8.15 HCO3
- 2.83
CaCO3 % 3.21 Cl- 24.18
Organic matter % 0.07 SO4
2- 45.50
Available macro and micronutrients (mg kg-1)
N P K Fe Mn Zn Cu
33.42 7.21 95.80 0.41 0.22 0.25 0.18
*International texture triangle
Table 2: Some chemical characteristics of irrigation water
Characteristics Value
pH 6.80
EC (dSm-1) 7.02
Soluble cations (mmolc l-1) Value Soluble anions ( mmolc l-1) Value
Ca2+ 32.24 CO3
2- 0.00
Mg2+ 26.92 HCO3
- 1.42
Na+ 21.39 Cl- 27.04
K+ 0.80 SO4
2- 53.55
A pots experiment was conducted in the Agricultural Research Center,
during two successive seasons 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. The cultivation was
carried out in pots of 2 kg capacity, and the soil used saline soil was sandy
collected , from Bani Salama Embaba area, Giza Governorate. The collected
sandy soils were mixed, homogenized, sieved (< 0.25 mm). The pots were
irrigated before planting, then three cloves of garlic (Allium sativum L. var. sids
41) were planted in each pot and re-irrigated again. Irrigation and fertilization
program followed according to the Ministry of Agriculture. Untraditional
materials such as pomegranate peels, bananas peels, orange peels, and diatoms
powder (Fossilized silicates algae) were used as treatments added to garlic
plants to reduce the salt stress of soil and irrigation water. Thirteen treatments as
control, 0.15, 0.3 and 0.6 g from untraditional material at nanosize were applied
and distributed in the soil surface of the pots with three replicates for each
treatment arranged as complete at randomize block design. Treatments were
applied each time at the day before application irrigation and fertilization for
pots. Three garlic plants were collected from each treatments at the end of
vegetative growth. Some growth parameters such as plant height (cm), number
of leaves/ plant, fresh leaf weight (g), and leaf dry weight (g) were measured.
Plant samples were oven dried at 70 °C, then fine grinded. Plant samples were
81 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
digested using H2SO4+ HClO4(1:1v/v) acid mixture to determine macro (N, P,
K, Na and) and micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn) using micro-Kjelahel
method, spectrophotometer, flam photometer and atomic spectrophotometer,
respectively, according to AOAC (2012), respectively. S content in plants was
determined according to Kurmanbayeva et al. (2017). Photosynthetic pigment
content as a, b and total chlorophyll and carotenoids content were determined in
fresh leaves according to Sumanta et al. (2014). Proline in fresh leave was
measured by ninhydrine method according to method described by (Petronia
and Yves, 2015).
The data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance test by the
least significant difference (LSD at 0.05) according to method described by
Gomez and Gomez (1984) using IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program (2020).
Effect of untraditional materials at nanoscale on some growth parameters
of garlic plants at vegetative growth under salt stress
As the obtained results of both successive seasons were not
significantly different, their average was taken into consideration as Bartlett
(1937) test was done to homogeneity of error variance. The test was not
significant for all assessed trait, so, the two seasons' data were combined.
Growth parameters
Data in Table (3) show that some growth parameters of garlic plants at
vegetative growth grown in sandy soil under salt stress.
Also, the data showed that some growth parameters i.e. plant height,
number of leaves plant-1, leaves fresh weight and leaves dry weight were
significantly affected at the control treatment when grown in sandy soils
with salts content of 8.15 (dS m-1) and irrigated by irrigation water with 7.02
(dS m-1) without any treatments with values were 47.37 (cm), 7.25 leaves
plant-1, 58.10 (g) and 9.88 (g) for each of the plant height, number of leaves
plant-1, leaves fresh weight and leaves dry weight, respectively.
On other hand, the data showed that, the garlic plants were applied by
diatoms powder at nanoscale was more tolerant and resistant to salt stress
than plants under other treatments. The results appeared that the values of
some growth parameters of garlic plants at vegetative growth stage under
salt stress with values were 55.53, 60.85 and 68.75 (cm), 7.50, 7.75 and 8.75
leaves/plant, 72.32, 72.51 and 73.77 (g), 0.27, 10.58 and 10.75 (g) for both
of plant height, No. of leaves, leaves fresh weight and leaves dry weight
with rates of 0.15, 0.3 and 0.6 (g) from diatoms nanopowder, respectively.
Also, the results recorded that the highest values (68.75 cm, 8.75,
73.77 (g) and 0.75 (g) of plant plant height , No. leaves, Leaves fresh weight
and leaves weight (g) dry , respectively were obtained due to the treatments
of diatoms powder addition at 0.6 (g/pot) nanopowder from the treatments
as follows diatoms powder > pomegranate peel > banana peel > orange peel
at nanoscale > control treatment according to tolerance of salinity.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 82
Table (3) Effect of some untraditional materials at nanoscale on
some growth parameters of garlic plants at vegetative
growth stage grown under salt stress
Treatments Plant height
No. of
Leaves fresh
weight (g)
Leaves dry
weight (g)
Control 47.37 7.25 58.10 9.88
0.15 55.33 7.40 65.25 10.23
0.3 57.89 7.50 68.75 10.33
0.6 65.78 8.25 71.82 10.50
Mean 59.67 7.72 68.61 10.35
0.15 55.53 7.50 72.32 10.27
0.3 60.85 7.75 72.51 10.58
0.6 68.75 8.75 73.77 10.75
Mean 61.71 8.00 72.87 10.53
0.15 48.15 7.50 63.95 10.20
0.3 52.80 7.75 68.44 10.32
0.6 58.24 8.00 69.55 10.53
Mean 53.06 7.75 67.31 10.35
0.15 49.33 7.50 60.20 10.15
0.3 50.76 7.50 65.45 10.33
0.6 52.50 7.75 68.80 10.41
Mean 50.86 7.58 64.82 10.30
LSD at 0.05 1.85 0.42 0.85 0.28
Figure (2) showed that the effect of using untraditional materials on
increasing the dry weight of garlic plant leaves at vegetative growth stage
under salt stress compared to the control treatment. The addition of
untraditional materials at the nanoscale with treatment of 0.6 (g)
increased the plant response to tolerance salt stress than the other
treatments at other doses. Most of the fruit peels and diatoms (marine
algae) contain potassium, vitamins, minerals and some essential elements
which enhance the growth of plants (Mercy et al., 2014 and Zheng et
al., 2005).
Fig. (2) Effect of untraditional materials at nanoscale on leave dry weight
in garlic plants at vegetative growth stage under salt stress
83 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Interaction analysis showed that some growth parameters of garlic
plants at vegetative growth stage under salt stress were had a positive
response to tolerance salt stress with add the untraditional materials as
pomegranate peels, diatoms powder, banana peels and orange peels
compared with control treatment. This result means that the untraditional
materials at nanoscale treatments acted suitably on the growing garlic plants
regarding to all the studied vegetative characters (Shama et al., 2016)
Bio-chemical properties.
Data in Table (5) indicated that the photosynthetic pigments such as
chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoids were
significantly varied with addition of untraditional materials to garlic plants
during vegetative growth stage under salt stress as compared to the control
Although, addition of the untraditional materials at nanoscale led to an
enhanced photosynthesis pigments of garlic plants at vegetative growth
stage under salt stress, it differed among it in terms of response degree. The
response of the garlic plant in vegetative growth stage was better with
diatom powder treatment at nanoscale, especially when the treatment was
applied to dose of 0.6 g.
Using of some materials to enhancement of chlorophyll and carotenoid
pigments level , photosynthetic rate and modifying the activity of some of
the important enzymes are led to mitigate of salt stress on plants (Hayat et
al., 2007 and 2008).
Table (4) Effect of some untraditional materials at nanoscale on some
biochemical parameters of garlic plants at vegetative growth
stage grown under salt stress
Treatment (g)
Chl. a Chl. b Total Chl. Carotonids Proline
mg g-1 FW
control 0.409 0.162 0.571 0.324 20.42
0.15 0.440 0.207 0.647 0.356 32.23
0.3 0.461 0.214 0.675 0.379 34.35
0.6 0.474 0.231 0.705 0.387 37.52
Mean 0.460 0.220 0.680 0.370 34.70
0.15 0.463 0.219 0.682 0.399 34.20
0.3 0.484 0.225 0.709 0.408 37.12
0.6 0.510 0.236 0.746 0.416 39.45
Mean 0.490 0.230 0.710 0.410 36.92
Banana peels
0.15 0.420 0.179 0.599 0.343 29.64
0.3 0.443 0.207 0.650 0.349 31.25
0.6 0.457 0.226 0.683 0.374 32.52
Mean 0.440 0.200 0.640 0.360 31.14
Orange peels
0.15 0.415 0.175 0.590 0.333 24.53
0.3 0.435 0.200 0.635 0.342 27.34
0.6 0.444 0.209 0.653 0.364 29.23
Mean 0.430 0.200 0.630 0.350 27.03
LSD at 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.62
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 84
Also, data in Table (5) showed that the interaction effect of
untraditional materials at nanoscale and garlic plants at vegetative growth
under salt stress on proline content with values arranged between 24.53 to
39.45 mg g-1 FW, and control treatment was less value (20.42 mg g-1 FW) as
shown in Figure (3). It was evident from the results that addition of
untraditional materials at nanoscale helped garlic plants at vegetative growth
stage to tolerance salt stress by stimulating garlic plants to form proline. Use
of untraditional materials at nanoscale with the garlic plants at vegetative
growth stage grown in sandy soils under salt stress led to stimulating proline
production, which led to mitigate salt stress (Turan et al., 2009 and Butt et
al., 2016). The increased accumulation of proline lead to enhanced
photosynthetic efficiency and ATP production, resulting in greater saline
water use efficiency (Guo et al., 2015). The harmful effects of irrigation
with saline water on garlic plants might be related to the injurious effect of
specific ions such as Na+ and Cl-, which inhibited the production of
chlorophyll and carotonids in leaves (Al-Safadi and Faoury, 2004).
Interaction analysis showed that some biochemical parameters of
garlic plant at vegetative growth stage grown under salt stress were there
more response to tolerance salt stress with add the untraditional materials at
nanoscale compared with control treatment.
Fig. (3) Effect of untraditional materials at nanoscale on Proline content in
garlic plant at vegetative growth stage under salt stress
3) Effect of untraditional materials at nanoscale on macro, micronutrients
and S contents of garlic plants at vegetative grown stage
under salt stress
The data in Table (5) show the macro, micro-nutrients and S
contents of garlic plants at vegetative growth stage under salt stress,
85 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
which reflects the nutritional status of garlic plants under this state
compared with control treatment.
Also, the results in Table (5) showed macro, micro-nutrients and S
contents of garlic plants at vegetative growth stage under salt stress,
which reflects the nutritional status of garlic plants under this state this
mean that the untraditional materials at nanoscale were effective to
reduced salt stress especially diatoms powder at dose 0.6 (g) (Fawzy et
al., 2012).
Furthermore, data were presented that using untraditional materials
at nanoscale were promoted increase plant response to accumulate
macro, micro and S-nutrients in vegetative parts of garlic plants under
salt stress. Whereas, the contents of garlic plants at vegetative growth
stage under salt stress differ from macro and micro-nutrients according to
materials were using and the weight was taken from it. Soil fertility was
increase with increasing of macro-nutrients with using untraditional
nanomaterials (Abou Basha et al., 2013 and Mercy et al., 2014)
Table (5) Effect of some untraditional materials at nanoscale on
macro, micro-nutrients and sulfur contents of garlic
plants at vegetative grown stage under salt stress
N P K Fe Mn Zn
% mg kg-1
Control 1.04 0.08 1.35 0.50 10.35 11.24 0.20
0.15 1.85 0.13 1.58 0.66 12.05 11.58 0.25
0.3 2.00 0.17 1.62 0.68 12.40 11.84 0.28
0.6 2.45 0.18 1.68 0.71 12.86 12.00 0.33
Mean 2.10 0.16 1.63 0.63 12.44 11.81 0.29
0.15 2.01 0.15 1.69 0.70 12.23 11.62 0.31
0.3 2.26 0.18 1.71 0.75 12.78 12.15 0.33
0.6 2.56 0.19 1.75 0.77 13.15 12.56 0.37
Mean 2.28 0.17 1.72 0.74 12.72 12.11 0.34
Banana peels
0.15 1.25 0.12 1.45 0.62 11.80 11.25 0.25
0.3 1.90 0.14 1.53 0.64 11.85 11.56 0.25
0.6 2.15 0.17 1.58 0.65 11.88 11.90 0.30
Mean 1.77 0.14 1.52 0.64 11.84 11.57 0.27
Orange peels
0.15 1.18 0.10 1.42 0.58 11.11 11.22 0.22
0.3 1.33 0.12 1.48 0.58 11.42 11.34 0.23
0.6 1.40 0.15 1.50 0.59 11.45 11.52 0.26
Mean 1.30 0.12 1.47 0.58 11.33 11.36 0.24
LSD at 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.30 0.06 0.02
Therefore, data was found that the content of garlic plants at
vegetative growth stage and grown in sandy soils affected by salts, from
macro and micro-nutrients with values were (0.25, 0.28, 0.33%), (0.31,
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 86
0.33, 0.37%), (0.25, 0.25. 0.30,%) and (0.22. 0.23, 0.26%) of S contents
for each of pomegranate peels, diatoms powder, banana peels and orange
peels nanoscale at applied doses of 0.15, 0.3 and 0.6 (g), respectively, as
shown in Figure (4).
Fig. (4) Effect of untraditional materials at nanoscale on sulfur content in
garlic plants at vegetative growth
The untraditional materials at nanoscale stimulate plant
development by the assimilation of macro, micro-nutrients and S
contents, enzyme activation and /or inhabitation, changes in membrane
permeability and finally the activation of dry matter production (Shafeek
et al., 2016 and El-Metwally and Salama, 2019).
Finally, the results showed that responses of macro and micronutrients
contents in garlic plants at vegetative growth under salt stress
seemed to be more efficient with diatoms nanopowder applied at dose of
0.6 (g).
Effect of untraditional materials at nanoscale on sodium and
potassium contents and K+/Na+ ratio of garlic plant grown under salt
The data in a Table (6) indicated that there was a response to
reducing salt stress on garlic plants at vegetative growth stage grown in
sandy soil when using untraditional materials at nanoscale such as
pomegranate, bananas and oranges peels as well as diatoms powder in
three doses were 0.15, 0.3 and 0.6 (g) compared to the control treatment.
Sodium content in garlic plants at vegetative growth stage under
salt stress was high with control treatment compared with other
treatments. On the other hand, sodium content was decreased with using
untraditional materials at nanoscale especially with diatoms treatment
applied at dose of 0.6(g).
87 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (6) Effect of some untraditional materials at nanoscale on
sodium content of garlic plant grown under salt stress
K+ Na+
Control 1.33 10.44 0.14
Pomegranate peels
0.15 2.22 9.32 0.24
0.3 2.85 8.98 0.32
0.6 3.11 8.64 0.36
Mean 2.73 8.98 0.31
Diatoms powder
0.15 2.32 9.17 0.25
0.3 3.15 8.85 0.36
0.6 3.60 8.55 0.42
Mean 3.02 8.86 0.34
Banana peels
0.15 2.11 9.64 0.22
0.3 2.64 9.15 0.29
0.6 2.90 8.84 0.33
Mean 2.55 9.21 0.28
Orange peels
0.15 1.89 9.85 0.19
0.3 2.05 9.24 0.22
0.6 2.45 9.05 0.27
Mean 2.13 9.38 0.23
The results revealed that the untraditional materials at nanoscale
increased potassium content in garlic plants at vegetative growth stage
under salt stress with values were (2.22, 2.85, 3.11%), (2.32, 3.15,
3.60%), (2.11, 2.64, 2.90%) and (1.89, 2.05, 2.45%) for K content at
pomegranate peels, diatoms powder, banana peels and orange peels at
applied doses of 0.15, 0.3 and 0.6 (g), respectively. Improving garlic
plants growth and biochemical parameters, macro and micro-nutrients
contents with using untraditional materials at nanoscale as pomegranate
peels, diatoms powder, banana peels and orange peels led to increase K+/
Na+ ratio and this led to mitigate salt stress on garlic plants at vegetative
growth stage grown in sandy soils under salt stress. Also, data was
noticeable that the ratio of potassium to sodium in all treatments from
untraditional materials at nanoscale as pomegranate peels, diatoms
powder, banana peels and orange peels with three doses were 0.15, 0.3
and 0.6 (g) was high compared to the control treatment as shown in
Figure (5).
Furthermore, promoted increase potassium ratio in garlic plants at
vegetative growth stage under salt stress led to reduce the competition
between sodium and potassium and increased mitigate of salt stress
(Zheng et al., 2005, Munis et al., 2010 and Mercy et al., 2014).
Finally, high salts lead to osmotic stress around plant’s roots, and
this leads to a clear decrease in the rate of plant growth (Yongchao et al.,
2015). Adding traditional materials at nanoscale as pomegranate peels,
diatoms powder, banana peels and orange peels which contain
polyphenols compounds, lignin, cellulose that consider as a natural
adsorbents and have the capacity to adsorb a number of metal ions
(Arora and Kuar, 2017), and silicon led to improving the plant contents
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 88
of photosynthetic pigments, improving the percentage of carbon dioxide
among the plant’s cells, improving the stomatal conductance and then
improving the rate of photosynthesis of the plant (Imtiaz et al., 2016).
Growing plants under salt stress lead to decreasing in the overall growth
rate of plant, and thus silicon plays an important role to making plant
tolerance salt stress (Xu et al., 2015). Silicon as a significant component
in diatoms (silicate algae) plays an important role in reducing salt stress
on plants, as it works to reduce the rate of transpiration due to the
deposition of silicon under the epidermal cells of leaves and stems
(Trenholm et al., 2004 and Yongchao et al., 2015).
Fig (5) Effect of untraditional materials at nanoscale on K+/Na+ in garlic
plants at vegetative growth under salt stress
From the above data , it could be concluded that, use of
untraditional materials at nanoscale as pomegranate peels, diatoms
powder, banana peels and orange peels were mitigate salt stress effect on
garlic plants at vegetative growth stage grown in sandy soils under salt
stress. The materials differed among it to mitigate the salt stress on garlic
plants. The results showed that diatoms nanopowder applied at a dose of
0.6 (g) was more effective than other materials under study in mitigating
the salt stress on garlic plants at vegetative growth stage grown in sandy
soils under salt stress.
The issue requires, in the future, more study and research, to obtain
highquality and quantity productivity of garlic, with low cost.
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89 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
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تخفيف الإجهاد الملحي باستخدام مواد غير تقليدية وتاثير ذلک على النمو
الخضري لنباتات الثوم الم زروعة في التربة الرملية
إيمان محمد عبد ال ا رزق
معهد بحوث الا ا رضى والمياه والبيئة- مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية- الجيزة- مصر
Allium ( أقيمت في مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية بالجيزة ، مصر ، تمت ز ا رعتها بنباتات الثوم
9191 . تم طحن المواد - 9191 و 9191 - خلال موسمي 9102 )sativum L., var. sids 41
تم تطبيق ثلاثة .)TEM( غير التقميدية بمطحنة المطبخ وفحصها بواسطة المجهر الإلکتروني النافذ
عشر معاممة هي قشور الرمان ، مسحوق الدياتومات ، قشور الموز وقشور البرتقال بالمقياس النانوى
بثلاث معدلات هي 1,01 و 1,3 و 1,6 )جم( ومعاممة المقارنة. يهدف هذا البحث إلى د ا رسة تأثير
بعض المواد غير التقميدية بمقياس النانو عمى تخفيف الضغط الممحي عمى نباتات الثوم في مرحمة النمو
الخضري المزروعة في التربة الرممية المتأثرة بالأملاح. أظهرت البيانات أن مسحوق الدياتومات النانوى
بجرعة 1,6 )جم( کانت أفضل معاممة لتخفيف الإجهاد الممحي عمى نباتات الثوم في مرحمة النمو
الخضري تحت الضغط الممحي المزروع في التربة الرممية.
93 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021