Document Type : Original Article


A field experiment was conducted at a sandy soil in south of ELQantara
East station, North Sinai, to investigate the effect of applying
juice pomegranate wastes (JPW) and farmyard manure (FYM) at the
rates of 0, 25, 50, 100, and 150 Mg.ha-1 on soil properties and yield of
wheat. Soil pH, and EC decreased with increasing the application rate of
either JPW or FYM, while, the organic carbon content was increased.
Also, soil bulk density, penetration resistance, and hydraulic conductivity
were decreased with increasing application rates of either JPW or FYM.
The maximum water holding capacity was increased. Grain wheat yield
increased with increasing either JPW or FYM rates up to the 150 Mg.ha-
1. Obtained data showed that N, P and K contents in grain wheat
increased with increasing either JPW or FYM rate up to the 150 Mg.ha-1.
It could be concluded that either juice pomegranate wastes or FYM are a
good source of P and K when applied to soil and its application may be
reduce the amount of fertilizers required for optimum crop yield. The
average yields were 2.91, 3.68, 4.77, and 5.74 Mg.ha-1for JPW addition
rates of 25, 50, 100, and 150 Mg.ha-1, respectively. While, they reached
2.44, 3.29, 4.07 and 4.99 Mg.ha-1 for FYM additions at the same rates,
respectively. Statistical analysis showed that a quadratic function fitted
the relationships between both JPW or FYM rates and grain wheat yield
(r = 0.99** and 0.98**, respectively). Differential’s method of quadratic
equation obtained was used to find the predicted values of critical level
of rate JPW and FYM amendments, the value for critical level of rate
was 202 Mg.ha-1 and 252 Mg.ha-1, respectively. Indication the rate where
further change in the yield results in a reduction.


في تجربة حقمية تم د ا رسة تأثير إضافة مخمفات عصير الرمان و سماد مخمفاات المزرعاة
025 ميجااا جاا ا رم کتااار- 0 عمااع بعاا خاوا الأر 055 25 بمعاادصت صاافر 52
الرممية و إنتاجية محصول القمح بمنطقة محطة جنوب القنطرة شرق – شمال سيناء.
أظهارت النتاانه أناد بزياادة معادصت إضاافة مخمفاات عصاير الرماان و ساماد مخمفاات
المزرعة انخفضت قيم کلا من الکثافاة الظا رياة لمترباة مقاوماة اصختا ا رق التوصايل الهيادروليکي
لمتربة بينما ا زد الکربون العضوي والسعة المانية العظمع لمتربة.
ووجاد أناد بزياادة معادصت إضاافة مخمفاات عصاير الرماان و ساماد مخمفاات المزرعاة ا زد
محصاول حباوب القماح. وتام الحصاول عماع أعماي محصاول عناد اساتخدام معادل 025 م ميجاا
0.. ج ا رم کتار- 0 بالمقارنة بالمعاممة بدون إضاافة. وکاان متوساط قايم محصاول حباوب القماح 1
2 م ميجا ج ا رم کتار- 0 عند استخدام مخمفات عصير الرماان ..7 7... 8..3 5.10
025 م ميجااا جاا ا رم کتااار- 0 عمااع الترتيااب بينمااا کاناات 055 25 بمعاادصت صاافر 52


Main Subjects

Salah A. E. Elcossy
Soil Conservation Dept., Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
Key Words: juice pomegranate wastes, farmyard manure, soil chemical,
physical properties, south of EL-Qantara East.
A field experiment was conducted at a sandy soil in south of ELQantara
East station, North Sinai, to investigate the effect of applying
juice pomegranate wastes (JPW) and farmyard manure (FYM) at the
rates of 0, 25, 50, 100, and 150 Mg.ha-1 on soil properties and yield of
wheat. Soil pH, and EC decreased with increasing the application rate of
either JPW or FYM, while, the organic carbon content was increased.
Also, soil bulk density, penetration resistance, and hydraulic conductivity
were decreased with increasing application rates of either JPW or FYM.
The maximum water holding capacity was increased. Grain wheat yield
increased with increasing either JPW or FYM rates up to the 150 Mg.ha-
1. Obtained data showed that N, P and K contents in grain wheat
increased with increasing either JPW or FYM rate up to the 150 Mg.ha-1.
It could be concluded that either juice pomegranate wastes or FYM are a
good source of P and K when applied to soil and its application may be
reduce the amount of fertilizers required for optimum crop yield. The
average yields were 2.91, 3.68, 4.77, and 5.74 Mg.ha-1for JPW addition
rates of 25, 50, 100, and 150 Mg.ha-1, respectively. While, they reached
2.44, 3.29, 4.07 and 4.99 Mg.ha-1 for FYM additions at the same rates,
respectively. Statistical analysis showed that a quadratic function fitted
the relationships between both JPW or FYM rates and grain wheat yield
(r = 0.99** and 0.98**, respectively). Differential’s method of quadratic
equation obtained was used to find the predicted values of critical level
of rate JPW and FYM amendments, the value for critical level of rate
was 202 Mg.ha-1 and 252 Mg.ha-1, respectively. Indication the rate where
further change in the yield results in a reduction.
Wheat is one of the most important and strategically crops in
Egypt, but its area produced only about 30% of the domestic needs.
There are several ways for increasing wheat production; one is the
appropriate application of organic residues, especially in the newly
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 17-35
reclaimed areas. Most of the newly reclaimed areas in the deserts of
Egypt are sandy, with problems in their cultivation. Science they are very
poor in their organic and their fertility. Organic materials such as crop
residues and farmyard manure are available in abundance. Organic
manures are commonly applied to the soil to improve their physical,
chemical and biological properties (Yassen et al, 2010).
Jariwala and Syed (2016) reported that fruit peels are good source
of nutrients they contain different antioxidants and carbonaceous matter,
as in case of sulphate of ammonia; or they may be processed from
quarries, they are cheape and harmless. Fruit peels such as pomegranate,
orange, sweet lime and banana were utilization of fruit peels for the
effective growth of plants and higher yield.
Divina, (2016) reported that fruit wastes can be used as by
promoting its growth and development by enhancing soil fertility and
enriching soil microbiota, and protecting them from insects, nematodes,
fungi and other plant pathogens.
Pomegranate seeds are composed of nearly 27.2% fat, 13.2%
protein, 35.2% crude fibers, 2% ash, 6% pectin, and 4.7% sugars (Adulse
and Patil, 1995). They contain fatty acids, vitamins, polyphenols and
proteolytic enzymes. (Dumlu and Gurkan, 2007). They also, contain
21% oil and 15 % protein. (Golukci, 2014).
Under Egyptain condition, Abdel-Salam et al, (2018) studied 4
Egyptian pomegranate cultivars (Edkawy, Manfaloty, Sahrawy and
Wonderful) and their juice extraction method ( pressing halves of fruits
and blending separated arils) on characteristics and utilization of juice
extraction wastes. The results showed significant variations in wastes
yield and their content of bioactive compounds. Also, juice extraction
and drying processes (were studied ). Generally, Edkawy cultivar gave
higher yield of waste rich in bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity
and reducing power. Nine simple phenolic acids were identified and
quantified in Wonderful aril juice vacuum dried waste (gallic,
ellagicchyrsin, protochatechuic, caffeic, ferulic, cinnamic, vanilic and
syngic acids). This waste was also rich in dietary fiber at level of 58%
total dietary fibers.
Hasnaoui et al, (2014) Show that the processing one ton of
pomegranate fruits yields approximately from 322 to 341 liters of juice
and generates about 669 kg of pomegranate by-products made of pith,
rinds, and peels. In fresh weight, the peel and internal membranes of the
pomegranate represents 50%.
18 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
The main objective of this work was to study the effect of
pomegranate juice wastes as organic amendments on some chemical and
physical properties of sandy soil and evaluates their effects on wheat
The experiment was conducted in a sandy soil at south of ELQantara
East station, North Sinai, between (30o 47' 24" and 30o 52' 12" N
latitude) and (32o 17' 24" and 32o 24' 36" E longitude). Soil analysis of
the site and analysis of the used amendments i.e juice pomegranate
wastes (JPW) and farmyard manure (FYM) are given in Table 1.
The juice pomegranate wastes were obtained from a factory in 10th
Ramadan City, Egypt.
Table 1: Chemical and physical characteristics of the studied soil and
the amendments used.
dS m-1
g kg-1
Mg m-3
g kg-1
Particle size distribution
Soil depth
(0-20 cm)
7.98 7.56 1.97 1.66 12.0
45.28 46.72 4.8 3.2
JPW 6.37 1.17 274 0.87 4.0
FYM 7.1 2.15 230 0.98 9.3
Total content of some elements of amendments used
g kg-1
mg kg-1
mg kg-1
mg kg-1
mg kg-1
mg kg-1
mg kg-1
JPW 16.11 15.33 18.56 250 90 38 2
FYM 12.71 13.98 16.38 100 20 12 1
pH in soil suspension and EC in soil paste extract
The experimental design was randomized complete block, with 5
replicates. Two amendments either juice pomegranate wastes or FYM at
rates of 0, 25, 50, 100, and 150 Mg ha-1. The JPW and FYM were
incorporated with surface soil layer (0-10 cm).
Wheat grains (Triticum a esitivum L.) c.v Giza 93 were sown on
November 22th in 2018/2019 season; at the rate of 144 kg ha-1 by hand
drilling in rows. The recommended rates of N, P and K were applied for
all plots; also the cultivation practices were followed as the
recommendation of Ministry of agriculture and land reclamation. Also,
all plots were received 50 L ha-1 effective microorganisms (EM).
Wheat was harvested in late June. Whole plants were taken at
harvest from each plot to determine grain yield. Samples of grain wheat
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 19
were selected, at random, from each plot to determine N, P and K
Grain samples were dried and ground to pass a 0.5 mm stainless
steel screen. Nitrogen was determined on 0.5 g subsamples by the
macro- Kjeldahl methods (Phillips, et al., 1980). Concentrations were
determined on an oven dry basis.
Potassium was determined in plant digest using flame photometer
as described by Jackson (1973). Phosphorus was assayed in plant digest
using ascorbic acid method described by (Fire, et al., 1964).
Undisturbed soil sample from each plot was taken from 0-20 cm
depth to determine some soil properties.
Soil bulk density (BD) was determined using core as described by
Blake (1986). Penetration resistance (Pn), was determined using
penetrometer used. Pn measurements were repeated six times in each plot
from locations baside BD measurements (ASAE, 1993). Hydraulic
conductivity (HC) was determined according to Klute (1986). Maximum
water holding capacity (MWHC) was determined according to (Stolte et
al. 1992).
The soil water extract components were determined in the soil
paste extract, and the following determinations were carried out by using
the standard methods of analysis according to Jackson (1973). The total
soluble salts were determined using EC mater. Soil reaction (pH) was
determined in the soil paste, according to Richards (1954). Organic
matter was determined by the modified Walkley and Black method,
(Jackson 1973).
Chemical and physical properties of the studied soil as affected by
JPW and FYM are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Effect of juice pomegranate wastes (JPW) and FYM rates
on some soil properties.
(Mg ha-1)
dS m-1
(g kg-1)
Control 0 7.98 7.56 1.97
25 7.89 6.91 2.74
50 7.86 6.23 3.53
100 7.82 5.71 4.01
150 7.74 4.93 4.97
25 7.95 7.05 2.31
50 7.91 6.47 2.96
100 7.84 5.93 3.25
150 7.76 5.13 4.23
LSD (0.05) 0.017 0.093 0.145
20 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Soil Chemical Properties:
Soil pH:
The juice pomegranate wastes (JPW) and the FYM had an acid and
neutral reaction, respectively (Table 1). Table 2 and Fig. 1 shows that
Soil pH decrease from 7.98 to 7.74 for JPW and from 7.98 to 7.76 for
FYM, respectively, compared to the control. This effect may be
attributed to the production of organic acids, CO2 and hydrogen ions
(H+). These results are in agreement with those obtained by Bulluck, et
al, (2002). Abou Yuossef et al, (2007) found that the pH values
decreased with applying organic manures. Also, Abdel-Aal (2015) found
that FYM decreased bulk density, EC, pH and soil ESP and increased
total porosity, hydraulic conductivity and soil organic matter.
Fig. 1 Effect of JPW and FYM on soil pH
EC of saturated soil extract:
Effect of JPW and FYM rates on EC of the soil is shown in Fig. 2.
The soil EC decreased from 7.56 dS m-1 to 4.93 dS m-1 for JPW and from
7.56 dS m-1 to 5.13 dS m-1 for FYM, respectively. The soil EC values
were decreased with increasing the applied rates JPW and FYM,
compared to the control.
The rate of decrement in EC values below the control reached 9,
18, 24 and 35% due to treating the soil with JPW at the rates of 25, 50,
100 and 150 Mg.ha-1, respectively, while the respective decrement below
the control reached 7, 14, 22 and 32% due to FYM application rates
(Table 2). The positive effect of JPW and FYM in decreasing the soil
salinity may be due to their effect in increasing the ability of the soil to
0 25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments (Mg/ha)
soil pH
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 21
hold water (as was found in this study (Table 3). Therefore, more soluble
salts will have the chance to be leached out by following irrigation.
Fig. 2 Effect of JPW and FYM rates on soil EC
Soil organic carbon (OC)
Data in Table 2 and Fig. 3 show that the soil O.C increased as JPW
or FYM rate increased. The rate of increment reached 28, 44, 51, and
60% for JPW and 15, 33, 39 and 53% for FYM due to the increase in
JPW and FYM rates from 0 to 25, 50, 100 and 150 Mg ha-1, respectively
Fig. 3 Effect of JPW and FYM rates on soil OC

0 25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments (Mg/ha)
EC dS/m
0 25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments (Mg/ha)
Organic Carbon (g/kg)
22 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Soil Physical Properties:
Bulk Density:
Soil bulk density decreased with application of JPW or FYM is
shown in Table 3 and Fig. 4.
Table 3: Effect of JPW and FYM rates on soil physical properties.
(Mg ha-1)
(Mg m-3
(cm h-1)
Control 0 1.66 9.41 4.78 24.13
25 1.53 8.15 8.62 19.21
50 1.49 7.52 9.47 17.93
100 1.43 7.01 10.89 16.35
150 1.35 6.61 12.15 14.65
25 1.58 8.37 7.44 20.78
50 1.55 7.83 8.92 19.51
100 1.47 7.33 10.27 18.81
150 1.39 6.86 11.13 16.69
LSD(0.05) 0.017 0.15 0.17 0.26
Fig. 4: Effect of JPW and FYM rates on soil bulk density
Values of bulk densities are decreased with increasing application
rates of either JPW or FYM. The relative reductions in soil bulk density
reach 8, 10, 14 and 19% on an average base due to the increase in JPW
rates (25, 50, 100, and 150 Mg ha-1), respectively, while, they reach 5, 7,
11 and 16% on an average base due to the increase in FYM rates (25, 50,
100, and 150 Mg ha-1), respectively. This clearly shows the adverse
effect of increasing application rates of either JPW or FYM on soil bulk
density. Khan, et al., (2019) found that the applied farmyard manure
decreased the bulk density of soil.
Penetration Resistance:
The soil penetration resistance is an indicator for the soil physical
properties, as the decrease in penetration resistance allows the plant roots
0 25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments (Mg/ha)
Bulk Density (Mg m-3)
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 23
for easy penetration in the soil. As shown in Table 3 and Fig. 5 a
decrease in soil penetration resistance is accompanied by an increase in
the rates of either JPW or FYM. Significant differences in soil
penetration resistance are obtained between pomegranate waste or FYM.
Fig. 5: Effects of JPW and FYM applications on soil penetration
Maximum Water Holding Capacity (MWHC):
Incorporating of either JPW or FYM with surface soil could enhance
soil physical properties. Data in Table 3 and Fig. 6 clearly appear that the
effect was increased with increasing the application rates of JPW or FYM.
The relative increases in the MWHC reach 45, 50, 56, and 61% for JPW
additions of 25, 50, 100, and 150 Mg ha-1, respectively. While, the relative
increment reach 36, 46, 53, and 57% for FYM, respectively.
Fig. 6: Effects of JPW and FYM applications on soil maximum water
holding capacity.
0 25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments (Mg/ha)
Pentration Resistance (kPa)
0 25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments (Mg/ha)
24 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Hydraulic Conductivity (HC):
Data presented in Table 3 and Fig. 7 show a decrease in hydraulic
conductivity with the increase of amendments application rate.
Fig. 7: Effects of JPW and FYM applications on soil hydraulic
Relative decreases in hydraulic conductivity reach 20, 26, 32, and
39% on an average due to the increase in juice pomegranate wastes
application rates from 0 to 25, 50, 100, and 150 Mg ha-1, respectively.
While, relative decreases in hydraulic conductivity reach 14, 19, 22, and
31% on an average base due to the increase in FYM application rates
from 0 to 25, 50, 100, and 150 Mg ha-1, respectively.
Mineral Composition in wheat grains:
Data in Table 4 show the changes in the concentrations of some
nutritive elements with increasing the application rates of JPW and FYM
N content in wheat grains:
Table 4 and Fig. 8 show that the values of N content in wheat grain
range from 13.68 to 27.93 mg kg-1 and from 13.68 to 25.57 mg kg-1 due
to increasing the application rates of JPW and FYM respectively, N
content in wheat grain is affected by either JPW and FYM application
rates. The highest increment in N content was achieved JPW and FYM
with higher application rates of 150 Mg ha-1. The response to N is
significant and linear relationship between N content of either JPW or
FYM rate. The higher N content in wheat grain due to JPW and FYM
application rates may be due to the higher initial content of N in such
0 25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments (Mg/ha)
HC (cm/h)
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 25
materials (Table 1). Also, the positive effect of adding JPW and FYM in
enhancing soil physical and chemical properties of studied soil (Table 2
and 3) reflected in higher plant growth and N uptake.
Table 4: N, P, and K contents in wheat grains as effect by the
application rates of JPW and FYM.
(Mg ha-1)
(mg kg-1)
(mg kg-1)
(mg kg-1)
Control 0 13.68 2.27 6.31
25 17.73 2.98 7.86
50 19.91 3.53 8.57
100 23.85 3.83 9.16
150 27.93 4.31 10.12
25 15.97 2.81 7.05
50 18.54 3.19 7.65
100 21.48 3.66 8.09
150 25.57 3.95 8.31
LSD(0.05) 0.20 0.043 0.041
Fig. 8: Effect of application rates of JPW and FYM rates on N
content in wheat grains.
P content in wheat grains:
Data in Table 4 and Fig. 9 show that P content in treated wheat
was 2.27 mg kg-1 JPW caused increases of up to 90%, while, FYM
causes increases of up to 61% increased rate was associated with
increased P content, JPW gave higher P content than FYM. The higher P
content in wheat grain due to JPW and FYM may be referring to the
higher P content in such materials (Table 1). Beside their effect in
0 25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments (Mg/ha)
Total N in grain (g/k)
26 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
enhancing soil physical and chemical properties (Table 2 and 3) which
gave the chance to a better plant growth and hence increasing P uptake.
Fig. 9: Effect of application rates of JPW and FYM rates on P
content in wheat grain.
Potassium content in wheat grains:
Table 4 and Figure 10 show that K content in the control treatment
6.31 mg kg-1. While it increased over the control by 24.6, 35.8, 45.2 and
60.4% due to treating the soil with JPW at the rates of 25, 50, 100 and
150 Mg ha-1 respectively. The respective increment reached to 11.7, 21.2,
28.2 and 31.7% respectively due to FYM application rates. It is obvious
that the differences are significant in K content between JPW and FYM
application rates (table 4).
Fig. 10: Effect of application rates of JPW and FYM rates on K
content in wheat grain.
0 25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments (Mg/ha)
Total P in grain (mg/kg)
0 25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments (Mg/ha)
Total K in grain (g/kg)
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 27
The higher K content in wheat grains due to JPW and FYM
application may be resulted from the higher content of K in such
materials (Table 1), beside their effect in enhancing soil physical and
chemical properties (Table 2 and 3) Which reflected in a batter plant
growth and higher K uptake.
Wheat grain Yield:
Data in Table 5 represent the response of wheat grain yield due to
the application of JPW and FYM. The applications of either juice
pomegranate wastes or FYM rates at all four rates (25, 50, 100 and 150
Mg ha-1) significantly increase the wheat grain yield. Maximum yield is
achieved with the application of 150 Mg ha-1 of juice pomegranate
wastes. These results are in agreement with those obtained by Abdel-Aal
(2015) who found that application of FYM resulted the high wheat grain
yields as well as N, P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn contents in grains.
Table 5: Wheat grain yield as affected by application of JPW and
(Mg ha-1)
grain yield
(Mg ha-1)
Control 0 1.79
25 2.91
50 3.68
100 4.77
150 5.74
25 2.44
50 3.29
100 4.07
150 4.99
LSD(0.05) 0.18
Data presented in Table 5 and Fig. 11 show that the difference
between JPW and FYM rates is significant and increases with increasing
application rates. Moreover, JPW increased wheat grain yield by an
average of 63, 106, 167, and 221% relative to control with the application
of 25, 50, 100 and 150 Mg ha-1 JPW respectively. While, the relative
increment in wheat grain yield reached of 36, 84, 127, and 179% with the
application rates of FYM 25, 50, 100 and 150 Mg ha-1 respectively.
The favorable effect of JPW and FYM an increasing wheat grain
yield is a function of enhancing soil physical and chemical properties of
the studied soil (i.e. increasing water holding capacity, reducing both soil
bulk density and penetration resistance (Table 3) as well as reducing soil
28 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
salinity (Table 2). Beside higher initial contents of N, P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn
and Cu (Table 1). This may be reflected in a better condition for plant
growth and high grain yield.
Fig. 11: Effect of JPW and FYM applications on wheat grain yield.
The relationships between either juice pomegranate wastes (JPW)
or FYM rates and wheat grain production were fitted using best fitting
equation in Table 6.
Table 6: Regression equations and correlation coefficients (r)
between either JPW or FYM rates and yield of wheat
Type Equation r
Grain = 1.87 +0.099 x JPW rate - 5.8957e-4 x JPW ratre2 0.99**
Grain = 1.802 + 0.074 x FYM rate - 3.5255e-4 x FYM rate2 0.99**
Grain = 1.559+0.511xJPW rate 1/2 0.98**
Grain = 1.514+ 0.415 x FYM rate 1/2 0.97**
Grain = 5.743-30.646/ JPW rate 0.92**
Grain =5.007 - 27.323/ FYM rate 0.93**
Grain = 1.209 x JPW rate 0.376 0.98**
Grain = 1.008 x FYM rate 0.387 0.98**
Grain =2.204 x e(0.01778 x JPW rate ) 0.94**
Grain = 2.038 x e(0.0162x FYM rate) 0.96**
Grain = -0.801+1.552 x ln (JPW rate) 0.97**
Grain = -0.771 -0.771x ln (FYM rate) 0.98**
Grain = -31.871 + 15.318 JPW rate 0.96**
Grain = -35.893+ 18.665 FYM rate 0.98**
**: Significant at 1%
Statistical analysis showed that a quadratic function fitted the
relationship between either JPW or FYM rates and yield of wheat grain (r
= 0.99** and 0.99**, respectively) as compared to the other equations.
0 25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments (Mg/ha)
Wheat Grean (Mg/ha)
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 29
The correlation obtained for the quadratic relationship between
either JPW or FYM rates and grain wheat yield is as follows:
Grain Wheat=1.87 +0.099 x JPW rate -5.8957e-4 x JPW rates2, [1]
Grain Wheat=1.802 + 0.074 x FYM rate - 3.5255e-4 x FYM rates2, [2]
This indicates that yield increase is attributable to amendment
Differential’s method of quadratic regression (equation [1] and [2])
can be used to find the predicted critical rate of amendment, as critical
level represent the rate where further change in the yield results in a
reduction in yield.
In this respect, the differential quadratic regression (equations [1]
and [2]) are as follows:
dy/dx = 0.099-0.001179 JPW rate
dy/dx = 0.074 - 0.0007051 FYM rate
The value for critical level reached 202 Mg ha-1 and 252 Mg ha-1
for JPW and FYM respectively. Increasing this rate of addition will
decline the yield. Can be concluded that grain yield would increase up to
14.5 and 13.6 Mg ha-1 by JPW or FYM treatment, respectively, and then
decreases with further increase in rate.
A highly significant was found between grain wheat yield amended
by JPW or FYM rates and either pH, EC, OC, bulk density, penetration
resistance , hydraulic conductivity or maximum water holding capacity
(MWHC), respectively.
Table 7: Correlation coefficient between wheat grain yield amended
of JPW or FYM rates and some soil properties
Soil Property
Wheat grain amendments by
pH -0.97** -0.98**
EC -0.99** -0.98**
OC 0.99** 0.98**
Bd -0.98** -0.98**
HC -0.91** -0.97**
penetration -0.96** - 0.95**
MWHC 0.96** 0.96**
**: Significant at 1%
Also, the multiple regression relating the grain wheat yield to some
soil properties and either JPW or FYM amending rates yields the
following equation [3] and [4] , respectively:
Grain yield = -1.190 + 2.794 OC – 2.480 pH + 4.873 EC – 10.964 Bulk
density – 2.831 Penetration resistance + 0.989 Hydraulic
conductivity + 0.298 Maximum water holding capacity +
0.061 JPW rates [3]
30 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Grain yield = –38.784 + 0.838 OC + 4.755 pH + 0.246 EC- 2.078 Bulk
density – 0.440 Penetration resistance + 0.989 Hydraulic
conductivity + 0.231 Maximum water holding capacity +
0.024 FYM rates [4]
The multiple correlation was highly significant (r = 0.99**)
indicating that 96.04% of the variations in grain wheat yield could be
attributed to the variation in soil OC, pH, CE, bulk density, penetration
resistance, hydraulic conductivity, maximum water holding capacity and
either JPW or FYM amending rate.
Agronomic efficiency index (AEI):
Agronomic efficiency index (AEI) of JPW and FYM was calculated
from the grain yield from regression relationship as follows:
AEI = (GYFx - GYF0)/FX
Where: GY is the grain yield production and F is the rate of either JPW
or FYM distributed at 0 (control) and rate x. Agronomic efficiency index
of JPW or FYM rates (i.e. the grain yield per unit of wastes) shows
marked differences in relation to amendments rates (Table 8 and Fig. 12).
The value of agronomic efficiency index decreases with increasing the
rate of wastes.
Table 8: Agronomic efficiency index for wheat grain yield as affected
by added JPW and FYM rates.
Amendment of Rate
(Mg ha-1)
Agronomic Efficiency Index
25 0.045 0.026
50 0.038 0.030
100 0.030 0.023
150 0.026 0.021
Fig. 12: Effect of application JPW and FYM rates on agronomic
efficiency index.
25 50 100 150
Rate of amendments Mg/ha
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 31
Economical Grain Yield of Wheat:
To lay out amending policy of any crop, the economical aspect
should be considered. Due to the increase of amendment rate prices, the
yield per unit amendment rate should be overlooked, as the economical
yield is not necessary the highest.
Data in Table 9 indicate that the yield per unit (1 Mg ha-1)
amendment rate is the highest at the rates of 10 and 20 t/fed. of
amendment; as the increase for the mentioned rate ranges.
The highest increase for each excess unit (1 Mg ha-1) of
amendment rate is noticed in the case of juice pomegranate waste
amendment followed by FYM for the two rates of 25 and 50 Mg ha-1 of
amendment rates, where the yield is found to be 0.045 and 0.034 Mg/unit
amendment, respectively.
From the environmental point of view, the problem of pomegranate
waste and FYM accumulations can be partially solved and its pollution
effect will be diminished to a certain level in order to improve the
surrounding environment.
Table 9: Rate of increase in grain yield (Mg ha-1) of wheat per unit
increase of amendment rate
Rate of added
amendment (Mg ha-1)
Type of
Yield per unit*
Increase of each excess
unit* amendment
JPW - -
FYM - -
JPW 0.045 0.045
FYM 0.026 0.026
JPW 0.038 0.031
FYM 0.030 0.034
JPW 0.030 0.022
FYM 0.023 0.016
JPW 0.021 0.006
FYM 0.015 0.017
*: 1 Mg of amendment
**: critical level of amendment
Abdel-Aal, M.H. (2015). Responding of some physical and chemical
properties of deteriorated soil at el-fayoum oasis and wheat yield
to tillage and amendments. J.Soil Sci. Agric. Eng., Mansoura
Univ., 6 (4): 483 – 498.
Abdel-Salam, F.F. ; G.M. Yehia and E.M. El-Zalaki (2018).
Characterization of wastes from pomegranate (Punica granatum
32 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
L.) juice and its use as a functional drink. Egypt. J. Fd. Sci., 46:
91- 100.
Abou Yuossef, M.F. ; M.H. Aly and A.S. EL Kot (2007). Evaluation
of sugarcane filter mud as soil conditioner under saline water
irrigation. Annals Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 45: 469-484.
Adulse, R.N. and N.B. Patil (1995). Pomegranate; production,
composition, storage and processing” In “Hand book of Fruit
Science and Technology”. Salunkhe, D.K. and Kadom, S.S.
(eds). Marcel Dekker, Inc. NU., 455-464.
ASAE Standards, (1993). S313.2 Soil Cone Penetromater, 40th Edi.
ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Blake, G.R. (1986). Bulk density. 374 - 390. In “Page, et. el. (eds.).
Methods of soil analysis, Part I. Physical and Mineralogical
Methods, Am. Soc. Agron. Inc. Medison, WI. USA.
Bulluck, L.R.; M. Brosius; G.K. Evanylo and J.B. Ristaino (2002).
Organic and synthetic fertility amendments influence soil
microbial, physical and chemical properties in organic and
conventional farms. Appl. Soil Ecol., 19: 147-160.
Divina, C.C. (2016). Fruit wastes for benefits of plants and animals. Int.
J. of Agric. Tech., 12:1535-1545
Dumlu, M.U. and E. Gurkan (2007). Elemental and nutritional analysis
of Punica granatum L. from Turkey. J. Med. Fd., 10: 392-395.
Fire, E.A.; K.C. Peyer and F.A. Schutz (1964). Determination of
phosphorus by ascorbic acid. Schw. Landwirtschaft Forschung,
3: 318-328.
Golukci, M. (2014). The effects of drying methods, packaging
atmosphere and storage time on dried pomegranate arils quality.
J. Agric. Sci., 18: 206-219.
Hasnaoui, N. ; B. Wathelet and A. Jimenez-Araujo (2014).
Valorization of pomegranate peel from 12 cultivars: Dietary
fiber composition antioxidant capacity and functional properties.
Fd. Chem., 160: 196-203.
Jariwala, J.H. and S.S. Huma (2016). Study on use of fruit peels
powder as a fertilizer. National Conference on Recent Advances
in Environmental Sciences and Engineering Technologies, JIET,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan (November 2016) 334 - 337.
Jackson, A.L. (1973). Soil chemical analysis. Pub. by Auther, Dept. of
Soils, Univ. of Wisc. Madison, Wisc., U.S.A.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 33
Khan, N.I. ; A.U. Malik ; F. Umer and M.I. Bodla (2019). Effect of
tillage and farm yard manure on physical properties of soil. Intl.
Res. J. Pl. Sci., 1 (4):75-82.
Klute, A. (1986). Laboratory measurment of hydraulic conductivity of
saturated soil. pp 210 -220. In “Page, et. el. (eds.). Methods of
Soil Analysis, Part I. Physical and Mineralogical Methods,
Am. Soc. Agron. Inc. Medison . WI. USA.
Phillips, R.E. ; R.L. Blevins ; G.W. Thomas ; W.W. Frye and S.H.
Phillips (1980). No-tillage agriculture. Science, 208: 1108 -1113.
Richards, L.A. (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali
soils U. S. Salinity Laboratory Staff. Agriculture Hand book
No. 60. Printing office, Washington, USA.
Stolte, J. ; G.J. Veerman and M.C.S. Wopereis (1992). Manual soil
physical measurements, version 2.0. Technisch Document/
Technical Document 2, DLO Winand String Centre,
Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Yassen, A.A. ; S.M. Khalid and S.M. Zaghloul (2010). Response of
wheat to different rates and ratios of organic residues on yield
and chemical composition under two types of soil. J. A. Sci., 6:
تقييم مخمفات عصر الرمان کمحسن عضوي للأ ا رضي الرممية
صلاح عبدالنبي الشحات القوسي
قسم صيانة الأ ا رضي- مرکز بحوث الصح ا رء – مصر
في تجربة حقمية تم د ا رسة تأثير إضافة مخمفات عصير الرمان و سماد مخمفاات المزرعاة
025 ميجااا جاا ا رم کتااار- 0 عمااع بعاا خاوا الأر 055 25 بمعاادصت صاافر 52
الرممية و إنتاجية محصول القمح بمنطقة محطة جنوب القنطرة شرق – شمال سيناء.
أظهارت النتاانه أناد بزياادة معادصت إضاافة مخمفاات عصاير الرماان و ساماد مخمفاات
المزرعة انخفضت قيم کلا من الکثافاة الظا رياة لمترباة مقاوماة اصختا ا رق التوصايل الهيادروليکي
لمتربة بينما ا زد الکربون العضوي والسعة المانية العظمع لمتربة.
ووجاد أناد بزياادة معادصت إضاافة مخمفاات عصاير الرماان و ساماد مخمفاات المزرعاة ا زد
محصاول حباوب القماح. وتام الحصاول عماع أعماي محصاول عناد اساتخدام معادل 025 م ميجاا
0.. ج ا رم کتار- 0 بالمقارنة بالمعاممة بدون إضاافة. وکاان متوساط قايم محصاول حباوب القماح 1
2 م ميجا ج ا رم کتار- 0 عند استخدام مخمفات عصير الرماان ..7 7... 8..3 5.10
025 م ميجااا جاا ا رم کتااار- 0 عمااع الترتيااب بينمااا کاناات 055 25 بمعاادصت صاافر 52
34 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
7.11 ميجا ج ا رم کتار- 7.5. 8.51 5.77 0.. متوسط قيم محصول حبوب القمح 1
0 عند استخدام سماد مخمفات المزرعة بنفس المعدصت السابقة.
وأظهر التحميل الإحصاني أن العلاقة بين المحصول و معادصت إضاافة مخمفاات عصاير
عماي (r = 0.99**, الرماان و ساماد مخمفاات المزرعاة معادلاة مان الدرجاة الثانياة (** 0.98
التاوالي . وتام اساتخدام معادلاة التفاضال لمحصاول عماع المساتو الحارج لمعادصت الإضاافة التاي
أعماي منهاا ص يحادث اساتجابة فاي کمياة المحصاول أو يبادأ فاي اصنخفاا و کانات القيماة اي
525 ميجاا جا ا رم کتاار- 0 مان مخمفاات عصاير الرماان و ساماد مخمفاات المزرعاة عماي 555
وتدل النتانه أن اساتخدام مخمفاات عصاير الرماان تعتبار مصادر لمماواد المحسانة لخاوا
التربة الرممية وانتاجيتها.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 35

Abdel-Aal, M.H. (2015). Responding of some physical and chemical
properties of deteriorated soil at el-fayoum oasis and wheat yield
to tillage and amendments. J.Soil Sci. Agric. Eng., Mansoura
Univ., 6 (4): 483 – 498.
Abdel-Salam, F.F. ; G.M. Yehia and E.M. El-Zalaki (2018).
Characterization of wastes from pomegranate (Punica granatum
32 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
L.) juice and its use as a functional drink. Egypt. J. Fd. Sci., 46:
91- 100.
Abou Yuossef, M.F. ; M.H. Aly and A.S. EL Kot (2007). Evaluation
of sugarcane filter mud as soil conditioner under saline water
irrigation. Annals Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, 45: 469-484.
Adulse, R.N. and N.B. Patil (1995). Pomegranate; production,
composition, storage and processing” In “Hand book of Fruit
Science and Technology”. Salunkhe, D.K. and Kadom, S.S.
(eds). Marcel Dekker, Inc. NU., 455-464.
ASAE Standards, (1993). S313.2 Soil Cone Penetromater, 40th Edi.
ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Blake, G.R. (1986). Bulk density. 374 - 390. In “Page, et. el. (eds.).
Methods of soil analysis, Part I. Physical and Mineralogical
Methods, Am. Soc. Agron. Inc. Medison, WI. USA.
Bulluck, L.R.; M. Brosius; G.K. Evanylo and J.B. Ristaino (2002).
Organic and synthetic fertility amendments influence soil
microbial, physical and chemical properties in organic and
conventional farms. Appl. Soil Ecol., 19: 147-160.
Divina, C.C. (2016). Fruit wastes for benefits of plants and animals. Int.
J. of Agric. Tech., 12:1535-1545
Dumlu, M.U. and E. Gurkan (2007). Elemental and nutritional analysis
of Punica granatum L. from Turkey. J. Med. Fd., 10: 392-395.
Fire, E.A.; K.C. Peyer and F.A. Schutz (1964). Determination of
phosphorus by ascorbic acid. Schw. Landwirtschaft Forschung,
3: 318-328.
Golukci, M. (2014). The effects of drying methods, packaging
atmosphere and storage time on dried pomegranate arils quality.
J. Agric. Sci., 18: 206-219.
Hasnaoui, N. ; B. Wathelet and A. Jimenez-Araujo (2014).
Valorization of pomegranate peel from 12 cultivars: Dietary
fiber composition antioxidant capacity and functional properties.
Fd. Chem., 160: 196-203.
Jariwala, J.H. and S.S. Huma (2016). Study on use of fruit peels
powder as a fertilizer. National Conference on Recent Advances
in Environmental Sciences and Engineering Technologies, JIET,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan (November 2016) 334 - 337.
Jackson, A.L. (1973). Soil chemical analysis. Pub. by Auther, Dept. of
Soils, Univ. of Wisc. Madison, Wisc., U.S.A.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 33
Khan, N.I. ; A.U. Malik ; F. Umer and M.I. Bodla (2019). Effect of
tillage and farm yard manure on physical properties of soil. Intl.
Res. J. Pl. Sci., 1 (4):75-82.
Klute, A. (1986). Laboratory measurment of hydraulic conductivity of
saturated soil. pp 210 -220. In “Page, et. el. (eds.). Methods of
Soil Analysis, Part I. Physical and Mineralogical Methods,
Am. Soc. Agron. Inc. Medison . WI. USA.
Phillips, R.E. ; R.L. Blevins ; G.W. Thomas ; W.W. Frye and S.H.
Phillips (1980). No-tillage agriculture. Science, 208: 1108 -1113.
Richards, L.A. (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali
soils U. S. Salinity Laboratory Staff. Agriculture Hand book
No. 60. Printing office, Washington, USA.
Stolte, J. ; G.J. Veerman and M.C.S. Wopereis (1992). Manual soil
physical measurements, version 2.0. Technisch Document/
Technical Document 2, DLO Winand String Centre,
Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Yassen, A.A. ; S.M. Khalid and S.M. Zaghloul (2010). Response of
wheat to different rates and ratios of organic residues on yield
and chemical composition under two types of soil. J. A. Sci., 6: