Document Type : Original Article


This study was carried out during the two successive seasons of
2018 and 2019 at the Experimental Farm, Kaha station, Qulubia
Governorate to confirm the effect of different rates of biochar (0%
biochar (control), 20% biochar, 40% biochar and 60% biochar) mixture
with commercial media (peat moss and vermiculite (1:1 volume basis)
and two concentration from aqueous extract of biochar (2% and 4%) as
foliar spray on seed germination period and seedling growth parameters
of tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber and lettuce and behavior of seedlings
growth under the irrigation daily or every two days and study effect of
that on the vegetative growth and total yield of sweet pepper plants.
Biochar produced from gazwarina trees wood. Generally, it is clear that
adding the low rate of biochar (20%) to growing media significantly
affected positively on germination percentage, germination rate and
coefficient germination velocity for all previous crops this was true in
both growing season. Regarding to tomato, cucumber and lettuce
seedling, the results showed that adding the low rate of biochar (20%) to
growing media and irrigation daily or two days significantly affected
positively on all vegetative growth and root growth characters followed
by using aqueous extract of biochar at 2% as foliar spray and irrigation
daily or two day treatments. While, the best treatments were foliar spray
by aqueous extract of biochar at 4%, 2% followed by 40% and 20%
biochar addition to growing media, respectively according to sweet
pepper seedling. Generally, the effect of used different rates of biochar
under two periods of irrigation induced significant effect on all
vegetative growth, root growth parameters and leaf chlorophyll
concentration of all previous crops seedling as grown in the nursery. It
can be observed that with all biochar rates except addition the high rate
of biochar (60%) to growing media which significantly negative affected
on all vegetative growth and root growth characters, this was true in both
growing season.


تأثير استخدام الفحم النباتى والمستخمص المائى له عمى انتاج شتلات بعض
محاصيل الخضر وانعکاس ذلک عمى المحصول.
يسرية أحمد اب ا رهيم بيان, ناهد محمد مهدى الشيمى
أقسام بحوث الخضر- معيد بحوث البساتين-مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية- الجيزة-مصر" "
أجريت ىذه الد ا رسة خلال موسمي الز ا رعة 8102 و 8102 بمحطة بحوث التجارب
بقيا- محافظة القميوبية بيدف د ا رسة تأثير إستخدام معدلات مختمفة من الفحم النباتى عمى
إنبات البذور و نمو الشتلات لبعض محاصيل الخضر )الطماطم والفمفل الحمو والخيار والخس(.
وسموک نمو الشتلات المروية کل يوم أو کل يومين ود ا رسة تأثير ذلک عمى النمو الخضري
والمحصول الکمي لنبات الفمفل الحمو. وقد کان الفحم المستخدم ناتج من خشب اشجار
الجازورينا أووضحت النتائج أن إستخدام المعدل المنخفض من الفحم النباتى 81 % أدى الى
إرتفاع نسبة الإنبات وکفاءة الإنبات وقمل عدد الأيام اللازمو للإنبات )معدل الإنبات( لجميع
المحاصيل السابقة، فيما يتعمق بشتلات الطماطم والخيار والخس أوضحت النتائج أن إضافة
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 23
المعدل المنخفض من الفحم النباتى ) 81 ٪( إلى بيئة النمو والري کل يوم أ وکل يومين أثر تأثير
إيجابى عمى جميع خصائص النمو الخضري ونمو الجذور لمشتمة يمييا معاممة الرش الورقى
بالمستخمص المائي لمفحم النباتى بترکيز 8٪ والرى کل يوم أو يومين. بينما کانت أفضل
المعاملات ىي الرش الورقي بالمستخمص المائي لمفحم النباتى بنسبة 4٪ و 8٪ تمييا إضافة
الفحم الى بيئة النمو بمعدل 41 ٪ و 81 ٪ عمى التوالي بالنسبة لشتمة الفمفل الحمو. بشکل عام ،
أثر إستخدام المعدلات المختمفة لمفحم النباتي تحت فترتين من الري في إحداث تأثير معنوي
عمى قياسات النمو الخضري ، و النمو الجذ رى وترکيز الکموروفيل بالأو ا رق لجميع شتلات
المحاصيل السابقة النامية بالمشتل. کما يمکن ملاحظة أنو من الممکن إضافة جميع معدلات
الفحم النباتى إلى وسط النمو ب
إستثناء المعدل المرتفع ) 01 ٪( الذي أثر سمبيًا بشکل کبير عمى جميع خصائص النمو
الخضري ونمو الجذر.
وقد أظيرت البيانات أيضًا أنو ، بشکل عام ، ا زدت جميع قياسات النمو الخضرى
والمحصول لنبات الفمفل الحمو زيادة معنوية باستخدام جميع معدلات الفحم النباتى المختمفة
خاصة النباتات التي تم الحصول عمييا من الشتلات التي تم رشيا بواسطة المستخمص المائي
لمفحم النباتى بترکيز 8 ٪ أو 4 ٪ في کلا موسمي الز ا رعة.
بشکل عام ، توضح ىذه النتائج أنو بالنسبة لنباتات المشتل ، قد يکون اضافة الفحم
النباتى بمعدل 41 % او 81 % لبيئة المشتل لو تأثير ايجابى عمى نمو الشتلات وبالتالى
تحسين انتاجية النباتات الناتجة کما يقمل من الإعتماد عمى مکونات بيئات النم وغير المتجددة
أو مرتفعة التکاليف.


Main Subjects

Usrya A.I. Byan and Nahed M.M. El-Shimi
Veg. Res. Dept., Hort. Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Cent., Giza, Egypt
Key Words: Biochar, Aqueous extract, Nursery, Tomato, Sweet pepper,
Cucumber, Lettuce, Growth, Yield
This study was carried out during the two successive seasons of
2018 and 2019 at the Experimental Farm, Kaha station, Qulubia
Governorate to confirm the effect of different rates of biochar (0%
biochar (control), 20% biochar, 40% biochar and 60% biochar) mixture
with commercial media (peat moss and vermiculite (1:1 volume basis)
and two concentration from aqueous extract of biochar (2% and 4%) as
foliar spray on seed germination period and seedling growth parameters
of tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber and lettuce and behavior of seedlings
growth under the irrigation daily or every two days and study effect of
that on the vegetative growth and total yield of sweet pepper plants.
Biochar produced from gazwarina trees wood. Generally, it is clear that
adding the low rate of biochar (20%) to growing media significantly
affected positively on germination percentage, germination rate and
coefficient germination velocity for all previous crops this was true in
both growing season. Regarding to tomato, cucumber and lettuce
seedling, the results showed that adding the low rate of biochar (20%) to
growing media and irrigation daily or two days significantly affected
positively on all vegetative growth and root growth characters followed
by using aqueous extract of biochar at 2% as foliar spray and irrigation
daily or two day treatments. While, the best treatments were foliar spray
by aqueous extract of biochar at 4%, 2% followed by 40% and 20%
biochar addition to growing media, respectively according to sweet
pepper seedling. Generally, the effect of used different rates of biochar
under two periods of irrigation induced significant effect on all
vegetative growth, root growth parameters and leaf chlorophyll
concentration of all previous crops seedling as grown in the nursery. It
can be observed that with all biochar rates except addition the high rate
of biochar (60%) to growing media which significantly negative affected
on all vegetative growth and root growth characters, this was true in both
growing season.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 1-24
The data reveal also that, generally, all studied plant growth
parameters and total yield of sweet pepper plant, were significantly
increased by using all different biochar rates especially the plants
obtained from seedlings sprayed by aqueous extract of biochar at 2% or
at 4% in both growing seasons.
In general these results demonstrate that in nursery plant
propagation, biochar may be a beneficial amendment for standard
growing media, potentially bringing benefits to plant productivity and
reducing reliance on non-renewable media components or the higher
Few studies were conducted to assess the impact of biochar on seed
germination as well as enhancing the agriculture soil and plant growth
which due to the specificity of the interaction between biochars and
Tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber and lettuce are four of the most
popular and versatile vegetables in the world. Tomato (Solanum
Lycopersicon) and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) are an excellent
source of vitamins, minerals (Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium and
Phosphor) and antioxidants such as lycopin pigment which conceder anti
prostate cancer and contain salicylate compound. Cucumber (Cucumis
sativus L.) is very high in water content and very low in calories. It has
potential ant diabetic, lipid lowering and antioxidant activity. Lettuce
(Lactuca sativa L.) contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Minerals, Water and
Fibber. Pepper seed germination is considered a critical step in the
development cycle of the plant, germination rate and seedling growth in
pepper plants are very low comparing with the other vegetable seedlings.
(Korkmaz and Korkmaz, 2009). Different pretreatments have been
investigated to improving rate of pepper seeds germination and seedling
growth, some of these treatments are chemical and others are natural
product such as biochar.
Local alternatives for some inorganic components of growing
media, such as vermiculite or perlite that are mined and often shipped
great distances, are also being sought, especially given that the costs of
some commonly used amendments, such as vermiculite, continue to
climb Landis and Morgan (2008). Peat is still available in large
quantities and modern horticulture depends on quality-assured growing
media (Schmilewski, 2008 and Michel, 2010). Biochar has emerged as
one such material that shows promise as a partial replacement of those
media components, including perlite (Northup 2013), vermiculite
(Headlee et al 2014 and Nemati et al. 2015) and peat (Vaughn et al.
2015 and Matt et al. 2018), one alternative to inorganic and organic
constituents in growing media for plants is biochar.
2 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Biochar is a product of pyrolysis which is rich in carbon content
and produced by heating biomass such as wood, manure or leaves in a
closed container with little or no available air. In other words, it is
produced by the thermal decomposition of organic material under a
limited supply of (O2) oxygen, and at relatively low temperatures (< 700
Cº) (Lehmann and Joseph 2009 and Sohi et al. 2010). Biochar has the
potential to become a new technology employed in agricultural systems,
since it has the capacity to increase nutrient availability in many soil
types but there was little evidence to support the hypothesis of increased
seed germination with the addition of biochar. Researchers observed
species-dependent effects of biochar on the germination ( Keller et al.,
2010, Kwapinski et al., 2010, Van Zwieten et al., 2010, Solaiman et
al., 2012, Dumroese et al 2011, Robertson et al., 2012, Kamara et al.,
2014 and Soni, et al., 2014).Biochar application significantly increases
the early growth of seedlings (Thomas and Gale 2015). So it is crucial
to study the impact of biochar on early growth of seedlings. Generally,
biochar has the ability to enhance crop productivity. Moreover, biochar
contains a high concentration of stable organic carbon (C) as well as
eluted carbon and ash. Several macro and microelements can be stored in
the mineral fraction of biochar which may act as a source of mineral
substances for microorganisms in soil (Saletnik et al. 2016)
On the other side, biochar could be one of the solutions as it
improves soil physical properties and aids in improving soil hydrology.
Biochar is a finely divided pyrolysed material prepared for soil
improvement. Due to negatively charged surfaces and high surface area,
biochar soil amendments improved water holding capacity of soil and
thus protected the crops against drought, while minimized the soil
hardening and hence reduced soil bulk density (Ernsting, 2011).
Successful seed germination is crucial for both plant growth and
development; therefore, germination rate and early growth characteristics
can be an early indicator of the effects of biochar on plant productivity
(Rogovska et al., 2011). In this regard Northup (2013) showed that,
plants grown in media containing biochar at 30% blended with 70%
sphagnum peat were the best compared to plants grown in a commercial
substrate that contained sphagnum peat, perlite, and limestone. Many
biochar based substrates produced plants with shoot dry mass greater
than the control. These results demonstrate the potential for biochar to
replace perlite and eliminate the limestone amendment needed for
commercial greenhouse soilless substrates based on sphagnum peat.
Carter et al.(2013) studied the effect of rice-husk char (potentially
biochar) application on the growth of transplanted lettuce (Lactuca
sativa) and cabbage they indicated that, the biochar treatments were
found to increase the final biomass, root biomass, plant height and
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 3
number of leaves in all the cropping cycles in comparison to no biochar
treatments. Biochar had an effect on water relations , increasing relative
water content and leaf osmotic potential, decreasing stomatal resistance
and stimulating foliar (transpiration) gas exchange, and on
photosynthesis by increasing the electron transport rate of photo system
and the relation between effective photochemical quantum yield and nonphotochemical
quenching(Haider, et al., 2015).
Hafeez et al. (2017) indicated that under water stress seed vigor,
germination percentage, shoot length, membrane stability index,
chlorophyll contents of soybean seedlings decreased significantly
compared to control. However biochar applied proved to be more
effective in mitigating the drought stress impacts in all these parameters.
Moreover, Khan et al (2019) reported that, biochar significantly
improved shoot and root dry weights, biomass and altered chlorophyll
contents of tomato seedlings. Also, Uslu et al. (2020) demonstrated that
biochar could increase seed germination percentage and seedling growth
as well as vigor index with appropriate application rates.
Produce healthy seedlings under good nursery management is an
important part of successful vegetable production. Major research
interests have been directed to study biochar effects on soil quality and
crop response, but little information is available about their possible
effects on seed germination and seedling growth of vegetables crops.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of biochar rates
on seed germination and seedling growth of tomato, sweet pepper,
cucumber and lettuce as well as reflect of that on growth and yield of
sweet pepper plants.
The First study
I.The nursery experiment
The present study were conduct at the experimental Farm of Kaha
vegetable research Station, Qalubia Governorate, Egypt, seeds of tomato
(Solanum Lycopersicon L. cv. Super Strain B) sweet pepper (Capsicum
annum L. cv. California Wonder), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.Hybrid
Mayson) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv.Landrace Lettuce) were sown
under plastic house in the nursery during both 2018 and 2019seasons.
The first part of nursery experiment aim to study the effect of adding
different rates of biochar mixture with commercial media (peat moss and
vermiculite (1:1 volume basis) as nursery substrate on seed germination
parameters. Seeds of the previous plants were sown in the nursery, on the
first week of January 2018and 2019 for both seasons, in foam trays (84
eyes for cucumber and lettuce) and (209 eyes for tomato and sweet
pepper) filled with a mixture of commercial media and biochar were
adequate amounts of fertilizers and fungicide, calcium carbonate was
4 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
added to modify the mixture pH. This experiment was distributed in
randomized complete design with three replicates and included four
treatments as follows (0% biochar +100% commercial media (control),
20% biochar +80%commercial media, 40% biochar +60%commercial
media and 60% biochar +40%commercial media).The seeds were
considered germinated when the radical was at least 2 mm long (Al
Harbi et al., 2008).
The purpose of the second part of nursery experiment was to study
the response of tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber and lettuce seedlings to
the different rates of biochar mixture with commercial media(peat moss
and vermiculite (1:1 volume basis) and two concentration of aqueous
extract of biochar as foliar spray under two periods of irrigation (daily
and every two days). Seedling trays were kept under green-house
conditions with all agriculture managements required for the production
of whole seedlings except the irrigation periods. This experiment was
distributed in randomized complete design with three replicates and
included twelve treatments as follows.
1-0% biochar (100% commercial media) + daily irrigation (control)
2-20% biochar adding to 80%commercial media + daily irrigation
3-40% biochar adding to 60%commercial media + daily irrigation
4-60% biochar adding to 40%commercial media + daily irrigation
5-2% biochar extract as foliar spray+ daily irrigation
6-4 % biochar extract as foliar spray+ daily irrigation
7-0% biochar (100% commercial media)+ irrigation every two days
8-20% biochar adding to 80% commercial media + irrigation every two
9-40% biochar adding to 60%commercial media + irrigation every two
10-60% biochar adding to 40%commercial media + irrigation every two
11-2 % biochar extract as foliar spray+ irrigation every two days
12-4 % biochar extract as foliar spray+ irrigation every two days.
Table (1): Cost of treatments used in this study
Cost of growing media (£E /ton)
0% biochar (100% commercial media) 6000
20% biochar 5250
40% biochar 4500
60% biochar 3750
Commercial media (peat moss and vermiculite (1:1 volume basis) = 6000 (£E /ton),
Biochar = 1400 (£E /ton)
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 5
Preparation of biochar extract:
The effect of the aqueous extractsin this study was examined at two
concentrations of 2 and 4%.Twenty grams for 2% or forty grams for 4%
of dried powder from biochar were placed in a Erlenmeyer flask and then
1000mL of distilled water was added and boiled for half hour. After
shaking for 2 hours at 120 rev min–1 in the dark, the mixtures were
filtered through Whatman No. 2 filter paper and then through a
membrane filter with 0.45μM pore–size Taek–Keun et al (2012). The
pH and EC were measured with a pH meter (Orion 3–star, Thermo
Scientific, USA) and an EC meter (Orion 3–star, Thermo Scientific,
USA), respectively.
Table (2) Aqueous pH and EC values of different biochar rates
Biochar rates pH EC(dS m–1)
0% biochar (100% commercial media) 7.13 7.79 0.81 0.88
20% biochar adding to 7.14 7.85 1.00 0.95
80%commercial media
40% biochar adding to 7.18 7.89 1.04 0.97
60%commercial media
60% biochar adding to 7.21 8.17 1.13 1.06
40%commercial media
2 % biochar extract 7.64 1.23
4 % biochar extract 7.66 1.35
Table (3): Chemical and physical characteristics of biochar produced
from gazwarina trees wood.
Characters Concentration
Moisture content % 3.5
Ash content % 3.3
Bulk density kg m-³. 560
EC(dS m 1.3 –1)
pH 7.6
Total organic carbon% 94
Total Nitrogen% 1.12
C:N Ratio 83.9
Total Phosphorus% 0.106
Total Potassium% 2.9
Calcium% 1.1
Magnesium% 0.36
Cation exchangeable capacity mmolc kg 16 -1
Data recorded:
-The germination percentage (number of germinated seeds was recorded
each day during the period of the germination).
6 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
-The germination rate (number of days required for maximum
germination), according to Ranal and Santana (2006). Germination rate =
(G1T1 + G2T2 +...+ GnTn) / (G1 +G2 +...+ Gn), Where G: number of
germination seeds per day and T: time.
-Coefficient germination velocity: Ʃ Ni / Ʃ NiTX 100
Ni: number of germination seeds per day and T: number of days from the
start of count until the end according to Ranal and Santana (2006).
Ten seedlings were chosen randomly from each treatment in the three
replicates after 35, 35, 45 and 55 day (age of seedling transplanting) from
sowing for cucumber, lettuce, tomato and sweet pepper, respectively in
order to determine the following:
-Seedlings length (the length of stem cm) -Number of leaves/ seedling- Stem
diameter cm - Seedlings fresh weight (g) - Total leaf chlorophyll
concentration was measured using Minolta chlorophyll Meter SPAD- 501 as
SPAD units- Root volume (cm³) by using graduated cylinder – Root length
(cm) - Root fresh weight (g).
The second study
II-Field experiment for planting the sweet pepper seedlings in the field:
The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of Kaha
vegetable research Station, Qalubia Governorate, Egypt. Soil was clay in
texture with 7.6 ph, 1.43% organic matters, 3.3 Ec, 121 ppm N, 52 ppm P
and 109 ppm K. The present investigation was conducted during two
successive summer seasons of 2018 and 2019.
After 55 day from sowing healthy sweet pepper seedlings obtained
from the first study were selected and transplanted on the field plot. The
experiment was arranged in randomized complete block with three
replicates and included twelve treatments asshowed in the nursery
experiment. The plot area was 8.4 m² and includes 3 ridges each of 0.7 m
width and 4.0 m length
All agricultural practices were followed according to the
recommendation for sweet pepper plantation. The following data were
recorded as follows:
Data recorded:
Three plants were chosen randomly from each treatment in the three
replicates after 75days from transplanting in order to determine the
-Plant length (the length of main stem cm) -Stem diameter (cm) - No. of.
leaves/ plant - No. of. brunches/ plant and The leaf area was calculated
according to the following formula of Wallace and Munger (1965):
-Leaf area (cm2) = Leaves dry weight (gm) x disk area / Disk dry weight
- Total fruit yield (ton/fed) after finishing the fruit pickings
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 7
Statistical Analysis: The experimental design of this trial was randomized
complete design for nursery experiment and randomized complete block for field
experiment with three replicates. The obtained data were statistically analyzed
using Duncan's multiple range tests at P≤0.05 level to verify differences among
treatment means according to Snedecor and Cochran (1982).
The first study:
I-The nursery experiment
I.1. Germination percentage, germination rate and coefficient
germination velocity of tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber and
lettuce seeds.
Data in Table (4) revealed that, seeds of tomato, cucumber and lettuce
grown in commercial media without biochar (control) or those media
supplemented with lowest levels of biochar at 20% resulted the best values
of germination percentage and reduced the time requirement for
germination(germination rate).While the opposite was happened with the
high level (60%) of biochar which recorded significant reductions in
germination percentage and coefficient of germination velocity occurred,
while the time required for seed germination (germination rate) was
increased, this results may be due to the high rates of biochar which lead to
increase in pH in growing media as shown in Table (2).In this regard A
dose-dependent negative effect on germination and seedling growth was
found by (Solaiman et al. 2012).The inhibition of seedlings may be
attributed to the reduced rate of cell division and cell elongation. Concerning
the coefficient germination velocity of the same three crops data cleared
that, there is no significant differences between the commercial added with
biochar at 20 or 40 % and without addition (control) while the level 60%
gave negative effect. Regarding to sweet pepper seeds in the nursery showed
that, all different rates of biochar led to increase in germination percentage
and coefficient of germination velocity especially adding biochar at 20% or
40% rates to growing media comparing with control treatment ( 0%
biochar ), this was true in both growing season .Generally, it is clear that
adding the low rate of biochar (20%) to growing media significantly
positive affected on germination parameters , this was true in both growing
season. The researchers observed species-dependent effects of biochar on
the germination which they found that there is no negative impact of biochar
on the germination (Keller et al., 2010, Kwapinski et al., 2010, Van
Zwieten et al., 2010, Solaiman et al., 2012, Dumroese et al 2011,
Robertson et al., 2012, Kamara et al., 2014 and Soni, et al., 2014).
Moreover, Biochar application significantly increases the early growth of
seedlings (Thomas and Gale 2015). Also, Uslu et al. (2020) demonstrated
that biochar could increase seed germination percentage and seedling
growth as well as vigor index with appropriate application rates.
8 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (4): Effect of different biochar rates on germination
percentage, germination rate and coefficient germination
velocity of tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber and lettuce in
2018 and 2019 seasons.
Treatments Tomato
Germination rate
germination velocity
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
0% biochar (control) 84.50 c 83.00 b 11.94c 11.67 c 8.38 a 8.58 a
20% biochar 92.00 a 90.00 a 12.27 b 12.55 b 8.14 a 8.09 a
40% biochar 85.83 b 80.67 c 12.41 b 12.60 b 8.08 a 8.02 a
60% biochar 82.33 d 76.50 d 16.31 a 16.55 a 6.20 b 6.14 b
Sweet pepper
0% biochar (control) 56.81 c 61.36 d 11.96 a 12.37 a 8.35 b 7.90 b
20% biochar 85.63 a 86.36 b 10.60 b 10.71 b 9.43 a 9.34 a
40% biochar 86.33 a 88.63 a 10.74 b 10.75 ab 9.31 a 9.30 a
60% biochar 63.63 b 64.77 c 11.09 a 11.10 ab 9.02 a 9.01 a
0% biochar (control) 97.63 a 95.27 a 6.58 c 6.32 b 15.27 a 15.83 a
20% biochar 97.62 a 95.24 a 6.51 c 6.27 b 15.38 a 15.95 a
40% biochar 88.89 b 88.10 b 6.84 b 7.07ab 14.67 ab 14.17 ab
60% biochar 74.26 c 70.67 c 7.76 a 7.68 a 13.24 b 13.02 b
0% biochar (control) 84.29 b 81.90 a 6.21c 5.83 c 16.61 a 17.16 a
20% biochar 86.67 a 81.51 a 5.95 c 5.74 c 16.93 a 17.56 a
40% biochar 47.78 c 46.19 b 8.33 b 6.90 b 12.80 b 14.74 b
60% biochar 42.22 d 40.83 c 11.57 a 10.71 a 8.92 c 9.33c
Values in the same column followed by the same letter(s) do not significantly differ
from each other according to Duncan's multiple range test at 5% level
I.2. Vegetative growth, roots growth characters and leaf chlorophyll
concentration of tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber and lettuce
Vegetative growth and root growth characters determined at seedling
transplanting stage of tomato as grown in the nursery are shown in Tables
(5 and 6)the data revealed that, the seedlings growing in media with 20%
biochar addition and irrigated daily or two days registered the highest values
of seedling length, stem diameter, fresh weight/ seedling followed by using
aqueous extract of biochar at 2% as foliar spray and irrigation daily or two
days treatments in both growing seasons. It is clear that adding the low rate
of biochar (20%) to growing media and irrigation daily or two days
significantly positive affected on all abovious vegetative growth and root
growth characters, this was true in both growing season except seedling leaf
chlorophyll concentration, which the plants growing in media with 60%
biochar addition and irrigated daily or two days gave the highest values.
Regarding to number of leaves, it is noticed that, all treatments gave not
significant value in both growing season.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 9
Table (5): Effect of different biochar rates on some vegetative growth characters and leaf chlorophyll
concentration of tomato seedling during 2018 and 2019 seasons
leaf chlorophyll
concentration SPAD
Fresh weight
g / Seedling
No. of. leaves
/ Seedling
Stem diameter
Seedling length
( cm)
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
13.48 d 14.75 c 2.54 e 2.48 e 3.74 abc 3.83 b 1.80 d 1.99 f 28.60 cdef 28.20 de
Daily irrigation
0% biochar (control)
20% biochar 18.32 a 19.66 a 2.99 a 3.17 a 4.66 a 5.33 a 3.22 a 4.14 a 29.30 cd 29.00 bcde
40% biochar 14.55 cd 15.33 c 2.65 cde 2.86 c 4.41 ab 4.71 ab 2.17 cd 2.86 d 27.30 f 28.00 e
60% biochar 5.80 f 11.25 d 2.15 g 2.28 f 3.33 c 3.66 b 0.99 f 1.48 h 31.95 a 31.70 a
2 % biochar extract 16.70 ab 17.13 b 2.79 bc 2.90 c 4.33 abc 4.83 ab 2.81 ab 2.95 c 28.15 def 28.16 de
4 % biochar extract 13.22 d 14.71 c 2.60de 2.59 de 3.82 abc 4.16 ab 1.87 d 2.03 f 29.00 cde 28.90 bcde
15.95 bc 17.70 b 2.74 cd 2.89 c 4.37 abc 4.80 ab 2.43 bc 3.01 c 27.06 f 28.10 e
Irrigation every two days
0% biochar
20% biochar 16.75 b 18.40 ab 2.97 a 3.05 ab 4.35 abc 4.80 ab 2.88 ab 3.49 b 27.40 ef 28.40 de
40% biochar 13.70 d 14.00 c 2.59 e 2.71 f 4.15 abc 4.80 ab 1.96 cd 2.24 e 29.90 bc 29.60 bcd
60% biochar 9.22 e 11.55 d 2.30 f 2.24 d 3.38 bc 3.77 b 1.22 ef 1.64 g 31.40 ab 30.20 abc
2 % biochar extract 16.55 b 17.84 b 2.92 ab 3.03 b 4.22 abc 4.30 ab 2.74 ab 2.83 d 28.70 cdef 28.70 cde
4 % biochar extract 14.80 cd 15.30 c 2.58 e 2.68 d 3.83 abc 4.00 ab 1.72 de 2.16 e 31.10 ab 30.40 ab
Values in the same column followed by the same letter(s) do not significantly differ from each other according to Duncan's
multiple range test at 5% level
10 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (6): Effect of different biochar rates on some root growth characters of tomato seedling during 2018 and 2019
Fresh weight
g /root
Root volume
Root length
( cm)
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
7.60 de 6.88 cd 0.62 de 0.58 d 0.44 d 0.38 e
Daily irrigation
0% biochar (control)
20% biochar 9.27 b 8.74 b 0.92 a 0.96 a 0.57 b 0.69 b
40% biochar 7.00 ef 7.94 bc 0.62 de 0.58 d 0.46 d 0.48 d
60% biochar 4.03 g 6.81 cd 0.24 g 0.33 e 0.13 f 0.23 f
2 % biochar extract 8.31 cd 7.96 bc 0.83 bc 0.89 b 0.51 bcd 0.55 cd
4 % biochar extract 7.95 d 7.79 cd 0.33 f 0.33 e 0.32 e 0.36 e
6.90 ef 6.80 cd 0.66 d 0.66 c 0.47 cd 0.51 d
Irrigation every two days
0% biochar
20% biochar 10.32 a 10.90 a 0.89 ab 0.91 ab 0.66 a 0.78 a
40% biochar 6.69 f 7.08 cd 0.60 de 0.62 cd 0.43 d 0.50 d
60% biochar 4.00 g 5.45 d 0.16 h 0.16 f 0.16 f 0.23 f
2 % biochar extract 8.94 bc 8.71 b 0.78 c 0.66 c 0.55 bc 0.59 c
0.54 cd
4 % biochar extract 7.02 ef 7.25 bc 0.58 e 0.58 d 0.47 cd
Values in the same column followed by the same letter(s) do not significantly differ from each other according to
Duncan's multiple range test at 5% level
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 11
I.2.2. Sweet pepper
The data in Table (7) registered that, the effect of used different
rates of biochar under two periods of irrigation induced significant effect
on all vegetative growth, root growth parameters and leaf chlorophyll
concentration except stem diameter of sweet pepper seedling as grown in
the nursery. It can be observed that with all biochar rates except addition
the high rate of biochar (60%) to growing media which induced
significantly negative affected on all obvious vegetative growth and root
growth characters, this was true in both growing season.In other word it
can be said that, the best treatments were under foliar spray by aqueous
extract of biochar at 4%, 2% followed by 40% and 20% biochar addition
to growing media, respectively.
The data recorded in Table (8) showed that, the effect of used
different rates of biochar under two periods every one or two days of
irrigation induced significant effect on all vegetative growth. It is quite
clear from the data presented that, the seedlings growing in media with
20% biochar addition and irrigated daily followed by seedlings sprayed
by aqueous extract of biochar at 4% and irrigated daily gave the highest
values of seedling length in both growing seasons. According to stem
diameter, number of leaves/ seedling, fresh weight/ seedling, data
showed that, the best treatments were with 20% biochar addition to
growing media with daily irrigation or spraying seedling by aqueous
extract of biochar at 2% or at 4% and daily irrigation or two days in both
growing seasons.
Regarding to root growth parameter and leaf chlorophyll
concentration the data in Table (9) showed that, the seedlings growing in
media with 20% biochar addition and irrigated daily gave the highest
values of root volume, fresh weight / root. In addition, the best treatments
were addition 20% or 40% biochar to growing media and irrigation every
two days as well as leaf chlorophyll concentration. While, it is clear that,
the best treatments were at addition 40% biochar to growing media and
irrigation every two day or spraying seedling by aqueous extract of
biochar at 4% and irrigation daily, whereas the two treatments gave the
highest values ofroot length. These results were true in both growing
12 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (7): Effect of different biochar rates on some vegetative and root growth characters as well as leaf chlorophyll
concentration of sweet pepper seedling during 2018 and 2019 seasons
leaf chlorophyll
Fresh weight
g /Root
Root volume
Fresh weight
g / Seedling
No. of. leaves
/ Seedling
Stem diameter
Seedling length
( cm)
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
9.40 h 9.80 g 0.17 b 0.15 b 4.75 d 5.25 efg 1.40 de 1.50 ef 0.33 c 0.33 b 0.32 de 0.43 de 32.40 l 31.00 i
Daily irrigation
0% biochar (control)
20% biochar 10.70 e 11.10 d 0.28 ab 0.25 ab 5.14 cd 5.40 def 1.60 c 1.80 d 0.66 a 0.66 a 0.47 bcd 0.56 bc 35.10 j 35.50 gh
40% biochar 11.50 c 11.50 c 0.20 ab 0.19ab 5.00 cd 5.55 cde 1.50 cd 1.60 e 0.67 a 0.67 a 0.51 bc 0.61 b 35.50 i 35.90 g
60% biochar 10.20 f 10.80 e 0.20 ab 0.20 ab 4.75 d 5.50 cde 1.60 c 1.90 d 0.66 a 0.66 a 0.49 bc 0.53 bcd 34.50 k 35.30 h
2 % biochar extract 12.50 b 14.30 a 0.24 ab 0.22 ab 5.12 cd 5.75 bcd 2.30 b 2.80 a 0.58 ab 0.66 a 0.86 a 1.14 a 36.60 h 37.90 f
4 % biochar extract 13.60 a 14.40 a 0.30 a 0.29 a 5.33 bc 5.80 bc 2.70 a 2.90 a 0.67 a 0.67 a 0.94 a 1.17 a 38.10 g 39.00 e
9.30 h 9.40 h 0.20 ab 0.20 ab 4.73 d 5.11 fg 1.10 f 1.20 g 0.33 c 0.33 b 0.30 e 0.45 de 38.90 f 37.60 f
Irrigation every two
0% biochar
20% biochar 9.60 g 10.00 fg 0.20 ab 0.20 ab 4.90 cd 5.37efg 1.50 cd 1.95 d 0.53 ab 0.66 a 0.40 cde 0.51 bcd 42.20 d 41.40 d
40% biochar 9.70 g 10.10 f 0.20 ab 0.20 ab 5.00 cd 5.44 cdef 1.30 e 1.40 f 0.54 ab 0.66 a 0.45 bcd 0.53 bcd 48.30 a 47.50 b
60% biochar 9.30 h 9.50 h 0.19 ab 0.18 b 4.93 cd 5.00 g 1.30 e 1.50 ef 0.33 c 0.33 b 0.42bcde 0.49 de 40.80 e 41.50 d
2 % biochar extract 10.90 d 11.10 d 0.21 ab 0.20 ab 6.00 a 6.44 a 2.20 b 2.40 c 0.49 bc 0.58 a 0.49 bc 0.55 bc 46.20 c 47.00 c
48.40 a
4 % biochar extract 11.40 c 12.20 b 0.22 ab 0.21 ab 5.75 ab 6.00 b 2.20 b 2.60 b 0.66 a 0.66 a 0.56 b 0.62 b 46.70 b
Values in the same column followed by the same letter(s) do not significantly differ from each other according to
Duncan's multiple range test at 5% level
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 13
Table (8): Effect of different biochar rates on some vegetative growth characters of cucumber seedling during 2018
and 2019 seasons
Fresh weight
g / Seedling
No. of. leaves
/ Seedling
Stem diameter
Seedling length
( cm)
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
3.76 c
3.92 e
3.00 ab
3.57 ab
0.38 e
0.39 de
16.70 d
16.67 cd
Daily irrigation
0% biochar (control)
20% biochar 20.80 a 20.73 a 0.43 a 0.42 b 4.00 a 3.83 a 4.83 a 4.80 a
0.39 de 3.17 ab 3.33 a 4.08 d 4.30 b
40% biochar 17.10 c 17.40 c 0.43 a
0.39 de 2.00 c 2.00 b 1.22 i 1.03 f
0.29 h
60% biochar 11.30 i 13.48 g
0.41 bc 0.38 e 4.00 a 3.83 a 4.78 a 4.69 a
2 % biochar extract 16.40 d 16.90 d
0.42 ab 0.41 bc 4.00 a 3.83 a 4.76 a 4.69 a
4 % biochar extract 19.60 b 18.40 b
3.71 c
4.40 b
3.33 a
3.65 ab
0.38 e
0.39 de
15.20 f
15.71 e
Irrigation every two days
0% biochar
20% biochar 14.20 g 15.90 e 0.40 cd 0.40 cd 3.15 ab 3.33 a 3.45 de 4.20 b
0.37 f 0.40 cd 3.17 ab 3.00 ab 3.25 g 3.68 c
40% biochar 12.08 h 13.70 f
0.33 g 0.31 f 2.66 bc 2.00 b 2.78 h 1.89 e
60% biochar 11.42 i 9.21 h
2 % biochar extract 16.33 d 16.92 d 0.43 a 0.44 a 4.00 a 3.50 a 4.62 c 4.66 a
0.39 de 4.00 a 3.66 a 3.72 f 3.40 d
0.38 ef
4 % biochar extract 15.06 f 15.30 f
Values in the same column followed by the same letter(s) do not significantly differ from each other according to
Duncan's multiple range test at 5% level
14 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (9): Effect of different biochar rates on some root growth characters and leaf chlorophyll concentration of
cucumber seedling during 2018 and 2019 seasons.
leaf chlorophyll
concentration (SPAD)
Fresh weight
g /Root
Root volume
Root length
( cm)
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
7.00 c 7.00 cd 1.67 a 1.50 b 0.65 cd 0.73 cde 32.90 h 34.60 g
Daily irrigation
0% biochar (control)
20% biochar 8.09 ab 8.17 a 1.67 a 1.67 a 1.20 a 1.10 a 36.98 d 39.40 b
40% biochar 7.33 bc 7.33 bc 1.00 d 1.00 e 0.80 b 0.87 b 38.30 c 38.43 c
60% biochar 5.50 f 4.50 f 0.78 e 0.50 g 0.75 bc 0.80 bcd 36.10 37.90 d
2 % biochar extract 7.50 bc 7.60 b 1.00 d 1.00 e 0.70 bcd 0.65 ef 33.80 g 35.50 f
4 % biochar extract 8.70 a 8.33 a 1.09 cd 1.17 d 0.70 bcd 0.67 e 36.60 de 35.30 f
6.17 de 6.50 de 1.00 d 1.00 e 0.50 e 0.53 f 32.00 i 35.20 f
Irrigation every two days
0% biochar
20% biochar 6.83 cd 6.50 de 1.25 b 1.33 c 0.78 b 0.83 bc 40.30 a 40.00 a
40% biochar 8.50 a 8.50 a 1.00 d 1.00 e 0.77 bc 0.70 de 39.25 b 40.01 a
60% biochar 6.00 e 6.00 e 0.75 e 0.73 f 0.70 bcd 0.70 de 35.16 f 36.30 e
2 % biochar extract 7.34 bc 7.34 bc 1.09 cd 1.17 d 0.65 cd 0.70 de 36.30 e 35.30 f
4 % biochar extract 7.42 bc 7.42 bc 1.17 bc 1.33 c 0.58 de 0.63 ef 32.70 h 31.40 h
Values in the same column followed by the same letter(s) do not significantly differ from each other according to
Duncan's multiple range test at 5% level
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 15
Data illustrated in Tables (10 and11) showed that, the seedlings
growing in media with 20% biochar addition and irrigated daily followed
by seedlings sprayed by aqueous extract of biochar at 4% and irrigated
daily gave the highest values of seedling length in both growing seasons.
While, it is clear that, the best treatments were addition 20% biochar to
growing media and daily irrigation or spraying seedling by aqueous
extract of biochar at 4% and irrigation every two days, whereas the two
treatments gave the highest values of number of leaves. These results
were true in both growing seasons. According to fresh weight/ seedling,
data showed that, the best treatments were with 20% biochar addition to
growing media or spraying seedling by aqueous extract of biochar at 2%
or at 4% and daily irrigation in both growing seasons. Moreover, it is
clear that, foliar spray by aqueous extract of biochar at 2% or at 4% and
irrigation every two days gave leaf chlorophyll concentration higher than
those obtained from daily irrigation. Regarding to stem diameter, it is
noticed that, all treatments gave not significant value in both growing
season. Data also reported that, adding the low rate of biochar (20%) to
growing media and daily irrigation significantly positive affected on root
volume, fresh weight/ root, this was true in both growing season while
the plants growing in media with 0% biochar addition and irrigated every
two days gave the highest values of root length.
These results may be due to biochar addition can improve plant
growth directly as a result of its nutrient content and release
characteristics or indirectly, through improved nutrient retention
(Rogovska et al., 2011). Moreover, Biochar contains a high
concentration of stable organic carbon (C) as well as eluted carbon some
macro, micro elements and ash as shown in Table (3). In this regard A
dose-dependent negative effect on germination and seedling growth was
found by (Solaiman et al. 2012).The inhibition of seedlings may be
attributed to the reduced rate of cell division and cell elongation. On the
other hand Northup (2013) showed that, plants grown in biochar
containing substrates 30% [biochar] blended with 70% sphagnum peat
were the best compared to plants grown in a commercial substrate that
contained sphagnum peat, perlite, and limestone. Moreover, Haider, et
al., (2015) reported that, biochar had an effect on water relations ,
increasing relative water content and leaf osmotic potential, decreasing
stomatal resistance and stimulating foliar (transpiration) gas exchange,
and on photosynthesis by increasing the electron transport rate of
16 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
photosystem and the relation between effective photochemical quantum
yield and non-photochemical quenching .In this regard, Several macro
and micro elements can be stored in the mineral fraction of biochar
which may act as a source of mineral substances for microorganisms in
the soil (Saletnik et al. 2016). Also, Hafeez et al. (2017) indicated that
under water stress, shoot length, chlorophyll contents of soybean
seedlings decreased significantly compared to control. However biochar
applied proved to be more effective in mitigating the drought stress
impacts in all these parameters. Khan et al (2019) reported that, biochar
significantly improved shoot and root dry weights, biomass and altered
chlorophyll contents of tomato seedlings. Also, Uslu et al. (2020)
demonstrated that biochar could increase seedling growth with
appropriate application rates.
The second study:
II- Field experiment for planting the sweet pepper seedlings in the
II.1. Vegetative growth parameters and total yield of sweet pepper
plants, whereas obtained from seedlings treated with biochar in
the nursery
The vegetative growth parameters of sweet pepper plants and total
yield as affected by obvious nursery treatments as shown in the first
study are shown in Table (12). The data revealed that, all treatments
under investigation gave significantly positive effect on previous
characters than the control especially the plants obtained from seedlings
sprayed by aqueous extract of biochar at 2% or at 4% in both growing
seasons. These results may be due to biochar addition can improve plant
growth directly as a result of its nutrient content and release
characteristics or indirectly, through improved nutrient retention
(Rogovska et al., 2011). Moreover, Biochar contains a high
concentration of stable organic carbon (C) as well as eluted carbon macro
and microelements as shown in Table (3) since it has the capacity to
increase nutrient availability in the soil. Generally, biochar has the ability
to enhance crop productivity and significantly increases the early growth
of seedlings (Thomas and Gale 2015). Several macro and
microelements can be stored in the mineral fraction of biochar which
may act as a source of mineral substances for microorganisms in soil
(Saletnik et al. 2016).Moreover; biochar contains a high concentration of
stable organic carbon (C) as well as eluted carbon and ash. Several macro
and microelements can be stored in the mineral fraction of biochar which
may act as a source of mineral substances for microorganisms in soil
(Saletnik et al. 2016).
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 17
Table (10): Effect of different biochar rates on some vegetative growth characters of lettuce seedling during 2018
and 2019 seasons
Fresh weight
g / Seedling
No. of. leaves
/ Seedling
Stem diameter
Seedling length
( cm)
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
16.00 bc 14.75 de 0.40 abc 0.39 bc 6.67 abc 7.50 ab 3.52 b 3.05 abc
Daily irrigation
0% biochar (control)
20% biochar 17.73 a 18.80 a 0.40 abc 0.50 a 7.50 a 8.40 a 3.62 a 3.57 a
40% biochar 15.50 c 14.00 e 0.40 abc 0.48 ab 7.30 ab 6.50 cd 3.10 d 3.10 abc
60% biochar 12.80 e 11.90 g 0.20 d 0.23 d 6.00 cd 5.00 e 1.23 g 1.89 d
2 % biochar extract 15.50 c 15.00 d 0.50 a 0.50 a 6.67 abc 7.00 bc 3.52 b 3.52 ab
4 % biochar extract 17.30 a 17.85 b 0.50 a 0.50 a 7.00 abc 7.40 bc 3.52 b 3.52 ab
13.75 d 13.00 f 0.39 bc 0.38 c 6.33 bcd 6.50 cd 2.65 e 2.88 bc
Irrigation every two days
0% biochar
20% biochar 14.08 d 15.50 d 0.38 bc 0.45 abc 7.00 abc 7.40 bc 3.30 c 3.30 ab
40% biochar 13.75 d 13.00 f 0.36 c 0.40 bc 7.00 abc 6.00 d 2.50 f 2.50 cd
60% biochar 11.00 f 9.30 h 0.18 d 0.20 d 5.50 d 5.00 e 1.10 h 1.10 e
2 % biochar extract 16.33 b 16.83 c 0.48 ab 0.46 abc 7.17 ab 7.40 bc 3.28 c 3.28 ab
4 % biochar extract 17.20 a 17.50 bc 0.47 ab 0.47 abc 7.33 ab 7.50 ab 3.30 c 3.30 ab
Values in the same column followed by the same letter(s) do not significantly differ from each other according to
Duncan's multiple range test at 5% level
18 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (11): Effect of different biochar rates on some root growth characters and leaf chlorophyll concentration of
lettuce seedling during 2018 and 2019 seasons
leaf chlorophyll
concentration SPAD
Fresh weight
g /Root
Root volume
Root length
( cm)
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
6.52 cd 6.90 ab 1.33 b 1.40 b 1.04 b 0.97 cd 31.13 h 34.50 bc
Daily irrigation
0% biochar (control)
20% biochar 6.83 bcd 6.80 abc 1.50 a 1.50 a 1.60 a 1.40 a 34.30 e 35.00 bc
40% biochar 6.50 cd 6.00 abc 1.00 d 0.96 d 0.90 c 1.10 b 38.60 c 36.90 ab
60% biochar 5.33 e 5.67 bc 0.32 f 0.30 g 0.42 g 0.39 i 33.50 g 34.90 bc
2 % biochar extract 7.50 ab 5.02 c 1.00 d 0.98 d 0.85 cd 0.90 de 28.50 j 27.90 e
4 % biochar extract 7.17 abc 6.92 ab 1.25 c 1.17 c 1.13 b 1.00 c 28.60 j 26.53 e
7.53 ab 7.59 a 1.00 d 0.88 ef 0.60 f 0.70 gh 33.90 f 31.20 d
Irrigation every two days
0% biochar
20% biochar 6.42 cd 6.83 abc 1.33 b 1.10 c 0.77 de 0.77 fg 36.50 c 38.40 a
40% biochar 6.00 de 6.25 abc 0.92 e 0.84 f 0.66 ef 0.66 h 39.70 a 38.00 a
60% biochar 4.00 f 3.20 d 0.28 f 0.28 g 0.30 g 0.30 i 39.10 b 36.30 abc
2 % biochar extract 7.83 a 7.50 a 1.00 d 0.92 de 0.80 cd 0.85 ef 30.70 i 33.80 c
4 % biochar extract 7.00 abc 6.50 abc 1.00 d 0.99 d 0.90 c 0.85 ef 31.20 h 33.90 c
Values in the same column followed by the same letter(s) do not significantly differ from each other according to
Duncan's multiple range test at 5% level
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 19
Table (12): Effect of using different biochar rates in nursery on some vegetative growth characters and total yield of
sweet pepper plant grown in the field during 2018 and 2019 seasons
Total Leaf area yield ton / fed
No. of. leaves
No. of. / plant
Stem diameter
Plant length
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
24.01 e
23.52 e
39.00 e 40.00 e 1.00 c 1.00 c 16.50 de 19.00 de 92.00 j 94.00 k 326.23 l 328.55 l
Daily irrigation
0% biochar (control)
20% biochar 40.30 de 43.00 bc 1.20 ab 1.30 ab 17.30 de 19.00 de 108.50 h 117.20 g 511.31 e 556.87 e 24.18 de 25.25 de
40% biochar 41.40 cd 42.50 bcd 1.22 ab 1.30 ab 19.80 b 20.90 cd 111.80 fg 114.00 hi 434.60 f 485.10 f 25.21 cd 24.23 e
60% biochar 40.00 de 42.00 cd 1.20 ab 1.30 ab 19.30 bc 20.70 bc 110.50 g 113.00 i 405.16 i 424.14 i 24.24 de 23.71 e
2 % biochar extract 42.50 c 44.00 b 1.30 a 1.40 a 22.00 a 25.50 a 158.00 d 170.00 d 525.26 d 602.91 c 27.57 ab 26.91 bc
4 % biochar extract 42.50 c 44.00 b 1.30 a 1.40 a 22.40 a 23.00 b 169.00 b 181.0 b 542.05 c 626.91 b 27.70 ab 28.09 ab
23.18 e 23.96 e
40.00 de 41.10 de 1.10 bc 1.20 ab 17.00 de 19.00 de 102.00 i 107.00 j 339.31 k 360.30 k
Irrigation every two days
0% biochar
20% biochar 41.50 cd 43.00bc 1.20 ab 1.30 ab 17.50 de 19.00 de 110.70 g 115.30 h 425.09 g 480.44 g 24.53 de 25.05 de
40% biochar 40.00 ed 42.00 cd 1.20ab 1.20 b 16.00 e 18.00 e 123.50 e 135.50 e 409.35 h 434.60 h 23.73 de 25.98cd
23.71 de 24.15 e
60% biochar 42.50 c 43.00 bc 1.10 bc 1.20 b 18.00 cd 19.00 de 112.80 f 131.30 f 395.72 j 414.95 j
2 % biochar extract 45.30 b 48.50 a 1.15 abc 1.30 ab 19.50 bc 21.00 c 160.50 c 172.50 c 557.87 b 588.14 d 26.13 bc 26.30 cd
4 % biochar extract 48.00 a 49.00 a 1.30 a 1.30 ab 23.00 a 24.00 ab 184.50 a 188.00 a 574.59 a 629.25 a 27.76 a 28.56 a
Values in the same column followed by the same letter(s) do not significantly differ from each other according to
Duncan's multiple range test at 5% level
20 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
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Proceedings, Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations,
Missoula, MT, USA, 23–25.
Lehmann, J. and S. Joseph (2009).Biochar for environmental
management.Earthscan publishing, London. Canadian Journal of
Soil Science, 92(2): 329– 340.
Matt, C.P. ;C.R. Keyes and R.K. Dumroese (2018).Biochar effects on the
nursery propagation of 4 northern Rocky Mountain native plant
species. Nativ. Plants J., 19: 14–25.
Michel, J.C. (2010). The physical properties of peat.a key factor for modern
growing media, Mires Peat, 6: 1–6.
Nemati, M.R. ; F.Simard ; J. P .Fortin and J. Beaudoin (2015).Potential
use of biochar in growing media.Vadose Zone J., Pp 14.
Northup, J. (2013). ―Biochar as a replacement for perlite in greenhouse
soilless substrates‖. Iowa State University, Graduate Thesis and
Dissertations.,Pp: 13399.
Ranal, M. and D.G.D. Santana(2006).How and why to measure the
germination process.RevistaBrasil. Bot., 29(1):1-11
Robertson, S.J. ; P.M. Rutherford ; J.C. Lopez-Gutierrez and
H.B.Massicotte (2012). Biochar enhances seedling growth and
alters root symbioses and properties of sub-boreal forest soils.Can.
J. Soil Sci., 92: 329-340.
Rogovska, N. ;D. Laird ; R.M. Cruse ; S.Trabue and E.Heaton (2011).
Germination Tests for Assessing Biochar Quality. J. Environ.
Qual., 41: 1014–1022.
Saletnik, B. ; M. Bajcar ; G. Zagula ; M.Czernicka and C.
Puchalski(2016). Influence of biochar and biomass ash applied as
soil amendment on germination rate of Virginia mallow seeds
(Sidahermaphrodita R.).Econtechmod, 5(3): 71–76.
Schmilewski, G. (2008). The Role of peat in assuring the quality of growing
media, Mires Peat, 3: 1–8.
Snedecor, G. W. and W. G. Cochran (1982).Statistical Methods, 7thEd .,
The Iowa state Univ., Press, Ames., Iowa, U. S. A.
Sohi, S.P. ; E. Krull ; E.Lopez-Capel and R.Bol(2010).‘A review of
biochar and its use and function in soil’, Advances in Agronomy,
105: 47-82.
Solaiman, Z.M. ; D.V. Murphy and L.K. Abbott (2012). ‘Biochars
influence seed germination and early growth of seedlings’, Plant
and Soil, 353: 273-287.
22 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Soni, N. ; R.G. Leon ; J.E. Erickson ; J.A. Ferrell ; M.L. Silveira and
M.C. Giurcanu(2014). Vinasse and biochar effects on
germination and growth of palmer Amaranth
(Amaranthuspalmeri), Sicklepod (Sennaobtusifolia), and Southern
Crabgrass (Digitariaciliaris). Weed Technol., 28: 694-702.
Taek–Keun,O. ; Y. Shinogi ; J. Chikushi ; Y. Lee and B. Choi
(2012).Effect of Aqueous Extract of Biochar on Germination and
Seedling Growth of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.).J. Fac. Agr.,
Kyushu Univ., 57 (1): 55–60.
Thomas, S. and N. Gale (2015). Biochar and forest restoration: a review and
meta-analysis of tree growth responses. New Forests, 46: 931–946.
Uslu, O. S. ; E. Babur ; M.H. Alma and Z.M. Solaiman(2020).Walnut
Shell Biochar Increases Seed Germination and Early Growth of
Seedlings of Fodder Crops.Agriculture, 10(427): 1- 13.
Van Zwieten. L., S. Kimber, S. Morris, K.Y. Chan, A .Downie, J Rust,
A. Cowie, 2010. Effects of biochar from slow pyrolysis of
papermill waste on agronomic performance and soil fertility.Plant
Soil. 327: 235-246.
Vaughn, S.F. ; F.J.Eller ; R.L. Evangelista ; B.R. Moser and S.C.
Peterson (2015). Evaluation of biochar-anaerobic potato digestate
mixtures as renewable components of horticultural potting media.
Ind. Crop Prod., 65: 467–471.
Wallace,D.H.and H.M.Munger(1965).Studies of the physiological basis
for yield differences.1.growth and analysis of six dry bean
varieties. Crop Sci.,5:343-348.
تأثير استخدام الفحم النباتى والمستخمص المائى له عمى انتاج شتلات بعض
محاصيل الخضر وانعکاس ذلک عمى المحصول.
يسرية أحمد اب ا رهيم بيان, ناهد محمد مهدى الشيمى
أقسام بحوث الخضر- معيد بحوث البساتين-مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية- الجيزة-مصر" "
أجريت ىذه الد ا رسة خلال موسمي الز ا رعة 8102 و 8102 بمحطة بحوث التجارب
بقيا- محافظة القميوبية بيدف د ا رسة تأثير إستخدام معدلات مختمفة من الفحم النباتى عمى
إنبات البذور و نمو الشتلات لبعض محاصيل الخضر )الطماطم والفمفل الحمو والخيار والخس(.
وسموک نمو الشتلات المروية کل يوم أو کل يومين ود ا رسة تأثير ذلک عمى النمو الخضري
والمحصول الکمي لنبات الفمفل الحمو. وقد کان الفحم المستخدم ناتج من خشب اشجار
الجازورينا أووضحت النتائج أن إستخدام المعدل المنخفض من الفحم النباتى 81 % أدى الى
إرتفاع نسبة الإنبات وکفاءة الإنبات وقمل عدد الأيام اللازمو للإنبات )معدل الإنبات( لجميع
المحاصيل السابقة، فيما يتعمق بشتلات الطماطم والخيار والخس أوضحت النتائج أن إضافة
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 23
المعدل المنخفض من الفحم النباتى ) 81 ٪( إلى بيئة النمو والري کل يوم أ وکل يومين أثر تأثير
إيجابى عمى جميع خصائص النمو الخضري ونمو الجذور لمشتمة يمييا معاممة الرش الورقى
بالمستخمص المائي لمفحم النباتى بترکيز 8٪ والرى کل يوم أو يومين. بينما کانت أفضل
المعاملات ىي الرش الورقي بالمستخمص المائي لمفحم النباتى بنسبة 4٪ و 8٪ تمييا إضافة
الفحم الى بيئة النمو بمعدل 41 ٪ و 81 ٪ عمى التوالي بالنسبة لشتمة الفمفل الحمو. بشکل عام ،
أثر إستخدام المعدلات المختمفة لمفحم النباتي تحت فترتين من الري في إحداث تأثير معنوي
عمى قياسات النمو الخضري ، و النمو الجذ رى وترکيز الکموروفيل بالأو ا رق لجميع شتلات
المحاصيل السابقة النامية بالمشتل. کما يمکن ملاحظة أنو من الممکن إضافة جميع معدلات
الفحم النباتى إلى وسط النمو ب
إستثناء المعدل المرتفع ) 01 ٪( الذي أثر سمبيًا بشکل کبير عمى جميع خصائص النمو
الخضري ونمو الجذر.
وقد أظيرت البيانات أيضًا أنو ، بشکل عام ، ا زدت جميع قياسات النمو الخضرى
والمحصول لنبات الفمفل الحمو زيادة معنوية باستخدام جميع معدلات الفحم النباتى المختمفة
خاصة النباتات التي تم الحصول عمييا من الشتلات التي تم رشيا بواسطة المستخمص المائي
لمفحم النباتى بترکيز 8 ٪ أو 4 ٪ في کلا موسمي الز ا رعة.
بشکل عام ، توضح ىذه النتائج أنو بالنسبة لنباتات المشتل ، قد يکون اضافة الفحم
النباتى بمعدل 41 % او 81 % لبيئة المشتل لو تأثير ايجابى عمى نمو الشتلات وبالتالى
تحسين انتاجية النباتات الناتجة کما يقمل من الإعتماد عمى مکونات بيئات النم وغير المتجددة
أو مرتفعة التکاليف.
24 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021

Al-Harbi, A. R. ; M. A. Wahb-Allahand and S.S. Abu-Muriefah (2008).
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Carter,S.;S. Shackley;S. Sohi;T.B. Suy and S. Haefele (2013).The impact
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Haider, G. ; H.W. Koyro ; F. Azam ; D. Steffens ; C. Müller and C.
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Keller, M.L. ; C.A. Masiello ; B. Dugan ; J.A. Rudgers and S.C.
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Abstract., 1: pP 481.
Khan, M.N. ; Z. Lan ; T.S.Sial ;Y. Zhao andA.H.Z. Jianguo
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Kwapinski, W. ; C.M. Byrne ; E. Kryachko ; P. Wolfram ; C.Adley ;
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Landis, T.D. and N. Morgan (2008).Growing Media Alternatives for
Forest and Native Plant Nurseries. In Proceedings of the National
Proceedings, Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations,
Missoula, MT, USA, 23–25.
Lehmann, J. and S. Joseph (2009).Biochar for environmental
management.Earthscan publishing, London. Canadian Journal of
Soil Science, 92(2): 329– 340.
Matt, C.P. ;C.R. Keyes and R.K. Dumroese (2018).Biochar effects on the
nursery propagation of 4 northern Rocky Mountain native plant
species. Nativ. Plants J., 19: 14–25.
Michel, J.C. (2010). The physical properties of peat.a key factor for modern
growing media, Mires Peat, 6: 1–6.
Nemati, M.R. ; F.Simard ; J. P .Fortin and J. Beaudoin (2015).Potential
use of biochar in growing media.Vadose Zone J., Pp 14.
Northup, J. (2013). ―Biochar as a replacement for perlite in greenhouse
soilless substrates‖. Iowa State University, Graduate Thesis and
Dissertations.,Pp: 13399.
Ranal, M. and D.G.D. Santana(2006).How and why to measure the
germination process.RevistaBrasil. Bot., 29(1):1-11
Robertson, S.J. ; P.M. Rutherford ; J.C. Lopez-Gutierrez and
H.B.Massicotte (2012). Biochar enhances seedling growth and
alters root symbioses and properties of sub-boreal forest soils.Can.
J. Soil Sci., 92: 329-340.
Rogovska, N. ;D. Laird ; R.M. Cruse ; S.Trabue and E.Heaton (2011).
Germination Tests for Assessing Biochar Quality. J. Environ.
Qual., 41: 1014–1022.
Saletnik, B. ; M. Bajcar ; G. Zagula ; M.Czernicka and C.
Puchalski(2016). Influence of biochar and biomass ash applied as
soil amendment on germination rate of Virginia mallow seeds
(Sidahermaphrodita R.).Econtechmod, 5(3): 71–76.
Schmilewski, G. (2008). The Role of peat in assuring the quality of growing
media, Mires Peat, 3: 1–8.
Snedecor, G. W. and W. G. Cochran (1982).Statistical Methods, 7thEd .,
The Iowa state Univ., Press, Ames., Iowa, U. S. A.
Sohi, S.P. ; E. Krull ; E.Lopez-Capel and R.Bol(2010).‘A review of
biochar and its use and function in soil’, Advances in Agronomy,
105: 47-82.
Solaiman, Z.M. ; D.V. Murphy and L.K. Abbott (2012). ‘Biochars
influence seed germination and early growth of seedlings’, Plant
and Soil, 353: 273-287.
22 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Soni, N. ; R.G. Leon ; J.E. Erickson ; J.A. Ferrell ; M.L. Silveira and
M.C. Giurcanu(2014). Vinasse and biochar effects on
germination and growth of palmer Amaranth
(Amaranthuspalmeri), Sicklepod (Sennaobtusifolia), and Southern
Crabgrass (Digitariaciliaris). Weed Technol., 28: 694-702.
Taek–Keun,O. ; Y. Shinogi ; J. Chikushi ; Y. Lee and B. Choi
(2012).Effect of Aqueous Extract of Biochar on Germination and
Seedling Growth of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.).J. Fac. Agr.,
Kyushu Univ., 57 (1): 55–60.
Thomas, S. and N. Gale (2015). Biochar and forest restoration: a review and
meta-analysis of tree growth responses. New Forests, 46: 931–946.
Uslu, O. S. ; E. Babur ; M.H. Alma and Z.M. Solaiman(2020).Walnut
Shell Biochar Increases Seed Germination and Early Growth of
Seedlings of Fodder Crops.Agriculture, 10(427): 1- 13.
Van Zwieten. L., S. Kimber, S. Morris, K.Y. Chan, A .Downie, J Rust,
A. Cowie, 2010. Effects of biochar from slow pyrolysis of
papermill waste on agronomic performance and soil fertility.Plant
Soil. 327: 235-246.
Vaughn, S.F. ; F.J.Eller ; R.L. Evangelista ; B.R. Moser and S.C.
Peterson (2015). Evaluation of biochar-anaerobic potato digestate
mixtures as renewable components of horticultural potting media.
Ind. Crop Prod., 65: 467–471.
Wallace,D.H.and H.M.Munger(1965).Studies of the physiological basis
for yield differences.1.growth and analysis of six dry bean
varieties. Crop Sci.,5:343-348.