Document Type : Original Article


Two field experiments were conducted at EL-Gemmeiza
Agricultural Research Station farm, El-Gharbia Governorate during
2016/17 and 2017/18 winter seasons to study the effect of three sowing
dates of faba bean and six intercropping systems of sugar beet (Beta
vulgares L.) cv. Halawa Kws with faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cv. Giza
843. The field experiment was designed in a split plot design with three
replicates, where the three sowing dates were allocated in the main plots
and cropping systems i.e. IS= Inter cropping system In all intercropping
systems (IS) sugar beet was35000 plants/fad (sugar beet sown in the two
sides of bed 120cm width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill space),
IS1=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet
ridges with two plants/hill and 10cm hill space), IS2=70000 faba bean
plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
plant/hill and 10cm hill space), IS3=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one
row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two plants/hill and 20 cm hill
space), IS4=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of
sugar beet ridges with one plant/hill and 20cm hill space), IS5=17500
faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with
two plants/hill and 40 cm hill space) and IS6 =17500 faba bean plant/fad
(sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one plant/hill and
40cm hill space) were randomly distributed in the sub-plots. Sugar beet
considered as main crop (35000 plants/fad) and faba bean was treated as
secondary crop. The following traits of sugar beet were estimated i.ei,
number of leaves/plant, root length, root diameter, root weight, top < br />weight/plant, biological yield/plant, root yield/fad, top weight/fad. and
biological yield/fad. results indicated that, the effect of sowing dates
were highly for all studied traits, except for top weight/plant where it was
not significant. The late sowing date (15th Nov.) had the highest values
for all studied traits, followed by the mid-sowing date (1st Nov.). The
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 84-106
intercropping system IS6 where faba bean sown two rows on the top of
sugar beet ridges with one plant/hill and 40 cm hill space (17500
plants/fad.) had highest values for all studied traits. sugar beet traits were
significantly affected by the interactions of sowing dates and
intercropping systems, except for top weight/plant and the content of
Alpha amino. However, the interactions between the late sowing date and
the intercropping system IS6 had the highest values for all studied traits.


تقييم سموک بعض صفات بنجر السکر المحمل مع الفول البمدى
, رمضان عمى الرفاعى 1, اسامه عبد الحميد عبد ال ا رزق 1
أحمد محمد شيحة 2 و ربيع اسامه البرقى 2
1 قسم المحاصيل – کمية الز ا رعة – جامعة طنطا – مصر .
2 قسم بحوث التکثيف المحصولى – معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقمية – مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية – مصر .
أقيمت تجربتان حقميتان بمزرعة محطة البحوث الز ا رعية بالجميزة – محافظة الغربية
2018 لد ا رسة تأثير ثلاثة مواعيد ز ا رعة / 2017 و 2017 / خلال الموسمين الشتويين 2016
15 أکتوبر, 1 نوفمبر و 15 نوفمبر( لمفول البمدى و ستة أنظمة تحميل لبنجر السکر الصنف (
70000 نبات من الفول البمدى مزروعة فى : حلاوة مع صنف الفول البمدى جيزة 843 )ن ت 1
: صف واحد أعمى خط البنجر بمعدل بذرتين/جورة عمى مسافة 10 سم بين الجور, ن ت 2
70000 نبات من الفول البمدى مزروعة فى صفين أعمى خط البنجر بمعدل بذرة/جورة عمى
35000 نبات من الفول البمدى مزروعة فى صف واحد : مسافة 10 سم بين الجور, ن ت 3
35000 نبات : أعمى خط البنجر بمعدل بذرتين/جورة عمى مسافة 20 سم بين الجور, ن ت 4
من الفول البمدى مزروعة فى صفين أعمى خط البنجر بمعدل بذ رة واحدة/جورة عمى مسافة
17500 نبات من الفول البمدى مزروعة فى صف واحد أعمى خط : 20 سم بين الجور, ن ت 5
17500 نبات من الفول : البنجر بمعدل بذرتين/جورة عمى مسافة 40 سم بين الجور, ن ت 6
البمدى مزروعة فى صفين أعمى خط البنجر بمعدل بذرة واحدة/جورة عمى مسافة 40 سم بين
الجور. صممت التجربة الحقمية فى نظام القطع المنشقة من ثلاث مکر ا رت حيث وضعت
مواعيد الز ا رعة فى القطع الرئيسية و نظم التحميل فى القطع الشقية. أعتبر محصول بنجر
السکر هو المحصول الرئيسى بکثافة نباتية 35000 نبات /فدان وعومل الفول البمدى عمى أنه
المحصول الثانوى. تم قياس الصفات التالية لبنجر السکر وهى, عدد الأو ا رق/نبات, طول
105 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
الجذر, قطر الجذر, وزن الجذر, الوزن القمى لمنبات, المحصول البيولوجى لمنبات, محصول
الجذور لمفدان, الوزن القمى لمفدان و المحصول البيولوجى لمفدان.
و قد أکدت النتائج وجود تأثير عالى المعنوية لمواعيد الز ا رعة عمى جميع الصفات
المدروسة ما عدا الوزن القمى لمنبات حيث کان التاثير غير معنوياً. أعطى ميعاد الز ا رعة
المتأخر ) 15 نوفمبر( أعمى قيم معنوية لجميع الصفات تحت الد ا رسة يميه ميعاد الز ا رعة الأوسط
)الأول من نوفمبر(. أعطى نظام التحميل السادس حيث تم ز ا رعة سطرين من الفول البمدى
أعمى مصاطب بنجر السکر مع ترک نبات واحد بالجورة عمى مسافة 40 سم بين الجور
17500 نبات /فدان( أعمى القيم لجميع الصفات تحت الد ا رسة. تأثرت صفات بنجر السکر (
معنويا بالتفاعل بين مواعيد ز ا رعة الفول البمدى و نظم التحميل الستة ما عدا الوزن القمى
لمنبات, أعطى التفاعل بين ميعاد الز ا رعة الأخير و نظام التحميل السادس أعمى القيم المعنوية
لجميع الصفات تحت الد ا رسة.


Main Subjects

EL-Refaey, R. A.1; U. A. Abd EL-Razik1; A. M. M. Sheha2
and R. O. F. EL-Barky2
1 Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University.
2 Crop Intensification Research Department, Field Crops Research Institute, Agriculture
Research Center, Egypt.
Key Words: Intercropping system, sowing dates, ridge, sole crop.
Two field experiments were conducted at EL-Gemmeiza
Agricultural Research Station farm, El-Gharbia Governorate during
2016/17 and 2017/18 winter seasons to study the effect of three sowing
dates of faba bean and six intercropping systems of sugar beet (Beta
vulgares L.) cv. Halawa Kws with faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cv. Giza
843. The field experiment was designed in a split plot design with three
replicates, where the three sowing dates were allocated in the main plots
and cropping systems i.e. IS= Inter cropping system In all intercropping
systems (IS) sugar beet was35000 plants/fad (sugar beet sown in the two
sides of bed 120cm width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill space),
IS1=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet
ridges with two plants/hill and 10cm hill space), IS2=70000 faba bean
plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
plant/hill and 10cm hill space), IS3=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one
row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two plants/hill and 20 cm hill
space), IS4=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of
sugar beet ridges with one plant/hill and 20cm hill space), IS5=17500
faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with
two plants/hill and 40 cm hill space) and IS6 =17500 faba bean plant/fad
(sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one plant/hill and
40cm hill space) were randomly distributed in the sub-plots. Sugar beet
considered as main crop (35000 plants/fad) and faba bean was treated as
secondary crop. The following traits of sugar beet were estimated i.ei,
number of leaves/plant, root length, root diameter, root weight, top
weight/plant, biological yield/plant, root yield/fad, top weight/fad. and
biological yield/fad. results indicated that, the effect of sowing dates
were highly for all studied traits, except for top weight/plant where it was
not significant. The late sowing date (15th Nov.) had the highest values
for all studied traits, followed by the mid-sowing date (1st Nov.). The
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 84-106
intercropping system IS6 where faba bean sown two rows on the top of
sugar beet ridges with one plant/hill and 40 cm hill space (17500
plants/fad.) had highest values for all studied traits. sugar beet traits were
significantly affected by the interactions of sowing dates and
intercropping systems, except for top weight/plant and the content of
Alpha amino. However, the interactions between the late sowing date and
the intercropping system IS6 had the highest values for all studied traits.
Sugar beet (beta vulgaris L.) is an important crop in Egypt, and
over the whole world as a source of sugar industry. In Egypt, sugar beet
considers the second sugar crop after sugar cane. Sugar beet successfully
grows in the newly reclaimed soils by about 131308 fed and 423633 fad
in old lands (Kamel et al., 2017). In 2017/18 season, the world total
production of sugar beet was 266 million ton produced from total
harvested area of 7.8 million hectare, while the total harvest area in
Egypt reached 559744 faddan with total productive of 11.21 million ton
(FAO STAT, 2018). Egyptian government imported 1.2 million ton of
sugar in 2017 to reduce the gab between production and consumption
under the large increase of population. Sugar beet had a higher yield with
a short growth period is about a half of sugar cane in season (6-7 months)
and it has lower water consumed about 25% requirements of sugar cane
(Kamel et al., 2017).
There is a large gap between sugar crops production and sugar
consumption around 32%, where the cultivated area of sugar cane and
sugar beet is not enough to attain self-sufficiency of sugar. Additionally,
there is a large gap in legume crops, especially faba been. This gap of
faba bean resulted from two reasons, the first one is the wide infection of
Delta land with broom rape which resulted in large losses in faba bean
yield. The second reason is the current expansion in sugar beet cultivated
area on be-half the cultivated area of faba bean resulted in 65%
production–consumption gap in faba bean (Zohry and Ouda, 2017).
Intercropping consider an excellent solution to reduce the gabs of
sugar beet and faba bean together. In Egypt, several crops are good
candidates to the main crop in an intercropping system. Sugar beet is
one of them, where two intercropping systems were successfully
implemented in Egypt: faba bean intercropped with sugar beet. Sugar
beet is cultivated with 100% of its recommended population density and
it get its required water and fertilizer. Whereas, faba bean considered as
the secondary crop, which it use the applied water and fertilizer for the
main crop (sugar beet). To reduce intraspecific competition between the
main crop (sugar beet) and the secondary crop (faba bean), the optimum
population density for either crops is 25%. As a result, the farmer could
85 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
obtain 100 and 25% of sugar beet and faba bean yield, respectively (Abd
El-Zaher and Gendy, 2014).
The present work was aimed to determine the efficacy of some
intercropping systems of sugar beet and faba bean under different sowing
dates in increasing root yield and its component of both sugar beet and
faba bean in addition to maximized the farmer income return from the
unit area.
Two field experiments were conducted at EL-Gemiza
Agricultural Research station, El- Gharbia Governorate, during 2016/17
and 2017/18 seasons to study the effect of three sowing dates (15th
October, 1st November and 15th November) and the six intercropping
patterns of faba bean (Vicia faba) cv. Giza 843 with sugar beet (Beta
vulgaris L.) cv. Halawa kws. The field experiment was designed in a
split-plot design with three replicates, where, the three sowing dates were
allocated in the main plots and the cropping systems were randomly
distributed in the sub-plots.
In all intercropping systems (IS) sugar beet was sown in the rate of
35000 plants/fad. Sugar beet sown in the two sides of redges 120cm
width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill space
IS= Inter cropping system In all intercropping systems (IS) sugar beet
was35000 plants/fad (sugar beet sown in the two sides of bed 120cm
width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill space)
IS1=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet
ridges with two plants/hill and 10cm hill space).
IS2=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet
ridges with one plant/hill and 10cm hill space).
IS3=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet
ridges with two plants/hill and 20 cm hill space).
IS4=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet
ridges with one plant/hill and 20cm hill space).
IS5=17500 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet
ridges with two plants/hill and 40 cm hill space).
IS6 =17500 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet
ridges with one plant/hill and 40cm hill space).
The number of rows in sub-plot was 4 ridges 120 cm apart and 3.5
m length. Where sugar beet sown in the two sidess of the bed and faba
bean sown one or two rows on the top of sugar beet bed according to the
system of intercropping. All the other culture practices were done
according to the recommendation of faba bean and sugar beet in the area.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 86
Sugar beet was sown on September 15th and 18th, in the first and
second seasons, respectively.
The applications of intercropping faba bean with sugar beet were
fertilized by 95 kg N/fad for IS1 and IS2, 90 kg N/fad for IS3 and IS4 and
85 N/fad for IS5 and IS6 applied in two equal doses, before the first and
the second irrigations, respectively.
Sugar beet as a monoculture crop was fertilized by 100 kg N/fad
applied in two equal doses before the first and the second irrigation,
respectively. While, faba bean pure stand was fertilized by 50 kg N/fad
as single dose before the first irrigation. Nitrogen was added as the form
of urea (46.5%), whereas calcium super phosphate (15.5% P2O5),
200kg/fad was added at soil preparation, both monoculture crops and the
intercropping systems were fertilized by 50 kg potassium sulphate (48%
K2O) as single dose before the second irrigation of sugar beet and at pod
filling of sole faba bean and intercropping systems.
- Data recorded:
1- Growth, root yield traits:
At harvest ten plants were randomly chosen from each sub-plot to
estimate the following measurements:
1-1- Number of leaves/plant.
1-2- Root length (cm).
1-3- Root diameters (cm).
1-4- Root weight (g).
1-5- Green foliage yield/plant (g).
1-6- Biological yield/plant (g).
1-7- Root yield/fad (ton).
1-8- Green foliage yield/fad (ton).
1-9- Biological yield/fad (ton).
2- Quality attributes:
Fresh sugar beet samples were taken representing each treatment to
determent the following, traits.
2-1-1- Sucrose (%) according to (Winner, 1982)
2-1-2- Sugar yield (ton Fad-1) = root yield (ton fad-1) x sucrose %
2-1-3- Alpha amino and potassium contents (mg/100g fw) according to
(Jackson 1965) )
Statistical analysis:
Mean data collected were statistically analyzed according to Gomez and
Gomez (1984). Treatment means were compared using Duncan's
multiplr range test at 5% and 1%, respectively. All statistical analysis
performed using analysis of variance technique by “MSTAT – C”
computer software 1990.
87 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
1- Sugar beet growth and root yield traits:
1.1. Number of leaves / plant:
Results in Table 1 showed that, number of leaves / plant of sugar
beet significantly affected by sowing dates in both studied seasons. Sugar
beet plants under the late sowing date (Nov.15th) had the highest number
of leaves/plant (27.09 and 26.21), followed by sugar beet sown in Nov.
1st with averages of 26.25 and 23.56 in both seasons, respectively. On the
other side, the results indicated that, sowing sugar beet in Oct. 15th gave
the lowest number of leaves /plant in both seasons. Sarmast (2011)
found that, in sugar beet plants that were sown later in 25th June the
warm month have spent most of their nutrients energy for storage of
sugar in the root as a result of the large decline in green foliage
production, low leaves number and area per plant.
Data in Table 1 revealed that, number of leaves/plant of sugar beet
significantly affected by faba bean densities in both seasons. Sugar beet
plants under IS6 had the highest leaves number /plant (28.63 and 25.88)
followed by sugar beet plants sown under IS4 with averages of 26.66 and
24.88 in both seasons, respectively. In the contrast of this, sugar beet
plants under IS1 gave the lowest leaves number /plant with averages of
23.33 and 23.02 in both seasons, respectively.
The presented data in Table 1 showed that, number of leaves /plant
of sugar beet significantly affected by the interaction of intercropping
systems and sowing dates in both seasons.
Sowing sugar beet in Nov. 15th under IS6 had the highest leaves
number/plant (30.39 and 28.90) while, the lowest number of leaves/plant
were obtained by sugar beet plants sown in Oct. 15th under IS1 with
averages of 23.55 and 22.10 in both seasons, respectively.
The highly decreased in sugar beet leaves number by the increasing
faba bean density due to the increased intra- and intercrop competition
between the sugar beet, as a main crop, and the high densities of
the companion crop of faba bean. (Aboukhadra et al., 2013). Also,
Salama et al., (2016) revealed that, the number of leaves/plant, leaf area
m2 of sugar beet were significantly affected by the interaction between
the companion crop species and percentage in both seasons.
1.2. Root length (cm):
Results in Table 1 showed that, root length significantly affected
by sowing dates in both studied seasons. Sugar beet plants under the late
sowing date (Nov. 15th) had the longest roots (32.04 and 32.22), followed
by sugar beet sown on Nov. 1st with averages of 29.75 and 29.19 in both
seasons, respectively. On the other hand, the results indicated that,
sowing sugar beet in 15th Oct. gave the shortest sugar beet roots (27.48
and 27.48) in both seasons, respectively.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 88
Table (1): Effect of sowing date, intercropping system (IS) of sugar
beet with faba bean and their interactions on leaves
numbers/plant, root length (cm) and root diameter (cm) of
sugar beet during 2016/17 and 2017/18 growing seasons.
Number of
Root length
Root diameter
Sowing date S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
15th Oct. 24.74 b 22.82 c 27.48 c 27.48 c 16.95 c 16.96 c
1st Nov. 26.25 a 23.56 b 29.75 b 29.19 b 18.36 b 18.01 b
15th Nov. 27.09 a 26.21 a 32.04 a 32.22 a 19.77 a 19.88 a
F test ** ** ** ** ** **
Intercropping system
IS1 23.33 d 23.02 d 26.14 e 25.71 f 16.13 e 15.86 f
IS2 26.48 b 24.12 c 27.12 e 27.28 e 16.73 e 16.83 e
IS3 24.81 cd 23.24 d 28.99 d 28.52 d 17.88 d 17.60 d
IS4 26.26 bc 24.03 c 30.57 c 30.56 c 18.86 c 18.85 c
IS5 26.66 b 24.88 b 32.05 b 31.81 b 19.78 b 19.63 b
IS6 28.63 a 25.88 a 33.68 a 33.90 a 20.78 a 20.92 a
F test ** ** ** ** ** **
Sowing date Intercropping system
15th Oct.
IS1 23.55 fg 22.10 j 23.34 h 23.34 j 14.40 i 14.40 i
IS2 25.22 ef 23.00 gh 25.41 g 25.41 i 15.68 h 15.68 h
IS3 23.49 fg 22.30 j 26.44 g 26.44 hi 16.31 gh 16.32 h
IS4 24.79 e-g 22.93 g-i 28.51 f 28.51 fg 17.59 f 17.59 fg
IS5 24.99 ef 23.00 gh 29.54 ef 29.55 e-g 18.23 ef 18.23 e-g
IS6 26.41 c-e 23.60 f 31.61 cd 31.62 cd 19.51 cd 19.51 cd
1st Nov.
IS1 23.66 fg 22.53 h-j 26.73 g 25.41 i 16.49 gh 15.68 h
IS2 25.77 e 23.37 fg 26.57 g 26.77 h 16.39 gh 16.51 h
IS3 25.86 de 22.47 ij 29.83 e 28.51 fg 18.41 ef 17.59 fg
IS4 26.12 de 24.17 e 29.67 ef 29.87 ef 18.31 ef 18.43 ef
IS5 27.00 c-e 23.70 ef 32.94 bc 31.62 cd 20.32 bc 19.51 cd
IS6 29.11 ab 25.13 d 32.77 bc 32.97 bc 20.22 bc 20.34 bc
15th Nov.
IS1 22.77 g 24.43 e 28.34 f 28.37 g 17.49 fg 17.51 g
IS2 28.44 a-c 26.00 c 29.38 f 29.66 e-g 18.13 ef 18.30 e-g
IS3 25.07 ef 24.97 d 30.68 de 30.60 de 18.93 de 18.88 de
IS4 27.88 b-d 27.53 b 33.52 b 33.28 b 20.68 bc 20.54 b
IS5 28.00 b-d 25.40 d 33.67 b 34.28 b 20.78 b 21.15 b
IS6 30.39 a 28.90 a 36.65 a 37.10 a 22.61 a 22.89 a
F test ** ** ** ** ** **
Sole 15th Oct. 27.22 25.10 31.72 31.73 19.65 19.65
Sole 1st Nov. 28.88 25.92 33.73 33.11 21.19 20.81
Sole 15th Nov. 31.80 30.83 37.24 37.44 22.75 23.87
IS= Inter cropping system In all intercropping systems (IS) sugar beet was35000 plants/fad
(sugar beet sown in the two sides of bed 120cm width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill
IS= Inter cropping system In all intercropping systems (IS) sugar beet was35000 plants/fad
(sugar beet sown in the two sides of bed 120cm width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill
IS1=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
plants/hill and 10cm hill space).
IS2=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
plant/hill and 10cm hill space).
IS3=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
plants/hill and 20 cm hill space).
IS4=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
plant/hill and 20cm hill space).
IS5=17500 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
plants/hill and 40 cm hill space).
IS6 =17500 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
plant/hill and 40cm hill space).
89 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
The results indicated that, root length significant differ under all
sowing dates in both seasons. These findings are in agree with those
reported by Ilkaee et al., (2016) which evaluated the effect of sowing
dates on the quantitative and qualitative traits of sugar beet in Iran and
they revealed that, different sowing dates have significant effect on the
root length.
Data presented in Table 1 indicated that, the length of sugar beet
roots significant affected by faba bean densities in both seasons. Sugar
beet plants under IS6 gave the longest roots (33.68 and 33.90 cm)
followed by sugar beet plants under IS5 with averages of 32.05 and 31.81
cm in both seasons, respectively. On the other hand, sugar beet plants
under IS1 gave the shortest roots with averages of 26.14 and 25.71 cm in
both seasons, respectively.
Data presented in Table 1 showed that, the length of sugar beet
roots significantly affected by the interaction of intercropping systems
and sowing dates in both seasons.
Sowing sugar beet on Nov. 15th under IS6 had the longest roots
(36.65 and 37.10 cm), while the shortest sugar beet roots were obtained
by sugar beet plants sown on Oct. 15th under IS1 with averages of 23.34
and 23.34 cm in both seasons, respectively.
The results indicated that, the longest sugar beet roots were
obtained under the low faba bean densities in the same line. Mohammed
et al., (2005) reported that, the maximum significant root length of
sugar beet was abtained for pure stands, followed by the lowest
intercropping density of the companion crop, when sugar beet was
intercropped with faba bean. Also, Abo Mostafa et al., (2012) found
that, the intercropping pattern faba bean on the other side of bed, at 60
cm hill spacing with two plants/hill, alternating with two solid sugar
beet ridges produced the highest sugar beet roots length as well as
these values suppressed the same obtained from faba bean on the
other side of bed at 40 cm hill-spacing with two plants/hill,
alternating with one solid sugar beet bed under the second
intercropping date. Salama et al., (2016 revealed that, root length of
sugar beet were significantly affected by the interaction between the
companion crop species and percentage in both seasons.
1.3. Root diameter (cm):
The obtained data listed in Table 1 revealed that, root diameters
significantly affected by sowing dates in both studied seasons. Sugar beet
plants under the late sowing date (Nov. 15th) gave the highest root
diameters (19.77 and 19.88 cm), followed by sugar beet sown on Nov. 1st
with averages of 18.36 and 18.01 cm in both seasons, respectively. On
the other side, the results indicated that, sowing sugar beet on Oct. 15th
gave the lowest sugar beet root diameters (16.95 and 16.96 cm) in both
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 90
seasons, respectively. The results indicated that, root diameters
significant differ under all sowing dates in both seasons. These findings
are in agree with those reported by Ilkaee et al., (2016) which evaluated
the effect of sowing dates on the quantitative and qualitative traits of
sugar beet in Iran and they revealed that, different sowing dates had
significant effect on root diameters.
Data shown in Table 1 indicated that, the diameters of sugar beet
roots significantly affected by faba bean densities in both seasons. Sugar
beet plants under IS6 had the highest root diameters (20.78 and 20.92
cm), followed by sugar beet plants under IS5 with averages of 19.78 and
19.36 cm in both seasons, respectively. In the contrast, sugar beet sown
under IS1 gave the lowest root diameters with averages of 16.13 and
15.86 cm in both seasons, respectively.
The presented data in Table 1 showed that, the diameters of sugar
beet roots significantly affected by the interaction of intercropping
systems and sowing dates in both seasons.
Sowing sugar beet on Nov. 15th under IS6 had the highest root
diameters (22.61 and 22.89 cm), while the lowest sugar beet root
diameters were obtained by sugar beet plants sown on Oct. 15th under IS1
with averages of 14.40 and 14.40 cm in both seasons, respectively.
The results indicated that, the highest sugar beet root diameters
were obtained under the low faba bean densities in the same line.
Mohammed et al., (2005) reported that, the maximum significant root
diameters of sugar beet was obtained in pure stands, followed by the
lowest intercropping density of the companion crop, when sugar
beet was intercropped with faba bean. Also, Abo Mostafa et al.,
(2012) found that, the intercropping pattern of faba bean on the other
side of bed, at 60 cm hill spacing with two plants/hill, alternating with
two solid sugar beet ridges produced the highest sugar beet roots
diameters and these values suppressed the same obtained from faba
bean on the other side of bed at 40 cm hill-spacing with two
plants/hill, alternating with one solid sugar beet bed under the second
intercropping date. Salama et al., (2016 revealed that, root diameter of
sugar beet were significantly affected by the interaction between the
companion crop species and percentage in both seasons.
1.4. Root weight (g):
Results listed in Table 2 indicated that, the root weight of sugar
beet plants significantly affected by sowing dates in both studied seasons.
Sugar beet plants under the late sowing date (Nov. 15th) showed the
heaviest roots (929.15 and 934.25 g) followed by sugar beet sown on
Nov. 1st with averages of 862.80 and 846.55 g in both seasons,
respectively. On the other side, the results indicated that, sowing sugar
beet on Oct. 15th gave the lowest root weight (796.80 and 796.90 g) in
91 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
both seasons, respectively. The results indicated that, root yield/plant
significant differ under all sowing dates in both seasons. These findings
are in agree with those reported by Ilkaee et al., (2016) which evaluated
the effect of sowing dates on the quantitative and qualitative traits of
sugar beet in Iran and they revealed that, different sowing dates have
significant effect on root yield/plant. These findings are in agree with
those obtained by Ntwana and Tuwana (2013) who investigated the
effect of sowing date on yield and sugar content of sugar beet cultivars
and they found that, low temperature during sowing date in May gave the
highest root yield /plant which was significantly higher than yields
obtained from other high temperature sowing date in June.
Data presented in Table 2 revealed that, the weight of sugar beet
roots significant affected by faba bean densities in both seasons. Sugar
beet plants sown under IS6 had the heaviest roots (976.70 and 983.03 g),
followed by sugar beet plants sown under IS5 with averages of 929.50
and 922.60 in both seasons, respectively. In the contrast, sugar beet
plants sown under IS1 gave the lowest root weight with averages of
757.93 and 745.53 in both seasons, respectively.
Data presented in Table 2 showed that, the weight of sugar beet
root significantly affected by the interaction of intercropping systems and
sowing dates in both seasons.
Sowing sugar beet on Nov. 15th under IS6 had the highest root
weight (1062.90 and 1076.00 g), while the lowest root weights were
obtained by sugar beet plants sown on Oct. 15th under IS1 with averages
of 676.80 and 676.90 g in both seasons, respectively.
The highest root weight of sugar beet under the low faba densities
may due to the low competitions between the two crops under these
densities compared with the densities in this way. Mohammed et al.,
(2005) reported that, the effect of intercropping on the root yield of
sugar beet, mainly depends on the nature and growth habit of the
companion crop. However, the maximum significant root yield per plant
of sugar beet was achieved for pure stands, followed by the lowest
intercropping density of the companion crop, when sugar beet was
intercropped with faba bean. Aboukhadra et al., (2013) indicated that,
the highest sugar beet root yield per plant were recorded with decreased
densities of different companion crops. This reduction in sugar beet traits
was mainly due to the increased of intra- and intercrop competition
between the sugar beet, as a main crop, and the high densities of
the companion crops. Abo Mostafa et al., (2012) reported that, the
intercropping pattern of faba bean on the other side of bed, at 60 cm hill
spacing with two plants/hill, alternating with two solid sugar beet
ridges produced the highest sugar beet root yield per plant as well as
these values suppressed the same obtained from faba bean on the
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 92
other side of bed at 40 cm hill-spacing with two plants/hill,
alternating with one solid sugar beet bed under the second
intercropping date. Salama et al., (2016) revealed that, root yield per
plant of sugar beet were significantly affected by the interaction between
the companion crop species and percentage in both seasons.
1.5. Top weight (g):
Results shown in Table 2 showed that, sugar beet top weight did
not affected significantly by sowing dates in both studied seasons.
The presented data in Table 2 revealed that, the weight of sugar
beet tops significant affected by faba bean densities in both seasons.
Sugar beet plants sown under IS6 gave the highest top weights (274.44
and 279.93 g), followed by sugar beet plants under IS4 with averages of
264.44 and 269.73 cm in both seasons, respectively. On the other hand,
sugar beet plants sown under IS1gave the lowest top weight with
averages of 216.67 and 221.00 g in both seasons, respectively.
The presented data in Table 2 showed that, the weight of sugar
beet tops did not affected significantly by the interaction of intercropping
systems and sowing dates in both seasons.
1.6. Biological yield/plant (g):
Data in Table 2 revealed that, biological yield/plant significantly
affected by sowing dates in both studied seasons. Sugar beet plants in the
late sowing date (Nov. 15th) had the highest biological yield/plant
(1174.15 and 1184.15 g), followed by sugar beet sown on Nov. 1st with
averages of 1106.69 and 1095.32 g in both seasons, respectively. On the
other side, sowing sugar beet on Oct. 15th gave the lowest sugar beet
biological yield/plant (1017.08 and 1021.58 g) in both seasons,
The effect of sowing date on biological yield of sugar beet may due
to their effect on root weight or the canopy alone or together. For root
weight Ilkaee et al., (2016) revealed that, different sowing dates have
significant effect on root yield/plant of sugar beet. These findings are in
agree with those obtained by Ntwana and Tuwana (2013) who
investigate the effect of sowing date on yield and sugar content of sugar
beet cultivars and they found that, low temperature during sowing date in
May gave the highest root yield /plant which was significantly higher
than yields obtained from other high temperature sowing date in June.
Sarmast (2011) found that, in sugar beet plants that, were sown later in
25 June sugar beet under this warm month have spent most of their
nutrients energy for storage of sugar in the root as a result of the large
decline in green foliage production, low leaves number and area per plant
and this may resulted in decline sugar beet canopy and the final top
93 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (2): Effect of sowing date, intercropping system (IS) of sugar
beet with faba bean and their interactions on root weight
(g), top weight/plant (g) and biological yield/plant (g) of
sugar beet during 2016/17 and 2017/18 growing seasons.
Factors Root weight (g)
Top weight
/plant (g)
Biological yield/
plant (g)
Sowing date S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
15th Oct. 796.80 c 796.90 c 220.28 224.68 1017.08 c 1021.58 c
1st Nov. 862.80 b 846.55 b 243.89 248.77 1106.69 b 1095.32 b
15th Nov. 929.15 a 934.25 a 245.00 249.90 1174.15 a 1184.15 a
F test ** ** Ns Ns ** **
Intercropping system
IS1 757.93 e 745.53 f 216.67 bc 221.00 bc 974.60 d 966.53 d
IS2 786.40 e 791.10 e 258.89 ab 264.07 ab 1045.29 c 1055.17 c
IS3 840.57 d 827.03 d 191.67 c 195.50 c 1032.23 c 1022.53 c
IS4 886.40 c 886.10 c 264.44 a 269.73 a 1150.84 b 1155.83 b
IS5 929.50 b 922.60 b 212.22 c 216.47 c 1141.72 b 1139.07 b
IS6 976.70 a 983.03 a 274.44 a 279.93 a 1251.14 a 1262.97 a
F test ** ** * * ** **
Sowing date Intercropping system
15th Oct.
IS1 676.80 h 676.90 g 206.67 210.80 883.47 k 887.70 i
IS2 736.80 g 736.90 f 243.33 248.20 980.13 ij 985.10 gh
IS3 766.80 g 766.90 f 185.00 188.70 951.80 jk 955.60 hi
IS4 826.80 f 826.90 e 213.33 217.60 1040.13 hi 1044.50 fg
IS5 856.80 ef 856.90 de 223.33 227.80 1080.13 f-h 1084.70 ef
IS6 916.80 cd 916.90 bc 250.00 255.00 1166.80 c-e 1171.90 cd
1st Nov.
IS1 775.20 g 736.90 f 253.33 258.40 1028.53 h-j 995.30 gh
IS2 770.40 g 776.20 f 263.33 268.60 1033.73 hi 1044.80 fg
IS3 865.20 ef 826.90 e 190.00 193.80 1055.20 g-i 1020.70 f-h
IS4 860.40 ef 866.20 de 276.67 282.20 1137.07 d-f 1148.40 c-e
IS5 955.20 bc 916.90 bc 213.33 217.60 1168.53 c-e 1134.50 de
IS6 950.40 bc 956.20 b 266.67 272.00 1217.07 bc 1228.20 bc
15th Nov.
IS1 821.80 f 822.80 e 190.00 193.80 1011.80 h-j 1016.60 f-h
IS2 852.00 ef 860.20 de 270.00 275.40 1122.00 d-g 1135.60 de
IS3 889.70 de 887.30 cd 200.00 204.00 1089.70 e-h 1091.30 ef
IS4 972.00 b 965.20 b 303.33 309.40 1275.33 b 1274.60 b
IS5 976.50 b 994.00 b 200.00 204.00 1176.50 cd 1198.00 b-d
IS6 1062.90 a 1076.00 a 306.67 312.80 1369.57 a 1388.80 a
F test ** ** Ns Ns ** **
Sole 15th Oct. 918.48 918.59 252.31 247.15 1170.79 1165.74
Sole 1st Nov. 959.08 961.21 278.28 285.64 1237.36 1246.85
Sole 15th Nov. 1065.07 1079.68 349.5 364.89 1414.57 1444.57
IS= Inter cropping system In all intercropping systems (IS) sugar beet was35000 plants/fad
(sugar beet sown in the two sides of bed 120cm width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill
IS= Inter cropping system In all intercropping systems (IS) sugar beet was35000 plants/fad
(sugar beet sown in the two sides of bed 120cm width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill
IS1=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
plants/hill and 10cm hill space).
IS2=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
plant/hill and 10cm hill space).
IS3=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
plants/hill and 20 cm hill space).
IS4=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
plant/hill and 20cm hill space).
IS5=17500 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
plants/hill and 40 cm hill space).
IS6 =17500 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
plant/hill and 40cm hill space).
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 94
Data listed in Table 2 indicated that, biological yield/plant of sugar
beet significant affected by faba bean densities in both seasons. Sugar
beet plants sown under IS6 had the highest biological yield/plant
(1251.14 and 1262.97 g), followed by sugar beet plants sown under IS4
with averages of 1150.84 and 1155.83 g in both seasons, respectively. In
the contrast, sugar beet plants sown under IS1gave the lowest biological
yield/plant with averages of 974.60 and 966.53 g in both seasons,
The presented data in Table 2 showed that, biological yield/plant of
sugar beet significantly affected by the interaction of intercropping
systems and sowing dates in both seasons.
Sowing sugar beet on Nov. 15th under IS6 had the highest
biological yield/plant (1369.57 and 1388.97 g), followed by the same
sowing date (Nov. 15th) under IS4 with averages of 1275.33 and 1274.60
g in both seasons, respectively. The lowest biological yield/plant
obtained by sugar beet plants sown on Oct. 15th under IS1 with averages
of 883.47 and 887.70 g in both seasons, respectively.
Increasing biological yield of sugar beet under the low faba bean
densities may due to the increase in root weight or the canopy alone or
together. The highest root weight of sugar beet under the low faba
densities may due to the low competitions between the two crops under
these densities compared with the densities in this way. Mohammed et
al., (2005) reported that, the effect of intercropping on the root yield of
sugar beet, mainly depends on the nature and growth habit of the
companion crop. However, the maximum significant root yield per plant
of sugar beet was achieved for pure stands, followed by the lowest
intercropping density of sugar beet with faba bean. Aboukhadra et
al., (2013) indicated that, the highest sugar beet root yield per plant were
recorded with decreased densities of different companion crops. This
reduction in sugar beet traits was due to the increased of intra- and
intercrop competition between the sugar beet, as a main crop, and the
high densities of the companion crops. Abo Mostafa et al., (2012)
reported that, the intercropping pattern of faba bean on the other side of
bed, at 60 cm hill spacing with two plants/hill, alternating with two
solid sugar beet ridges produced the highest sugar beet roots yield
per plant as well as these values suppressed the same obtained from
faba bean on the other side of bed at 40 cm hill-spacing with two
plants/hill, alternating with one solid sugar beet bed under the second
intercropping date. Salama et al., (2016) revealed that, root yield per
plant of sugar beet were significantly affected by the interaction between
the companion crop species and percentage in both seasons. As for top
weight, the highest competition increased the intra- and intercrop
competition between the sugar beet, as a main crop, and the high
95 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
densities of the companion crops (faba bean) resulted in reduce leaves
number of sugar beet (Aboukhadra et al., 2013). Also, Salama et al.,
(2016) revealed that, the number of leaves/plant, leaf area (cm2) of sugar
beet were significantly affected by the interaction between the
companion crop species and percentage in both seasons.
1.7. Root yield/fad (ton):
Results shown in Table 3 indicated that, root yield/fad of sugar
beet significantly affected by sowing dates in both studied seasons. Sugar
beet under the late sowing date (15th Nov.) had the highest root yield/fad
(30.97 and 31.14 ton) followed by sugar beet sown in 1st Nov. with
averages of 28.76 and 28.22 ton in both seasons, respectively. On the
other side, sowing sugar beet on Oct. 15th gave the lowest root yield/fad
(26.56 and 26.56 ton) in both seasons, respectively. These findings are in
agree with those reported by Ilkaee et al., (2016) where they revealed
that, different sowing dates have significant effect on sugar beet root
Data listed in Table 3 revealed that, the root yield/fad of sugar beet
significantly affected by faba bean densities in both seasons. Sugar beet
sown under IS6 had the highest root yield/fad (32.56 and 32.77 ton),
followed by sugar beet plants sown under IS5 with averages of 30.98 and
30.75 ton in both seasons, respectively. In the contrast, sugar beet plants
sown under IS1 gave the lowest root yield/fad with averages of 25.26 and
24.85 in both seasons, respectively.
The presented data in Table 3 showed that, root yield/fad of sugar
beet significantly affected by the interaction of intercropping systems and
sowing dates in both seasons.
Sowing sugar beet on Nov. 15th under IS6 had the highest root
yield/fad (35.43 and 35.87 ton), followed by the interaction of 15th Nov.
under IS5, where the averages of both seasons were32.55 and 33.13 ton,
respectively. The lowest root yield/fad obtained by sugar beet sown on
Oct. 15th under IS1 with averages of 22.56 and 22.56 ton in both seasons,
In this study, the highest sugar beet yield/fad were obtained under
the low faba bean densities in the same line Mohammed et al., (2005)
reported that, the effect of intercropping on the root yield of sugar beet,
mainly depends on the nature and growth habit of the companion
crop. However, the maximum significant root yield per fad of sugar beet
was achieved for pure stands, followed by the lowest intercropping
density of the companion crop, when sugar beet was intercropped with
faba bean. Aboukhadra et al., (2013) indicated that, the highest sugar
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 96
beet root yield per plant and per fad as well as sugar yields were recorded
with decreased densities of different companion crops. This reduction in
sugar beet traits was due to the increased of intra- and intercrop
competition between the sugar beet, as a main crop, and the high
densities of the companion crops. Abo Mostafa et al., (2012) indicated
that, the intercropping pattern of faba bean on the other side of bed, at 60
cm hill spacing with two plants/hill, alternating with two solid sugar beet
ridges produced the highest sugar beet roots yield per plant and per fad
as well as these values suppressed the same obtained from faba bean on
the other side of bed at 40cm hill-spacing with two plants/hill, alternating
with one solid sugar beet bed under the second intercropping date
1.8. Top yield/fad (ton):
Results presented in Table 3 showed that, sugar beet top yield/fad
significantly affected by sowing dates in both studied seasons. Sugar beet
plants sown under the late sowing date (15th Nov.) had the highest top
yield/fad (7.93 and 7.91 ton) in both seasons, respectively, but these
values did not differ significant with those of sugar beet sown on Nov. 1st
(7.37 and 7.35 ton) in both seasons, respectively. The effect of sowing
date on top yield /plant may effect on the total amount of top yield /fad in
the same way, Sarmast (2011) found that, in sugar beet plants that, were
sown later on June 25th have spent most of their nutrients energy for
storage of sugar in the root as a result of the large decline in green foliage
production, low leaves number and area per plant and this may resulted
in decline sugar beet canopy and the final top weight.
The presented data in Table 3 revealed that, sugar beet top
yield/fad significant affected by faba bean densities in both seasons.
Sugar beet plants sown under IS6 gave the highest top yield/fad (8.74 and
8.71 ton), followed by sugar beet plants sown under IS2 with averages of
8.14 and 8.12 ton and IS4 with averages of 8.06 and 8.04 ton in both
seasons, respectively, without significant differences between the three
intercropping systems in this concern. On the other hand, sugar beet
plants sown under IS3 gave the lowest top yield/fad with averages of 5.74
and 5.72 ton in both seasons, respectively.
The presented data in Table 3 showed that, top yield/fad
significantly affected by the interaction of intercropping systems and
sowing dates in both seasons.
Sowing sugar beet on Nov. 15th under IS6 had the highest top
yield/fad (10.30 and 10.27 ton). While the lowest top yield/fad obtained
by sugar beet plants sown on Oct. 15th under IS3 with averages of 5.26
and 5.24 ton in both seasons, respectively.
97 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (3): Effect of sowing date, intercropping system (IS) of sugar
beet with faba bean and their interactions on root yield/fad
(ton), top yield/fad (ton) and biological yield/fad (ton) of
sugar beet during 2016/17 and 2017/18 growing seasons.
Root yield
/fad (ton)
Top yield
/ fad(ton1)
Biological yield
/fad (ton)
Sowing date S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
15th Oct. 26.56 c 26.56 c 6.41 b 6.39 b 32.97 c 32.95 c
1st Nov. 28.76 b 28.22 b 7.37 ab 7.35 ab 36.13 b 35.57 b
15th Nov. 30.97 a 31.14 a 7.93 a 7.91 a 38.90 a 39.05 a
F test ** ** ** ** ** **
Intercropping system
IS1 25.26 e 24.85 f 6.55 b 6.53 b 31.82 d 31.38 d
IS2 26.21 e 26.37 e 8.14 a 8.12 a 34.36 c 34.49 c
IS3 28.02 d 27.57 d 5.74 b 5.72 b 33.76 c 33.29 c
IS4 29.55 c 29.54 c 8.06 a 8.04 a 37.61 b 37.57 b
IS5 30.98 b 30.75 b 6.19 b 6.17 b 37.18 b 36.93 b
IS6 32.56 a 32.77 a 8.74 a 8.71 a 41.29 a 41.48 a
F test ** ** * * ** **
Sowing date Intercropping system
15th Oct.
IS1 22.56 h 22.56 j 6.12 f-h 6.10 f-h 28.68 k 28.66 k
IS2 24.56 g 24.56 i 7.01 c-h 6.99 d-h 31.57 ij 31.55 ij
IS3 25.56 g 25.56 i 5.26 h 5.24 h 30.82 jk 30.80 jk
IS4 27.56 f 27.56 f-h 5.95 gh 5.93 gh 33.51 hi 33.50 hi
IS5 28.56 ef 28.56 e-g 6.46 d-h 6.44 d-h 35.02 f-h 35.01 f-h
IS6 30.56 cd 30.56 cd 7.64 c-g 7.61 c-g 38.20 c-e 38.18 c-e
1st Nov.
IS1 25.84 g 24.56 i 7.72 b-g 7.70 b-g 33.56 hi 32.26 ij
IS2 25.68 g 25.87 hi 8.16 b-f 8.13 b-f 33.84 hi 34.01 g-i
IS3 28.84 ef 27.56 f-h 5.87 gh 5.86 gh 34.71 gh 33.42 hi
IS4 28.68 ef 28.87 ef 8.46 a-d 8.43 a-d 37.14 d-g 37.30 d-f
IS5 31.84 bc 30.56 cd 5.76 gh 5.74 gh 37.60 c-f 36.30 e-g
IS6 31.68 bc 31.87 bc 8.27 a-e 8.25 a-e 39.95 bc 40.12 bc
15th Nov.
IS1 27.39 f 27.43 gh 5.81 gh 5.79 gh 33.20 h-j 33.22 h-j
IS2 28.40 ef 28.67 e-g 9.26 a-c 9.24 a-c 37.66 c-e 37.91 c-e
IS3 29.66 de 29.58 de 6.08 f-h 6.06 f-h 35.74 e-h 35.64 e-h
IS4 32.40 b 32.17 b 9.78 ab 9.75 ab 42.18 b 41.92 b
IS5 32.55 b 33.13 b 6.36 e-h 6.34 e-h 38.91 cd 39.47 b-d
IS6 35.43 a 35.87 a 10.30 a 10.27 a 45.73 a 46.14 a
F test ** ** * ** ** **
Sole 15th Oct. 31.22 31.72 7.80 7.78 39.02 38.50
Sole 1st Nov. 32.64 33.17 8.86 8.59 41.50 40.63
Sole 15th Nov. 36.37 36.86 10.43 10.40 46.50 46.66
IS= Inter cropping system In all intercropping systems (IS) sugar beet was35000 plants/fad
(sugar beet sown in the two sides of bed 120cm width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill
IS= Inter cropping system In all intercropping systems (IS) sugar beet was35000 plants/fad
(sugar beet sown in the two sides of bed 120cm width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill
IS1=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
seeds/hill and 10cm hill space).
IS2=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
seed/hill and 10cm hill space).
IS3=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
seeds/hill and 20 cm hill space).
IS4=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
seed/hill and 20cm hill space).
IS5=17500 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
seeds/hill and 40 cm hill space).
IS6 =17500 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
seed/hill and 40cm hill space).
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 98
The decreased of sugar beet top yield/plant under the highest faba
bean densities decreased in the total top yield/fad. This may be due to the
decline of the canopy that, happened under the high competition between
the two crops resulting in the large decrease in leaf area and leaves
numbers. In the high competition, the increase of intra- and intercrop
competition between the sugar beet, as a main crop, and the high
densities of the companion crops (faba bean) resulted in reduce leaves
number of sugar beet (Aboukhadra et al., 2013). Also, Salama et al.,
(2016) revealed that, the number of leaves/plant, leaf area (cm2) of sugar
beet were significantly affected by the interaction between the
companion crop species and percentage in both seasons.
1.9. Biological yield/fad (ton):
The obtained data in Table 3 revealed that, biological yield/fad
significantly affected by sowing dates in both studied seasons. Sugar beet
plants sown under the late sowing date (15th Nov.) had the highest
biological yield/fad (38.90 and 39.05 ton), followed by sugar beet sown
on Nov. 1st with averages of 36.13 and 35.57 ton in both seasons,
respectively. On the other side, sowing sugar beet on Oct. 15th gave the
lowest sugar beet biological yield/fad (32.97 and 32.95 to) in both
seasons, respectively. The same line of these results were obtained by
Ilkaee et al., (2016) which found that, different sowing dates have
significant effect on sugar beet biological yield/ha.
Data listed in Table 3 indicated that, biological yield/fad of sugar
beet significant affected by faba bean densities in both seasons. Sugar
beet plants sown under IS6 had the highest biological yield/fad (41.29
and 41.48 ton), followed by sugar beet plants sown under IS4 with
averages of 37.61 and 37.57 ton in both seasons, respectively. In the
contrast, sugar beet plants sown under IS1 gave the lowest biological
yield/fad with averages of 31.82 and 31.38 ton in both seasons,
The presented data in Table 3 showed that, biological yield/fad of
sugar beet significantly affected by the interaction of intercropping
systems and sowing dates in both seasons.
Sowing sugar beet on Nov. 15th under IS6 had the highest
biological yield/fad (45.73 and 46.14 ton). While the lowest biological
yield/fad was obtained by sugar beet plants sown on Oct. 15th under IS1
with averages of 28.68 and 28.66 ton in both seasons, respectively.
The increase of biological yield/plant of sugar beet under the low
faba bean densities may increase the total biological yield/fad. This may
be due to the increase in root weight or the canopy alone or together. In
this study, the highest sugar beet yield/fad were obtained under the low
faba bean densities. Mohammed et al., (2005) reported that, the effect
of intercropping on the root yield of sugar beet, mainly depends on
99 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
the nature and growth habit of the companion crop. However, the
maximum significant root yield per fad of sugar beet was achieved for
pure stands, followed by the lowest intercropping density of the
companion crop, when sugar beet was intercropped with faba bean.
Aboukhadra et al., (2013) indicated that, the highest sugar beet root
yield per plant and fad as well as sugar yield were recorded with
decreased densities of different companion crops. This reduction in sugar
beet traits due to the increase of intra-and intercrop competition between
the sugar beet, as a main crop, and the high densities of the companion
crops. Abo Mostafa et al., (2012) indicated that, the intercropping
pattern faba bean on the other side of bed, at 60 cm hill spacing with two
plants/hill, alternating with two solid sugar beet ridges produced the
highest sugar beet root yield per plant and fad. These values suppressed
the same obtained from faba bean on the other side of the bed at 40 cm
hill-spacing with two plants/hill, alternating with one solid sugar beet bed
under the second intercropping date. As for top weight, the high
competition led to the increase of intra- and intercrop competition
between the sugar beet, as a main crop, and the high densities of
the companion crops (faba bean) resulted in reduce leaves number of
sugar beet (Aboukhadra et al., 2013). Also, Salama et al., (2016)
revealed that, the number of leaves/plant, leaf area (cm2) of sugar beet
were significantly affected by the interaction between the companion
crop species and percentage in both seasons.
2- Root quality characters:
2-1- Sugar percentage:
Results in Table 4 indicated that, sugar percentage did not affected
significantly by sowing dates in both studied seasons.
Data in Table 4 revealed that, sugar percentage did not affected
significantly by faba bean densities in the 1st season and significantly
affected by the 2nd season. In the 2nd season sugar beet sown under IS6
had the significantly highest sugar percentages 16.51 %), followed by
sugar beet plants sown under IS4 with an average of 16.23 %. In the
contrast of this, sugar beet plants sown under IS2 gave the lowest sugar
percentage with an average of 15.26 in the 2nd season.
The presented data in Table 4 showed that, sugar percentage did
not affected significantly by the interaction of intercropping systems and
sowing dates in both seasons.
2-2- Sugar yield/fad (ton):
Results in Table 4 showed that, sugar top yield/fad significantly
affected by sowing dates in both studied seasons. Sugar beet plants sown
under the late sowing date (15th Nov.) had the highest sugar yield/fad
(5.00 and 5.00 ton) in both seasons, respectively followed by sugar beet
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 100
sown in either 1st Nov. or 15th Oct., where there is no significant
difference between both sowing date in this concern in both seasons.
The presented data in Table 4 revealed that, sugar yield/fad
significantly affected by faba bean densities in both seasons. Sugar beet
plants sown under IS6 gave the highest sugar yield/fad (5.32 and 5.41
ton) followed by sugar beet plants sown under IS5 (5.00 and 4.90 ton)
then IS4 with averages of 4.77 and 4.79 ton in both seasons, respectively
with no significant difference between both faba bean densities. On the
other hand, sugar beet plants sown under IS1gave the lowest sugar
yield/fad with averages of 4.07 and 3.87 ton in both seasons,
The presented data in Table 4 showed that, sugar yield/fad
significantly affected by the interaction of intercropping systems and
sowing dates in both seasons.
Sowing sugar beet on Nov. 15th under IS6 had the highest sugar
yield/fad (5.83 and 6.08 ton), followed by the interaction of Nov. 15th and
IS6 in both seasons. While, the lowest sugar yield/fad was obtained by
sugar beet plants sown on Oct. 15th under IS1 with averages of 3.59 and
3.54 ton in both seasons, respectively.
Aboukhadra et al., (2013a) indicated that, the highest sugar yields
were recorded with decreased densities of different companion crops.
This reduction in sugar beet traits due to the increased intra- and
intercrop competition between the sugar beet, as a main crop, and the
high densities of the companion crops could be due to the high
competition between plants in the unit area. In another study
Aboukhadra et al., (2013b) found an increase in sugar yield and
sucrose % of sugar beet intercropped with low densities of wheat
and faba bean, respectively. Salama et al., (2016) revealed that, sugar
yield (ton ha-1) of sugar beet were significantly affected by the interaction
between the companion crop species and percentage of sugar in both
2-3- Root contents of alpha amino (mg/g fw.):
The obtained data in Table 4 revealed that, root content of alpha
amino significantly affected by sowing dates in both studied seasons.
Sugar beet plants sown under the late sowing date (Nov. 1th) had the
highest alpha amino (3.14 mg/g fw.) followed by sugar beet sown in
either on Oct. 15th or on Nov. 15th in the first season, where there is no
significant difference between the two sowing dates in this concern.
While, Sugar beet plants sown under the late sowing date (15th Nov.) had
the highest alpha amino (3.38 mg/g fw.) followed by sugar beet sown
either in 15th Oct. (2.95 mg/g fw) or in 1st Nov. (2.91 mg/g fw) with no
significant difference between both sowing dates.
101 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Table (4): Effect of sowing date, intercropping system (IS) of sugar
beet with faba bean and their interactions on sugar
percentage, sugar yield/fad (ton), sugar purification (%)
and root content of alpha amino (mg/g) of sugar beet
during 2016/17 and 2017/18 growing seasons.
Factors Sugar %
Sugar yield
/fad (ton)
K (mg/g fw.)
sowing date S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
15th Oct. 16.27 16.13 4.33 b 4.29 b 2.80 b 2.95 b 6.40 6.51 b
1st Nov. 15.82 15.57 4.55 b 4.39 b 3.14 a 2.91 b 6.39 6.72 ab
15th Nov. 16.13 16.02 5.00 a 5.00 a 2.73 b 3.38 a 6.37 6.93 a
F test - - ** ** * ** Ns **
Intercropping system
IS1 16.11 15.59 cd 4.07 c 3.87 e 2.87 2.66 b 6.37 a 6.46 b
IS2 16.11 15.26 d 4.23 c 4.02 d 3.03 2.98 ab 6.50 a 6.77 ab
IS3 15.62 15.91 bc 4.37 c 4.38 c 2.70 3.15 a 5.97 b 6.88 a
IS4 16.14 16.23 ab 4.77 b 4.79 b 2.94 3.24 a 6.59 a 6.76 ab
IS5 16.13 15.93 bc 5.00 ab 4.90 b 2.78 3.19 a 6.39 ab 6.66 ab
IS6 16.33 16.51 a 5.32 a 5.41 a 3.02 3.26 a 6.51 ab 6.80 a
F test Ns * ** ** Ns * * *
Sowing date Intercropping system
15th Oct.
IS1 15.92 15.70 3.59 i 3.54 h 2.31 2.44 6.18 6.30 f
IS2 15.93 15.33 3.91 hi 3.77 gh 3.15 2.81 6.35 6.62 d-f
IS3 16.15 16.59 4.13 gh 4.24 ef 2.65 3.01 6.02 6.35 ef
IS4 16.65 16.97 4.59 e-g 4.68 c-e 2.91 3.32 6.82 6.72 c-e
IS5 16.25 15.51 4.64 c-f 4.43 de 2.94 3.09 6.50 6.45 d-f
IS6 16.70 16.69 5.10 bc 5.10 bc 2.82 3.03 6.53 6.62 d-f
1st Nov.
IS1 15.92 15.83 4.12 gh 3.88 f-h 3.14 2.34 6.30 6.40 ef
IS2 16.19 15.06 4.17 f-h 3.89 f-h 3.08 2.89 6.48 6.85 a-d
IS3 15.30 14.99 4.42 fg 4.13 e-g 2.96 2.79 6.50 7.06 a-c
IS4 15.70 15.50 4.50 fg 4.46 de 3.02 2.81 6.36 6.72 c-e
IS5 15.98 16.15 5.09 b-d 4.93 bc 3.35 3.28 6.28 6.69 c-f
IS6 15.83 15.87 5.02 b-e 5.06 bc 3.28 3.36 6.44 6.62 d-f
15th Nov.
IS1 16.50 15.25 4.52 fg 4.18 e-g 3.16 3.20 6.63 6.69 c-f
IS2 16.20 15.39 4.60 d-g 4.41 de 2.87 3.25 6.67 6.84 a-d
IS3 15.40 16.16 4.57 e-g 4.78 cd 2.48 3.64 5.40 7.25 a
IS4 16.07 16.21 5.21 b 5.22 bc 2.88 3.59 6.58 6.84 a-d
IS5 16.17 16.13 5.26 b 5.35 b 2.05 3.20 6.38 6.83 b-d
IS6 16.45 16.96 5.83 a 6.08 a 2.97 3.38 6.57 7.17 ab
F test Ns Ns ** ** Ns Ns Ns *
Sole 15th Oct. 17.89 17.74 5.23 5.18 3.25 3.25 7.04 7.16
Sole 1st Nov. 17.40 17.12 5.51 5.31 3.20 3.20 7.03 7.39
Sole 15th Nov. 17.74 17.62 6.04 6.03 3.71 3.71 7.01 7.63
IS= Inter cropping system In all intercropping systems (IS) sugar beet was35000 plants/fad
(sugar beet sown in the two sides of bed 120cm width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill
IS= Inter cropping system In all intercropping systems (IS) sugar beet was35000 plants/fad
(sugar beet sown in the two sides of bed 120cm width with 1 plant/hill and 20cm hill
IS1=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
seeds/hill and 10cm hill space).
IS2=70000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
seed/hill and 10cm hill space).
IS3=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
seeds/hill and 20 cm hill space).
IS4=35000 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
seed/hill and 20cm hill space).
IS5=17500 faba bean plant/fad (sown one row on the top of sugar beet ridges with two
seeds/hill and 40 cm hill space).
IS6 =17500 faba bean plant/fad (sown two rows on the top of sugar beet ridges with one
seed/hill and 40cm hill space).
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 102
Data in Table 4 indicated that, root content of alpha amino
significant affected by faba bean densities in the 2nd season only. In the
2nd season, sugar beet plants sown under IS6 had the highest root content
of alpha amino (3.26 mg/g fw.). The exceeded of IS6 in this trait did not
differ significantly with all intercropping systems, except IS1. In the
contrast, sugar beet plants sown under IS1 gave the lowest root content of
alpha amino with an average of 2.66 mg/g fw. in the 2nd season.
The presented data in Table 4 showed that, root content of alpha
amino did not affected significantly by the interaction of intercropping
systems and sowing dates in both seasons.
2-7- Root content of K (mg/g fw.):
Results in Table 4 indicated that, sugar beet root content of K did
not affected significantly by sowing dates in the 1st season and significant
affected in the 2nd season. Sugar beet plants sown under the late sowing
date (Nov. 15th) had the highest root content of K (6.93 mg/g fw.), but
these values did not differ significantly with those obtained by sugar beet
sowing on Nov. 1st (6.72 mg/g fw.). In the contrast of this Sarmast
(2011) found that, sugar beet plants sown later have spent most of their
nutrients and energy for storage of sugar in the root.
The presented data in Table 4 indicated that, root content of K
significantly affected by faba bean densities in both seasons. In the 1st
season sugar beet plants sown under IS4 gave the highest root content of
K (6.59 mg/g fw.) but this value did not differ significant with all
intercropping systems except IS3. In the second season sugar beet plants
sown under IS3 gave the highest root content of K (6.88 mg/g fw.) but
this value did not differ significantly with all intercropping systems
except IS1.
The presented data in Table 4 showed that, root content of K did
not affect significantly by the interaction of intercropping systems (IS)
and sowing dates in the the 1st season and significantly affected in the 2nd
Sowing sugar beet on Nov. 15th under IS3 had the highest root
content of K (7.25 mg/g fw.), while the lowest root content of K was
obtained by sugar beet plants sown on Oct. 15th under IS1with an average
of 6.30 mg/g fw.
In this study, the intercropping systems significantly effect in K
content in sugar beet root in the same way, Aboukhadra et al., (2013b)
found an increase in leaf content of N.P.K as well as Ca, Mg and Na. of
sugar beet intercropped with low densities of wheat and faba bean,
respectively. The high values of K content in the leaf may storage in the
103 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Abd El-Zaher, Sh. R. and E. K. Gendy (2014). Effect of plant density
and mineral and bio-nitrogen fertilization on intercropping faba
bean with sugar beet. Egypt J Appl. Sci., 29(7):352–366
Abo Mostafa, R.A.I.; El. El-Abbas; E.M. Rabie and Kh.A. Aboshady
(2012). Agronomic and economic evaluation for some patterns
of intercropping faba bean with sugar beet under two sowing
dates. J. Agric. Res. Kafr El-Sheikh Univ., 38 (4): 443-457
Aboukhadra, S.H.; S.A. Badawy; S.E.A. Toaima and D.E.E. El-
Shireef (2013a). Effect of intercropping system of faba bean
with sugar beet on their productivity and land use. Minufiya J.
of Agri. Res., 38:1501-1518.
Aboukhadra, S.H.; S.A.Badawy; E.A.T. Salah and D.E.E. El-Shireef
(2013b). Effect of intercropping system of wheat with sugar
beet on their productivity and land use. J. of Agri. Res., Kafr El-
Sheikh Univ., 39: 37-54.
FAOSTAT, (2018). Food and Agricultural Organization of The United
Gomez, K.A. and A.A. Gomez (1984). Statiscal Procedures for
Agricultural Research.2nd, (ed.). John Wiley and Sons, New
York, U.S.A.
Ilkaee, M. N.; Z. Babaei; A. Baghdadi and F. Golzardi (2016). Effect
of different planting dates and defoliation on the properties of
sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). J. Experimental Biology and Agri.
Sci., 4(1):52-58.
Jackson, M.L. (1965) Soil chemical analysis. Constable Co, London.
Kamel, S. A. B.; M. I. Salwau,; A. S. Sadek, and K. A. El–Doby
(2017). Integrated crop managements through optimal planting
date and nitrogen fertilizer levels in wheat – sugar beet
association on competitive relationships and yield advantages.
Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor,55(3) : 511 –252
Mohammed, W.KH.; E.A. El-Metwally and S.A. Saleh (2005).
Intercropping faba bean at different plant densities with sugar
beet. Egyptian J. Agric. Res., 83, 649-662.
Ntwana, B. and S.W. Tuwana (2013). Effect of planting date on yield
and sugar content of sugar beet cultivars grown in Cradock,
Eastern Cape. African Crop Sci. Conf. Proceedings, 11: 51 - 54.
Salama, Heba, S. A. ; Dina El-S. El-Karamity and A. I. Nawar
(2016). Additive intercropping of wheat, barley, and faba bean
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 104
with sugar beet: impact on yield, quality and land use
efficiency. Egypt. J. Agron., 38 (3):413-430.
Sarmast, G. A. (2011). Effects of intensity and period of leaf
area reduction at two date of planting on phenology and yield
of sugar beet. Ms.C. thesis of Agriculture, Faculty of
Agriculture, Islamic Azad University of Roodehen, Pp 121-123.
Winner, C. (1982). Zuckerrubenbau. DLG-Verlags-GmbH,
Rusterstrasse 13, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main Germany. pp. 29.
Zohry A. E.H. and Samiha A. H. Ouda (2017). Crops Intensification
to Reduce Wheat Gap in Egypt. Future of Food Gaps in
Egypt pp 37-56.
تقييم سموک بعض صفات بنجر السکر المحمل مع الفول البمدى
, رمضان عمى الرفاعى 1, اسامه عبد الحميد عبد ال ا رزق 1
أحمد محمد شيحة 2 و ربيع اسامه البرقى 2
1 قسم المحاصيل – کمية الز ا رعة – جامعة طنطا – مصر .
2 قسم بحوث التکثيف المحصولى – معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقمية – مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية – مصر .
أقيمت تجربتان حقميتان بمزرعة محطة البحوث الز ا رعية بالجميزة – محافظة الغربية
2018 لد ا رسة تأثير ثلاثة مواعيد ز ا رعة / 2017 و 2017 / خلال الموسمين الشتويين 2016
15 أکتوبر, 1 نوفمبر و 15 نوفمبر( لمفول البمدى و ستة أنظمة تحميل لبنجر السکر الصنف (
70000 نبات من الفول البمدى مزروعة فى : حلاوة مع صنف الفول البمدى جيزة 843 )ن ت 1
: صف واحد أعمى خط البنجر بمعدل بذرتين/جورة عمى مسافة 10 سم بين الجور, ن ت 2
70000 نبات من الفول البمدى مزروعة فى صفين أعمى خط البنجر بمعدل بذرة/جورة عمى
35000 نبات من الفول البمدى مزروعة فى صف واحد : مسافة 10 سم بين الجور, ن ت 3
35000 نبات : أعمى خط البنجر بمعدل بذرتين/جورة عمى مسافة 20 سم بين الجور, ن ت 4
من الفول البمدى مزروعة فى صفين أعمى خط البنجر بمعدل بذ رة واحدة/جورة عمى مسافة
17500 نبات من الفول البمدى مزروعة فى صف واحد أعمى خط : 20 سم بين الجور, ن ت 5
17500 نبات من الفول : البنجر بمعدل بذرتين/جورة عمى مسافة 40 سم بين الجور, ن ت 6
البمدى مزروعة فى صفين أعمى خط البنجر بمعدل بذرة واحدة/جورة عمى مسافة 40 سم بين
الجور. صممت التجربة الحقمية فى نظام القطع المنشقة من ثلاث مکر ا رت حيث وضعت
مواعيد الز ا رعة فى القطع الرئيسية و نظم التحميل فى القطع الشقية. أعتبر محصول بنجر
السکر هو المحصول الرئيسى بکثافة نباتية 35000 نبات /فدان وعومل الفول البمدى عمى أنه
المحصول الثانوى. تم قياس الصفات التالية لبنجر السکر وهى, عدد الأو ا رق/نبات, طول
105 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
الجذر, قطر الجذر, وزن الجذر, الوزن القمى لمنبات, المحصول البيولوجى لمنبات, محصول
الجذور لمفدان, الوزن القمى لمفدان و المحصول البيولوجى لمفدان.
و قد أکدت النتائج وجود تأثير عالى المعنوية لمواعيد الز ا رعة عمى جميع الصفات
المدروسة ما عدا الوزن القمى لمنبات حيث کان التاثير غير معنوياً. أعطى ميعاد الز ا رعة
المتأخر ) 15 نوفمبر( أعمى قيم معنوية لجميع الصفات تحت الد ا رسة يميه ميعاد الز ا رعة الأوسط
)الأول من نوفمبر(. أعطى نظام التحميل السادس حيث تم ز ا رعة سطرين من الفول البمدى
أعمى مصاطب بنجر السکر مع ترک نبات واحد بالجورة عمى مسافة 40 سم بين الجور
17500 نبات /فدان( أعمى القيم لجميع الصفات تحت الد ا رسة. تأثرت صفات بنجر السکر (
معنويا بالتفاعل بين مواعيد ز ا رعة الفول البمدى و نظم التحميل الستة ما عدا الوزن القمى
لمنبات, أعطى التفاعل بين ميعاد الز ا رعة الأخير و نظام التحميل السادس أعمى القيم المعنوية
لجميع الصفات تحت الد ا رسة.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 106

Abd El-Zaher, Sh. R. and E. K. Gendy (2014). Effect of plant density
and mineral and bio-nitrogen fertilization on intercropping faba
bean with sugar beet. Egypt J Appl. Sci., 29(7):352–366
Abo Mostafa, R.A.I.; El. El-Abbas; E.M. Rabie and Kh.A. Aboshady
(2012). Agronomic and economic evaluation for some patterns
of intercropping faba bean with sugar beet under two sowing
dates. J. Agric. Res. Kafr El-Sheikh Univ., 38 (4): 443-457
Aboukhadra, S.H.; S.A. Badawy; S.E.A. Toaima and D.E.E. El-
Shireef (2013a). Effect of intercropping system of faba bean
with sugar beet on their productivity and land use. Minufiya J.
of Agri. Res., 38:1501-1518.
Aboukhadra, S.H.; S.A.Badawy; E.A.T. Salah and D.E.E. El-Shireef
(2013b). Effect of intercropping system of wheat with sugar
beet on their productivity and land use. J. of Agri. Res., Kafr El-
Sheikh Univ., 39: 37-54.
FAOSTAT, (2018). Food and Agricultural Organization of The United
Gomez, K.A. and A.A. Gomez (1984). Statiscal Procedures for
Agricultural Research.2nd, (ed.). John Wiley and Sons, New
York, U.S.A.
Ilkaee, M. N.; Z. Babaei; A. Baghdadi and F. Golzardi (2016). Effect
of different planting dates and defoliation on the properties of
sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). J. Experimental Biology and Agri.
Sci., 4(1):52-58.
Jackson, M.L. (1965) Soil chemical analysis. Constable Co, London.
Kamel, S. A. B.; M. I. Salwau,; A. S. Sadek, and K. A. El–Doby
(2017). Integrated crop managements through optimal planting
date and nitrogen fertilizer levels in wheat – sugar beet
association on competitive relationships and yield advantages.
Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor,55(3) : 511 –252
Mohammed, W.KH.; E.A. El-Metwally and S.A. Saleh (2005).
Intercropping faba bean at different plant densities with sugar
beet. Egyptian J. Agric. Res., 83, 649-662.
Ntwana, B. and S.W. Tuwana (2013). Effect of planting date on yield
and sugar content of sugar beet cultivars grown in Cradock,
Eastern Cape. African Crop Sci. Conf. Proceedings, 11: 51 - 54.
Salama, Heba, S. A. ; Dina El-S. El-Karamity and A. I. Nawar
(2016). Additive intercropping of wheat, barley, and faba bean
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 104
with sugar beet: impact on yield, quality and land use
efficiency. Egypt. J. Agron., 38 (3):413-430.
Sarmast, G. A. (2011). Effects of intensity and period of leaf
area reduction at two date of planting on phenology and yield
of sugar beet. Ms.C. thesis of Agriculture, Faculty of
Agriculture, Islamic Azad University of Roodehen, Pp 121-123.
Winner, C. (1982). Zuckerrubenbau. DLG-Verlags-GmbH,
Rusterstrasse 13, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main Germany. pp. 29.
Zohry A. E.H. and Samiha A. H. Ouda (2017). Crops Intensification
to Reduce Wheat Gap in Egypt. Future of Food Gaps in
Egypt pp 37-56.