Document Type : Original Article


Two field experiments were carried out during 2017/2018 and
2018/2019 seasons at Al –Hussein Society of Reclaiming and Cultivating
Land, 64 km Cairo Alexandria desert road, Giza Governorate, Egypt, to
study the effect of nitrogen with nano metric fertilizer rates and some micro
elements on Productivity and quality of canola c.v. Serw4. The experimental
design used was a split plot design with three replications. Each replicate
included 20 concentrates which were the combinations between five
nitrogen fertilizer rates, i.e., 10 kg N (mineral) +20% from recommended
nitrogen as nano. N / fed., 20 kg (mineral) +20% nano, 30 kg N +20% nano,
40 kg N (mineral) +20% nano. N, 50 kg N(mineral) +20% nano. N. were
allocated in the main plots, and four micro elements rates used as nano
metric fertilizers, Control (sprayed plants with recommended of Iron+
manganese), spraying plants with Fe + Mn at concentrations 100, 200, and
300 ppm concentrates, while micro elements were distributed randomly in
the sub plots. while 50kgN+20% nano/fed rate gave the maxmum for plant
height and number of branches/plant in the two seasons.
The obtained results showed that nitrogen fertilizer rates significantly
affected yield of canola and growth characters in both seasons. Application
nitrogen fertilizer with rate (40 kg N +20% nano. N/ fed) gave the highest
seed yield and 1000seed weight. The obtained results indicated that spraying
canola plants with Fe + Mn at concentrations 300 ppm increased yield and
growth characters in both seasons as compared with the control. However,
the obtained results indicate that to obtain higher characters for canola, it is
recommended that application nitrogen fertilizer with rate 40 kg N +20%
nano. N/ fed and applying spraying plants with Fe + Mn at concentrations
300 ppm under drip-irrigated and experiment soil condition.


Nitrogen, iron and manganese uptake are controlled by the two
major factors, availability of these elements in the soil and the ability of
plants to acquire them. Application methods of N and micronutrients are
very important to attain the best absorption. Sometimes response of the
plants is different to application methods of fertilizers, for example in
calcareous soil Fe and Mn are not available for plants, in this times, foliar
application is a useful method for nourish of the plants. The results of
this study demonstrated that, N, Fe and Mn used as a nanometric
fertilizers had positive effect on yield and quality of canola oil. In
addition to this, we also recommend that plants treated with 40 kg N
+20% nano. N/ fed and sprayed with Fe + Mn at concentrations 300 ppm
gave the best quality and quantity in canola production.

Main Subjects

COMPONENT OF CANOLA (Brassica napus, L.)
Alwakel, E. Sh. ; M.A. Rizk ; M.H. Fayed and N.E. Darwish
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University.
Two field experiments were carried out during 2017/2018 and
2018/2019 seasons at Al –Hussein Society of Reclaiming and Cultivating
Land, 64 km Cairo Alexandria desert road, Giza Governorate, Egypt, to
study the effect of nitrogen with nano metric fertilizer rates and some micro
elements on Productivity and quality of canola c.v. Serw4. The experimental
design used was a split plot design with three replications. Each replicate
included 20 concentrates which were the combinations between five
nitrogen fertilizer rates, i.e., 10 kg N (mineral) +20% from recommended
nitrogen as nano. N / fed., 20 kg (mineral) +20% nano, 30 kg N +20% nano,
40 kg N (mineral) +20% nano. N, 50 kg N(mineral) +20% nano. N. were
allocated in the main plots, and four micro elements rates used as nano
metric fertilizers, Control (sprayed plants with recommended of Iron+
manganese), spraying plants with Fe + Mn at concentrations 100, 200, and
300 ppm concentrates, while micro elements were distributed randomly in
the sub plots. while 50kgN+20% nano/fed rate gave the maxmum for plant
height and number of branches/plant in the two seasons.
The obtained results showed that nitrogen fertilizer rates significantly
affected yield of canola and growth characters in both seasons. Application
nitrogen fertilizer with rate (40 kg N +20% nano. N/ fed) gave the highest
seed yield and 1000seed weight. The obtained results indicated that spraying
canola plants with Fe + Mn at concentrations 300 ppm increased yield and
growth characters in both seasons as compared with the control. However,
the obtained results indicate that to obtain higher characters for canola, it is
recommended that application nitrogen fertilizer with rate 40 kg N +20%
nano. N/ fed and applying spraying plants with Fe + Mn at concentrations
300 ppm under drip-irrigated and experiment soil condition.
Oil Crops are important strategic crops in Egypt or in countries around
the world, it considered a major source of food in terms of human consumed
in different ways in the diet is also important food commodities which the
food gap, where up Self-sufficiency ratio of crop oils in the range of 10%
from 13% despite the multiplicity of oil crops that can be grown in Egypt,
but the limited space of this crop does not exceed 3% of the cropped area in
Egypt, The problem despite an increase in domestic production, but there is
still a gap between the production and consumption of oil crops, which form
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 51-65
a burden on the Egyptian trade balance so it is necessary to increase the local
production of crop oils, by expanding the cultivation of oil crops to produce
oilseeds by increasing the cultivated areas with new oil crops do not
compete with the main crops, which can be extracted from its seeds to meet
the increasing consumption and who leads in fluctuation its domestic prices.
Canola (Brassica napus L.) belongs to Brassicaceae group of oilseed
crops and considered one of the prime sources for edible vegetable oil for
human consumption due to its higher quality associated with a lower level of
saturated fat (40-45%) and protein (36-40%) in the seed (Alberta
Agriculture, 1984). Currently, it cultivated on an area of 36 million hectares
annually with a total production of 72 million tons worldwide (FAOSTAT,
2014).Europe, China and Canada are leading producers of rapeseed with
higher area under cultivations and production (Commodity Research
Bureau, 2005). Its seed is enriched with 40% oil content and meal have 35-
40% crude protein. Currently canola oil is considered as acceptable
alternative to soya bean oil (Muhammad, et al., 2007). Canola is tolerant to
moderate to extreme environmental conditions and can be successfully
grown under arid land conditions (Qaderi et al., 2012). To ameliorate this
environment stress plant need some support from external sources that may
be suitable planting date which favors plant to timely complete its life cycle
or nutrients adjustment for better growth and performance (Khaliq et al.,
Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient for plant growth and is a key
limiting factor in agro-ecosystems. Nitrogen is a constituent of amino acids,
which are required to synthesize proteins and other related compounds. It
plays a role in almost all plant metabolic processes (Hopkins & Hunter,
2004). Canola yield and yield components, the number of pods and flowers
per plant, the total plant weight and harvest index in some varieties of canola
have been found to improve with higher rates of nitrogen (Al-Solaimani et
al., 2015). The highest rates of fertilizer application were found to give
significantly higher total dry matter than the lowest rate of fertilizer
application (Kumar et al., 1997).
Micro-elements are of high importance in plant nutrition and they
should not be neglected although they are needed in minor quantities.
Recent research has shown that a small amount of nutrients, especially Fe,
and Mn that have been applied by foliar spraying have significantly
increased crop yields (Sarkar, et. al. 2007, Wissuwa, et. al. 2008). Foliar
application of microelements is more beneficial than soil application. Since
application rates are lesser as compared to soil application, same application
could be obtained easily and crop reacts to nutrient application immediately
(Zayed, et. al. 2011). Foliar application of micronutrients like iron and
manganese significantly increased 1000-kernel weight and seed yield of
canola Brassica napus L. (Bahrani and Pourreza 2014).
52 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Two field experiments were carried out at Al –Hussein Society for
Reclaiming and Cultivating Land,64 km Cairo Alexandria desert road,
Giza Governorate, Egypt, during two successive agricultural winter
seasons 2017\ 2018 and 2018\ 2019, to study the effect of nitrogen with
nano metric fertilizer rates and some micro elements on Productivity and
quality of canola c.v. Serw4.
The experiment concentrates were five nitrogen rates 10 kg N
(mineral) +20% from recommended nitrogen as nano. N / fed., 20 kg
(mineral) +20% nano, 30 kg N(mineral) +20% nano, 40 kg N(mineral)
+20% nano. N and 50 kg N(mineral) +20% nano. N. and four micro
elements used as nano metric fertilizers, control (sprayed plants with
recommended of Iron + manganese), spraying plants with Fe + Mn at
concentrations 100, 200, and 300 ppm.
The experiment was laid out in split –plot design with three
replications. The main plots were assigned to nitrogen fertilizer rates,
sub- plots were assigned to Iron+ manganese fertilizer rates. The area of
each sub plot was 10.5m2 (3m width x 3.5m length).
Mechanical and chemical analysis of soil at the experimental site
according to standard methods of Page et al. (1982) and Arnold (1986)
are presented in Table (1).
Nitrogen fertilizer (mineral) rates studied (ammonium nitrate
33.5%) were splitting into three parts, after 15, 30 and 60 days from
sowing, Nano nitrogen was added as foliar application on two equal dos
after 50 and 65 days from sowing. Nano Iron+ manganese was added as
foliar application on two equal dos after 55 and 70 days from sowing.
Table (1). Physical and chemical of the experimental soil, the
standard method according to Page et al (1982).
Parameters 2017/2018 season 2018/2019 season
Mechanical analysis
Sand % 84.72 86.54
Silt% 10.00 8.34
Clay % 5.28 5.12
Soil textural class Sandy Sandy
Chemical analysis
pH soil 8.5 8.2
Ec(mmhos/cm) 8.3 8
Caco3 % 2.7 2.9
Available N (ppm) 30 32
Available P (ppm) 10 8
Available K (ppm) 72 68
Fe 0.42 0.44
Cu 0.26 0.24
Zn 0.31 0.33
Mn 0.76 0.74
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 53
At 15 November in both 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons seeds
of canola were hand sown on rows apart 50cm and 30cm between hills,
two plants were leaved in every hill .The preceding crop was sugar beet
at two seasons the soil was without sowing (fallow soil) in the summer.
The experiment was laid out under drip irrigation system. All other
recommended practices for canola production were done according to
Egyptian minister of agriculture recommendation. Oil content (%) in the
seeds was determined and petroleum ether as aslovent methods of
Association of Official Agriculture Chemists (A.O.A C, 1980).
Data recorded:
1- Growth traits: Ten plants were at random carefully from the middle
ridge of each plot in both seasons to measure the following traits.
a) Plant height (cm) was measured from soil surface to the top of
b) Number of branches
2-Yeild components:
1) 1000 seeds weight (g)
2) Seeds yield per feddan (kg).
3) Oil content % in seeds
4) Oil yield per fed (kg).
Statistical Analysis
All data of different traits for both seasons were collected and
subjected to analysis of variance according to Steel et al. (1997) to sort
out significant differences among concentrates. Difference among means
was compared using LSD at 5% probability level.
1- Plant height (cm)
Average canola Plant height at harvest time as affected by
nitrogen fertilizer rates and spraying with nano Fe + Mn as well as their
interaction on Plant height at harvest of canola c.v. Serw4 under drip
irrigation system in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons are presented in
Tables (2) and (3).
Tables (2) and (3) indicate that canola Plant height was
significantly affected by rates of nitrogen fertilizer in both seasons. The
results show that the highest nitrogen fertilizer rates gave the Plant height
170.17cm and 173.25 cm in 2017/ 2018 and 2018/ 2019 seasons,
respectively. The highest N level, i.e. 20 kg N nano + 50 kg N mineral/
fed concentrate gave 27.23%, 20.32, 14.66 and 12.09% increase in
canola Plant height over those of nitrogen fertilizer 10, 20, 30 and 40 kg
N mineral/ fed concentrates, respectively, in 2017/ 2018 season. The
respective values in 2018\2019 season. These results are in agreement
with those of Rathnayaka, et. al. (2018).
54 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
The obtained data (Tables 2 and 3) show that spraying canola plants
with Fe + Mn significantly affected plant height in both seasons, the highest
Plant height values (123.53 and 147.54 cm) were obtained with concentrate
of Fe + Mn 300 ppm, in 2017/ 2018 and 2018/ 2019 seasons, respectively,
as compared with the other spraying concentrates. In 2017/ 2018 season, this
concentrate gave 17.53%, 16.73% and 6.74% increase in Plant height over
those of the control, Fe + Mn 100 ppm and Fe + Mn 200 ppm concentrates,
respectively. Results in 2018/ 2019 season followed similar trend. These
results are in agreement with those of Sultana, et. al. (2001).
Table 2. Effect of nano metric nitrogen and micro element fertilizer
on some characters of canola c.v. Serw4 on 2017/2018
Nitrogen Fe+Mn Plant height
Number of
Seed yield
10kg N
20 nano
Control 115.67 6.00 1.9 887.80
100ppm 114.67 5.33 2.1 1113.20
200ppm 129.67 7.67 2.37 1163.60
300ppm 135.33 8.33 2.73 1232.20
Mean 123.84 6.83 2.28 1099.20
20kg N
20 nano
Control 128.67 5.67 2. 1251.80
100ppm 125.67 5.00 2.23 1333.00
200ppm 139.67 6.67 2.63 1401.60
300ppm 148.33 7.67 2.9 1436.60
Mean 135.59 6.25 2.44 1355.75
30kg N
20 nano
Control 130.33 8.67 2.23 1278.40
100ppm 136.33 8.00 2.47 1254.60
200ppm 148.00 10.33 2.83 1401.60
300ppm 166.67 12.33 3.10 1471.60
Mean 145.33 9.83 2.66 1351.55
40kg N
20 nano
Control 134.67 8.77 2.23 1529.00
100ppm 137.67 7.01 2.57 1445.00
200ppm 158.67 12.33 3.10 1557.00
300ppm 167.33 13.33 3.37 1755.80
Mean 149.59 10.36 2.82 1571.7
50kg N
20 nano
Control 162.33 8.33 2.00 1398.80
100ppm 157.33 8.33 2.43 1386.20
200ppm 178.33 13.33 2.90 1555.60
300ppm 182.67 14.23 3.13 1492.60
Mean 170.17 11.06 2.62 1458.30
Control 101.87 5.80 2.05 989.40
100ppm 102.87 5.26 2.36 1029.16
200ppm 115.20 7.40 2.77 1104.67
300ppm 123.53 8.33 3.05 1179.24
Mean 110.87 6.70 2.56 1075.62
L.S.D at 5% level for:
Nitrogen fertilizer (N) 5.05 0.21 0.10 61.63
Fe+ Mn nano (F) 3.78 0.11 0.08 57.43
Interaction (N)x(F) N.S. N.S. 0.18 128.43
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 55
Table 3. Effect of nano metric nitrogen and micro element fertilizer
on some characters of canola c.v. Serw4 on 2018/2019
Nitrogen Fe+ Mn
Number of
Seed yield
10kg N
mineral+ 20
Control 113.00 4.33 2.03 931.20
100ppm 115.00 4.33 2.23 1113.20
200ppm 127.67 6.33 2.33 1186.00
300ppm 134.00 7.33 2.77 1214.00
Mean 122.41 5.85 2.34 1111111
20kg N
mineral+ 20
Control 123.67 5.00 2.03 1272.80
100ppm 124.00 5.67 2.23 1305.00
200ppm 134.67 7.33 2.77 1404.40
300ppm 144.67 7.67 2.93 1421.20
Mean 131. 75 1141 2.49 1381.58
30kg N
mineral+ 20
Control 129.67 6.67 2.04 1222.40
100ppm 132.00 7.00 2.27 1306.40
200ppm 145.00 7.93 2.93 1412.80
300ppm 158.67 9.33 3.03 1489.80
Mean 141.33 7.73 2.56 1887158
40kg N
mineral+ 20
Control 133.33 7.00 2.07 1537.40
100ppm 147.00 7.00 2.63 1393.20
200ppm 153.67 8.33 2.93 1558.40
300ppm 163.67 9.33 3.23 1751.60
Mean 149.41 7.91 2.71 1811118
50kg N
mineral+ 20
Control 165.33 7.67 1.87 1456.20
100ppm 166.00 8.67 2.50 1372.20
200ppm 176.67 9.67 2.80 1545.80
300ppm 185.00 12.00 3.17 1176.20
Mean 173.25 9.80 2.85 1857111
Ovear all
Control 137.50 6.33 2.16 1295.43
100ppm 133.40 6.13 2.08 1284.00
200ppm 136.80 6.53 2.37 1298.00
300ppm 147.54 8.00 2.75 1421.48
Mean 138.81 1174 4184 1844174
L.S.D at 5% level for:
Nitrogen fertilizer (N) 2.27 0.61 0.09 17.23
Fe+Mn nano (F) 5.57 N.S. 0.23 42.21
Interaction (N)x(F) 4.47 N.S. 0.12 18.93
Data recorded in Tables (2) and (3) indicate that the interaction
between nitrogen fertilizer and foliar spraying with Fe + Mn on canola
plant height was significant in 2018/2019 season. However, the highest
plant height value 182.67cm and 185.00cm were obtained under the
application of nitrogen fertilizer at concentrate 20 kg N nano + 50 kg N
mineral/ fed with foliar spraying with Fe + Mn 300ppm in 2017/ 2018
and 2018/ 2019 seasons, respectively. Wissuwa, et. al. 2008 results
agreed the similar data.
56 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
2- Number of branches /plant
Tables (2) and (3) show the influence of nitrogen fertilizer rates
and spraying with nano Fe + Mn different concentrations as well as their
interaction on number of branches per canola c.v. Serw4 under drip
irrigation system in 2017/ 2018 and 2018/ 2019 seasons.
Obtained results indicate that nitrogen fertilizer concentrates
significantly affected number of branches in both seasons. However, 20
kg N nano + 50 N mineral/ fed concentrate gave the highest number of
branches as compared with 10, 20, 30 and 40 kg N mineral + 20kg N
nano/ fed concentrates in both seasons. That concentrate increased the
number of branches by 38.25%, 43.49%, 11.12% and 6.33% over those
of 10, 20, 30 and 40 kg N mineral + 20 kg N nano/ fed concentrates,
respectively. Results in 2018/ 2019 season followed similar trend. These
results are in agreement with those of Rathnayaka, et. al. (2018).
The results recorded in Tables (2) and (3) showed that the highest
number of branches/plant was achieved from plants received nano Fe +
Mn at the concentrate of 300 ppm as a foliar application as compared
with all other foliar Fe + Mn spraying concentrates in both 2017/ 2018
and 2018/ 2019 seasons. For example, in 2017/ 2018 season, Fe + Mn at
concentrate 300 ppm increased the number of branches by 30.37%,
36.86% and 11.17% over those of control plants, Fe + Mn 100 ppm and
Fe + Mn 200 ppm concentrations, respectively. Mirzapour and
Khoshgoftar (2006) found similar results.
The statistical analysis revealed insignificant effect of the
interaction between of nitrogen fertilizer rates and spraying with Fe + Mn
concentrations on number of branches in both 2017/ 2018 and 2018/
2019 seasons as shown in Tables (2) and (3). However, the highest
number of branches (14.23 and 12.00) was recorded at the application of
nitrogen fertilizer rate (20 kg N mineral + 50 kg N nano/ fed) and
spraying with Fe + Mn at concentrate of 300 ppm concentrate, in 2017/
2018 and 2018/ 2019 seasons, respectively. Sarkar, et. al. 2007 agreed
that results.
3- 1000-seed weight (g)
The 1000- seed weight of canola c.v. Serw4 as affected by
nitrogen fertilizer, nano metric fertilizers Fe + Mn and their interaction
under drip irrigation system in 2017/2018 and 2018\2019 seasons are
presented in Tables (2) and (3).
Tables (2) and (3) indicate that 1000- seed weight was affected by
nitrogen fertilizer rates, nano metric fertilizers Fe + Mn in both seasons.
Concerning nitrogen fertilizer, the results show that 40 kg N (mineral) +
20 (nano)/ fed concentrate gave the heaviest 1000- seed weight as
compared with those of 10, 20, 30 and 50 kg N (mineral + 20 kg nano/
fed in both seasons. This concentrate gave 19.15%, 13.48%, 5.67% and
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 57
7.63% increase in 1000- seed weight over those of 10, 20, 30 and 50 kg
N (mineral + 20 kg nano/ fed. concentrates, respectively, in 2017/ 2018
season. The respective values in 2018\ 2019 season were 8.56%, 3.89%,
0.78 and 3.89%. This explanation is are in agreement with those of
Bahrani and Pourreza 2014 and Rathnayaka, et. al. (2018).
The obtained results (Tables 2 and 3) showed that spraying nano
metric fertilizers Fe + Mn significantly affected 1000-seed weight of
canola c.v. Serw4 in both seasons. However, the highest 1000-seed
weight was achieved at spraying nano metric fertilizers Fe + Mn at the
concentrate of 300 ppm in both seasons. In 2018/ 2019 season, this
concentrate (spraying nano metric fertilizers Fe + Mn at concentrate of
300 ppm) gave 21.46%, 24.36% and 13.82% increase in 1000-seed
weight over those of control, nano metric fertilizers Fe + Mn at the 100
and 200 ppm concentrates, respectively. The same trend was true in
2017/ 2018 season. These findings are in agreement with those of
Bakhtiari, et. al. (2015) who reported that foliar application of Fe and
manganese compounds with the technology of Nano may be a solution to
the problem.
Data recorded in Tables (2) and (3) indicate that the interaction
between nitrogen fertilizer rates and nano metric fertilizers Fe + Mn at
concentrate of 300 ppm foliar application had significant effect on 1000-
seed weight in both the experimental seasons. However, in 2017/ 2018
season, the heaviest 1000-seed weight (3.37 g) was achieved from
applying nitrogen fertilizer rate 40kg mineral+ 20kg nano and applying
of nano metric fertilizers Fe + Mn at concentrate of 300ppm. Results in
2018/ 2019 followed similar trend. That result were in agreement with
Zayed, et. al. 2011.
4- Seed yield (kg/ fed)
Seed yield of canola c.v. Serw4as affected by nitrogen fertilizer
rates and foliar spraying with Fe + Mn under drip irrigation system in
2017/ 2018 and 2018/ 2019 seasons, is shown in Tables (2) and (3).
Results presented in Tables (2) and (3) show that nitrogen
fertilizer rates significantly affected the seed yield per feddan of canola
c.v. Serw4 in both seasons. However, the nitrogen fertilizer rates (20 kg
N nano + 40kg mineral/ fed) concentrate gave the highest seed yield per
feddan as compared with the all other concentrates in both seasons. This
concentrate gave 30.06%, 13.74%, 14.01% and 7.22% increase in seed
yield over those of 10, 20, 30 and 50 kg N mineral + 20 kg N nano/ fed
concentrates, respectively in 2017/ 2018season. Results in 2018\ 2019
season followed similar trend. These results are in agreement with those
of Rathnayaka, et. al. (2018).
Data recorded in Tables (2) and (3) show that spraying canola c.v.
Serw4 with Fe + Mn concentrations under drip irrigation system
58 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
significantly affected seed yield per feddan in both seasons. However, the
highest seed yield per feddan was obtained under applying Fe + Mn at
concentrate 300pm in both seasons. This concentrate gave 16.10%,
12.73% and 6.32% increase in seed yield over those of control, spraying
canola plants with Fe + Mm 100 and 200ppm concentrates, respectively
in 2017/ 2018 season. The respective values in 2018/ 2019 season were
8.87%, 9.67% and 8.69%. The highest seed yield under this concentrate,
i. e, Fe + Mn 300ppm might be attributed to that its significant increasing
in 1000-seed weight as shown in Tables (2) and (3). Similar results have
also been reported by Wissuwa, et. al., (2008).
Data presented in Tables (2) and (3) show that interaction effects
between the nitrogen fertilizer levels, and foliar application of Fe + Mn
concentrations on seed yield was significant in 2017/ 2018 and 2018/
2019 seasons, the highest seed yield (1755.80 kg/ fed) and (1751.60 kg/
fed) in 2017/ 2018 and 2018/ 2019 seasons, was obtained respectively at
application of nitrogen fertilizer with concentrate 20 kg nano + 40 kg N
mineral as soil amendment with the foliar application with Fe + Mn
concentration of 300ppm in both seasons. Sarkar, et. al. (2007) and
Wissuwa, et. al. (2008) come to the same results.
5- Oil content % in seeds
The oil content % of seed canola c.v. Serw4 as affected by
nitrogen fertilizer, nano metric fertilizers Fe + Mn and their interaction
under drip irrigation system in 2017/2018 and 2018\2019 seasons are
presented in Table (4).
Table (4) indicate that oil content % was significant affected by
nitrogen fertilizer rates, nano metric fertilizers Fe + Mn in both seasons.
Concerning nitrogen fertilizer, the results show that 40 kg N (mineral) +
20 (nano)/ fed concentrate had the heaviest oil content % as compared
with those of 10, 20, 30 and 50 kg N (mineral + 20 kg nano/ fed in both
seasons. This concentrate gave 9.08%, 3.35%, 8.31% and 10.64%
increase in oil content % over those of 10, 20, 30 and 50 kg N (mineral +
20 kg nano/ fed. concentrate, respectively, in 2017/ 2018 season. The
respective values in 2018\ 2019 season were 8.56%, 3.89%, 0.78 and
3.89%. This explanation is are in agreement with those of Muhammad,
et al., (2007).
The obtained results (Table 4) showed that spraying nano metric
fertilizers Fe + Mn significantly affected oil content % of seed canola
c.v. Serw4 in both seasons. However, the highest oil content % was
achieved at spraying nano metric fertilizers Fe + Mn at concentrate 300
ppm in both seasons. In 2017/ 2018 season, this concentrate (spraying
nano metric fertilizers Fe + Mn at concentrate 300 ppm) gave 8.87%,
13.56% and 8.73% increase in oil content % over those of control, nano
metric fertilizers Fe + Mn at concentrate 100 and 200 ppm concentrates,
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 59
respectively. The same trend was true in 2018/ 2019 season. These
findings are in agreement with those of Sarkar, et. al. 2007, Wissuwa,
et. al. 2008 shown that a small amount of nutrients, especially Fe, and
Mn that have been applied by foliar spraying have significantly increased
crop yields.
Table 4. Effect of nano metric nitrogen rates and micro element
fertilizer on Oil content inseeds and Oil yield of canola c.v.
Serw4 on 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons.
Nitrogen Fe+ Mn
Oil content
Oil content
Oil yield Oil yield
2017/2018 2018/2019 2017/2018 2018/2019
10kg N
mineral+ 20
Control 29.03 32.66 257.73 304.13
100ppm 28.20 31.80 313.92 354.00
200ppm 31.43 32.40 365.72 384.26
300ppm 35.15 35.73 433.12 433.76
Mean 30.95 33.15 844114 819118
20kg N
mineral+ 20
Control 33.65 33.10 421.23 421.30
100ppm 31.81 30.17 424.03 393.72
200ppm 32.01 37.37 448.65 524.82
300ppm 34.14 38.21 490.46 543.04
Mean 32.90 34.71 446.09 471174
30kg N
mineral+ 20
Control 31.79 36.10 406.40 441.29
100ppm 29.00 33.21 363.83 433.86
200ppm 29.97 34.27 420.06 484.17
300ppm 34.06 37.42 501.23 557.48
Mean 31.21 35.25 424.85 479141
40kg N
mineral+ 20
Control 32.10 38.43 490.81 590.82
100ppm 31.45 35.47 454.45 494.17
200ppm 34.25 34.38 533.27 535.78
300ppm 38.36 39.82 673.52 697.49
Mean 34.04 37.03 535.01 879181
50kg N
mineral+ 20
Control 31.08 36.27 434.75 528.16
100ppm 29.09 36.06 403.25 494.82
200ppm 30.22 37.10 470.10 573.49
300ppm 31.29 38.07 467.03 447.78
Mean 30.42 36.88 443.75 811111
Ovear all
Control 31.53 35.31 311.96 457.42
100ppm 29.91 33.34 307.82 428.09
200ppm 31.58 35.10 348.85 455.60
300ppm 34.60 37.85 408.02 538.03
Mean 31.90 35.40 844111 419.75
L.S.D at 5% level for:
Nitrogen fertilizer (N) 2.95 2.85 28.57 27.60
Fe+ Mn nano (F) 1.63 1.62 16.61 16.44
Interaction (N)x(F) N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S.
The statistical analysis revealed insignificant effect of the interaction
between of nitrogen fertilizer rates and spraying with Fe + Mn
concentrations on number of branches in both 2017/ 2018 and 2018/ 2019
60 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
seasons as shown in Table (4). However, the highest oil content % inseeds
(38.36% and 39.82) was recorded at the application of nitrogen fertilizer rate
(20 kg N mineral + 40 kg N nano/ fed) and spraying with Fe + Mn at
concentrate 300 ppm concentrate, in 2017/ 2018 and 2018/ 2019 seasons,
6- Oil yield (kg) /fed
Oil yield of canola c.v. Serw4as affected by nitrogen fertilizer rates
and foliar spraying with Fe + Mn under drip irrigation system in 2017/ 2018
and 2018/ 2019 seasons, is shown in Table (4).
Results presented in Table (4) show that nitrogen fertilizer rates
significantly affected the oil yield per feddan of canola c.v. Serw4 in both
seasons. However, the nitrogen fertilizer rate (20 kg N nano + 40kg mineral/
fed) concentrate gave the highest oil yield per feddan as compared with the
all other concentrates in both seasons. This concentrate gave 36.41%,
16.63%, 21.16% and 17.08% increase in oil yield over those of 10, 20, 30
and 50 kg N mineral + 20 kg N nano/ fed concentrates, respectively in 2017/
2018 season. Results in 2018\ 2019 season followed similar trend. These
results are in agreement with those of Muhammad, et al., (2007).
Data recorded in Table (4) show that spraying canola c.v. Serw4 with Fe
+ Mn applied under drip irrigation system significantly affected oil yield per
feddan in both seasons. However, the highest oil yield per feddan was obtained
at applying Fe + Mn at concentrate 300pm concentrate in both seasons. This
concentrate gave 23.54%, 24.56% and 14.50% increase in seed yield over those
of control, spraying canola plants with Fe + Mm 100 and 200ppm concentrates,
respectively in 2017/ 2018 season. The respective values in 2018/ 2019 season
were 14.98%, 20.43% and 15.32%. The highest oil yield under this concentrate,
i. e, Fe + Mn 300ppm might be attributed to that its significant increasing in oil
content % and seed yield as shown in Tables 2, 3 and 4. Similar results have
also been reported by Sarkar, et. al. 2007.
The statistical analysis revealed insignificant effect of the interaction
between nitrogen fertilizer rates and spraying with Fe + Mn on oil yield in
both 2017/ 2018 and 2018/ 2019 seasons as shown in Table (4). However,
the highest.
Nitrogen (N) management in canola growing is a key factor of achieving
high yield and oil level. In crop rotation, canola growth following cereal crops,
so the soil needs a balanced N fertilization. canola is not suitable crop to grow in
monoculture cropping systems. Balanced nutrient budget in soil for canola
production is a very important for N fertilization program. Therefore, the total N
rate can be assessed based on the yield potential of canola variety and estimated
soil nutrient supply during canola growing season in soil. Nitrogen requirement
of canola plant can be estimated from the expected potential yield. Using high
levels of N fertilization can increase seed protein rate and cause to reduce the oil
content. However, oil content of canola crop may decrease for getting high seed
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 61
yield from per ha. Using large amount of N fertilizer during canola growing
season can decrease the oil content of the harvested crop. Unbalanced nitrogen
fertilization in canola growing season may change harvested seed fatty acid
profile and glucosinolate contents (Süzer 2010). According to the limitations of
soil usage of micro-nutrients (such as consolidation and residual effects) foliar
spraying or leaf feeding is one of the effective ways in resolve plants food
requirement to micronutrients (Wang et al., 2004). High phosphorus in the soil,
high pH, high lime, high soil moisture, cold temperatures and large amounts of
HCO3 in root environment are the causes of Fe and Mn deficiency in the soil
(Sun et al., 2007). If adequate and absorbable amounts of Fe are not available
for the plant chlorophyll production in leaf decreases and the leaves become
pale. It should be noted that not only Fe deficiency results in yellowish leaf, but
also in some cases deficiency of nitrogen and some other nutrients, some pests
and diseases and low light lead to pale leaf (Singh, 2001). Nano fertilizers are
the most important function of nanotechnology in the production phase of
Application of nano fertilizers instead of common fertilizers, nutrients
are provided to plants gradually and in a controlled manner. The
nanotechnology increases the application efficiency of fertilizers, reduces
soil pollution and environmental risks of chemical fertilizers (Naderi et al.,
2011). Nano materials are much smaller and lighter; they interact better in
the environment and may be a solution for the problem of iron nutrition in
saline and lime soils. Iron and manganese Nano oxide is smaller than the
common iron and manganese oxides and forms more complexes and makes
the Fe and Mn more available to plants (Mazaherinia et al., 2010). Fe and
manganese deficiency is a widespread nutritional problem in plants growing
mainly in high pH and calcareous soils. Foliar application of Fe and
manganese compounds with the technology of Nano may be a solution to
the problem (Bakhtiari et al., 2015).
Nitrogen, iron and manganese uptake are controlled by the two
major factors, availability of these elements in the soil and the ability of
plants to acquire them. Application methods of N and micronutrients are
very important to attain the best absorption. Sometimes response of the
plants is different to application methods of fertilizers, for example in
calcareous soil Fe and Mn are not available for plants, in this times, foliar
application is a useful method for nourish of the plants. The results of
this study demonstrated that, N, Fe and Mn used as a nanometric
fertilizers had positive effect on yield and quality of canola oil. In
addition to this, we also recommend that plants treated with 40 kg N
+20% nano. N/ fed and sprayed with Fe + Mn at concentrations 300 ppm
gave the best quality and quantity in canola production.
62 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
Alberta Agriculture. (1984). Irrigation Canola Production. Agdex No.
149/561-1. Alberta Agriculture, Edmonton, Alberta
Al-Solaimani, S.G. ; F. Alghabari and M. Z. Ihsan (2015). Effect of
different rates of nitrogen fertilizer on growth, seed yield, yield
components and quality of canola (Brassica napus L.) under
arid environment of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of
Agronomy and Agricultural Research, 6(4): 268-274.
A.O.A.C. (1980).Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Official
Methods of Analysis. Washington 11 th E d.D.C.pp 882.
Arnold, K. (1986). Methods of soil analysis, physical methods. Second
America, Inc. madison Wisconsin.
Bahrani, A. and J. Pourreza (2014). Effects of micronutrients on seed
yield and oil content of Brassica napus L. Cv. Talayeh.
Bangladesh J. Bot., 43(2): 231-233
Bakhtiari, M. ; P. Moaveni and B. Sani (2015). The effect of iron
nanoparticles spraying time and concentration on wheat.
Biological Forum An International Journal, 7: 679-683.
Commodity Research Bureau. (2005). CRB commodity year book.
Commodity Research Bureau, Jersey City, NJ.
Davarpanah, S. ; A. Tehranifar ; G. Davarynejad ; M. Aran ; J.
Abadía and R. Khorassani (2017). Effects of foliar nanonitrogen
and urea fertilizers on the physical and chemical
properties of pomegranate (Punica granatum cv. Ardestani)
fruits. Hort. Science, 52(2): 288-294.
FAOSTAT. (2014). Data, (2013). Food and Agricultural commodities
production, Rome, Italy. Available online at:
http://faostat.fao.org [Accessed 01 March 2015].
Hopkins, W.G. and N.P.A. Hunter (2004). Introduction to Plant
Physiology. 3rd Edn, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York,
ISBN: 978-0-471- 38915-6, 576 P.
Khaliq, A. ; A. Matloob ; M.Z. Ihsan ; R.N. Abbas ; Z. Aslam and F.
Rasool (2013). Supplementing herbicides with manual weeding
improves weed control efficiency, growth and yield of direct
seeded rice. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology,
15(2): 191-199.
Kumar, S.; J. Sing and K.K. Dhingra (1997). Leaf area index
relationship with solar-radiation interception and yield of Indian
mustard (Brassica juncea) as influenced by plant population and
nitrogen, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 42: 348-351.
Mirzapour, M.H. and A.H. Khoshgoftar (2006). Zinc application
effects on yield and seed oil content of sunflower grown on a
saline calcareous soil. J. Plant Nutr., 29:1719-1727.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 63
Muhammad, N.; M.A. Cheema ; M.A. Wahid ; N. Ahmad and M.
Zaman (2007). Effect of source and method of nitrogen
fertilizer application on seed yield and quality of canola
(Brassica napus L.), Pakistan Journal of Agriculture Science,
44: 74-78.
Naderi, M. ; A.A. Danesh-Shahraki and R. Naderi (2011). Application of
nanotechnology in the optimization of formulation of chemical
fertilizers. Iranian Journal of Nanotechnology, 12: 16-23.
Page, A.L. ; R.H. Miller and D.R. Keeney (1982).Methods of Soil
Analysis. Part 2 Chemical and Microbiological Properties.
American Society of Agronomy, No. 9. Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Qaderi, M.M.; L.V. Kurepin and D.M. Reid (2012). Effects of
temperature and watering regime on growth, gas exchange and
abscisic acid content of canola (Brassica napus) seedlings.
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 75: 107-113.
Rathnayaka, R.M.N.N. ; Y.B. Iqbal and L.M. Rifnas (2018). Influence
of urea and nano-nitrogen fertilizers on the growth and yield of
rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar ‘Bg 250’. Influence of Urea and
Nano-Nitrogen Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Rice
(Oryza sativa L.) Cultivar ‘Bg 250’, 5(2): 7-7.
Sarkar, D. ; B. Mandal and M. C. Kundu (2007). Increasing use
efficiency of boron fertilizer’s by rescheduling the time and
methods of application for crops in India. Plant and Soil, 301(1-
2): 77-85.
Steel, R.G. ; J.H. Torrie and D.A. Dickey (1997). Principals and
Procedures of Statistics. A biometrical approach. 3rd Eds.
McGraw-Hill, Inc. Book Co., New York, U. S. A., PP: 352-358
Sultana, N. ; T. Ikeda and M. A. Kashem (2001). Effect of foliar spray of
nutrient solutions on photosynthesis, dry matter accumulation and
yield in seawater-stressed rice. Environ. Exp. Bot., 46:129-140.
Süzer, S. (2010). Effects of Potassium Fertilization on Sunflower
(Helianthus annuus L.) and Canola (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera
L.) Growth. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop of the
International Potash Institute, 22-25 November, Antalya,
Wissuwa, M. ; A. M. Ismail and R. D. Graham (2008). Rice seed zinc
concentrations as affected by genotype native soil-zinc
availability, and zinc fertilization. Plant Soil., 306:37-48.
Zayed, B.A.; A.K.M. Salem and H.M. Sharkawy (2011). Effect of
different micronutrient concentrates on rice (Oryza sativa L.)
growth and yield under saline soil conditions. World J. Agric.
Sci., 7: 179-184.
64 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021
تأثير السماد النانوي بالنيتروجين والعناصر الصغرى عمى
المحصول ومکوناته في الکانولا
السيد شعبان الوکيل ، محمد عمى رزق ، محمد هاني حسن فايد ، ناير إب ا رهيم حسن درويش
قسم المحاصيل – کمية الز ا رعة بالقاهرة – جامعة الأزهر
2019 م / 2018 م و 2018 / اجريت تجربتان حقميتان خلال موسمي الز ا رعة 2017
في جمعية الحسين لاستصلاح وز ا رعة الأ ا رضي - الکيمو 64 طريق القاهرة الإسکندرية
الصح ا روي - محافظة الجيزة - مصر، لد ا رسة تأثير خمس معدلات من السماد النان وي
النيتروجينى تکامميا مع السماد المعدنى التجارى وهى 10 کجم نيتروجين )معدني( + 20 ٪ من
٪ النيتروجين الموصي به في صورة سماد نانومتري )ن/فدان( ، 20 کجم )معدني( + 20
نانومتري ، 30 کجم )معدني( + 20 ٪ نانومتري ، 40 کجم )معدني( + 20 ٪ نانومتري و 50
کجم )معدني( + 20 ٪ نانومتري واربع معدلات من العناصر الصغرى وهى کنترول )رش
النباتات بالموصي به بالحديد + المنغنيز( ، ورش النباتات بالحديد + المنغنيز في صورة أسمدة
200 و 300 جزء في المميون ، عمى المحصول ومکوناته فى ، نانو مترية بترکي ا زت 100
الکانولا صنف سرو 4 ويمکن تمخيص اهم النتائج المتحصل عميها فيما يمى:
-1 اظهرت النتائج تاثي ا ر معنويا لمعدلات السماد النيتروجينى عمى صفات المحصول
ومکوناته فى کلا الموسمين کما اظهرت النتائج ان اضافة المعدل 40 کجم ن معدنى+
%20 نانومترى قد اعطى اعمى قيم لوزن ال 1000 بذرة ومحصول البذور/فدان بينما
اعطى المعدل 50 کجم ن معدنى+ 20 % نانومترى اعمى قيم لصفتى ارتفاع النبات
وعدد الافرع /النبات فى کلا الموسمين
-2 کمااظهرت النتائج ايضا تاثي ا ر معنويا موجبا لترکي ا زت العناصر الصغرى
)الحديد+المنجنيز( عمى کل الصفات المدروسة فى موسمى النمو. واعطى الرش
بالحديد+المنجنيز بترکيز 300 جزء فى المميون اعمى قيم لکل الصفات المدروسة مقارنة
باالکنترول فى موسمى النمو
-3 کان لمتفاعل بين معدلات السماد النيتروجينى )المعدنى+ النانومترى( وترکي ا زت
العناصر الصغرى تاثي ا ر غير معنوى لمعظم الصفات المدروسة باستثناء صفتى وزن
ال 1000 بذرة ومحصول البذور/ فدان فى کلا الموسمين وارتفاع النبات فى الموسم
الثانى فقط . من النتائج السابقة يتضح ان استخدام السماد النيتروجينى تکامميا بمعدل
40 کجم ن معدنى+ 20 % نانومترى مع الرش بالعناصر الصغرى)الحديد+المنجنيز(
بت رکيز 300 جزء فى المميون فى الصورة النانومترية قد ادى الى زيادة المحصول
ومکوناته لمحصول الکانولا صنف سرو 4 تحت ظروف ارض التجربة
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 65

Alberta Agriculture. (1984). Irrigation Canola Production. Agdex No.
149/561-1. Alberta Agriculture, Edmonton, Alberta
Al-Solaimani, S.G. ; F. Alghabari and M. Z. Ihsan (2015). Effect of
different rates of nitrogen fertilizer on growth, seed yield, yield
components and quality of canola (Brassica napus L.) under
arid environment of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of
Agronomy and Agricultural Research, 6(4): 268-274.
A.O.A.C. (1980).Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Official
Methods of Analysis. Washington 11 th E d.D.C.pp 882.
Arnold, K. (1986). Methods of soil analysis, physical methods. Second
America, Inc. madison Wisconsin.
Bahrani, A. and J. Pourreza (2014). Effects of micronutrients on seed
yield and oil content of Brassica napus L. Cv. Talayeh.
Bangladesh J. Bot., 43(2): 231-233
Bakhtiari, M. ; P. Moaveni and B. Sani (2015). The effect of iron
nanoparticles spraying time and concentration on wheat.
Biological Forum An International Journal, 7: 679-683.
Commodity Research Bureau. (2005). CRB commodity year book.
Commodity Research Bureau, Jersey City, NJ.
Davarpanah, S. ; A. Tehranifar ; G. Davarynejad ; M. Aran ; J.
Abadía and R. Khorassani (2017). Effects of foliar nanonitrogen
and urea fertilizers on the physical and chemical
properties of pomegranate (Punica granatum cv. Ardestani)
fruits. Hort. Science, 52(2): 288-294.
FAOSTAT. (2014). Data, (2013). Food and Agricultural commodities
production, Rome, Italy. Available online at:
http://faostat.fao.org [Accessed 01 March 2015].
Hopkins, W.G. and N.P.A. Hunter (2004). Introduction to Plant
Physiology. 3rd Edn, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York,
ISBN: 978-0-471- 38915-6, 576 P.
Khaliq, A. ; A. Matloob ; M.Z. Ihsan ; R.N. Abbas ; Z. Aslam and F.
Rasool (2013). Supplementing herbicides with manual weeding
improves weed control efficiency, growth and yield of direct
seeded rice. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology,
15(2): 191-199.
Kumar, S.; J. Sing and K.K. Dhingra (1997). Leaf area index
relationship with solar-radiation interception and yield of Indian
mustard (Brassica juncea) as influenced by plant population and
nitrogen, Indian Journal of Agronomy, 42: 348-351.
Mirzapour, M.H. and A.H. Khoshgoftar (2006). Zinc application
effects on yield and seed oil content of sunflower grown on a
saline calcareous soil. J. Plant Nutr., 29:1719-1727.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 36 (3) 2021 63
Muhammad, N.; M.A. Cheema ; M.A. Wahid ; N. Ahmad and M.
Zaman (2007). Effect of source and method of nitrogen
fertilizer application on seed yield and quality of canola
(Brassica napus L.), Pakistan Journal of Agriculture Science,
44: 74-78.
Naderi, M. ; A.A. Danesh-Shahraki and R. Naderi (2011). Application of
nanotechnology in the optimization of formulation of chemical
fertilizers. Iranian Journal of Nanotechnology, 12: 16-23.
Page, A.L. ; R.H. Miller and D.R. Keeney (1982).Methods of Soil
Analysis. Part 2 Chemical and Microbiological Properties.
American Society of Agronomy, No. 9. Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Qaderi, M.M.; L.V. Kurepin and D.M. Reid (2012). Effects of
temperature and watering regime on growth, gas exchange and
abscisic acid content of canola (Brassica napus) seedlings.
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 75: 107-113.
Rathnayaka, R.M.N.N. ; Y.B. Iqbal and L.M. Rifnas (2018). Influence
of urea and nano-nitrogen fertilizers on the growth and yield of
rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar ‘Bg 250’. Influence of Urea and
Nano-Nitrogen Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Rice
(Oryza sativa L.) Cultivar ‘Bg 250’, 5(2): 7-7.
Sarkar, D. ; B. Mandal and M. C. Kundu (2007). Increasing use
efficiency of boron fertilizer’s by rescheduling the time and
methods of application for crops in India. Plant and Soil, 301(1-
2): 77-85.
Steel, R.G. ; J.H. Torrie and D.A. Dickey (1997). Principals and
Procedures of Statistics. A biometrical approach. 3rd Eds.
McGraw-Hill, Inc. Book Co., New York, U. S. A., PP: 352-358
Sultana, N. ; T. Ikeda and M. A. Kashem (2001). Effect of foliar spray of
nutrient solutions on photosynthesis, dry matter accumulation and
yield in seawater-stressed rice. Environ. Exp. Bot., 46:129-140.
Süzer, S. (2010). Effects of Potassium Fertilization on Sunflower
(Helianthus annuus L.) and Canola (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera
L.) Growth. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop of the
International Potash Institute, 22-25 November, Antalya,
Wissuwa, M. ; A. M. Ismail and R. D. Graham (2008). Rice seed zinc
concentrations as affected by genotype native soil-zinc
availability, and zinc fertilization. Plant Soil., 306:37-48.
Zayed, B.A.; A.K.M. Salem and H.M. Sharkawy (2011). Effect of
different micronutrient concentrates on rice (Oryza sativa L.)
growth and yield under saline soil conditions. World J. Agric.
Sci., 7: 179-184.