Document Type : Original Article


Two field experiments were performed at the Experimental Farm of
Ismailia Agricultural Research station farm during 2014/15 and 2015/16
seasons. This study aimed to identify effectiveness of foliar spraying with
three doses of potassium i.e. zero, 1.5 and 3g/L and three rates of
micronutrients i.e. zero, 200 and 300 ppm and their interaction in improving
straw and seed yields and their components of Giza 9 flax cultivar under
sandy soil conditions. The results indicated that increasing dose of
potassium foliar spraying from zero up to 3g/L significantly increased straw,
seed yields and their components. Increasing rate of micronutrients foliar
application from zero up to 300 ppm had significant effect on all characters
studied except for fiber percentage appeared insignificant effect. Significant
interaction between potassium and micronutrients foliar application were
recorded in technical stem length, main stem diameter, straw yield/plant,
straw yield/ fad and seed yield/ fad.


In the light of the obtained results of this study it could be
concluded that for achieve the maximum straw and seed yields, it may be
recommended to encourage expansion of flax variety Giza 9 by foliar
168 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (12) 2020
spraying with potassium at a dose of 3g/L with the mixture of
micronutrients at a rate of 300 ppm under sandy soil conditions.


Main Subjects

Taha A. Omar
Fiber crops Res. Dept., Field crops Res. Institute, ARC.
Key Words: flax, potassium, micronutrients, straw and seed yields, yield
components, foliar application.
Two field experiments were performed at the Experimental Farm of
Ismailia Agricultural Research station farm during 2014/15 and 2015/16
seasons. This study aimed to identify effectiveness of foliar spraying with
three doses of potassium i.e. zero, 1.5 and 3g/L and three rates of
micronutrients i.e. zero, 200 and 300 ppm and their interaction in improving
straw and seed yields and their components of Giza 9 flax cultivar under
sandy soil conditions. The results indicated that increasing dose of
potassium foliar spraying from zero up to 3g/L significantly increased straw,
seed yields and their components. Increasing rate of micronutrients foliar
application from zero up to 300 ppm had significant effect on all characters
studied except for fiber percentage appeared insignificant effect. Significant
interaction between potassium and micronutrients foliar application were
recorded in technical stem length, main stem diameter, straw yield/plant,
straw yield/ fad and seed yield/ fad.
Flax is still the main source of best fiber production in Egypt, which
can be grown as a dual purpose crop for its seed and fiber. Great efforts had
done to increase flax yield by the way of evolve new flax varieties and
different agriculture treatments, but it still requires more these efforts. Since,
the cultivated area of flax in Egypt reduced to 23721 fed. in 2020 (Annual
Statistical Data, Ministry Of Agriculture, Cairo).
Sandy soils are one of the obstacles to the agricultural expansion for
flax crop due to its lack of fertility and its poverty of nutrients, thus, it is
necessary to search for foliar spraying with nutrients such as potassium and
micronutrients foliar application for improving straw and seed yields in flax.
Potassium is known to play a vital role in photosynthesis, translocation
of photosynthesis, regulation of plant pores (stomata), activation of plant
catalysts (enzymes) and many other processes. So, many researches
indicated that the positive effect of potassium application in enhancing
growth and increasing seed, oil and fiber flax yields of them Hussein and
Zedan (2008), Mousa and Hussein (2011), Bakry et al (2012), Omar
(2013) and Bakry et al (2015 a) and Emam (2020).
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (12) 2020 163-170
Foliar application which micronutrients is considered as one of the
most important factors, as it had positive affect the productivity of flax. Iron,
mangancese and zinc are key to chlorophyll formation, photosynthesis,
respiration and enzyme activation. In this concern, Mousa et al (2010)
showed that micronutrients foliar application was more effective on
increasing plant height, technical length, straw, fiber and seed yields/ fad.
Nofal et al (2011) revealed that foliar application by zinc at the rate of 2g/L
caused significant increase for growth, fiber yield and seed yield over the
control treatment. Bakry et al (2012) found that foliar application with Zn
positively affected straw and seed yields and their components characters
compared with control treatment. Tahir et al (2014) reported that foliar
spraying flax plant with Zn at the rate of 3% bud initiation and after capsule
filling stage significantly improved plant height, technical length fruiting
branches, seed index, straw yield and seed yield. Bakry et al. (2015 a)
revealed that zinc foliar application at the rate of 5% gave the highest values
of flax yield and it's components and quality.
Furthermore, Abd Eldaiem and Elmanzlawy (2016) indicated that
foliar spraying with Zn at the rates of 250 and 500 ppm significantly
affected straw and seed yields and their components characters and
produced the highest values. Abo- Marzoka and El- Borhamy (2018)
showed that maximum values of plant height, fruiting zone length and
technical length were obtained with foliar spraying 200ppm micronutrients
mixture of (Fe+ zn+ Mn) in addition, straw and seed yields and its
components, fiber% and oil%.
Therefore, this study was aimed to find out the effect of foliar spraying
with potassium and micronutrients on straw and seed yields and their
components of flax plant under sandy soil conditions.
The present work was done at the Experimental Farm of Ismailia
Agric. Res. station farm, Ismailia Governorate, during the two successive
seasons 2014/15 and 2015/16 on the first week of November in both
seasons. The soil of the experimental site was sandy in texture. The
physical and chemical of the soil are given in Table (1). These two trials
were carried out in three replications using the strip plot design,
horizontal strip was allocated by foliar spraying of potassium doses i.e.
zero, 1.5 and 3g/L while vertical strip occupied by foliar spraying
micronutrients i.e. zero, 200 and 300 ppm. The experimental unit area
was 62. The micronutrients mixture used in this case composed of Zn,
Mn and Fe. Potassium and micronutrients doses were applied twice after
40 and 60 days from sowing in spray volume at 200 liter water/fad, for
each treatment in the first and second dates, respectively. Giza 9 cultivar
seeds were sown at the rate of 60 kg/fed.
164 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (12) 2020
Table (1): Some physical and chemical properties of the
experimental site during 2014/2015 and 2015/2016
2014 / 2015 2015 /2016
Physical characters
Coarse sand (%) 81.56 81.12
Fine sand (%) 7.57 7.35
Silt (%) 4.21 4.59
Clay (%) 6.66 6.94
Ca Co3 (%) 2.62 2.68
Soil texture Sandy Sandy
Chemical characters
PH 7.7 7.74
EC dsm-1 1.26 1.30
Ca+2 2.41 2.49
Mg+2 1.18 1.12
Na+ 8.37 8.71
K+ 0.64 0.68
Hco3 5.82 5.87
Cl- 3.87 3.94

4 2.91 3.19
N 21.7 21.3
P 7.54 7.54
K 3.65 4.8
At harvest time, ten guarded plants were taken randomly from each
plot to record the following characters: Total plant length (cm), technical
stem length (cm), main stem diameter (mm), straw yield/ plant (g) straw
yield/fad (ton), fiber%, fiber fineness according to Radwan and
Momtaz (1966), number of capsules/plant, number of seeds/capsule,
number of seeds/plant, seed index (g), seed yield/ plant (g) and seed
yield/fad (kg). Oil% was determined as average of two random seed
samples/plot using Soxhelt apparatus (A. O. A. C Society, 1995).
The combined analyses of variance (across the two seasons) were
done according to Snedecor and Cochran (1989) after confirmation of
homogeneity test. Mean values were compared at the 0.05 level of
significance and used the least significant difference test (LSD).
Straw yield and its components:
Potassium effects:
Mean values of straw yield and its components from the combined
data of two successive seasons as affects by potassium and micronutrients
foliar application were presented in Table (2). Results showed that straw
yield and its components i.e. total plant height, technical stem length, main
stem diameter, straw yield/plant, straw yield/fad, fiber percentage and fiber
fineness, were significantly responded to potassium fertilizer doses. It is
clearly evident that increasing potassium doses from zero up to 3 g/L
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (12) 2020 165
significantly increased straw yield and its components spraying potassium at
the rate of 3 g/L was associated with the highest values of total plant length
(110.97), technical stem length (100) main stem diameter (2.46), straw
yield/plant (2.28), straw yield/fad (4.09), fiber% (18.57) and fiber fineness
(222.5). these results could be attributed to the important role of potassium
in stimulating growth of merestimatic tissue which produce more cells and
more vegetative growth. These results are in harmony with these obtained
by Hussein and Zedan (2008), Mousa and Hussein (2011), Bakry et al
(2012), Omar (2013), Bakry et al (2015 a) and Emam (2020).
Table (2): Means of straw yield and its components as affected by
potassium (K) and micronutrient (M) foliar application
(combined data of 2014 / 15 and 2015/16 seasons.
Main stem
Fiber %
Ko = zero 106.76 95.49 2.22 1.64 3.53 15.88 195.68
K1 = 1.5g/L 108.81 98.96 2.34 1.97 3.73 17.79 209.51
K2 = 3g/L 110.97 100.69 2.46 2.28 4.09 18.57 222.54
LSD 0.05 0.21 0.34 0.01 0.03 0.07 2.03 1.28
M0 = zero 107.93 97.39 2.31 1.85 3.70 16.21 204.43
M1 = 200ppm 108.81 98.49 2.33 1.96 3.76 17.69 209.76
M2 = 300ppm 109.81 99.29 2.38 2.07 3.89 18.34 213.53
LSD 0.05 0.38 0.28 0.010 0.02 0.03 N.S 1.35
K x M
N.S 0.40 0.02 0.03 0.05 N.S N.S
Micronutrients effects:
As shown in Table (2), the seven traits of flax under study differed
significantly differences due to spray of micronutrients mixture were
detected for straw yield/plant and its components except of fiber
percentage which appeared opposite trend. It is clear that micronutrients
application with 300 ppm was significantly increased in total plant
length, technical stem length, main stem diameter, straw yield/plant,
straw yield/fad and fiber fineness, but it led to insignificant increase in
fiber percentage character. Similar results were reported by Mousa et al
(2010), Nofal et al (2011), Bakry et al (2012), Tahir et al (2014),
Bakry et al (2015 a), Abd El Daiem and Amal Elmanzlawy (2016),
Abo- Marzoka and El-Bohamy (2018) and Emam (2020).
Interaction effects
The interaction between potassium and micronutrients foliar
application had a significant effect on technical stem length, main stem
diameter, straw yield/plant and straw yield/fad as average of the two
seasons (Table 3), The highest interaction of potassium foliar application
at a dose of 3g/L with micronutrients foliar application at a rate of 300
ppm were observed for technical stem length (101.57 cm), main stem
166 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (12) 2020
diameter (2.48 cm), straw yield/plant (2.36 g) and straw yield/fed (4.18
ton). These results indicated that potassium and micronutrients foliar
application had successfully interacted, which reflected in the
improvement of previous characters . On the other hand, the interaction
between potassium and micronutrients foliar application on total plant
length, fiber % and fiber fiteness had no significant effect.
Table (3): The significant interaction between potassium (K) and
micronutrient (M) on straw yield and its components
from the combined analysis.
Technical stem
Main stem
Straw yield /
Straw yield /
K0 x M0 94.18 2.19 1.52 3.47
K0 x M1 95.72 2.22 1.65 3.52
K0 x M2 96.58 2.26 1.76 3.59
K1 x M0 98.13 2.30 1.86 3.66
K1 x M1 99.1 2.32 1.98 3.66
K1 x M2 99.65 2.39 2.07 3.88
K2 x M0 99.85 2.44 2.20 3.99
K2 x M1 100.67 2.45 2.27 4.10
K2 x M2 101.57 2.48 2.36 4.18
LSD 0.05 0.40 0.02 0.03 0.05
Seed yield and its components:
Potassium effects:
Mean values of seed yield and its components from the combined data
of two successive seasons as affected by potassium and micronutrients folir
application were presented in Table (4). Potassium fertilizer doses as foliar
spray had significant effect on all seed yield and its components under study.
The potassium as foliar spray at dose of 3g/L gave highest values of number
of capsules / plant, number of seeds / capsule, number of seeds / plant, seed
index, seed yield / plant, seed yield / fed and oil percentage which recorded
15.03 capsule, 8.41 seed, 126.26 seeds, 5.62 g, 0.49 g, 404.47 kg and 34.78
%, respectively, when compared with the control treatment (zero, K0).
These results could be discussed on the important role of potassium in
stimulating biological process in plant as enzymes activity, respiration
photosynthesis, chlorophyll creation and water relationships. These results
are in agreement with those obtained by Hussein and Zedan (2008),
Mousa and Hussein (2011), Bakry et al. (2012), Omar (2013) and Abd
El-Daiem, Bakry et al (2015 a) and Emam (2020).
Micronutrients effects:
The results given in Table (4) indicated that micronutrients foliar
application had significant effect on seed yield and its components. It is clear
that micronutrients foliar application with 300 ppm significantly increased in
number of capsules/plant (13.77 capsule), number of seeds/capsule (7.91
seed), number of seeds/plant (109.83 seed), seed index (5.47 g), seed
yield/plant (0.50 g), seed yield/ fed (397.69 kg) and oil percentage (34.22).
While, control treatment gave the lowest values. Similar results were
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (12) 2020 167
reported by Mousa et al. (2010), Nofal et al. (2011), Bakry et al. (2012),
Tahir et al. (2014), Bakry et al. (2015b), Abd Eldaiem,, and
Elmanzlawy (2016), Abo- Marzoka and El-Borhamy (2018) and Emam
Table (4): Means of seed yield and its components as affected by
potassium (K) and micronutrients (M) foliar application
(combined data of 2014 / 15 and 2015 / 16 seasons)
No. of
capsules /
No. of
seeds /
No. of
seeds /
index (g)
Seed yield/
plant (g)
yield/ fad
Oil %
Ko = zero 11.02 6.86 75.68 5.17 0.44 379.40 33.69
K1 = 1.5g/L 13.12 7.64 100.38 5.34 0.47 392.79 34.27
K2 = 3g/L 15.03 8.41 126.26 5.62 0.49 404.47 34.78
LSD 0.05 0.42 0.07 5.11 0.12 0.02 2.28 0.07
M0 = zero 12.36 7.38 92.23 5.27 0.40 386.35 34.09
M1 = 200ppm 13.04 7.61 100.26 5.39 0.45 392.62 34.22
M2 = 300ppm 13.77 7.91 109.83 5.47 0.50 397.69 34.43
LSD 0.05 0.26 0.10 2.98 0.12 0.02 1.43 0.04
K x M
N.S N.S. N.S N.S N.S 2.05 N.S
Interaction effects:
The interaction between potassium and micronutrients foliar
application had a significant effect on seed yield/fad (Table 5). The
maximum value 411.73 was obtained from the interaction of potassium
foliar spraying at a dose of 3g/L with micronutrients foliar application of
300ppm. On the other hand, the interaction had insignificant effect on the
remaining characters.
Table (5): The significant interaction between potassium and
micronutrients on seed yield/ fad from the combined
Interaction Seed yield/ fad
K0 × M0 370.77
K0 × M1 381.42
K0 × M2 386.02
K1 × M0 389.83
K1 × M1 393.20
K1 × M2 395.33
K2 × M0 398.45
K2 × M1 403.23
K2 × M2 411.73
LSD 0.05 2.05
In the light of the obtained results of this study it could be
concluded that for achieve the maximum straw and seed yields, it may be
recommended to encourage expansion of flax variety Giza 9 by foliar
168 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (12) 2020
spraying with potassium at a dose of 3g/L with the mixture of
micronutrients at a rate of 300 ppm under sandy soil conditions.
Abd Eldaiem, M. A. M. and Amal M. Elmanzlawy (2016). Influence
of foliar spraying with Zinc, macro and micro- elements and
gibberellic acid on productivity and seed quality of flax. Egypt
J. Appl. Sci., 31 (1): 55-66.
Abo- Marzoka, E. A. and Amal M. A. El- Borhamy (2018). Response
of flax plant to foliar spray by urea and some of micronutrients
mixture under different nitrogen levels. Alex. J. Agric. Sci., 63:
(4): 251- 261.
A. O. A. C. (1995). Official Methods of Analysis 16th ed. Association of
Official Analytical Chemists. Washington, D. C., U. S. A.
Bakry , B. A. ; M. M. Tawfik ; B. B. Mekki and M. S. Zeidan (2012).
Yield and yield components of three flax cultivars in response to
foliar application with Zn, Mn and Fe under Newly reclaimed
sandy soil conditions. American- Eurasian J. Agric & Environ.
Sci., 12 (8): 1075- 1080.
Bakry, A. B. ; O. A. Nofal ; M. S. Zeidan and M. Hozayn (2015 a).
Potassium and zinc in relation to improve flax varieties yield
and yield components as grown under sandy soil conditions.
Agricultural sciences, 6 (1):152-158.
Bakry, A.B. ; Shaimaa Shedeed and O.A. Nofal (2015 b). Production
and quality of two flax varieties as affected by foliar application
of silicon fertilizer under sandy soil conditions. Res. J. of
Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6 (5): 181-
Emam, S. (2020). Estimation of straw, seed and oil yields for flax plants
( Linum usitatissimum L.) cultivars of foliar application of mn,
fe and zn under dry environment. Egyptian Journal of
Agronomy, 42(1): 35-46.
Hussein, M. M. M. and S. Z. A. Zedan (2008). Yield and quality of two
flax varieties as affected by foliar spraying with potassium doses
and nitrogen levels under sandy soil conditions. J. Agric. Sci.,
Mansoura Univ., 33 (6): 3937- 3952.
Mousa, M. A. and M. M. M. Hussein (2011). The effect of potassium
fertilizer levels on growth, yield quantity and quality for some
flax (linum usitatissimum, L.) varieties. Egypt J. Appl. Sci., 26
(9): 511-522.
Mousa, M. A. ; Eman A. E. El- Kady and Z. S. Zedan (2010). Effect
of nitrogen fertilizers and some micronutrients on flax yield and
chemical composition characters. J. plant production, Mansoura
Univ., 1 (5): 713- 720.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (12) 2020 169
Nofal, O. A. ; M. S. Zedian and B. A. Bakry (2011). Flax yield and
quality traits as effected by Zinc foliar application under newly
reclaimed sandy soils. J. of App. Sci. Res., 7 (9): 1361- 1367.
Omar, T. A. (2013). Effect of potassium and magnesium as foliar
application on yield, yield components and yield analysis for
two new flax varieties in sandy soil. Zagazig J. Agric. Res., 40
(3): 371- 385.
Radwan, S. R. and A. Momtaz (1966). The technological properties of
flax fibers and methods of estimating them. El- felaha J., 46 (5):
466- 476 (In Arabic).
Snedecor, G. W. and W. G. Cochran (1989). Statistical Methods 8th
ed., Iowa State Univ. Press Ames Iowa, USA.
Tahir, M.; M. Irfan and A. Ur- Rehman (2014). Effect of foliar
application of Zinc on yield and oil contents of flax. Pakistan J.
Agric. Res., 27 (4): 287- 295.
تأثير الرش بالبوتاسيوم وبعض العناصر الصغرى عمى محصول الکتان تحت
ظروف الأرض الرممية
طه أحمد عمر
قسم بحوث محاصيل الألياف- معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقمية- مرکز البحوث الز ا رعية
أجريت تجربتان حقميتاان بالمزرعاة التجريبياة بمحااة اعساماعيمية لمبحاوث الز ا رعياة ا ل
16 . الد ا رسة کانت تهدف الي التعرف عمي فعالية الرش الورقي /2015 ،15/ الموسمين 2014
باا ث مسااتويات ماان البوتاساايوم صاا ر، 1.5 و 3 ج ا رم/لتاار و اا ث معاادنت ماان العناصاار
الصغري ص ر، 200 و 300 جزء فاي الممياون و الاتي تت امن الزنام، المنجنياز و الحدياد و
ت ااعمهم فاي تحساين محصاولي القاش و الباترو و مکونااتهم لصانف الکتاان جيازو 9 تحات واروف
ان ا ر اي الرممياة. اوهارت النتاازي ان الزياادو فاي جرعاات البوتاسايوم مان صا ر الاي 3 ج ا رم/لتار
لهاا تاا ير معناوي عماي کال الصا ات المدروساة ماعاد نسابة انليااف کانات يار معنوياة. وکاان
هنام ت اعل معنوى بين الرش بالبوتاسايوم والعناصار الصاغرى عمال الااول ال عاال، سامم الساا
الرزيسل، محصول القش/ نبات، محصول القش/ فدان، محصول البتور/ فدان.
170 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (12) 2020

Abd Eldaiem, M. A. M. and Amal M. Elmanzlawy (2016). Influence
of foliar spraying with Zinc, macro and micro- elements and
gibberellic acid on productivity and seed quality of flax. Egypt
J. Appl. Sci., 31 (1): 55-66.
Abo- Marzoka, E. A. and Amal M. A. El- Borhamy (2018). Response
of flax plant to foliar spray by urea and some of micronutrients
mixture under different nitrogen levels. Alex. J. Agric. Sci., 63:
(4): 251- 261.
A. O. A. C. (1995). Official Methods of Analysis 16th ed. Association of
Official Analytical Chemists. Washington, D. C., U. S. A.
Bakry , B. A. ; M. M. Tawfik ; B. B. Mekki and M. S. Zeidan (2012).
Yield and yield components of three flax cultivars in response to
foliar application with Zn, Mn and Fe under Newly reclaimed
sandy soil conditions. American- Eurasian J. Agric & Environ.
Sci., 12 (8): 1075- 1080.
Bakry, A. B. ; O. A. Nofal ; M. S. Zeidan and M. Hozayn (2015 a).
Potassium and zinc in relation to improve flax varieties yield
and yield components as grown under sandy soil conditions.
Agricultural sciences, 6 (1):152-158.
Bakry, A.B. ; Shaimaa Shedeed and O.A. Nofal (2015 b). Production
and quality of two flax varieties as affected by foliar application
of silicon fertilizer under sandy soil conditions. Res. J. of
Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6 (5): 181-
Emam, S. (2020). Estimation of straw, seed and oil yields for flax plants
( Linum usitatissimum L.) cultivars of foliar application of mn,
fe and zn under dry environment. Egyptian Journal of
Agronomy, 42(1): 35-46.
Hussein, M. M. M. and S. Z. A. Zedan (2008). Yield and quality of two
flax varieties as affected by foliar spraying with potassium doses
and nitrogen levels under sandy soil conditions. J. Agric. Sci.,
Mansoura Univ., 33 (6): 3937- 3952.
Mousa, M. A. and M. M. M. Hussein (2011). The effect of potassium
fertilizer levels on growth, yield quantity and quality for some
flax (linum usitatissimum, L.) varieties. Egypt J. Appl. Sci., 26
(9): 511-522.
Mousa, M. A. ; Eman A. E. El- Kady and Z. S. Zedan (2010). Effect
of nitrogen fertilizers and some micronutrients on flax yield and
chemical composition characters. J. plant production, Mansoura
Univ., 1 (5): 713- 720.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (12) 2020 169
Nofal, O. A. ; M. S. Zedian and B. A. Bakry (2011). Flax yield and
quality traits as effected by Zinc foliar application under newly
reclaimed sandy soils. J. of App. Sci. Res., 7 (9): 1361- 1367.
Omar, T. A. (2013). Effect of potassium and magnesium as foliar
application on yield, yield components and yield analysis for
two new flax varieties in sandy soil. Zagazig J. Agric. Res., 40
(3): 371- 385.
Radwan, S. R. and A. Momtaz (1966). The technological properties of
flax fibers and methods of estimating them. El- felaha J., 46 (5):
466- 476 (In Arabic).
Snedecor, G. W. and W. G. Cochran (1989). Statistical Methods 8th
ed., Iowa State Univ. Press Ames Iowa, USA.
Tahir, M.; M. Irfan and A. Ur- Rehman (2014). Effect of foliar
application of Zinc on yield and oil contents of flax. Pakistan J.
Agric. Res., 27 (4): 287- 295.