Document Type : Original Article
خواص اللبنة المصنعة من لبن المعز المحقون بخلیط فیتامیتات أ ود 3 وه
خلال ثلاثة اشهر من موسم الحلیب
حاتم حلمى عمر , هالة على ثابت , عماد صلاح الجوهرى
تم تقسیم قطیع من المعز الى ثلاث مجموعات متشابهة لد ا رسة تاثیر الحقن بخمیط
فیتامیتات ا ود 3 وه بجرعات 2 او 4 مل من خمیط الفیتامینات ود ا رسة خواص کل من المبن
والمبنه المصنعة من البانها عمى مدار ثلاثة اشهر من الحلابة التالیة لفطام الخالى
خلال الشهر الثانى pH )صغار الماعز ( .ولقد اظهرت النتائج زیادة الحموضة وتناقص ال
لمحلابة مع زیادة الریع بتقدم موسم الحلابة کما قد حدثت زیادة ممحوظة فى ریع المبنة
لمبن الناتج من المعز المحقونة. و کان اعلاها فى ا لمجموعة pH والحموضة وانخاض ال
المحقونة ب 4 مل من مخموط الفیتامینات . کما وجدت علاقة طردیة بین الجرعة )G3(
المعطاة من خمیط الفیتامینات وبین ترکیز هذة الفیتامینات الناتجة فى المبن و ) جبن المبنة ( .
کان اعمى تقییم حسى لمبنة الناتجة من مجموعة المعز فى الشهر الثانى من الحلابة .
لذلک توصى الد ا رسة بحقن حیوانات المبن ومنها المعز لانتاج البان ومنتجات عالیة
القیمة التغذویة لإستخدامها فی اعداد منتجات لبنیة وظیفیة خاصة تفید الإنسان.
Main Subjects
1Hatem H. Omar ; Hala A. Thabet2 and E. S. H. El-Gohary3
1Dairy Technology Research Department, Animal Production Research Institute , 2Food
Technology Research Institute, 3Sheep and Goats Breeding Research Department,
Agriculture Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
Corresponding author e-mail: hatemhelmy
Telephone: 00201118647286
Key Words: Goat milk, Labneh, A D3 E mixture, Acidity, organoleptic
Three groups of goat bucks (G1,G2 andG3 ) were selected to study
the effect of injection with vitamins A ,D3 and E on the properties of
Labneh produced from their milks . Results showed an increase in milk
Titratable acidity and decrease in pH during the second month of
lactation, after weaning. Marked increase in yield and Titratable acidity
with decrease of pH were noticed in Labneh produced from the milk of
injected goats and the highest values were recorded in (G3) group. A
direct relationship was noticed between the injected dose of vitamins and
the concentrations of vitamins A, D3 and E resulted in milk and Labneh.
This means that as the injection dose of these vitamins increased, the
concentrations of the vitamins in milk were increased. Group (G3)
recorded the highest concentrations of these vitamins, being 9.213, 2.987
and 3.33 mg / 100g for vitamins A, D3 and E, in order. Concerning the
lactation period, it was found, that the second month of lactation period
recorded the highest values followed by the third period and first period ,
respectively. The best organoleptic properties was found in Labneh
produced in the second month of lactation period .Thus we recommend
the vitamins injection in dairy animals to produce milk and milk products
that can be used to produce special functional dairy products.
Goat is one of the oldest domesticated animals since 8000 BC and use of
its milk in dairy products goes back to ancient Egypt, as discovered in Pharaohs
burial tombs (Hussein et al., 2020). The global dairy goat population was
estimated to be 218 million in 2017 (FAO,2019). Interest in dairy goats and
goat milk products is a part of the recent trend in health food demand and
consumption in developed countries as well as a renewed interest in goat milk
as a substitute for those who suffer from allergies or intolerance against cow
milk (Park, 2017).
Goat milk had chemical composition approximately near to cow milk and
characterized by higher digestibility, certain nutritional and therapeutic effects
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (7) 2020 72-80
in human nutrition (Haenlein, 2004). It has a distinct goaty flavor which was
unacceptable by numerous consumers. Egyptian consumers refused much of the
goats' dairy products because of its flavor. When goats' milk processed into
Labneh, the goaty flavor was highly reduced through the heat-treatment of milk,
fermentation and wheying off the acidic whey.
Labneh, strained yoghurt (also spelled strained yogurt), yoghurt cheese,
or Greek yoghurt is yoghurt which has been strained in a cloth or paper bag or
filter to remove the whey, giving a consistency between that of yoghurt and
cheese, while preserving yoghurt's distinctive sour taste. Like many yoghurts,
strained yoghurt is found originally in Middle East area, especially in Lebanon,
Syria, Jordan, Morocco and Iraq. (Basiony et al., 2017). In Egypt, the
conventional method for producing Labneh is to make Zabady and store it
overnight under refrigeration to the next day, salt is added, thoroughly mixed,
put into cheese cloth bags and hung on racks to drain for about 12-24 hours,
packed and stored under refrigeration. (Abou-Donia, 2008).
Goat bucks, like other animals require vitamins for optimal performance
and health. Each vitamin performs a unique function and cannot be replaced by
any other vitamin (Hafez, 2012).
Vitamin A has an effective role in keeping all the body epithelial cells
and is playing an important role in the process of vision, spermatogenesis and
bone growth (Tanumihardjo, 2011).The classical functions of vitamin D are to
regulate calcium-phosphorus homeostasis and control bone metabolism.
However, vitamin D deficiency has been reported in several chronic conditions
associated with increased inflammation and deregulation of the immune system,
such as diabetes, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis (Sassi et al., 2018). Vitamin
E is a fat-soluble nutrient that has potent antioxidant function, which provides
protection from oxidative stress (Jiang, 2014).
The aim of this work is to produce Labneh from milk obtained from goat
bucks injected with A ,D3 and E vitamins mixture, during 3 months of lactation
period and determined the effect of the vitamins injection effect on the milk
quality produced and the labneh produced from this milk.
2.1. Materials
Goat milk was obtained from El Gemeaza Experimental Station,
Animal Production Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center,
Egypt. Yoghurt starter (Streptococcus thermophiles & Lactobacillus
delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus) was obtained from Chr. Hansen
Laboratories Copenhagen, Denmark. Vitamins A, D3 and E complex
(DEVEDRY – MED injection) were manufactured by ARABCOMED,
Egypt. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) chemicals and
standards of vitamins (A, D3 and E) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
Chemicals Co., USA through Cornell lab company, Egypt.
73 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (7) 2020
2.2. Experimental plan
Goats' milk was collected weekly during the three months of
lactation period (1ts, 2nd and 3rd month after weaning) from three similar
groups (G1, G2 and G3) of lactating goats (each group contained 10 heads).
The 1st group G1 was injected by saline solution, as a control, but G2 and G3
groups were injected intramuscularly biweekly by 2 ml. and 4 ml
respectively of AD3E vitamins. Each one ml of vitamins mixture contained
(8000 I.U) of vitamin A, (4000 I.U) of vitamin D3 (Cholicalcipherol) and 20
mg of vitamin E (a tocopherol acetate).
2.3. Processing of Labneh:
Eight kilogram of goat milk, monthly, representing experimental
groups (G1, G2 and G3) were heat treated up to 85±1 ° C for 5 minutes, then
cooled to 44 ± 1°C. Yoghurt starter culture 2% were added to milk of each
group, stirred well and incubated at 42±1°C until coagulation. 1 % edible
salt was added to each treatment, stirred well and left for 30 min to be sure
of salt dissolving. The salted yoghurts were transferred into bags made from
tight cloth, bags hanged for whey separation for 12 hours. The curd was got
out from the bags, weighted, homogenized well with electric stirrer and kept
at refrigerators till analysis. The collected whey of each treatment was
weighted, stirred well, for having representative samples and kept at
refrigerators till analysis. Labneh was manufactured according to Tamime
and Robinson (1985) method, as shown in (Fig. 1).
Goats' milk
Heat – treated at 85±°C/ 5 min
Cooling to 44±1°C
Inoculating with 2% yoghurt culture
Incubation at 42±1°C until coagulation
Cooling to 5 ± 1°C and left overnight
The resultant yoghurt filled into cloth bags and hanging for 12 hours in
↙ ↘
Labneh whey
1% salt was added and well stirred
Yield =
Fig. (1) Flow chart of Labneh making
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (7) 2020 74
2.4. Chemical analysis
pH values of milk, Labneh and whey were determined according to
Ling (1963) by using Greenway pH meter. The Titratable acidity of the same
samples was determined by titration following the method described by AOAC
2.5. Determination of vitamins ( A,D3 and E )
A High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Agilent,
Germany 1200 system equipped with a variable wavelength detector was
used to determine vitamins A, D3 and E. Samples preparation and
chromatographic conditions were similar to those described by Gąsior and
Pieszka, (2007).
2.6. yield
Amount of Labneh produced from certain amount of milk.
Yield =
2.7. Organoleptic evaluation
Organoleptic evaluation of Labneh samples was done by 10 judges
from Animal Production Research Institute, according to Nelson and Trout
(1957) method. The evaluation included color and appearance, body and texture
and flavor. Color and appearance was 10 points, Body and texture was 40
points, and flavor was 50 points.
3.1. Yield of Labneh
From Table (1) it is clear that injection goat bucks with by vitamins
AD3E caused slightly increment in the yield of Labneh through the lactations
periods compared to the control group (G1). G1 in the 1st lactation month
recorded the lowest yield as compared with groups (G2 and G3), being 17.76.
G3 in 3rd lactation month scored the highest values of yield, being 24.56. It
could be noticed that by increasing injection dose of AD3E vitamins in all cases,
increased the Labneh yield.
Table 1. Yield of goats' Labneh of the tested groups during the lactation
Labneh Yield %
1st month
G1 8 17.76 -
G2 8 20.83 82.71
G3 8 22.85 71.82
2nd month
G1 8 18.17 -
G2 8 22.05 78.12
G3 8 23.33 71.82
3rd month
G1 8 18.09 -
G2 8 21.27 82.22
G3 8 24.56 35.77
G1 = Control G2 = 2 ml AD3E /head G3= 4ml AD3E/head
75 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (7) 2020
3.2. pH values
pH values of milk, yoghurt, Labneh and whey are present in
Table (2). Data indicated that there is an inverse relationship between pH
values of milk, yoghurt and Labneh and the dose of injection by
vitamins. The lowest values were found in group G3 followed by Groups
2 and 1, in order.
Table 2. pH values of goats' milk, yoghurt and whey of the tested
groups during the lactation months .
Milk Yoghurt Labneh Whey
pH % pH % pH % pH %
1st month
G1 6.70 - 4.81 - 4.81 - 4.88 -
G2 6.60 8.81 4.76 8.28 4.68 7.22 4.86 7.22
G3 6.54 7.11 4.71 7.21 4.66 1.87 5.38 1.87
2nd month
G1 6.65 - 4.83 - 3.80 4.86
G2 6.51 7.88 4.65 1.21 3.88 7.88 4.78 7.88
G3 6.48 7.28 4.60 8.28 3 .60 2.78 4.76 2.78
3rd month
G1 6.75 - 4.84 - 4.78 4.82 -
G2 6.63 8.21 4.73 7.72 4.63 1.88 4.80 1.88
G3 6.56 7.18 4.69 1.82 4.61 1.28 4.88 3.56
G1 = Control G2 = 2 ml AD3E /head G3= 4ml AD3E/head
3.3. Titratable acidity values
Titratable acidity values of milk, yoghurt, Labneh and whey are
present in Table (3). Data indicated that there is a close relationship
between Titratable acidity of milk, yoghurt and Labneh and the dose of
injection by vitamins. The highest values were found in group G3
followed by Groups 2 and 1, in order. Concerning the effect of lactation
period it was noticed that the Titratable acidity values of milk, yoghurt
and Labneh were increased up to the second period of lactation then
decreased thereafter .The variations in total solids among the former
products may be the main reason for that. Moreover, secretion of some
AD3E vitamins into milk may activate the starter bacteria to convert more
lactose into lactic acid. pH values of the previous products behaved
reverse trends to Titratable acidity in all groups and lactation periods
.Injection by the former vitamins may has a vital effect on the
constituents of the resultant milk as noticed by Ali et al., (2013) who
studied the effect of using AD3E vitamins or vitamin E-Selenium
complex (E-Se) on some productivity traits
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (7) 2020 76
Table 3. Rate of increase (%) in Titratable acidity in goats' milk,
yoghurt, Labneh and whey of the tested groups during
the lactation months.
Milk Yoghurt Labneh Whey
1st month
G1 0.15 - 0.76 - 2.12 - 0.72 -
G2 0.17 13.33 0.78 2.6 2.24 5.66 0.81 12.5
G3 0.18 20.00 0.81 6.6 2.26 6.60 0.85 18.0
G1 0.16 - 0.81 - 2.15 - 0.79 -
G2 0.19 18.75 0.85 4.9 2.32 7.91 0.86 8.86
G3 0.20 25.00 0.89 9.9 2.36 9.77 0.89 12.66
G1 0.15 - 0.74 - 2.16 - 0.75 -
G2 0.17 13.33 0.78 5.4 2.31 6.94 0.77 2.70
G3 0.18 20.00 0.80 8.1 2.33 7.87 0.80 6.66
G1 = Control G2 = 2 ml AD3E /head G3= 4ml AD3E/head
of local black Iraqi does and found that colostrum yield and fat % in
AD3E and E-Se groups was Significantly increased compared with
control, also significant increase in Protein% in E-Se group compared
with control group, while the lactose % and solid-non fat (SNF) % did
not affect with the former treatments.
In addition, data presented in Table (3) demonstrate that the rate
of increase in Titratable acidity and yield took placed in goats' milk,
yoghurt and Labneh as affected by injection by A, D3 and E vitamins
during three months of lactation period. Results showed that as the dose
of vitamins increased the former values were increased. Concerning the
lactation period, it was found, generally, that the second month of
lactation period recorded the highest values followed by the third period
and first period, in order. The rates of increase in the second period of
lactation were 18.7 and 25.0 % for milk; 4.9 and 9.9 for yoghurt and 7.91
and 9.77 for Labneh comparing to control group of this period.
3.4. Concentration of AD3E vitamins in goats' milk, Labneh and
Table (4) showed the relationship between the dose of injected
vitamins (A, D3 and E) and the concentrations of those in milk, Labneh
and whey. It was clear that as the injection dose of these vitamins
increased, the concentrations of the previous vitamins increased. In case
77 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (7) 2020
of milk, treatment G3 recorded the highest concentrations being 9.21,
2.98 and 3.33 mg / 100g for vitamins A, D3 and E, respectively compared
with G1 and G2. Also, the same treatment (G3) has the highest levels of
studied vitamins in case of Labneh 18.64, 3.45 and 1.64 mg/100g,
respectively compared with the other two treatments. On the other hand,
(Bouwstra et al., 2008) reported that supplementation with vitamin E
had no effect on its concentration in milk and blood
Table 4. Concentrations of AD3E vitamins (mg/100g) goats' milk,
Labneh and whey.
Vitamin concentrations Item Group (mg/100g)
Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E
G1 7.28 0.73 0.82
Milk G2 8.47 1.42 1.41
G3 9.21 2.98 3.33
G1 9.09 8.22 1.11
Labneh G2 12.66 3.09 8.88
G3 18.64 1.82 1.64
G1 2.66 0.04 0.14
Whey G2 4.05 0.04 0.29
G3 4.20 0.04 0.37
G1 = Control G2 = 2 ml AD3E /head G3= 4ml AD3E/head
3.5. Organoleptic evaluation
Samples of fresh Labneh were donated to ten judges as unknown
samples. The average scoring points were summarized and tabulated in
(Table 5). Judges highly accepted Labneh from 2nd lactation month, than
the others. The AD3E vitamin injection had marked effect on the body
and texture and flavor of Labneh. Luckily, the goaty flavor wasn’t highly
detected because of the heat – treatment of milk, fermentation process,
the clean sour flavor of Labneh, as well as the addition of salt. The bright
white color of Labneh attracted the ten judges, since Egyptian consumers
prefer the bright white color of dairy products than the yellow color of
counterparts of cow milk. The highest scoring points 91 and 94 out of
100 were recorded for G2 and G3 groups of the 2nd month of lactation.
Labneh of the control group G1 gained 80, 88 and 81 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd
month of lactation, respectively. El-Samargy and Zall (1988) reported
that Labneh has a consistency resembles cultured cream and It should be
soft, smooth, spreadable, not dry or grainy and had no sign of wheying
off. The flavor must be clean acidic and the color is milky. The chemical
composition may vary within fat 9-11% , carbohydrate 3.5-4% , protein
8.5-9% , total solids 22-26% , lactic acid 1.6-2.5% and salt 1% .
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (7) 2020 78
Table 5. Organoleptic properties of Labneh
Lactation months
1st month 2nd month 3rd month
G1 G2 G3 G1 G2 G3 G1 G2 G3
Color and appearance
8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 9
Body and texture 30 32 34 33 35 37 29 30 33
Flavor 42 45 48 47 48 49 44 46 45
Total (100) 80 86 90 88 91 94 81 84 87
G1 = Control G2 = 2 ml AD3E /head G3= 4ml AD3E/head
Color and appearance (10 points) Body and texture (40 points)
Flavor 50 points
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خواص اللبنة المصنعة من لبن المعز المحقون بخلیط فیتامیتات أ ود 3 وه
خلال ثلاثة اشهر من موسم الحلیب
حاتم حلمى عمر , هالة على ثابت , عماد صلاح الجوهرى
تم تقسیم قطیع من المعز الى ثلاث مجموعات متشابهة لد ا رسة تاثیر الحقن بخمیط
فیتامیتات ا ود 3 وه بجرعات 2 او 4 مل من خمیط الفیتامینات ود ا رسة خواص کل من المبن
والمبنه المصنعة من البانها عمى مدار ثلاثة اشهر من الحلابة التالیة لفطام الخالى
خلال الشهر الثانى pH )صغار الماعز ( .ولقد اظهرت النتائج زیادة الحموضة وتناقص ال
لمحلابة مع زیادة الریع بتقدم موسم الحلابة کما قد حدثت زیادة ممحوظة فى ریع المبنة
لمبن الناتج من المعز المحقونة. و کان اعلاها فى ا لمجموعة pH والحموضة وانخاض ال
المحقونة ب 4 مل من مخموط الفیتامینات . کما وجدت علاقة طردیة بین الجرعة )G3(
المعطاة من خمیط الفیتامینات وبین ترکیز هذة الفیتامینات الناتجة فى المبن و ) جبن المبنة ( .
کان اعمى تقییم حسى لمبنة الناتجة من مجموعة المعز فى الشهر الثانى من الحلابة .
لذلک توصى الد ا رسة بحقن حیوانات المبن ومنها المعز لانتاج البان ومنتجات عالیة
القیمة التغذویة لإستخدامها فی اعداد منتجات لبنیة وظیفیة خاصة تفید الإنسان.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (7) 2020 80