Document Type : Original Article
إضافة الفمفل الحار لتحسین الاستفادة من مسحوق
جموتین الذرة فی علائق کتاکیت التسمین.
هشام محمود محمد عزوز
معهد بحوث الإنتاج الحیوانی- مرکز البحوث الز ا رعیة- الدقی- الجیزة- مصر.
عمى )CGM( أجریت هذ الد ا رسة لمعرفة تأثیر مسحوق الفمفل الحار ومسحوق جموتین الذرة
أداء النمو ، صفات الذبیحة ، قیاس طول الخملات فی کتاکیت التسمین التی تمت تربیتها لمدة ٢٤
یوماً. تم توزیع وزن ٠٨١ کتکوت فردیا عمر یوم غیر مجنسة من سلالة روس ٨١٨ عشوائیا عمی
المعاملات التجریبیة والتی احتوی کل منها عمی ثلاث مکرا رت. تم تغذیة الکتاکیت حتی الشبع
خلال مرحمة البادئ والنامی والناهی. کانت المجموعات التجریبیة عمی النحو التالی : تم تغذیة
المجموعة الأولى والثانیة تغذت عمى عمیقة بها ٥٪ أو ٠١ ٪ من مسحوق جموتین الذرة بدون إضافة
)CGM ٪ الفمفل حار کعمیقتین لممقارنة . المجموعتان الثالثة وال ا ربعة احتوتا عمى عمیقة ) 5
المضاف إلیه 1.0 أو 1.0 ٪ من الفمفل الحار عمى التوالی ، بینما تغذتا المجموعتان الخامسة
المضاف إلیه 1.0 أو 1.0 ٪ الفمفل الحار ، عمى التوالی. )CGM ٪ والسادسة عمى عمیقة ) 01
یمکن تمخیص النتائج المتحصل عمیها عمى النحو التالی: فی عمر 6 أسابیع ، وجد ان الکتاکیت
التی تم تغذیتها عمی عمیقة المقارنة المحتویة عمی ) 5٪( من مسحوق جموتین الذرة ؛ اعطت
فی وزن الجسم الحی ، الزیادة المکتسبة لوزن الجسم ،معامل التحویل )P < زیادة معنویة ) 0.05
الغذائی ، وزن الذبیحة٪ ، ودهون البطن ٪ من الکتاکیت التی غذیت عمی عمیقة المقارنة المحتویة
عمی ٠١ ٪ من مسحوق جموتین الذرة. فی حین لا توجد فروق معنویة بین عمیقتی المقارنة فی کمیة
العمف المأکولة ، والکبد ٪ ، والقونصة ٪ ، والقمب ٪. الکتاکیت التی تم تغذیتها عمى علائق
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020 70
والفمفل )CGM ٪ الفمفل الحار ) 1.0 ٪ مع 5 ، )CGM ٪ تحتوی عمى الفمفل الحار ) 1.0 ٪ مع 5
فی وزن الجسم وزیادة وزن )P < سجمت زیادة معنویة ) 0.01 )CGM ٪ الحار ) 1.0 ٪ مع 01
)CGM ٪ الجسم المکتسب مقارنة مع الکتاکیت التی غذیت عمی عمیقة الفمفل الحار ) 1.0 ٪ و 01
مع وجود اختلافات طفیفة بین بعضها البعض. فی حین کانت ، )CGM ٪ وعمیقة المقارنة ) 01
قیمة العمف المأکول ،معامل التحویل الغذائی ، وزن الذبیحة ٪ ، نسبة دهن البطن٪ لعلائق الفمفل
ولم یلاحظ وجود فروق معنویة .)CGM ٪ من عمیقة المقارنة ) 01 )P < الحار أقل معنویا ) 0.01
فی النسبة المئویة لمکبد ، والقونصة ، ونسبة القمب بین کتاکیت المحم التی تغذت عمى علائق الفمفل
الحار و علائق المقارنة. کانت هناک زیادات معنویة فی طول الخملات مرتبطة بانخفاض معنوی
فی عمق الخملات بسبب تغذیة الفمفل الحار عند المقارنة بمستویات مسحوق جموتین الذرة . یمکن
الاستنتاج أن إضافة الفمفل الحار إلى علائق دجاج التسمین والتی تحتوی عمى نسبة عالیة من
مسحوق جموتین الذرة) ٠١ ٪( یمکن أن تحسن أداء دجاج التسمین عن طریق تحسین صحة الأمعاء
، الناتج عن زیادة طول الخملات ، وزیادة مسطح الامتصاص للأمعاء الدقیقة.
Main Subjects
Azouz, H.M.M.
Anim. Prod. Res. Ins., Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt.
Key Word: broiler, hot pepper, corn gluten meal, growth performance, carcass,
villus and crypts.
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of hot
pepper and corn gluten meal (CGM) on growth performance, carcass
traits, intestinal villi histo-morphometry and in broiler chicks reared for
42 days were evaluated. A total number of 180 unsexed one day-old Ross
308 broiler chicks were weighed individually, randomly allocated to six
dietary treatments of three replicates each. Chicks were fed ad libitum
during starter, grower and finisher stage. The experimental design
consists of the following groups; the first group and the second were fed
the basal diet containing 5% or 10% corn gluten meal without hot pepper
and both served as controls, respectively. The third and fourth groups
were fed the control diet (5% CGM) supplemented with 0.1 or with 0.2
% hot pepper, respectively. The fifth and sixth groups were fed on the
control diet(10% CGM) supplemented with 0.1 or with 0.2 % hot
pepper, respectively. The results obtained could be summarized as
follows: at 6 weeks of age, among the levels of dietary corn gluten meal,
control diet with (5% CGM) improved significantly (P < 0.05) live body
weight , body weight gain, feed conversion, dressing %, and abdominal
fat % compared to the control with (10% CGM) with no significantly
differences for feed intake, liver %, gizzard %, and heart %. Chicks fed
diets containing hot pepper (0.1% with 5% CGM), hot pepper (0.2% with
5% CGM) and hot pepper (0.2% with 10% CGM) recorded the heaviest
(P<0.01) body weight and body wight gain than hot pepper (0.1% and
10% CGM) and control (10% CGM), with no significant differences
between each other. The feed intake value , feed conversion , dressing %
, abdominal fat % for hot pepper diets were significantly (P < 0.01) less
than those of control diets (10% CGM).No significant differences were
observed in liver % , gizzard %, and heart % between broiler chicks fed
hot pepper diets and control diets. There were significant increments in
intestinal villi length associate with significant reduction in crypt depth
due to feeding hot pepper compared with two levels of corn gluten meal.
It could be concluded that, adding hot pepper into diets containing high
level of corn gluten meal (10%) improves broiler performance by
improving intestinal health, resulting from increased villi length, and
increasing absorptive surface of the small intestine.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020 52-71
Corn plays a significant role in poultry diets. Corn gluten meal
(CGM), a by-product of the corn wet-milling process employed for the
production of corn starch, contains 600–710 g/kg protein. The major protein
fractions of the CGM are zein and glutelin, representing 680 and 280 g/kg of
total protein weight, respectively (Jin et al., 2015).Unfortunately, a large
number of proteins in the CGM cannot be absorbed because of their
compositions and structure (Bai et al., 2019). Gut morphology is one of the
markers for gut health and can be assessed by villus length and crypt depth
(Awad et al., 2009). There is a scarcity of published data regarding the
effect of CP sources and their digestible levels on villus height and crypt
depth in broilers. The shorter villus height and greater crypt depth in broilers
fed rapeseed meal or corn gluten meal diets may be an indication of more
damage to the gut by harmful compounds produced by microbial
fermentation. These shorter villi indicate reduced intestinal health (Qaisrani
et al., 2020). A shorter villus height may decrease the surface area for
absorption of nutrients from the gut as villi are the functional units of
nutrient absorption (Zang et al., 2009). As well corn gluten meal exerted
negative effects on the intestinal health in turbot, including the induction of
enteritis and impaired intestinal immune and antioxidative systems (Bai et
al., 2019). This represents a great loss of protein resources which could be
used to resolve the problem of protein shortage caused by increasing
population growth. Sufficient attention should be paid not only to the
availability of food and its nutritional composition but also to the bioavailability
of the nutrients during digestion (He et al, 2018). Capsaicin is
one of the most important capsaicinoids and forms the main pungent
ingredient of chili peppers. It is known to release biologically active
substances which affect motility of gut in different species. In human,
capsaicin has been shown to alter gastric emptying time . Capsaicin, acts
through capsaicin receptor, Transient receptor potential subtype 1 (TRPV1).
Capsaicin receptor immune reactivity has been also reported in different
parts of the gut in different mammalian species (Singh and Mandal, 2015).
Jamroz et al. (2006) reported that capsaicin significantly increased
intestinal mucus production. Furthermore, capsaicin shows the ability to
protect the microvilli because it reduces the adhesion of Escherichia coli and
Clostridium perfringens. These functions of capsaicin may improve the
conditions of the intestinal lumen, resulting in more hypertrophied epithelial
cells. The increased light microscopic parameters and protuberant cells
shown suggest that the function of villi and epithelial cells may be
stimulated after feeding dietary red pepper (0.05%). Moreover, the current
histological hypertrophied villi and epithelial cells in the dietary red pepper
suggest that intestinal absorptive function may be activated after feeding on
red pepper, which was resulting improved egg yolk color in laying hens (
53 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020
Lokaewmanee et al., 2012). The present work directly suggests that
strategies to maintain intestinal health should be developed and undertaken
when formulating broiler diets containing corn gluten meal by focused to
improve its bioavailability by using hot pepper.
The present study was carried out at the poultry experimental station
of Al-Shaer Island Farm, Qanatr, Production Sector, Ministry Of
Agriculture, from 1 Maye to 11 June. One hundred and eighty, one-day old
unsexed Ross 308 broiler chicks were wing- banded, weighted individually
and sorted into similar body weights. Chicks were allocated to six
experimental groups; each group consists of three replicates (10 chicks/
replicate). All experimental chicks were brooded and raised in three tiers,
wire floor battery cages in a closed broiler house, under the same managerial
and hygienic conditions. The initial interior temperature was about 30oC
during the first week. The temperature values (36Co) and the relative
humidity percentages (65 – 75 %) were daily recorded by using a thermohygrograph.
The artificial light was provided for completing 24 lighting
hours daily throw the experimental period, which lasted for 6 weeks. All
chicks have undergone all the vaccinations recommended in the farm
preventive program. Diets were weekly mixed. Feed and water ad-libitum
during the starter ,grower and the finisher period.
Experimental Diets and Treatments:
A basal diet was formulated to meet the nutrient requirements
according to the nutritional recommendation of Ross 308 strain, The starter
diet was used from 0–14 d which contained 23 % crude protein and 3000
kcal ME/kg diet, followed by grower diet from 15- 28 day which contained
21.5 % crude protein and 3100 kcal ME/kg diet . The finisher diet was used
from 29 day till the end of the study ,which contained 19.5 % crude protein
and 3200 kcal ME/kg diet. The diets composition and its chemical analysis
are shown in (Table, 1).
Sex dietary treatments were made using basal diet:
- Basal diet containing 5% corn gluten meal (control).
- Basal diet containing 5% corn gluten meal + 0.1% hot pepper.
- Basal diet containing 5% corn gluten meal + 0.2 % hot pepper.
- Basal diet containing 10% corn gluten meal (control).
- Basal diet containing 10% corn gluten meal + 0.1% hot pepper.
- Basal diet containing 10% corn gluten meal + 0.2 % hot pepper.
Growth performance:
Birds' individual body weight and pen feed consumption were written
down for growth interval. Also, mortality was daily observed. Body weight
gains average feed consumption and feed conversion ratio were scored and
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020 54
Table (1): Composition and chemical composition of experimental
Ingredients %
Corn gluten meal
5% 10%
(1-14 d)
(15-28 d)
(29-42 d)
(1-14 d)
(15-28 d)
(29-42 d)
Yellow corn
Soybean meal (44%)
Corn gluten meal(60%)
Soya oil
Di calcium phosphate
Lime stone
Vitamins & minerals
Lysine Hcl
Calculated analyses:
Crude protein%
ME (Kcal / Kg)
Crude fiber%
Crude fat%
Calcium %
Av. phosphorus%
L- Lysine %
DL -Methionine%
Meth + Cystine %
Sodium %
*Each 3 kg of Vit and Min in Premix contain: 12000000IU Vit A, 2000000 IU Vit D3
10000mg Vit E,2000mg Vit K, 1000mg Vit.B1, 5000mg Vit B2, 2000mg Vit B6, 10mg Vit
B12, 30000mg Niacin, 10000 mg pantothenic acid, 50mg Biotin, 3000mg Folic acid, 250000
mg choline, 50000mg Zn, 60000mg Mn, 30000mg Fe, 4000mg
Cu, 300mg I , 100mg Se and 100mg Co.
Carcass criteria and intestinal histology:
At the end of the experiment at 42 days of age, three birds were
chosen from each group to be near the average body weight, fasted for
eight hours nearly. Selected birds were individually weighed and
slaughtered to complete bleeding. Slaughtered birds were used to
evaluate carcass characteristics, weight of each eviscerated carcass,
edible parts like liver, heart and empty gizzard, were recorded. The
abdominal fat was gently removed and weighed and calculated as
percentage of live body weight. The dressing percentage was calculated,
by dividing the carcass and giblets weights by the pre slaughter live body
weight of birds. Also, part of the ileum has been taken 10 cm long for the
histological examination of the intestine villus and crypts.
55 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020
Statistical analysis: Data were statistically analyzed using General
Linear Models Procedure of the SPSS (2008), differences between
treatments were subjected to Duncan´ s Multiple Range – test (Duncan,
1955). The following model was used to study the effect of
treatments on the parameters investigated as follows: Yij = μ + Ti + eij
where: Yij = an observation, μ = overall mean, Ti = effect of treatment (i
= 1…and 6) and eij = Random error.
Growth performance: The following results in experiment
demonstrate the influence of different levels of corn gluten meal
and supplemented with hot pepper on growth performance of broiler
Live body weight:
The initial and average live body weight at 2, 4 and 6
weeks of age are illustrated in Table (2). The differences initial
live weight between treatment groups were not significant.
Accordingly, this may create suitable condition to appraise the
effect of dietary treatments during the subsequent periods of
starter and growth. When the chicks were fed different levels of
corn gluten meal (CGM), the body weights among the various
treatments varied significantly (P<0.01) at 2 and 4 weeks of age.
At both age, the chicks fed low level of corn gluten meal diet
(control, 5% CGM) weighed significantly (P < 0.01) more than
those fed the high corn gluten meal level diet (control, 10%
CGM).While, no such difference occurred between the chicks fed
on hot pepper diets. However, this trend became more pronounced
in that birds fed hot pepper diets were significantly(P<0.01)
heavier than those birds fed control ( 10% CGM), while no
difference was observed from control diet (5%). At 6 weeks of age,
between the levels of dietary corn gluten meal, control (5% CGM) had a
significantly (P < 0.05) higher live body weight than control (10%
CGM). A similar observation was noted for the source of local natural
feed additives. Chicks fed diets containing hot pepper (0.1% with 5%
CGM), hot pepper (0.2% with 5% CGM) and hot pepper (0.2% with 10%
CGM) recorded the heaviest (P<0.05) body weight (2112, 2131and
2098g, respectively), with insignificant differences between each other.
However, chicks fed diets containing hot pepper (0.1% and 10% CGM),
and control (10% CGM) had the lower body weight (2047 and 1996 g,
respectively), with significant (P < 0.01) difference between either
control (5% CGM) or another hot pepper groups.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020 56
Table (2): Effect of hot pepper and corn gluten meal on growth of
broiler chicks.
Experimental diets Body weight (g) Body weigt gain (g)
Initial 2wks 4 wks 6 wks 1-2 wks 2-4 wks 4-6 wks 1-6 wks
Corn Gluten Meal (5%)
Hot Pepper (0.1%)
311.5 a
313.7 a
Hot Pepper (0.2%) 2090.7a
Corn Gluten Meal (10%)
Hot Pepper (0.1%)
Hot Pepper (0.2%)
Pooled SE
293.6 b
311.7 a
Probability (p < )
Significance NS 0.004 0.019 0.001 0.004 NS NS 0.001
a-c Means within columns with no common superscript differ significantly (p<0.05).
Body weight gain:
Body weight gains were affected by level of CGM and hot pepper
addition in the diet (Tables, 2). At 1-2 weeks of age, the weight gain was
the highest in control group (5% CGM) compared to control group (10%
CGM),which did differ significantly (P < 0.01). At this age, the chicks fed
on the hot pepper (0.1% with 5%CGM), and hot pepper diets (0.2% with
5% or 10% CGM) had significantly (P<0.01) heavier body weight gain
than birds in hot pepper group ( 0.1% with 10% CGM). At 2-4 and 4-6
weeks of age, there were no significant differences in body weight gain
between the chicks fed various levels of corn gluten meal( controls) and hot
pepper diets. Body weight gain at 1- 6 weeks of age of chicks fed diets
contained low or high corn gluten meal level (controls) was found to be
2069.7 and 1955.6 g, respectively, the differences were significant (P <
0.01). Between local natural feed additives, hot pepper ( 0.1 or 0.2% with
5% CGM), hot pepper ( 0.2% with10% CGM) and control diets ( 5%
CGM) had a significantly (P < 0.01) higher body weight gain than hot
pepper ( 0.1%, 10% CGM) and control ( 5% CGM) , which did not differ
significantly from each other.
Our results in this experiment showed that live body weight was
affected by level of corn gluten meal in the control diets at 2, 4 and 6 weeks
of age. Whereas, body weight gain were affected by level of corn gluten
meal during the starter and overall experiment period, except in the grower
and finishing stages (Table, 2). Consequently, several instances could
suggested to explain these findings. Ismail et al. (2005) reported that
increasing dietary CGM beyond 9% adversely affected broiler chicks
growth performance and weight gain reduced a little with increasing the
CGM supplementation in diets. Afrouzi et al.(2018) indicated that
treatments containing 2% corn gluten meal with protease enzyme processing
at different times, increased body weight gain vs. 2% corn gluten meal
57 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020
without enzymatic processing. Qaisrani, (2014) compared three protein
sources: soybean meal (SBM), rapeseed meal (RSM) and maize gluten meal
(MG), and two digestible crude protein (DCP) levels: 15.8 and 17.2%.
Broilers fed SBM had greater BW gain (P < 0.001) compared with those fed
RSM and MG diets. The low N digestibility of the RSM and MG diets
compared to the SBM diet has led to an increase in N in the hindgut. This
indigestible protein may stimulate protein fermentation, which coincides
with poor performance and reduced gut health. He et al.(2018) evaluated
the protein bioavailability of hydrolysed corn gluten meal using the protein
efficiency ratio method, and the results indicated that the protein efficiency
ratio of the hydrolyses corn gluten meal (HCGM) group was 1.72 times
higher than that of the crude corn meal(CCGM) group. Furthermore, there
was a significant difference in the body weight increase between the HCGM
and CCGM groups. Continuous dietary administration of hot pepper
significantly affected on live body weight and body weight gains at 2 weeks
of age (Table 2). Whereas, no significant differences in either live body
weights or body weight gain at 2-4 and 4-6 weeks of age. The
supplementation of hot pepper in the diets is widely supported view
suggested by Williams and Kienholz (1974) who found that several levels
of chili powder (0,1.5, 3, 6 and 12%, respectively) had little effect on growth
broiler of chicks at 27 days of age, except that the 12% level significantly
reduced growth to 84% of control bird growth. Tellez et al (1993) suggested
that providing dietary capsaicin during the first 14 or 19 days of live causes
no apparent change in body weight gain of broiler chicks. McElroy et al.
(1994) found that continuous dietary administration of capsaicin did not
significantly affect body weight of broiler chicks at 21 days of age. An
interesting aspect of the experiment was the effect of hot pepper on growth
of broiler chicks at 6 weeks of age (Table 2). Addition of hot pepper to low
and high corn gluten level diets had significantly heavier live body weight
and body weight gain in comparison with hot pepper (0.1% with 10%
CGM) and control (10% CGM) diets. These results are in agreement with
Azouz (2001) who stated that , the levels of 1, 1.5 and 2% of hot pepper in
the diets improved significantly body weight gain. Similar results by
Soliman and Al-Afifi (2020) were reported that, the chicks of the first
group were fed basal diet (control) and the other three groups were fed the
basal diet supplemented with three levels of red pepper as 0.5%, 1.0% and
2.0%. Body weight, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio improved
significantly due to feeding different graded levels of hot pepper. El-Tazi
(2014) reported that, inclusion of hot red pepper in the diet at levels of 0.5,
0.75, 1% improved significantly the body weight gain and feed efficiency of
broiler chicks. Results of present study are equally in harmony with the
findings of Kolawole et al. (2017) who found that, the performance at the
end of 7th week showed that daily body weight gain for birds fed diets with
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020 58
different levels of hot red pepper (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%) were significantly (p <
0.05) higher than obtained for those on control diet. There are a few
researches works proving that, an increase in the level of corn gluten at 10%
in broiler diets has a negative effect on body weight and the weight gain.
There is also a dearth of researches which showing the effect of adding chili
peppers in broiler diets containing high levels of corn gluten powder.
Azouz(2001) fed broiler chicks on control diets containing 18.68% ( starter
stage) and 13.55% (finisher stage) of corn gluten meal compared to broiler
chicks fed on diets containing 20.86% ( starter stage) and 15.69% (finisher
stage) of corn gluten meal supplemented with 1% hot pepper , respectively .
The results showed that a significant ( P< 0.01) increased in body weight
and body weight gained in groups that were fed hot peppers when
compared to the control groups.
Mortality Rate:
Throughout of the experiment period, the mortality rate was
negligible. Post-mortem investigation indicated no relationship between
dietary and mortality rate. This was in line with the finding of Azouz (2001)
who found that the addition of hot red pepper to diet at 1, 1.5 and 2% did not
significantly effect on mortality rate. Williams and Kienholz (1974)
concluded that chili powder at 1.5, 3, 6 and 12% of diet, had no effect on
mortality of broiler chicks. This is may be due to natural occurring
biological active components in herbs are generally assumed to be more
acceptable and a rich sources of potential disease control when added at
suitable doses El- Amin et al.(2015).
Feed Intake:
Table (3) provides a breakdown of the intakes diets at 1-2, 2-4 , 4-6
and1-6 weeks of age. Chicks fed on the low and high corn gluten meal diets
(controls) consumed significantly (P <0.01) more feed intake than those fed
on hot pepper diets for 1-2 weeks. In the same age, chicks fed on hot pepper
(0.2% with 5% CGM) diets consumed significantly (P <0.01) less feed
intake than those fed on hot pepper diets (0.1% with 5% CGM or 10%
CGM and 0.2% with 10% CGM ), which did not differ significantly from
each other. While, at 2-4 weeks of age, birds fed hot pepper diets had
significantly (P<0.01) less feed intake than those receiving control diets
(10% CGM). The difference became more pronounced especially for those
fed hot pepper ( 0.2% with 5% CGM) and the value were significantly lower
(P < 0.01) than birds of all other treatment groups. At 4-6 weeks, there was
no significant differences between different levels of hot pepper diets and
low and high corn gluten diets ( controls) for feed intake. The highest feed
intake value was 1832g for control (10% CGM) diet and the lowest value
was 1745g for hot pepper (0.2% with 5% CGM). As dietary hot pepper level
increased, feed intake decreased linearly for 1-6 weeks of age. The feed
intake value for hot pepper diets was significantly (P < 0.01) less than those
59 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020
of control diets (10% CGM), which did not differ significantly from each
other The feed intake value for hot pepper diet ( 0.2% with 5% CGM) was
significantly (P < 0.01) less than hot pepper diets ( 0.1% or 0.2% with 10%
CGM) which did not differ significantly from each other. While, no such
difference occurred between the chicks fed on low level of corn gluten meal
(5%) supplemented with the low or high level of hot pepper ( 0.1% or
0.2%), except chicks fed hot pepper 0.1% with 5% CGM. The results in this
experiment showed that feed intake was unaffected by level of corn gluten
meal in the control diets, in contrast, feed intake was affected by levels in
hot pepper diets (Table, 3). In agreement with Rose et al. (2003) who
demonstrated a significant increase in feed intake when broiler chicks were
fed a diet containing 10% CGM. Increasing of hot pepper, reported that the
feed intake reduced significantly (P<0.01) with increased level of hot red
pepper incorporation up to 0.4% % in the quail diet as compared to those fed
the control diet. Afolabi et al.(2017) revealed that the inclusion of hot red
pepper at levels of 0.3% in the diets of broiler chicken decreased feed intake.
The same trend with previous studies, Azouz (2001) reported that feed
intake of broiler decreased as the level of hot red pepper increased to 2%.
They attributed that to the addition of capsaicin to the diet may
affected energy metabolism by activating the sympathetic nervous system
(SNS) in animals (Kawada et al.,1988).
Feed Conversion ratio:
Feed conversion at 1-2, 2-4, 4-6 and 1-6 weeks of age are
illustrated in Table (3). Feed conversion ratio over the experimental
period of 1-2 weeks shows that birds fed hot pepper (0.2% with 5% CGM),
hot pepper (0.1% with 10% CGM) and hot pepper (0.2% with 10% CGM)
were more efficient (P<0.01) than birds fed the control diets ( 5% or 10%
CGM) and hot pepper ( 0.1% with 10% CGM). At 2 - 4 weeks of age, this
trend became pronounced in those birds fed 10% corn gluten diet (control)
were significantly (P< 0.01) less efficient in terms of feed utilization.
However, feed conversion for birds offered diets of hot pepper (0.2% with
5% CGM) responded by being significantly (P < 0.01) most efficient in
terms of feed utilization. There was no significant between local natural
feed additives( hot pepper) and levels of dietary corn gluten meal (controls)
for feed conversion at 4-6 weeks. Chicks fed on the high corn gluten meal
diet (10%) utilized the feed less efficient (P<0.01) than chicks fed on the
low level of corn gluten meal diet ( 5%) and hot pepper diets at 1-6 weeks of
age. At this age, the chicks fed on the hot pepper (0.2% with 5% CGM)
were most efficient, followed by those chicks fed hot pepper (0.1% with 5
CGM) and hot pepper (0.2% with 10% CGM), whereas chicks fed the diet
containing hot pepper (0.1% with 10% CGM) were the least efficient (P <
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020 60
Table(3): Effect of hot pepper and corn gluten meal on feed intake
and feed conversion of broiler chicks.
Experimental diets Feed Intake (g) Feed conversion (g)
1-2 wks 2-4 wks 4-6 wks 1-6 wks 1-2 wks 2-4 wks 4-6 wks 1-6 wks
Corn Gluten Meal (5%)
Hot Pepper (0.1%)
Hot Pepper (0.2%)
1.09 d
1. 58c
Corn Gluten Meal (10%)
Hot Pepper (0.1%)
Hot Pepper (0.2%)
Pooled SE
Probability (p < )
Significance 0.001 0.001 NS 0.001 0.001 0.002 NS 0.001
a-d Means within columns with no common superscript differ significantly (p<0.05).
Consequently, several instances could be proposed to explain these
findings. Ismail et al. (2005) who studied the effect of feeding graded levels
of maize gluten meal ( 3, 6, 9, 12, 15%, respectively), indicated that, the
broiler fed on ration contained 9% maize gluten meal (MGM) recorded
maximum feed efficiency with significantly better feed conversion as
compared to rest of the treatments or control. The increase in MGM over
9% had no economic effect on feed conversion ratio even feed conversion
ratio was reduced with increasing MGM supplementation. Qaisrani et al.
(2020) explained that feed conversion was affected (P < 0.001) by protein
sources, indicating that broilers fed the soybean diet had an improved feed
conversion (1.51) compared with those fed the rape seeds (1.63) and corn
gluten meal (1.61) diets. There are several factors that explain, the reason of
poor effect in the high level of corn gluten (10%) in feed conversion ratio of
the present study. Qaisrani (2014) found that low protein digestibility in a
diet means less amino acids were available for growth and potentially larger
amounts of indigestible CP could enter the hindgut, leading to proteolytic
fermentation. Moreover, processing and excretion of nitrogenous
compounds require more energy, resulting in less energy availability for
growth. Reid and Hillman (1999) reported that undigested protein
substances may stimulate the growth of N utilising microbiota. Leading to
increased levels of toxic compounds, such as biogenic amines, phenols, and
cresols (Apajalahti and Vienola 2016). These toxic compounds may be
detrimental for bird performance and gut health (Thomke and El winger
1998). The shorter villi with greater crypt depth in broilers fed RSM and
MG diets may be an indication of more damage to the gut by harmful
compounds produced by microbial fermentation. A deeper crypt indicated
61 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020
increased turnover of enterocytes and, thus, more protein and energy
demand for this purpose (Qaisrani et al., 2020).
The study has shown that the addition of hot red pepper had a positive
effect on feed conversion results of chickens which is also in agreement with
previous findings of
Azouz (2001) who stated that , the levels of 1, 1.5 and 2% of hot
pepper in the diets improved significantly feed conversion. Al-Kassie et al.
(2011) revealed that the inclusion of hot red pepper at levels of 0.5%, 0.75%
and 1% in the diets of broiler chicks improved feed conversion. El-amin
(2015) indicated feed conversion showed a significant (P<0.05)
improvements in chicks that fed on the diets supplemented with hot red
pepper at various levels ( 0.5, 1 or 1.5%, respectively) impaired with those
feed on control diet. Soliman and Al-Afifi (2020) observed an enhancement
in feed conversion ratio due to inclusion 2% hot pepper into broiler diets.
The current results especially of 0.1% hot pepper with high level of corn
gluten meal (10%) are equally in harmony with the findings of Kolawole et
al. ( 2017) who stated that, feed conversion for broiler chicken fed diets
with hot red pepper ( 0.2% or 0.3 %) were improved significantly (p < 0.05)
than obtained by those on control and hot pepper (0.1%) diet. The mode of
beneficial action of hot pepper may be related to its effect in improving the
nutrients utilization via increase villi length and reduce the count of harmful
bacterial strains. Shahverdi et al. (2013) reported that adding red or black
pepper into broiler diets can modify the morphology of small intestine by
reducing the growth of pathogenic or nonpathogenic intestinal organisms.
These reductions in pathogenic bacteria reduce the inflammatory reactions
at the intestinal mucosa leads to the increase of the villus area and improve
functions of secretion, digestion and nutrients absorption (Cardoso et al.,
2012). Moreover, Villi length significantly (P≤0.05) improved due to adding
hot red pepper by into diets. Villi length increment was associated with
significant reduction in crypt depth (Soliman and Al Afifi, 2020) .
Carcass characteristics:
Body weight to prior to slaughtering , dressing %, liver %,
gizzard %, heart % and abdominal fat are presented in Table (4).
Consequently, body weight and dressing as percentages of live
body weight were significantly heavier (P<0.01) when birds fed hot
pepper and low corn gluten meal (5%) diets than birds fed high level of
corn gluten ( 10%) and hot pepper diets ( 0.2% with10% CGM).
Moreover, the diets with hot pepper resulted in a significantly
decreased ( P< 0.01) liver percentage than control diets. There were no
significant differences in gizzard and heart percentages for chicks
fed diet containing hot pepper and low and high level of corn gluten
meal (controls). Abdominal fat percentage decreased (P<0.01)
linearly with a decrease level of corn gluten meal in diet (5%). Hot
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020 62
pepper diets had the lower abdominal fat % ( P<0.01) than control
diets. Moreover, there were no significant different among hot
pepper diets. The result obtained from this study corroborates with the
reports of Seyedi and Hosseinkhani (2014) showed that CGM
incorporation in broiler diets at low amounts (up to 6 percent of diet) had no
effect on performance or carcass characteristics. Rose et al. (2003) have also
reported well comparable result, which supplemented varied CGM levels in
broiler ration and found increase carcass fat. Ismail et al. (2005) reported
that CGM supplementation in broiler diets had an adverse effect on carcass
traits . It can be due to amino acids imbalance, reduction of lysine
consumption, reduction of protein consumption and imbalanced ratio of
energy to amino acids which are followed by considerable fat deposit in
abdomen. Hot pepper diets had significantly higher dressing percentage
than those birds fed either controls or hot diet (0.2% with 10% CGM).
These results are equally with the findings of Azouz (2001) and El-
Amin (2015).
Table (4): Effect of hot pepper and corn gluten meal on carcass
yields of broiler chicks.
Body weight
Dressing Liver Gizzard Heart Abdominal
Corn Gluten Meal (10%)
Hot Pepper (0.1%)
Hot Pepper (0.2%) 1.72c
Corn Gluten Meal (10%)
Hot Pepper (0.1%)
Hot Pepper (0.2%)
Pooled SE
Probability (P<)
Significance 0.001 0.005 NS NS NS 0.001
a-c Means within columns with no common superscript differ significantly (p<0.05).
Who stated that, the addition of hot red pepper at level 1% and
1.5% in the diet increased significantly the dressing percentage.
Similarly El-Tazi (2014) found that, birds fed on the highest level of
hot pepper on 1% was significantly increased the dressing percentage
when compared with the control group. Islam et al.(2018) reported that
the highest dressing percentage was recorded in broiler fed ration with 0.5%
red chili. Hot red pepper supplementation did not affect the of liver,
heart and gizzard weight percentage. These results are in consist with
those of Azouz (2001), Islam et al. (2018), and Soliman and Al-Afifi
(2020). Significantly lower abdominal fat percentage were recorded for
chicks fed on hot pepper diets. This result was in line with finding
reported by Azouz (2001) who found that addition of hot pepper
63 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020
powder in the diet significantly decreased the abdominal fat in
broilers. The reduction in abdominal fat of chick fed hot pepper may
be due to capsaicin which may possess lipids lowering effect.
However the mechanisms of reducing abdominal fat by the herbs feed
additives may be through increasing the secretion of lipase and
secondary bile acids. Which reducing accumulation of fatty acids in
abdominal cavity (El-Amin, 2015).
Intestinal histomorphology:
Hot pepper influenced (P<0.001 and P<0.05) intestinal
histomorphology. Villus length were 40.29 and 40.77% greater, whereas
crypt depths were 9.57and 15.11 % smaller in hot pepper 0.1% or 0.2% with
5% corn gluten meal diets fed birds compared with those fed control diet
(5% CGM), respectively (Table 5 ). In the same trend, villus length were
24.54 and 38.42% greater in the hot pepper 0.1% or 0.2% fed birds
compared with those fed control diet (10% CGM), respectively. whereas
crypt depths were 14.3% smaller in hot pepper 0.2% diet fed birds
compared with those fed 10% corn gluten meal diet (control).Villus length
or crypt depths were not significantly differed between corn gluten meal
levels (controls). In agreement with early study by Azouz (2001), who
showed that sever pathological lesions of proventriculus, gizzard,
small intestine and liver in control diets, especially with the higher
energy levels compared with hot pepper and fenugreek diets. These
observations could explain the negative effect on the performance and
the reduction of digestibilities of nutrients observed in birds fed high
energy level (control diets containing high levels of corn gluten). The
plausible explanation for this fact, in relation to the high level of corn
gluten meal in control diets, especially with the high energy level. In
the same trend, Qaisrani et al. (2020) reported that the shorter villus
height and greater crypt depth in broilers fed rape seed meal and corn gluten
meal diets may be an indication of more damage to the gut by harmful
compounds produced by microbial fermentation. These shorter villi indicate
reduced intestinal health. A shorter villus height may decrease the surface
area for absorption of nutrients from the gut as villi are the functional units
of nutrient absorption (Zang et al., 2009). A high crypt depth means an
increased turnover rate of enterocytes and thus more protein and energy
demand for this purpose. Crypt depth is an indicator of the number of crypt
cells produced (Hampson, 1986). It has been reported that broilers spend
approximately 12% of synthesized protein on gastrointestinal tract turnover
(Choct, 2009). An increase in villus height may enhance nutrient transport
across the villus surface, as suggested by Tufarelli et al. (2010) in rabbits.
Bai et al. (2019) showed than corn gluten meal exerted negative effects on
the intestinal health in turbot, including the induction of enteritis in the DI
tissue and impaired intestinal immune and antioxidative systems. An
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020 64
interesting aspect of the present work was the intestinal
histomorphology alteration of broiler chicks, the best results obtained
with hot pepper groups, especially the birds received 0.2% hot
pepper with low level of corn gluten meal ( 5%). It is confirmed by
Azouz (2001) showed the morphology of small intestine
alteration of broiler chicks, the best results for villi length obtained
with hot pepper groups, especially the birds received 2% hot
pepper. Prakash and Srinivasan (2010) reported that Wistar rats fed
black pepper, red pepper or ginger diets generally induced an increase in
microvilli length. Among the test spices, capsaicin produced the maximum
increase of 33 %, followed by piperine and ginger (10 %). A prominent
increase in the perimeter of the villi was also observed. Among the test
spices, capsaicin produced the maximum increase (29 %), followed by
ginger (14 %) and piperine (12 %). Madhupriya et al. (2018) who stated
that, phytogenic feed additive derived from capsaicin affect villi height and
crypt depth in the jejunum of chicks. Soliman and Al-Afifi (2020) showed
that villi length significantly (P<0.05) improved due to adding hot red
pepper by 0.5% and 1% into diets. Villi length increment was associated
with significant reduction in crypt depth.
It is generally believed that red pepper used for increase
bioavailability of corn gluten meal by two pathways , Shahverdi et al.
(2013), reported that adding red or black pepper into broiler diets can
modify the morphology of small intestine by reducing the growth of
pathogenic or nonpathogenic intestinal organisms. These reductions in
pathogenic bacteria reduce the inflammatory reactions at the intestinal
mucosa leads to the increase of the villus area and improve functions of
secretion, digestion and nutrients absorption (Cardoso et al., 2012) . The
other way, red pepper or capsaicin stimulated the activities of intestinal
brush-border membranes (BBM) enzymes (glycyl-glycine dipeptidase,
leucine amino peptidase and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase) in the jejunal
mucosa, suggesting a modulation in membrane dynamics due to the a polar
spice bioactive compound interacting with surrounding lipids and
hydrophobic portions in the protein vicinity, which may decrease the
tendency of membrane lipids to act as steric constraints to enzyme proteins
and thus modify enzyme conformation.
Scanning electronic microscopy of the intestinal villi in red pepper
treatments revealed alterations in the ultra-structure , especially an increase
in microvilli length and perimeter which would mean a beneficial increase
in the absorptive surface of the small intestine, providing for an increased
bioavailability of micronutrients (Srinivasan, 2015).
In conclusion, corn gluten meal exerted negative effects on the
intestinal health, which caused by the shorter villi with greater crypt
depth. Resulting, poor growth performances and carcass characteristics of
65 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020
broiler chicks, especially with increased level corn gluten meal in the diet.
Hot pepper, a natural food product genuinely "functional" contains food
components that modulates functions in the body that are relevant to health.
Hot pepper increased villi height and decrease crypt depth , resulting in an
increased absorptive surface of the small intestine. For these reasons, hot
pepper had the best growth performances and carcass characteristics of
broiler chicks, except hot pepper 0.1% with corn gluten meal 10%. The
present work directly suggests that strategies to maintain intestinal health
should be developed and undertaken when formulating diets containing corn
gluten meal for broiler chicks.
Table (5):Effect of hot pepper and corn gluten meal on of microvillar
morphology broilers chicks.
Control Hot pepper
5% 10% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2%
Villi length
Crypt depth
a-c Means within columns with no common superscript differ significantly (p<0.05)
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إضافة الفمفل الحار لتحسین الاستفادة من مسحوق
جموتین الذرة فی علائق کتاکیت التسمین.
هشام محمود محمد عزوز
معهد بحوث الإنتاج الحیوانی- مرکز البحوث الز ا رعیة- الدقی- الجیزة- مصر.
عمى )CGM( أجریت هذ الد ا رسة لمعرفة تأثیر مسحوق الفمفل الحار ومسحوق جموتین الذرة
أداء النمو ، صفات الذبیحة ، قیاس طول الخملات فی کتاکیت التسمین التی تمت تربیتها لمدة ٢٤
یوماً. تم توزیع وزن ٠٨١ کتکوت فردیا عمر یوم غیر مجنسة من سلالة روس ٨١٨ عشوائیا عمی
المعاملات التجریبیة والتی احتوی کل منها عمی ثلاث مکرا رت. تم تغذیة الکتاکیت حتی الشبع
خلال مرحمة البادئ والنامی والناهی. کانت المجموعات التجریبیة عمی النحو التالی : تم تغذیة
المجموعة الأولى والثانیة تغذت عمى عمیقة بها ٥٪ أو ٠١ ٪ من مسحوق جموتین الذرة بدون إضافة
)CGM ٪ الفمفل حار کعمیقتین لممقارنة . المجموعتان الثالثة وال ا ربعة احتوتا عمى عمیقة ) 5
المضاف إلیه 1.0 أو 1.0 ٪ من الفمفل الحار عمى التوالی ، بینما تغذتا المجموعتان الخامسة
المضاف إلیه 1.0 أو 1.0 ٪ الفمفل الحار ، عمى التوالی. )CGM ٪ والسادسة عمى عمیقة ) 01
یمکن تمخیص النتائج المتحصل عمیها عمى النحو التالی: فی عمر 6 أسابیع ، وجد ان الکتاکیت
التی تم تغذیتها عمی عمیقة المقارنة المحتویة عمی ) 5٪( من مسحوق جموتین الذرة ؛ اعطت
فی وزن الجسم الحی ، الزیادة المکتسبة لوزن الجسم ،معامل التحویل )P < زیادة معنویة ) 0.05
الغذائی ، وزن الذبیحة٪ ، ودهون البطن ٪ من الکتاکیت التی غذیت عمی عمیقة المقارنة المحتویة
عمی ٠١ ٪ من مسحوق جموتین الذرة. فی حین لا توجد فروق معنویة بین عمیقتی المقارنة فی کمیة
العمف المأکولة ، والکبد ٪ ، والقونصة ٪ ، والقمب ٪. الکتاکیت التی تم تغذیتها عمى علائق
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020 70
والفمفل )CGM ٪ الفمفل الحار ) 1.0 ٪ مع 5 ، )CGM ٪ تحتوی عمى الفمفل الحار ) 1.0 ٪ مع 5
فی وزن الجسم وزیادة وزن )P < سجمت زیادة معنویة ) 0.01 )CGM ٪ الحار ) 1.0 ٪ مع 01
)CGM ٪ الجسم المکتسب مقارنة مع الکتاکیت التی غذیت عمی عمیقة الفمفل الحار ) 1.0 ٪ و 01
مع وجود اختلافات طفیفة بین بعضها البعض. فی حین کانت ، )CGM ٪ وعمیقة المقارنة ) 01
قیمة العمف المأکول ،معامل التحویل الغذائی ، وزن الذبیحة ٪ ، نسبة دهن البطن٪ لعلائق الفمفل
ولم یلاحظ وجود فروق معنویة .)CGM ٪ من عمیقة المقارنة ) 01 )P < الحار أقل معنویا ) 0.01
فی النسبة المئویة لمکبد ، والقونصة ، ونسبة القمب بین کتاکیت المحم التی تغذت عمى علائق الفمفل
الحار و علائق المقارنة. کانت هناک زیادات معنویة فی طول الخملات مرتبطة بانخفاض معنوی
فی عمق الخملات بسبب تغذیة الفمفل الحار عند المقارنة بمستویات مسحوق جموتین الذرة . یمکن
الاستنتاج أن إضافة الفمفل الحار إلى علائق دجاج التسمین والتی تحتوی عمى نسبة عالیة من
مسحوق جموتین الذرة) ٠١ ٪( یمکن أن تحسن أداء دجاج التسمین عن طریق تحسین صحة الأمعاء
، الناتج عن زیادة طول الخملات ، وزیادة مسطح الامتصاص للأمعاء الدقیقة.
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