Document Type : Original Article


Hundred samples of meat products, raw products (minced meat, sausage, and burger) heat-treated (luncheon) 25 of each were randomly collected from supermarkets and shops at EL­-Sharkia Governorate. The prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae was 84%, 60%, 48% and 24% meanwhile, the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus was 72%, 44%, 68%, and 56%. Moreover the prevalence of Enterococcus was   3.36 ± 0.18, 3.12 ± 0.12, 2.94 ± 0.09 and 2.65 ± 0.10log10 CFU/g in examined minced meat, sausage, burger and luncheon, respectively.The aerobic plate count, Enterobacteriaceae count,  Staphylococcus aureus count and Enterococcus count  mean values were 6.14±0.38, 3.94 ± 0.21, 4.19 ± 0.22 and 3.36 ± 0.18log10 CFU/g in minced meat ,respectively.  5.47±0.21, 3.64 ± 0.16, 4.03 ± 0.18 and 3.12 ± 0.12 log10 CFU/g in sausage, respectively.  5.62±0.23, 3.32 ± 0.17, 4.12 ± 0.13and 2.94 ± 0.09 log10 CFU/g in burger, respectively. 4.12 ±0.14, 2.82 ±0.13, 3.12 ± 0.17 and2.65 ± 0.10 log10 CFU/g in luncheon, respectively.


السمات البکتیریة لبعض مصنعات اللحوم المسوقة بمحافظة الشرقیة

رشا محمد البیومى1، عادل ابراهیم العتبانى1، دالیا فتحى خاطر2 و أیه محمد السبکى1

  1. قسم مراقبة الأغذیة –کلیة الطب لبیطرى –جامعة الزقازیق
  2. معهد بحوث الصحة الحیوانیة  فرع طنطا

تعتبر مصنعات اللحوم فى هذة الحقبة الزمنیة من الأشیاء الضروریة التى تعتمد علیها معظم الأسرفى التغذیة وذلک لما تتمیز به من أسعار متوسطة ، سهولة الإعداد، الطعم المستساغ و أنواع عدیدة تجعل الإقبال علیها من جمیع الفئات العمریة. لذلک  تم تجمیع عدد مئة عینة من اللحم المفروم ، السجق ، البرجر و اللانشون بواقع عدد 25 عینة من کل نوع من الانواع الاربعة. ووجد أن   متوسط العد الکلى للبکتیریا الهوائیة هو  6.14±0.38 ، 5.47±0.21 ، 5.62±0.23 و 4.12±0.14 لوغارتم 10 مستعمرة بکتیریة / جرام لکل من اللحم المفروم، السجق الشرقى، البرجر ، اللانشون على الترتیب.واتضح ان متوسط العد الکلى للبکتیریا الهوائیة هو  3.94±0.21 ، 3.64±0.16 ، 3.32±0.17 و 2.82±0.13 لوغارتم 10 مستعمرة بکتیریة / جرام وتم تحدیدها فى 84%، 60%، 48% و 24% لکل من اللحم المفروم، السجق الشرقى، البرجر ، اللانشون على الترتی  تراوحت نسب عزل المکور العنقودى الذهبى المجلط للبلازما  بین 72% ، 44% ، 68% و 56% بمتوسطات و قدرها  4.19±0.22 ، 4.03±0.18 ، 4.12±0.13 و 3.12±0.17 لوغارتم 10 مستعمرة بکتیریة / جرام  لکل من اللحم المفروم، السجق الشرقى، البرجر ، اللانشون على الترتیب. کما وجد أننسب عزل المکورات المعویة  بین 56% ، 48% ، 36% و 12% بمتوسطات و قدرها  3.36±0.18 ، 3.12±0.12 ، 2.94±0.09 و 2.65±0.1 لوغارتم 10 مستعمرة بکتیریة / جرام  لکل من اللحم المفروم، السجق الشرقى، البرجر ، اللانشون على الترتیب.



Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (1) 2020                                      1-8



Rasha M. El Bayomi1; Adel I. El-Atabany1 ;

Dalia F. Khater2 and Aya M. Elsobky1

1. Food Control Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig 44519, Egypt.

2. Researcher Animal Health Research Institute Tanta Branch, Egypt.

Key Words:Sausage, burger, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcus, aerobic plate count, luncheon.


Hundred samples of meat products, raw products (minced meat, sausage, and burger) heat-treated (luncheon) 25 of each were randomly collected from supermarkets and shops at EL­-Sharkia Governorate. The prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae was 84%, 60%, 48% and 24% meanwhile, the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus was 72%, 44%, 68%, and 56%. Moreover the prevalence of Enterococcus was   3.36 ± 0.18, 3.12 ± 0.12, 2.94 ± 0.09 and 2.65 ± 0.10log10 CFU/g in examined minced meat, sausage, burger and luncheon, respectively.The aerobic plate count, Enterobacteriaceae count,  Staphylococcus aureus count and Enterococcus count  mean values were 6.14±0.38, 3.94 ± 0.21, 4.19 ± 0.22 and 3.36 ± 0.18log10 CFU/g in minced meat ,respectively.  5.47±0.21, 3.64 ± 0.16, 4.03 ± 0.18 and 3.12 ± 0.12 log10 CFU/g in sausage, respectively.  5.62±0.23, 3.32 ± 0.17, 4.12 ± 0.13and 2.94 ± 0.09 log10 CFU/g in burger, respectively. 4.12 ±0.14, 2.82 ±0.13, 3.12 ± 0.17 and2.65 ± 0.10 log10 CFU/g in luncheon, respectively.


Meat products like sausage, luncheon and burger contaminated from various sources, first of all the basic ingredient raw ground meat is a good medium for the rapid growth of microorganisms. The bacteria inhibit surface of meat are mixed the entire product during the mincing (Youssef et al., 1984). Microorganisms gain access also, into meat products from spices, soya, starch, environment, equipment, and handlers during processing which affect the microbiological status of the product.

The total aerobic plate count gives an indication about the hygienic measures adopted through handling and preparation of meat products. In addition, it is the most trustworthy method for recognition of sanitary levels under which food prepared (Saleh et al., 2017).

Staphylococcus aureus is known as one of the most important foodborne diseases globally distributed due to its ability to produce many of thermostable enterotoxins (Argudín, et al. 2010).


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Enterobacteriaceae is a group of organisms usually used in food testing as hygiene indicator, its presence indicates the enteric contamination and can give early warning of bad hygiene procedures during manufacturing of meat product (Mercuri and Cox, 1979).

Enterococcus species have the ability  to survive in different  temperature range (5 to 60 °C), pH (4.6 to 9.9) and high concentration of sodium chloride (6.5% w/v) (Murray, 1990). Also had the ability for growth with presence of bile salts (40% w/v) (Fisher and Phillips, 2009) and it commonly occur in foods of animal origin such as milk and meat (Giraffa, 2003).Previous studies proved that meat products denote a constant supply of commensal enterococci (Sparoet al., 2013).

The study was conducted to evaluate the hygienic status of some meat products commonly consumed such as minced meat, sausage, burger, and luncheon.


Hundred samples of meat products, raw products (minced meat, sausage, and burger) heat-treated (luncheon) 25 of each were randomly collected from supermarkets and shops at EL­-Sharkia Governorate. The preparation of samples and serial dilutions were performed according toISO 6887-2 (2003).Briefly,twenty five grams of each sample were homogenized aseptically with mixing in 225 ml of 0.1 % Buffered Peptone Water (BPW,  HIMEDIA,  M614-500G)in a stomacher (Colworth, 400) for 2.5 min at room temperature (25ºCand then allowed to stand for 5 min to provide a homogenate which represents the dilution of 10-1). Quantity of 1 ml of the homogenate was transferred into a sterile test tube containing 9 ml of 0.1% BPW, then ten folds serial dilutions were prepared up to the required dilution (10-9). Enumeration of APC was done according to ISO 4833-1: (2013) using pour plate method of 1ml onto plate count agar (Oxiod CM325) then incubated at 30O C. Staphylococcus count carried out Baired-Parker agar medium plates (Oxoid, CM 275) according to ISO, 6888-1: (1999). Enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae according to ISO 21528-2 (2004) was carried out on violet red bile glucose ager (VRBG, HIMEDIA). Enumeration of Enterococcus countcarried out on Bile EsculinAzide ager (BEA, HIMEDIA, M340).The BEA agar was inoculated by spreading 0.1 ml of the ready prepared serial dilutions onto the surface. The agar plates were incubated for 24 h at 37±0.5°C aerobically (ISO 7899-2, 2000).  The medium inoculated by spreading 0.1 ml of the ready prepared serial dilutions onto the surface. The agar plates were incubated for 48 h at 37±0.5°C aerobically. All values of bacteriological analysis are presented as means ± standard error (SE). All microbial counts were converted to log10 CFU/g values. Kruskal-wallis H One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) post hoc Bonferroni correction to estimate the differences in chemical and bacterialcounts. The difference between the products were analyzed by One-way ANOVA.  P-values   less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.


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Aerobic plate count (APC):

Aerobic plate count is a commonly indicated microbiological methodfor estimatingthe food shelf-life, the microbiological quality and the overall degree of microbial contamination of meat products. The presented data in table (1) declared that APC mean values were 6.14±0.38, 5.47±0.21, 5.62±0.23 and 4.12 ±0.14 log10 CFU/g in examined minced meat, sausage, burger and luncheon, respectively. Comparable counts for sausage (6.32±0.42) and luncheon (5.3±0.41) from Qalyobia governorate, Egypt (Shaltoutet al., 2016) and from Menoufia governorate,Egypt the counts for minced meat,  sausage and burger were  6.46 ± 0.74, 5.08 ± 0.51 and 5.32 ± 0.56 ,respectively (Salem et al., 2018). Higher APC for sausage 8.33 ± 7.32 log10 CFU/g. (Morshdyet al., 2016) meanwhile, lower counts in frozen beef burger (2.93± 0.21) and sausages (2.92 ± 0.27 ) collected from Alexandria province, Egypt (Mousaet al., 2014).

There were significant differences (p< 0.05) between examined products, where minced meat higher contaminated thus attributed to sanitary level during mincing and preparation. The lower counts in luncheon samples indicate the role of thermal processing but also refer to post processing contamination during retail and slicing process.

Table (1): Aerobic plate count (log10CFU/g) in examined meat products (N = 25, each).




Mean ±SE

Minced meat















4.12 ±0.14c

 (a,b,c) different superscript letters in the same column indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).



Enterobacteriaceae are widely distributed. Although strains of some species are harmless commensals, some members of Enterobacteriaceae constitute a great public health hazard if present in large numbers as well as they play an important role in meat spoilage (Frazier and Westhoff, 1978).

Determination of Enterobacteriaceae count indicates enteric contamination and declares the hygienic quality of raw food in addition it was reported that they cause health hazard to food consumers as well as spoilage and deterioration of meat accordingly, the presence of a considerable number of Enterobacteriaceae indicates inadequate processing and or post processing recontamination (Mercuri and Cox, 1979).


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The obtained data in table (2) showed that Enterobacteriaceae detected in 84%, 60%, 48% and 24%  with mean values 3.94 ± 0.21, 3.64 ± 0.16, 3.32 ± 0.17 and 2.82 ±0.13 log10 CFU/g in examined minced meat, sausage, burger and luncheon, respectively.

Nearly similar count for minced meat (3.6-4.6) and burger (2.9-3.4) collected from Ireland (Duffy et al., 2003) and in minced meat (4.86± 0.24),  sausage (3.17 ± 0.36)  and burger (3.20 ± 0.29) from  Menoufia governorate, Egypt (Salem et al., 2018). Higher count 5.76 log10 CFU/g in the examined roasted beef (Shiningeniaet al., 2019).

The Enterobacteriaceae count and incidence lower significantly lower than other examined products (p< 0.05) which reflect the effect of heat treatments.

Table (2): Prevalence and count of Enterobacteriaceae (log10CFU/g) in examined meat products (N = 25, each).






Minced meat

21 (84%)



3.94 ± 0.21a


15 (60%)



3.64 ± 0.16a


12 (48%)



3.32 ± 0.17a


6 (24%)



2.82 ±0.13b

(a,b,c) different superscript letters in the same column indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).


Staphylococcus aureus count (S.aureus)

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that produces enterotoxin-causing poisoning to human. These bacteria are found in foods that contain high protein such as sausage, eggs, and so on (Fardiazet al., 1992).Contamination with S.aureus considered as index of sanitary conditions under which the meat meals are prepared and handled and as important risk index in evaluation of safety and hygienic quality of the food(Potter, 2001).

The achieved results in table (3) showed that S.aureus detected in 72%, 44%, 68%, and 56% in examined minced meat, sausage, burger and luncheon, respectively. The prevalence of S.aureus higher in pervious study where minced meat, sausage and burger contamination rate was 92%, 80% and 80%, respectively (Salem et al., 2018).

Table (3): Prevalence and count of Staphylococcus aureus (log10CFU/g) in examined meat products (N = 25, each).





Mean ±SE

Minced meat

18 (72%)



4.19 ± 0.22a


11 (44%)



4.03 ± 0.18a


17 (68%)



4.12 ± 0.13a


14 (56%)



3.12 ± 0.17b

(a,b,c) different superscript letters in the same column indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).


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The S.aureus mean counts were 4.19 ± 0.22, 4.03 ± 0.18, 4.12 ± 0.13 and 3.12 ± 0.17 log10 CFU/g in examined minced meat, sausage, burger and luncheon, respectively. Nearly similar counts obtained 3.92 ± 0.57, 3.92 ± 0.46 and 3.13 ± 0.49 for minced meat, sausage and burger, respectively collected from Menoufia governorate, Egypt (Salem et al., 2018) and4.61 log10 CFU/g in minced beef from Algeria (Bouzidet al.,2015). Lower S.aureus count 2.36 log10 CFU/g for Hamburgers in Canterbury, New Zealand (Min et al., 2013).

Enterococci  count:

            Enterococci have been considered harmless commensals. However, the opinion changed in view of the increasing number of nosocomial infections in humans caused by these organisms. These infections are due to intrinsic, and particularly in recent years, increasing acquired resistance to a number of antibiotics used for therapy. Enterococcus can be used as an indicator of both fecal contamination of foods and the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance related to the use of antimicrobials in farming Van den Bogaardet al. (2002). The obtained data in table (4) showed that Enterococcus detected in 56%, 48%, 36%, and 12% in examined minced meat, sausage, burger, and luncheon, respectively. Comparable Enterococcus contamination rate 41.3% in sausage samples from Italy (Pesaventoet al., 2014), 60% in minced meat samples from Egypt (Abdeenet al., 2016) and 60% in minced meat and 48% in sausage samples from EgyptAbd El Tawabet al. (2016).

Table (4): Prevalence and count of Enterococcus species (log10CFU/g) in examined meat products (N = 25, each).





Mean ±SE

Minced meat

14 (56%)



3.36 ± 0.18a


12 (48%)



3.12 ± 0.12a


9 (36%)



2.94 ± 0.09a


4 (12%)



2.65 ± 0.10b

(a,b,c) different superscript letters in the same column indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).

The counts of Enterococci were 3.36 ± 0.18, 3.12 ± 0.12, 2.94 ± 0.09 and 2.65 ± 0.10log10 CFU/g in examined minced meat, sausage, burger and luncheon, respectively. Nearly similar count in beef sausage 3.68± 0.19 log CFU/ g in Chennai city, India(Selvanet al. 2007) and  from 3.07 to 4.79 log10 CFU/ g in chilled meat from  Brno, Czechia(Šustáčkováet al., 2004). Lower counts from 0.69 to 2.85log10 CFU/ g in minced meat from Germany Klein et al. (1998).

In conclusion meat products contaminated with various bacteria which, may cause public health hazards for the consumer. So public health authorities must pay attention toward meat processing factories enforcing them to use suitable food safety program to ensure safe products for human consumption.


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Bouzid, R. ;D.Guemour; K.Zidane ;H.Aggad; A.Bendellaand C.Saegerman (2015): Hygienic quality of minced meat retailed in western algeria.  Journal of Virology & Microbiology.,Pp: 1-10.

Duffy, G.;C. Cagney ; H. Crowley and J.J. Sheridan (2003): A nationwide surveillance study on E.coli 0157: H7 and Enterobacteriaceae In Irish minced beef products. Teagasc.‏

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السمات البکتیریة لبعض مصنعات اللحوم المسوقة بمحافظة الشرقیة

رشا محمد البیومى1، عادل ابراهیم العتبانى1، دالیا فتحى خاطر2 و أیه محمد السبکى1

  1. قسم مراقبة الأغذیة –کلیة الطب لبیطرى –جامعة الزقازیق
  2. معهد بحوث الصحة الحیوانیة  فرع طنطا

تعتبر مصنعات اللحوم فى هذة الحقبة الزمنیة من الأشیاء الضروریة التى تعتمد علیها معظم الأسرفى التغذیة وذلک لما تتمیز به من أسعار متوسطة ، سهولة الإعداد، الطعم المستساغ و أنواع عدیدة تجعل الإقبال علیها من جمیع الفئات العمریة. لذلک  تم تجمیع عدد مئة عینة من اللحم المفروم ، السجق ، البرجر و اللانشون بواقع عدد 25 عینة من کل نوع من الانواع الاربعة. ووجد أن   متوسط العد الکلى للبکتیریا الهوائیة هو  6.14±0.38 ، 5.47±0.21 ، 5.62±0.23 و 4.12±0.14 لوغارتم 10 مستعمرة بکتیریة / جرام لکل من اللحم المفروم، السجق الشرقى، البرجر ، اللانشون على الترتیب.واتضح ان متوسط العد الکلى للبکتیریا الهوائیة هو  3.94±0.21 ، 3.64±0.16 ، 3.32±0.17 و 2.82±0.13 لوغارتم 10 مستعمرة بکتیریة / جرام وتم تحدیدها فى 84%، 60%، 48% و 24% لکل من اللحم المفروم، السجق الشرقى، البرجر ، اللانشون على الترتی  تراوحت نسب عزل المکور العنقودى الذهبى المجلط للبلازما  بین 72% ، 44% ، 68% و 56% بمتوسطات و قدرها  4.19±0.22 ، 4.03±0.18 ، 4.12±0.13 و 3.12±0.17 لوغارتم 10 مستعمرة بکتیریة / جرام  لکل من اللحم المفروم، السجق الشرقى، البرجر ، اللانشون على الترتیب. کما وجد أننسب عزل المکورات المعویة  بین 56% ، 48% ، 36% و 12% بمتوسطات و قدرها  3.36±0.18 ، 3.12±0.12 ، 2.94±0.09 و 2.65±0.1 لوغارتم 10 مستعمرة بکتیریة / جرام  لکل من اللحم المفروم، السجق الشرقى، البرجر ، اللانشون على الترتیب.

6Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (1) 2020
Abd El Tawab, A.A. ; A.M.Ammar ;I.Marwa and N. Enas (2016): Virulence Genotyping of Enterococcus species isolated from meat and milk products. Benha Veterinary Medicine Journal, 31: 158-164.
Abdeen, E.E. ;H.Hussien ;Z. Hussan and W.Abdella (2016): Genotyping and virulence genes of Enterococcus faecalis isolated form kareish cheese and minced meat in Egypt. Research Journal of Microbiology., 11: 133-138.
Argudín, M.Á. ; M.C.Mendoza and M.R. Rodicio (2010): Food Poisoning and Staphylococcus aureusenterotoxins.Toxins (Basel)., 2(7):1751-73.
Bouzid, R. ;D.Guemour; K.Zidane ;H.Aggad; A.Bendellaand C.Saegerman (2015): Hygienic quality of minced meat retailed in western algeria.  Journal of Virology & Microbiology.,Pp: 1-10.
Duffy, G.;C. Cagney ; H. Crowley and J.J. Sheridan (2003): A nationwide surveillance study on E.coli 0157: H7 and Enterobacteriaceae In Irish minced beef products. Teagasc.‏
Fardiaz, D. ;N.Andarwulan ;H. Wijaya and N. H. Puspitasari (1992): Hints engineering chemical laboratory and functional properties analysis components.Bogor: Centre of Inter University, Bogor Agricultural University.
Fisher, K.and C.Phillips (2009).The ecology, epidemiology and virulence of Enterococcus.Microbiology, 155: 1749-1757.
Frazier, W.C. and D.C. Westhoff (1978): Food microbiology, 3rd   Ed.McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.USA.
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